Teir::pl9 Beth-El 68S Broad St. Prcvide~ce, R. I. A's's. : i.:ias _ i :1 cus Only Anglo-Jewish Serving 30,000 Newspa per in This State in Rhode Isla nd The Jewish_flerald VOL. XXXV, No. 43 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1950 PROVIDENCE, R. L SIXTEEN PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY Hirschfield to Entertain United Appeal Lowell Resigns Hillel Post At GJC Celebration Pays Tribute To Morgenthau Hits Pro-Red Charges Harry Hirschlield--0ften NEW YORK CITY. (AJP) ­ as " America's greatest story­ Charging that alleged pro-Com­ teller"-"ill headline the enter­ munist affiliations attributed to tainment program planned for him had caused "a turmoil o! the January 4th closing celebra­ fear", Rabbi Benjamin B. IAwell, tion or t he G eneral Jewish Com­ ror more than two years adminis­ mittee or Providence, Bertram L . trative secretary or the National Bernhardt, chairman of the affair, Hillel Foundation, resigned his announced this week. post last week. On next Thursday evening, Rabbi IAwell's resignation cli­ Hirschfield will be ttie feat ured maxed a several -month-Jong con­ speaker at " A Salute to the Wor­ flict or charges and counter-char­ kers"-and which formally marks ges between the American Jewish the close or the _1950 fund-raising Lea.gue Against Communist and campaign. Rabbf IAwell in which the Dancing and music by Sam League's national president Al­ Kart's orchestra in the Sheraton­ fred Kohlberg charged that IA­ Biltmore ballroom will follow re­ well had affiliated with pro-Com­ ports by GJC officials. munist groups and spoken at Several thousand invitations to Communist "front" rallies. Rabbi donors and workers in the drive IAwell. in denying the charges, went out in the mail this week, termed Kohlberg's statements an Bernhardt said. array or "haH-trut~. insinua­ No admission charge or solici­ tions, and down-right inaccuracies HARRY HIRSCHFIELD tation of funds will be made. in accordance with the methods The speaking program will he has always used." summarize activities and totals in The American Jewish Press the three major divisions, with Four packed volumes of letters and cables from Jewish leaders learned that Rabbi IAwell had emphalrls being placed upon the and laymen throughout the world offering sincere congratulations for offered his resignation after a collective efforts of several hun­ his four year-long leadership of the .United JewJsh Appeal are pre; short_z~ting with Hillel' na- dred volunteer workers who were Jr, (left)L llil .Julian B. Venezky, ~m tiona~al'e·.- Hillel Fot key factors Ill pa,hlng the drive's man of the National c ,tl'ii~ffi:11",r.abin~. trpon °the lormd"~ teurenfe'lit a B'nai B'rith project, rves the total over the three-quarter or a a.. U.J.A-'s national general chairman at the closing sessions of the I campus needs of American Jew- NEW YORK CITY (AJPl -Det million dollar mark. 1951 National U.J.A. Convention in Atlantic City, N. J, last week-encL ish students. The affair is slated to begin the Jews out or Europe while the _________________Am__ e_n_ ·ca_n_J_e_WJS_._h_Pr_ess__ P_h_o_to_ • Rabbi IAwell told the American getting is still good, Israel's promptly at 8 o'clock. Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett Jewish Press that the Hillel na­ urged world Jewry at a press con­ tional commission felt the public ference at the Israeli Conference Wounded Vets T rio NON-JEW RE\IIEWS "OLIVER TWIST" relations effect of t he alleged pro­ here this week. Red charges against him were by HENRY W. L'ARSON more damaging than the value of Warning that the time might Get Home For Xmas his work within the Hillel struc­ soon come when it will be impos­ (Preface: Seal of approval or not, achieving I.he remarkable light­ ture. sible to get Jews out or Europe, Thanks To Vets a major film releasing agency in Ing effects. The early years of " In view of t!iis" . Rabbi IAwell Sharett said that time, money and the United States reiterated this Oliver's boyhood, complete with said, " I had no other course but equipment would play prime roles NEW YORK CITY (AJP) - week t-bat it would distribute the whippings and painful internment to voluntarily resign my post." He in rescuing Europe's remaining Three wounded veterans or the highly controversial and allegedly in a parish workhouse in the reiterated his innocence of the Jews and re-settling them in Korean war spent Christmas with anti-Semitic film "Oliver Twist." brutal Dickens' era is told in the charges made against him and Israel. their families wt week-end­ How will the average American re- film's first 30 minutes. added. " I don't want to say any­ Israel's Ambassador to the thanks