ON THE INSIDE THE WEATHER TODAY McCahan Gets No-Hitter .......... Page 2 - Partly cloudy and cooler with possible thunder- A Report on Russia (Editorial) ...... Page 4 showers. High today 88 degrees. low tonight West liberty Robbery ..... ..... " Page 6 OWlll1 62 degrees. Eatabliahed 186~VoL 19, No. 2S1-AP News aIld Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, September 4, lS47-Five Cent. " , Raps Dragging Of Foreign It's ABrand New World U. S. Official Says Suggests Splil ~ u.s. Atom Aid Necessary Now 'Scant' Support Given Of Reserve \ , Policy Inlo U. S.. Polilics Products To Bevin's Proposal Republican Scorns' By American Official. Democrat's Word. T\-~---"""""""'-I To To World WASHINGTON (.4') - Under- Aid ·World On Radio Program 5ecretary of Sta te Lovett said yes­ SOUTHPORT, EngLand (JP)­ I To Report Tonight ST. LOUIS (.4')-Pre6Ident Tru­ terday Europe's economic crisis FOreign Secretary Ernest Bevin WA S H I NGTON (JP) - Rep. man, launching a new polley, last Is darkening so much faster than tossed out the sUlllestIon In an Srown (R-Ohio) yesterday accus- On Rio Conference night offered all foreign nations expected that the UnltecJ States extemporaneous addre s to the , ed Gael Sullivan, executive direc­ may have to take some emer,ency British trade union congress yes­ tor of the Democratic MHonal WASHINGTON (JP)- Secre­ limited amounts ot 20 radioactive action lo prevent disaster even be­ terday that the United States di­ committee, of dragging American tary of State Marshall and tracer elements from U. S. atomic lore the Marshall plan becomes vide up "the Fort Knox gold" to foreign policy "Into the arena of Senator Vandenberg (R-Mlch) ovens to speed International war effective. "increase the purchasing power of partisan politics." will report to the country by against diseases. United States aid to bolster the the devasted areas ot the wOrld." Brown, chairman of the GOP radio tonight on what they This first sharing of peacetime striken countries, he said, appar­ The United States now has $21,- national commlttee's executive called a highly effective Pan ently will be needed before the 765,000,000 worth of gold, about committee, took exception to a American conference at Rio de fruits of the a,tomlc bomb project end of 1947. three-fifths of the known world riatement by Senator Myers (0- Janeiro. was announced In a telegram to Without saying so directly, 5 to c k s , $12,500,000,000 of it Pa) during a . Democratic radio Their addresses will be the Fourth International Cancer Lovett threw out • strong hint guarded at Fort Knox, Ky. rally Tuesday night that Republi­ broadcast from 9:3 0 to 10 p.m., Research congress. Dr. E. V. that a special session of congress In his address to the represen­ clns had obstructed President central daylight time over the Cowdry, congress president, de­ may be requIred thls fall to cope taUves of 6,000,000 union work­ Truman's handling of foreign pol­ American al1d Mutual net­ with the emergency. ers, Bevin also asked: icy and "of the fateful problem works. clared it would constitute "a de­ Effects ot the Britl ~ dollar I - A las t- ounae production of atomic energy control." Marshall, Vandenberg, War­ cisive step In the world's effort to shortage have been very conta­ drive to close Brltlan's current "The voice was the voice of ren Austin, the chief U.S. dele­ wipe out cancer." • gious, he said. Moreover, many 372,000,000 pound ($1,488,000,000) Myers," Brown said in a state­ gate to the United Nations, and Foreign delegates here greeted European countries, hard hit by i8P between yearly exports and ment Issued throu,h hi. llarb'. other top advisers returned the announcement enthusla tlcal­ floods and droughts, have had to Imports and to enable him 'to naUona I comtnllitee, ,'but (the from the conference yesterday divert their resources from pro­ chanle the torelan polley ot Eu­ words were unmistakably the aboard the White House plane ly. ductive uses to non-produc e rope." No atomic bomb secrets wtll words of Sulllvan. In aU of till. "Independence." use liuch at the purchue ot tood. 2-FormaUon of an empire be endan.. ered, and none of the nOOL B 'LL R NG at Iowa ItY'Ii parochial Ichoo Yesterday, they heralded the openlq broad land no one else could As he stepped from the sky of a band .. w world to the e flnt craders at t. ~lar,.' •. Approlf.