L Premiere $425,000 Given | Nov. 26-27 For Buildings Page 10 See Page 7 TheTEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY.Shift FORT WORTH, TEXAS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1956 NO. 9 loats, Football Await Exes in Trip Parade Set ranged To Open (Houston Activities . II try By ALICE BUFOBD and GAB? CASTWRIORT Tin- elan is gathering on the i! dike TCU campus. Ex itudents from various tl will points — in and out of the Itate — are converging for ill itadei ti m.ide their traditional Homecoming 1 ■ trip la I nlilim k welcome. Thu iTI. laded i in The first stream of exes fcir fT^ir rv begin pouring in this morn- ing, filling the buildings of the campus and, the down- town hotel rooms, reunitin„ k' any |i - on the with other graduates. ■ Con- And present-day students heaved s king-sized sigh that I the weeks of plni ring and preparation have ended In s what may be one of the larg- iBjrbar.i AMurd. sen- est and best Homecomings in prrwntitlvt asked TCU history. pta i oDslder .* bus The exes will register today rithrr thai .i tr.iin. and tomorrow in the Student Center. No registation will be held in downtown hotels this CHOICE OF THE < AMPUS Miss Edythe Sgitcovlch, center, will reign as TCU'i year. 1956 Homecoming Queen today and tomorrow. She was elected in student-wide The actions starts with a pa- balloting Tu< i Wednesday The queen and her duchesses, Misses Caroline rade at 2:30 p.m. today in \ downtown Fort Worth. Thompson, left, and Joan Leatherman, will be presented at tonight's bonfire and ported The floats, entered by var- pep rail) and Ht halftii .: the Frog-Texas game. ious campus groups, will be i furnish judged by Mayer Jack Gar- rison; .Miss Ann Jones, Fort Worth Star-Telegram report- Edythe Sgitcovich Is Queen er, and Jack Gordon, of the I "It's if it's Fort Worth Press. • much Winners will receive trophies . fur at a dance in the Student Cen- t| , For Homecoming Festivities ter ballroom at 9:30 p.m. to- day ime " Miss Ed) tl"' Sgitcovich w Ul presented at s pep rally were Misses Barbara Alford. The judging will be done in ItWtlOU |o del stu- reign ai Homecoming Queen in Fd Landreth Auditorium Freddie Broughton, Jean Joy four divisions: Most beautiful lumMi Ih. i, „„„ Wednesday ■ float; most original fl »t; most during feativti ei today and Johnson. Glenda Moses. Qayle tlalwri from llir (lc- tomorrow, Mis Milner, the former Miss humorous float, and best all- 11 1 Scott. Barbara Sullivan, and I ' rtaehun" u.is of- The Texas Citj K nior « 111 Johnnie Mae DonohO was around float. 1 Jo Ann York. I ■'■ Randolph, scn- join Mrs. Robert H Mill er ol . ii by her former class- (See HOMECOMING, rg. in pwnutive. Houiton, Coming Home Queen mates to represent them at ID trust from the honor cla-s of I ii. •.,-,-. m ng activitlea | in a Homecoming duchesses Bre While at TCU, Mrs Mllni r HOMECOMING SCHEDULE Misses Car. iline I w.,s most popular girl her Richmond, Mo. senior, and junior and seiiier years She TODAY l : .loan Leatherman Ennl jun- bad ■ beauty page in the an- Morning i; . - iti « begins, SC. p m Parade, lowntown. Payne ior. il ia] the e iam< s sra The 6 pm Ex-Lettermen Association Banquet. Crystal Ball- ipoke in 11.,- three students were queen slso * as a member i ( '''■'IK ,, selected In runoff voting i m 111 y.son Club and Wo I room, Texas Hotel, -- journalism Exes As- . itlon Dinner. Worth Hotel. i kill das and Wednesday. They Athletic \~- elation B:*C p.m. Ex-Students of the Business School Dinner Weath- Caul The two queens Will ride In I cars In this afternoon's erly Hall. B SO p m Pep Rally, Stadium Grounds, I" *!■■ snytaiaa Joe Tidwell Wins parade Tonight they will llghl the B pm Bonfire. Stadium Grounds. School spirit.- 9:30-12 p in.—Dance. SC Ballroom. HHIS. Page |) bonfire and be recognized at Football Contest the dance TOMORROW In hair time ceremonies dur- B .. in Class of 1936 Reunion Coffee. SC 216. Despite Raiders ing tomorrow's game Miss B ii a m -Registration continues, sc — Homecoming Coffee f I Behind Sgitcovlch and Mrs Milner (tot all exes), Walts Hall - Homecoming Coffee ^ Door? Like every other entrant In will be none (students and exes., SC Main Lobby. — Science Homecoming Queen finalists Building Open House - - School of Business Open s The skiff ' football contest, ' Marvin Joe Tidwell was CTQSSed u|i by House. Bute College ol the Bible Coffee, Faculty Texas Tech's 21 -7 pastil Lindley to Get Lounge. Brite College — Bchool of Education the Progs last week Open House Brite Hall - Open House, Sterling , r r forih " ""' 'y Of But Tidwell railed the turn House. PVr" "• of on the other six games In the LL. D. Degree lo a m Ex Students Association Annual Meeting. Little contest and tabbed 36 total Vies President I) Hay Lind- Theater. t* "ttJbl you've points in the TCU Raider ley will be awarded an hon- 11 19 1 IS pm Come and Go Buffet, SC Ballroom, M, n degree b) K\ fr 'uitiirp ****** to argument to grab first place 2 p ni TCU v> Unlversltj Of Texas, TCU Amon Carter and four passes to the Worth lantlc Christian College tomor- Stadium, _ **J' JonraaUeaj Theater row. After Game Coffee for Alpha Chi Kxes. SC, 216. — Fx Brys.in I.