to the ex-Gis or the Jew­ act to the film which caused wide- Oliver- runs away from the thing that would hurt the work United States, Abba Eban warned ish War Veterans, Department or spread rioting by Polish Jews in pains or his earlier ille. Stranded or Hillel." Rabbi IAwell Joined New York. that some die-hard fanatical ele­ Berlin last year? To afford Ameri- and hungry in the IAndon of a the Hillel staff in 1926 and has ments within the Arab States The vets first dreamed or can Jewry an insight into the re- century ago, the boy meets up served with the campus organiza­ might attempt to seize the present spending their Christmas with the actions of the film, the American with a group of lads his own age-­ tion on and off for the past 25 folks while they were still fighting world crisis as an excuse for wag­ Jewish Press service assigned a and Fagin. years. ing further political war on the OD the bloody battlefields of far­ non-Jew, Henry W. Larson, former j A great tenseness seemed to away Korea. They sighed ror it overseas veteran and reporter, to grip the select audience at the Rabbi IAwell said he had no J ewtsh State. definite plans for the future. as patients in the Veterans Hospi­ cover a special select preview preview as a hideous Fagin reared An original silence by the Na­ Eban said that "constant vigi­ tal at St. Albans Veterans Hospi­ showing of "Oliver Twist". his head to view Oliver and for- tional Hillel Foundation omce was lance" wa,; requlred to forstall tal after Army hospital evacuation Bow is the Jewish villian Fagin maUy initiate him in t he ways of any Arab attempt. contingents had removed them to portrayed? What reaction does his thievery. broken after an inq~ or Rabbi IAwell's status by the Amerlcao the States with other wounded depiction stir In tbe mind of the Fagin speaks with a noticeable Gis. movie-goer? lisp. Later. upon inquiry, I learned J ewish Press. Girl Evades Reds, But at the hoapital the boys Here is Mr. Larson's frank, un- that a lisp is often used on the In originally replying to an virtually gave up hope or being edited account: ) British stage to im)tate a Jewish inquiry as to Rabbl IAwell's Gets To America with the folks for the yuletide. accent. His lisp, in the J . Arthur status, a spokesman for National They hadn't the necessary money. Fagin's nose was long and Rank production, is as much a HJllel admitted that the Rabbi NEW YORK CITY IAJPl-An But wt week-end the three curved. His whining voice be­ part or him as his evil doings. had r esigned, and that his resig­ attractive Z0-year-old survivor or Gls were home with the folks. trayed a slight lisp which set him His cunningness and miserliness nation had been accepted. the Nazi concentration camps ar­ The JWV boys had raised the apart ~om his fellow thle[s and combine to guide the little crime "But any statement will have rived In the United States this necessary money to get them cut-throats. The Dickens' story, syndlcate. To top it all off, Fagin to come from Rabbi IAwell, not week after slipping out or the there and back. "Oliver Twist" was on film a ib movleland like in bookland, us," the spokesman added. AJP Soviet Zone or Berlln. The Gis wt names were : Fer­ hundred times more gripping than englneers the murder or one of (Continued on Page Z) The girl. Ursula Brauer evaded razzl. Wheaton, and Bradish . the printed page. And noveldom 's the more attractable members of the Nazi., for a tim e by living with most Infamous vlllaln. Fagin, was the band. an aunt on a fa rm outside or Ber­ that many times more hideous The MORGENTHAU WINS AWARD Were this the melodrama era, lin. Later after "liberation" by a nd grotesque. Fagin would undoubtedly prove a HOME NEWS the Soviet forces she managed to NEW YORK CITY< (AJP)­ I found "Ollver Twist." the m ost hiss-provoking character. get to the Western sector or the Former Secretary of the Treiv controverslal, allegedly anti-Semi­ All Fagin's doom approached containing news and German capitol. H er application sury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., was tic film tremendously interesting. and the viclous vlllian muttered comment about the to come to America was approved awarded the 1950 National Ser­ The photography was superb. In the biblical "Strike Them Dead" Jewish Home for the Aged, by the United States and she set vice Award of Phi Epsilon Pl, na­ viewing the film one could hardly at the approaching mob, I could in this issue saU for America. She will reside tional college fraternity, for lea­ fall to appreciate the gruelling not help but wonder how strong an Page 10 with her aunt and uncle h ere.
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