\mately Z89 studen wu e on hand Lovett withheld comment on customs union to parallel the gov­ IIave thou,ht of that one." liner, the secretary hailed the tracers oftered tor sale are "ap­ British Foreign Secl'etary Ernest ernment's plan for the soclaUzed pUcable to the development of when t. I ry'. Ollen d: Z05 I.n Ule rrade5, and about 84 In h l'h hool. St. Patrlek'. ~ h oo l had r. flnt SuUlvan acted as moderator on Rio meeting as a "highly suc­ of Z17 In 9Z In Chool. I Bevin's suggestion that the United development of the colonIes. atomic enerlY tor mlllt.ar)' 01' In­ da, attendance about 309; the ,radu, a nd hi'" Rerl tratlon uude""a)' at Tuesday night's program during cessful" parley marked by "a III IIY of the city' public SChool this week, with cia s be ..lu nln .. next Monday. Sept. 8. The unlverslb' States should "redistribute the Bevin made hIs appeal tor more which eight speakers assailed the great deal of good will and good dustr a l PUl'JlOSeS," a simultan­ Fort Knox gold." lold and coal to solve the eco­ eous atatement by the atom1c hl .. h 5dlool tud lit will rer t rep!. 8 and 9, with cl s be,lnninr; ept. 11. Unlver Ity elemental')' Repuhllcan-controlled congress on feeling." cbool re,1 ratloll Is on pt. 19. with da u be,1n nln, ept. ZZ. However, he said both the slale nomic crLsls amId a widening domestic and foreign issues. Vandenberg declared the ener,y commb Ion aald. and treasurery departments have wUdcat strlke of Yorkshire coal "Thus," Brown said, "on the conference has "set the world a Plutonium and U-235-the ex­ been studying the posslbUlty-as miners which last night had In­ ';tery day that President Truman pattern" on how great and plosives of atom bombs-and one phase of the Marshall plan­ volved 50,000 workers from 46 spoke in Rio De Janeiro, on the small nations may live together some other heavy radioactive ma­ Crash Kills Three, of creating a "dollar pool" lor pits, causing a critical loss of 60,- very day which witnessed the In peaceful harmony." terials are not Included in the 01- Bible Meeling Europe. 000 tons of badly needed coal a liening of a pact made possible by Austin said the pact marked fer. Bevin did not elaborate on his day. Workers from 15 more pits the able and patriotic cooperation "a long step" ahead and showed All findings by foreign resear­ Survivor Crawls "Fort Knox gold" proposal, nor jOined the walkout yesterday. ot Republicans in and out of con­ the world that "21 nations out chers would have to be reported explain how it would work out, Carryina the threat of wide in­ tress, we find tbls scion ot the of 55 constituting the United freely and openly to benefit all To Farm for Help Fights Bring but the Idea drew scant support dustrial shutdowns, the strike was Kelly machine . personally Nations have found It possible naUons, as Is requlred of Ameri­ here. A top-run U.S. treasury of­ conceded to be the most serlo\ls IUperintendlng a radio program to agree" on a working form­ can users also. Further, the 'ato­ KENTON, 0 . IJP}-The wreCk­ ficial, who withheld use of his In the labor government's two designed to drag our foreign policy ula for peace. mic energy commission would re­ age of a private plane which dls- name, told reporters: years In oftlce. Already 2,400 mld­ quire th1rt forelgne using tile ra- (ourl Aclion jnto the arena of partisan poli­ pp red Monday night on a "If otllet cauntrles w.n~ our )endlt plant w~ and. tics." dioactive materials make progress WAjHINGTON (JP)-The agrl- flight Irom Cleveland to Dayton ST. PAUL, Minn. (R')-The U. S. ,old, they can have It the same woolen mm.-were down to ,a reports every six months to tne circuit court of appeals yesterday week's coal supply. The OhJoan aneried tbat culture department reported la!'.t was found near here yesterday, way we lot it from them-by lay­ President Truman well know. COmmiSSion, and open their labor­ with three of the four occupants heard arguments tn a case grow­ Ing the money on the /J ne at Our The mJne wOl'kers unlon ni­ aud has pubUcly admitted tbat atories to qualified scientWc visi­ night that the American farmer Is dead. Ing out of llstlcuffs and a sub­ price of $35 an ounce. The 'for tional executive he.ld an emer­ "rln.. the reeent con,resllonal Second Revolt Nets tors from any other nations. For­ taking in more money than ever The lone survivor, Charles W. sequent road blockade in connec­ sale' sign Is still on It." gency session last nleht, as the aesslon he "received whole­ eign governments would have to before. Gorman. a 21-year-old Univer­ hon with attempts ot Jehovah's Another o!flcial commented: walkout mushroomed appparently llearted cooperation on forell'n Ecuador New Rule; Insure that the materials were Some officials who worked on sity of Arizona stUdent, regained Witnesses to hold a erles of bible "Boiled down to man-to-man beyond conlrol, and promised ~Q "\JCY from the RepubUcan used for the purposes stated in the report told a reporter thilt consciousn early yesterday af­ meeUnp in the Lacona, Ia., City terms, BeVin'.
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