Connecticut’s Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species 2015 State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Bureau of Natural Resources 2015 The Connecticut Endangered Species Act Mammals Chapter 495 General Statutes of Connecticut Small Mammals E Indiana bat+ E Least shrew Myotis sodalis In 1989, the Connecticut Legislature passed Public Act Cryptotis parva E Tri-colored bat 89-224 “An Act Establishing a Program for the Protection SC Eastern woodrat* Perimyotis subflavus of Endangered and Threatened Species.” The overall goal of Neotoma magister Carnivores the legislation is to conserve, protect, restore and enhance SC Southern bog lemming SC Gray wolf*+ any endangered or threatened species and their essential Synaptomys cooperi Canis lupus habitat. As part of the Endangered/Threatened species Bats SC Eastern cougar*~ program, the Commissioner of the Department of Energy SC Silver-haired bat Puma concolor couguar and Environmental Protection (DEEP) can conduct studies Lasionycteris noctivagans Porpoises of wildlife and plants to better understand their distribution, SC Red bat SC Harbor porpoise population, habitat needs and limiting factors which determine Lasiurus borealis Phocoena phocoena ssp. conservation and management measures. SC Hoary bat phocoena One of the first steps in the implementation of the law Lasiurus cinereus * Believed Extirpated required the Commissioner to develop lists of Endangered, E Eastern small-footed bat Myotis leibii + Federally Endangered Threatened and Special Concern Species. In 1991, initial ^ Federally Threatened lists were developed by DEEP biologists and then reviewed E Little brown bat ~ Considered Extinct (by the U.S. Myotis lucifugus by groups of experts in their various taxonomic fields. Fish and Wildlife Service) The first State Endangered Species List became official in E Northern long-eared bat^ 1992. The DEEP is mandated to review the list every five Myotis septentrionalis years. Taxonomic Advisory Committees review the changes Birds proposed by DEEP. Public comment is solicited, evaluated and incorporated into the listing process. The list is broken down Loons Hawks and Others into taxonomic groups: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, SC Common loon T Northern goshawk fish, invertebrates and plants. Within these taxonomic groups Gavia immer Accipiter gentilis the species are further categorized as being Endangered (E), Grebes E Sharp-shinned hawk Threatened (T) or Special Concern (SC). Accipiter striatus E Pied-billed grebe According to the law: Podilymbus podiceps SC Broad-winged hawk Buteo platypterus “Endangered Species” means any native species documented by biological Wading Birds research and inventory to be in danger of extirpation throughout all or a E Northern harrier significant portion of its range within the state and to have no more than five T Great egret Circus cyaneus Ardea alba occurrences in the state, and any species determined to be an “endangered T Peregrine falcon species” pursuant to the federal Endangered Species Act. E American bittern Falco peregrinus Botaurus lentiginosus “Threatened Species” means any native species documented by biological SC American kestrel research and inventory to be likely to become an endangered species within SC Little blue heron Falco sparverius the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range Egretta caerulea within the state and to have no more than nine occurrences in the state, and T Bald eagle any species determined to be a “threatened species” pursuant to the federal T Snowy egret Haliaeetus leucocephalus Endangered Species Act, except for such species determined to be endangered Egretta thula by the Commissioner in accordance with section 4 of this act. T Least bittern Rails and Others “Species of Special Concern” means any native plant species or any Ixobrychus exilis E Common moorhen Gallinula chloropus native nonharvested wildlife species documented by scientific research and SC Yellow-crowned night- inventory to have a naturally restricted range or habitat in the state, to be at a heron E King rail (nesting low population level, to be in such high demand by man that its unregulated Nyctanassa violacea population only) taking would be detrimental to the conservation of its population or has been Rallus elegans extirpated from the state. SC Glossy ibis Plegadis falcinellus 1 rev. 8/15 Shorebirds, Terns and SC Bobolink Others Dolichonyx oryzivorus Reptiles E Upland sandpiper SC Alder flycatcher Turtles SC Eastern box turtle Bartramia longicauda Empidonax alnorum T Loggerhead^ Terrapene carolina carolina T Piping plover^ E Horned lark Caretta caretta Lizards and Snakes Charadrius melodus Eremophila alpestris T Atlantic green turtle^ E Timber rattlesnake T American oystercatcher E Yellow-breasted chat