-,,,,,,,., president of the Tidwell was pushed down Club Buffet, Rivercresl Country Club. Wilson, N C. college, Dr. to the wire by Matty DePai SUNDAY Ojuala and l.eun Hartley, both Lindley will be the main 01 Morning S irvlce at Campus Churches. f " '"•"■ fine art, with a single miss and 42 and ipeaker s< th« dedication of 40 total points, respectively four new buildings. Friday, Nov. 16, 1956 THE SKIFF * Page 2 Military Groups on Campus Six Years ROTC Units Seek to Make Officers Out of Students, Men Out of Boys U> IKANK I'FRKISS demerits help nuke oftuer lieutenant and goes to a 16- th filth! Khi I 1 Alter suc- . Xrt. ... | rderi! . material out of students. From the Department of Mill- The Air Force pi M cessful completion of this tary Science, Tactics. Texas similar in nature. The same schr Christian Univertttjr, Fi'. ■ .cd on the indi- year tour of du\\ U I flying . Subject . ." vidual and his training. officer The first ROTC orders were The courses are different, but The Army ROTC graduate 'shed' in September W81 the end result Is the MM a mak.s ■ branch cho.ee in his ■ that time to the present, competent, efficient, well- \car. After gradu.. -ps has grown in size and ;r.,ined officer, he il , 'iimiss oned. and has in importance. a flights for : . ol dut] He It has become to and sophomore air may serve either two .. part Of campus life at TCTJ, | ve (hen an idea on active duty, or he may take and interest in the corps of flying. Under close super- the six-month tour, with nine can-pus-wide. vision, the cadets maneuever and one half vears of active Both units, the Air Force the aircraft. These flights are reserve duty. and Army ROTC. have ba- an integral part of the aca I hstinguished military ttefj the same mission: to demic courses they take in graduates of both units are train and prepare students ROTC. offered regular commissions if to he,-oi .? efficient, compe- Because of rigid physical they so desire. tent and resourceful officers. requirements of the Air In this wise, both units at- Force, the number of advance • polish ' :he student Edllene Armstrong. B A '43. course AF KOTC cadets is militarily, and to fit both the is married to G. F Conn try considerably smaller than They live In H I exas. it . ut and his field of > that of the Army ROTC. asaa rh«» ■> mJ into the service. where she is a housewife. After an AF ROTC cadet As Col James C Cross, pro- BONFIRE-: Bl II.DFRS V . passes his physical, he too f..- r if military icience, tac- goes to a summer camp and Mary Allene Ingram. B A. Mr, Tyler sopbomore; Walt ii I Gn J ROTC said: receives his final luster. 43. is marrieo to Orville Jones. freshman, and Allen Mirirln' D •We of the military attempt After graduation, the cadet They live in Oklahoma City, left to right, stoke the furnace v itxi ■' '. I to give '.he individual a polish, is commissioned a second where she is a housewife Homecoming bonfire. to teach him the fundamental! of military life and philoso- phies, and to develop his latent leadership abilities. •We also attempt to fit the individual in a branch, arm or service that he is particularly suited i.r. and where his edu- cation will best benefit both the service and him." I polishing is accomp- lished by means of classroom technics and theory, and actual doing. This method of rea- listic demonstration set fund- amentals more firmly in the students mind and increases his effectiveness The drill field us the labor- atory' of leadership.'' Col. Cross On the drill field the bluffer, or the know-nothing, is soon unmasked, and at the same time, the true leader is shown." Much empha -is is placed by both services on develop- ing those latent skills which appear in all Individuals. Courses in leadership and nnel management are taught Ek of leadership is a continuous pi 1 the Ssso Extra true evaluation of it comei only from actual application.
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