■ ‘>i '•V -r I ■ i 'J . '■ V ■/*" .X, • \ / - T ’" - , ■ • <r ■ V THURSDAY, MAY 29, 196tT Avfiraxt Dally Ntt Ptm s Rub Tht YVdatliar PAGB SirrEEN Per tiM Waek Ended . Peresnet ef O. •. Wenthm.Sanaa iKandT^Btrr lEtt^rnttg H rralb Mnjr 24, ISfid Tenlglit eeme elendiwem. Mid. The VF'W Auxiliary will oiWt Anderaon-Shea Dtoet, Vl^w, and Dr. BlUgene Davta, 848 porter NEEU.A PLUMKR7 12,715 Lew ebeot 68.' BmMUy m m , m en Us repiUr card party tomorrow its Auxiliary,' willmold open house 8t„ has been, elected vic» preslde.it Leading Democrats (^ Attend # Ne Job Too flmall kamM, n tew Biowe’re Hkely. n g h of the Dartmouth Club of Hartford No Herald Member ef the Aadit About Town night. A setback party, sponsored at the post home following th^ e fcleefrir Sewer. Cleaning Bnwu e( OireulntiMi In 79*. t •> by the house committee of the Mcmoritl Day parade and aervtcea for the‘next year. Tomorrow • 24-Hour Servlee Manchoittfr-^A City of VUlago Charm Otrrold A. StrfcUon, fir«itwin ap­ post and auxiliary, will be peld tomorrow, All/paraders are In- South Windsor Party Dinner prentice, USN aon pt Mrs, Bertha on Saturday at 8, p.m. The public \ited. The ManchMter Elks \M11 meet WILL R. GUY tofnorr.ow night a t' 7:30 at the Longhrey, 16 Oolumbus St., ar- is invited. The Manchester Evening Odium' said he has alxo received i Ml >0677 VOL, LtX V IL NO. 205 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. MAY 31, 1938 (Ubweiaed AdverBring en Page U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS ri\-ed in Gibraltar May 26 aboard Miss Jo-Anne A. Bruce, 27 Elks Home and proceed from there Herald will not publish tomor­ Many prominent Oonnecticutf Church St., Md Leo B. Bergeron to the John B. Burke' Funeral affirmative replies from Delnc^ the anti-submarine nupport air­ The Anfierican Legion Auixliary Democratic figures, including Gov. Jr. will beJhiarried tomorrow at Home to pay respects to George row, Memorial Day. cratlc State Central ChAlrman craft carrier U8S Wasp, enroute will hold a meeting Monday at 8 A. A. Rlbicoff, will atUnd the firat John M. Bailey of Hartford; to the Medlterranoaii Sea and duty p.m, in the Legion Home. The 10 a.m. In Bt. James* Church, with Gyaaiadlo, who was a member of reception In the.afternoon' at. the the Hartford Ls>dge of Elks. annual dinner of the South Wind­ Pburth District SUte Central, with the TJ.8. Sixth Fleet. nominating committee, of which sor Democratic Town Committee Commltteewomsn Mrs. Agnes Mp- E S T O W y Alcohol Sparks Mrs. Elmer Rice is ’ c h a i r m a n, Shell Chqteau, WilllmanUc. Trust Co. to Give Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fredrick­ June 7 at Garden Grove in Man- Kee of East Martfordr and Dem«^ PHARMACY II Memorial Day services will be will present a slaite of officers for chestei. cratlc National Commltteewoinan W held at St. John’s Church tomor- election at the next meeting, and Mr. aifSd- Mrs. Herbert Snclling, son, 37 West St., and Mr. and Mra. Added Dividend 446 Hartford RiL—Ml 9-9946 Riot by 200 on Philip Cbatit, 73 Pine St...and their South Windsor Democratic Town Mrs. Ella T. Grasso of Winfisqr rcw at "SiSO a.m. delegates and alternates to the BoummoutnT Ekiglahd, are guests Chairman Harry Odium said today Locke. OPEN ALL DAY Department convention will also of Sr. Major and Mrs. John Pick­ families Will attend the Memorial Those worried Ijy "recession MEMORIAL DAY Day campers meeting to be held the affair Is designed as a "meet be selected. up o f the local Snivattqn Army talk” can, take heart from the the candidate dinner,' and plana PICNIC SUPPLIES Holiday Cruise Corps. They will remain in this at the Bethlehem Fair Grounds, move made by the Boat^ of Dl- Bethlehem, over the \.ei*kend. are to make it an annual event. Andlrulots M ark All children attending St. John’s country until September. He will rectora of the Manchester Trust John Madden, former ckalrman Pannarllle. N.J."'May 81 (P)— Correction Sunday School will prepare for ispeak at the prayer meeting to­ Co. Tuesday. of the South Windsor Board of Fired up by alcohql, youthful night on the topic, "Trophies of Mrs. Dorothy Guainan’s, Mrs. Not only did the Board members Finance and still a raqmber of the 20th A nniversary rioters turned a holiday cruise their commencement exercises by Alice Gorman's and Miss Rachel By THE AMOCIATBD PBEM f Tha growing liat of accidenta OUR \V'EDNESDAY’S attending rehMrsals on June 6, Grace." The Corp Cadets will meet muthorixe the regular dividend of board, will be toastmaster for the down the Deiware River mto pan-^ ADD READ , . at 6:30, the street meeting will Plimpton's-roems, third grades at n per. share ^but they also ap­ dinner which starts at 7:30 p.m. WINUOW SHAUE8 T m