Chelonia mydas Crotalus horridus Haematopus palliatus Icteria virens SC Spotted turtle SC Eastern hognose snake SC Eskimo curlew*+ SC Savannah sparrow Clemmys guttata Heterodon platirhinos Numenius borealis Passerculus sandwichensis E Leatherback+ SC Smooth green snake SC Ipswich sparrow E Roseate tern+ Dermochelys coriacea Opheodrys vernalis Sterna dougallii (wintering populations) Passerculus sandwichensis SC Wood turtle T Five-lined skink SC Common tern Glyptemys insculpta Sterna hirundo ssp. princeps Plestiodon fasciatus E Vesper sparrow E Bog turtle^ T Least tern Glyptemys muhlenbergii SC Eastern ribbon snake Sternula antillarum Pooecetes gramineus Thamnophis sauritus SC Purple martin E Atlantic ridley+ Owls Progne subis Lepidochelys kempii SC Northern saw-whet owl SC Northern parula SC Northern diamondback + Federally Endangered Aegolius acadicus Setophaga americana terrapin ^ Federally Threatened T Short-eared owl Malaclemys terrapin SC Cerulean warbler terrapin (wintering populations) Setophaga cerulea Asio flammeus T Eastern meadowlark E Long-eared owl Sturnella magna Amphibians Asio otus SC Brown thrasher Salamanders SC Mudpuppy E Barn owl Toxostoma rufum Necturus maculosus Tyto alba SC Jefferson salamander E Golden-winged warbler “complex” T Northern slimy Goatsuckers Vermivora chrysoptera Ambystoma jeffersonianum salamander SC Whip-poor-will E Blue-spotted salamander Plethodon glutinosus Caprimulgus vociferus * Believed Extirpated (diploid populations) Frogs and Toads E Common nighthawk + Federally Endangered Ambystoma laterale Chordeiles minor ^ Federally Threatened SC Northern leopard frog SC Blue-spotted salamander Rana pipiens Woodpeckers “complex” Ambystoma laterale E Eastern spadefoot E Red-headed woodpecker Scaphiopus holbrookii Melanerpes T Northern spring erythrocephalus salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticus Perching Birds SC Saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow Ammodramus caudacutus SC Henslow’s sparrow* Ammodramus henslowii T Seaside sparrow Ammodramus maritimus E Grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum E Sedge wren Cistothorus platensis 2 rev. 8/15 3 rev. 8/15 SC Scarlet bluet SC Bombardier beetle Fish Enallagma pictum Brachinus patruelis E Shortnose sturgeon+ E American brook lamprey T Pine barrens bluet SC Ground beetle Acipenser brevirostrum Lethenteron appendix Enallagma recurvatum Carabus serratus E Atlantic sturgeon+ SC Atlantic seasnail T American rubyspot SC Ground beetle Acipenser oxyrinchus Liparis atlanticus Hetaerina americana Carabus vinctus oxyrinchus E Burbot Plant Bugs SC Northeastern beach tiger SC Blueback herring Lota lota beetle*^ E Little 17-year periodical Alosa aestivalis Cicindela dorsalis dorsalis SC Bridle shiner cicada SC Sand tiger shark Notropis bifrenatus Magicicada septendecula SC Big sand tiger beetle Carcharias taurus Cicindela formosa generosa E Rainbow smelt E Northern dusk-singing SC Longnose sucker (anadromous populations cicada SC Hairy-necked tiger beetle Catostomus catostomus only) Tibicen auletes Cicindela hirticollis Osmerus mordax SC Slimy sculpin Lacewings and Others E Dune ghost tiger beetle Cottus cognatus SC Radiated shanny Cicindela lepida Ulvaria subbifurcata SC Yellow-horned beaded SC Banded sunfish lacewing SC Saltmarsh tiger beetle Enneacanthus obesus + Federally Endangered Lomamyia flavicornis Cicindela marginata E Puritan tiger beetle^ Insects Beetles Cicindela puritana SC Ground beetle SC Purple tiger beetle* T Rapids clubtail Bees Agonum darlingtoni Cicindela purpurea Gomphus quadricolor SC Rusty-patched bumble SC Ground beetle T Dark-bellied tiger beetle SC Cobra clubtail bee* Agonum mutatum Cicindela tranquebarica Bombus affinis Gomphus vastus SC Ground beetle SC Nine-spotted lady beetle SC Skillet clubtail SC Ashton’s cuckoo bumble Amara chalcea Coccinella novemnotata bee* Gomphus ventricosus SC Ground beetle SC Ground beetle Bombus ashtoni SC Blue corporal dragonfly Badister transversus Geopinus incrassatus T Yellow-banded bumble Ladona deplanata SC Ground beetle SC Ground beetle bee T Crimson-ringed whiteface Bembidion carinula Harpalus caliginosus Bombus terricola Leucorrhinia glacialis SC Ground beetle SC Ground beetle E Macropis cuckoo T Common sanddragon Bembidion lacunarium Harpalus erraticus Epeoloides pilosula Progomphus obscurus SC Ground beetle SC Ground beetle SC Fringed loosestrife oil-bee SC Ski-tailed emerald Bembidion planum Helluomorphoides Macropis ciliata Somatochlora elongata SC Ground beetle praeustus bicolor T Coppery emerald Mayflies Bembidion pseudocautum SC Black lordithon rove Somatochlora georgiana T Tusked sprawler SC Ground beetle beetle* Anthopotamus verticis T Riverine clubtail Bembidion quadratulum Lordithon niger Stylurus amnicola T Mayfly SC
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