fflc.................................IM waa a mixtura o f. tragedy and 13, and 20, punctually at 6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mre. WllUam A. Andru- ; irony. deraonium yesterday. Theyamaeh- follow at 7:30. Brigadier Harold Lincoln School, entertained their proved an extra 25-cent dividend. Candidates the guests will be lot 307 Cooper Hill Bt., were hon­ DfGWylBffG •••••aaeaoeeeeaaa 46 ed equipment aboard a crowded Only those attending all rehears­ parents yesterday morning With a- * « # • e re A foldler at Afton, Okla., drag­ SWANSON’S TV DINNER als will be entitled to eertiflcfcte Bevan will speak nl the Sunday The directora fixed June 30 as the meeting are William Benton, Ches­ ored with a surprise party last , LONGWEAlilNG excursion boat and injured 16 evening-meeting In Cyiter Park. review of the social studies cov­ ged- three mcn.aafely from their \ 2 FOR 49c on June 22. date of payrnent to the stockhold­ ter Bowles-'and Thomas Dodd, all night by a group of relatives and sengere'. ered during\^e j'ear. ers of record June 20. seeking the nomination to the U.S. INTERSTATE CLEANTEX Total ......................... 2M wrecked and bunilng car, despite friends from EkMt Hertford, R ofk y ; wamlnga from byatanders qf a The crew of "The .State of Penn- CORRECT PRICE IS The members of the Eighth Dis­ The Manchester Association of With the stock selling at over Senate; and Hartford County High Hill and this town. The occasion ; 2 5 fffed* to Order sylvsnia” hs'd to turn fire hoses | Insurance Agents will meet to­ Members of^ the Manchester Sheriff Donald H. Potter, seeking was the 20th anniversary of their ; By THE ASSOCIATED PBBSS possible gasoline explosion. He ac- SWANSON’S TV DINNER trict Fire Department are re­ $60 a share, this puts the yield —A* ^ f b Your Rollers cideotiy touched a high voltage On the brawlers during the .15-mile | quested to meet in uniform at the night at 7:30 at the John B. Burke Emblem Club -are requfoted to to an investor on the present value the nomination bo Congress from mairlage, and they were remem­ Deaths on the nation’s roade trip doumriver from Philadelphia. | Funeral Home, in tribute to m'cet tonight at 7 o’clock at the the First Congressional District; bered with many personal and, lint knocked down by the car and Twenty state troopers and local firehouse, comer of Main and Hil­ to 4ti per cent. FULL LINE OP CUSTOM soared today. The ‘ National waa electrocuted. Sets Assembly Talk; Each liard Sts., tomorrow morning at 9 George L. Grazladio, who died John B. Burke FUneral. Home to According to Russell B. Hath­ Fred Doocy of South Windsor, who grofip gifts. Safety Council reported traf­ policemen were wsitine here forj yesterday. pay respects to George Graiclsdlo. has been- endorsed for the. State Among the gueaU was Mrs. VENETIAN itlNDS Seven persona were hopltalized the vesael, a 2-decker Jammed to | o’clock prior to the Memorial Day away. president, the actloq of the fic fatdiities wer«,mountinff at with varjHng injuries in a smash­ parade. whose wife. Mary. Graaiadio. and Board was based on the indicated Senate by the South. Windsor and Anna Fldler of town, who waa the gunwales with 1,880 excur- - daughter, Mrs. Samuel Taggart, East Hartford Democratic Town maid of honor, end Jeff Baldwin a rate that will set a new Me­ ing 2-car cOUIaion near Hidalgo, The Women’a Fellowshtp of Cen­ earnings for the first six months III. One of the passengers wap slonisU. Socialists in Caucus ter Congregational Church will are members of the club. of this year and the continuing Committees; Atty. John Casey of of Rocky Hill Who was the best , morial Day holiday record— They arrested 84 male passen­ man. Mr. ahd Mra. A ndm iol; L A. JOHNSON killed. celebrate its 30th anniversary with grovVth of the institution. South Windsor, endorsed by the unless the climb is checked; An Associated Press survey, gers, about half of them Negro a luncheon meeting on June 18 The Manchester Auxiliary Po­ Th« bank’Sh position in the an­ South Windsor Democratic Town have three dhlldren. Joyce, Wil­ The councU hsd predicted 3.10 made for comparative purposes, and half white. Police at fivst; at 1 p.m. in Woodruff Hall. Beser- lice are requested to meet, Ui full nual roll call of 14,023 conMnercial Committee for State Representa­ liam and Richard. PAINT GO. thought the melee was a race-riot i Pari.s, May 31 (/P)—Gen. Charles ie Gaulle served notice on William Andrulot is a foreman motor vehicle deaths for the long showed 294 persons were killed in T IR E SALE vations may be made no later than uniform,' at Police Headquarters and business banks of the country tive; and Probate Judge Edward weekend.
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