18 NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1926. WHEAT PIT SEEN ETHEL PERSONALS As Others See Us AT YOUR THE HEKALD AS "WANT ADS" BUSHIARKET Miss S5 Ham- Madeline Brown of SERVICE AipbatettcaJly Artangeo Foi Quick ilton street is spending two weeks and Ready Kefa.-vnce- Below is a list of the Lisa RATES FOR vacation at New Hampshire. CON3CUXI V E INS KB XI ON fi of Standard in Looks Like Forest Wig- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCarthy and , Headings Cbarga Prepmr use on day im .10 .08 family are spending their vacation every day the 3 day ....1 l!n ,2o .in Arms at the i'roeba cottage, Clinton, Classified Page. Note 1 .... In .24 .2) wagging Conn. 4 day ....1 lioa .32 .J the easy-lo-rea- d alpha- & dare .... Int .40 .3& Miss Clara E. Lupold is on an betical 8 day .... line .42 .36 automobile tour of the White Moun- arrangement 3uk day ....1 line SI 80 $10 Chicago. Aug. 9 P To see tlie Ordet tains, Quebec, Montreal and the Yearly Rate L'pod Application Roman salute In all Its classic Phone Tour Ad To Cttant a wqrrii. id a lina. given Adirondacks. She expects to be away 14 line to an Inch. perfection, visit the Chicago Board for two weeks. Mlnhuuiu S;a-e- , 3 net of Trade. On an day, the Miss Esther Miller of Hartford Minimum Booh Ctiarga, 35 cent. exciting So Ad A ODl-- l 1 M of p. foi crowds brokers in the wheat pit avenue returned last nlgnt after 925 Clualfled Pa od 8am Day 6at really outdo the Fascist!. spending a week's vacation in An- 10 A. M. of late with wheat N. J. time for insertion Ad Accepted IMer the Tejepbunt Especially bury park. Closing for convenience or customer Cai1 prices whirling wildly, tourists in Herbert Annear observed his 4th in same day's paper Ath for a "U'ant Ad" uieatoi Chicago seem never to tire of the at the Atlantic cot- Notify the Herald at once tf birthday today 1 P. M. youf' picturesque spectacle of a forest of Pleasant Mew, 11. I. where ad tncortert. Not restmiitlbJe foi tage. errois after the st waving arms thrust skyward on members of the Annear family are Saturdays at 10 A. M. .ctrtion. 'change. spending their vacation. Ten boys Gestures Mean Million's and girls were his guests. Herbert CLASSIFICATION HEADLNGS The earnestness of is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Her- the action appears all the more fas- bert Annear of 204 Maple street. cinating because of strange accom- Miss Peggy' Hylann and Mtss Flo- AUTOMOTIVE panying gestures. Their significance rence Messenger will spend the next 1 BURIAL LOTS. MONUMENTS ' Burial is rarely understood by outsiders, two weeks at Pleasant View hous, 2 DEATH NOTICES lxt, Monuments but every detail is full of meaning Plnant View Beach. Westerly, R. I. 3 FLORISTS BURIAL VAULTS Concrete and rein- 4 FUNERAL. DIRECTORS water-iMoo- f, an Indispensable b The Misses Helen L. Hancock of forced; hermtlcBlly sealed. 6 LOST AND FOUND N. B. Vault Co. Phone 647-1- 5. of the grain trade. Monroe and Aldona E. Prc-bul- QTYL 6 PERSONALS language street., NEW BRITAIN Monumental 121 'whole 7 STORE) ANNOUNCEMENTS Worka. The bizarre panlomine of Fairvlew St., are vacation- Oak St. Monunienfa of all eizes and however much It resemble a may ing at Grove Beach, Clinton. ACTOMOB1IJ2S descriptions. Carving and letter cutting salute to Mussolini Is demonstrat- W our specialty. 8 AUTO AND TRUCK AGENCIES ed by experience to be the best Mr. and Mrs. X. W. Eckberg and AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR BALE riurlMS method yet devised for transacting son Russel of street. Mr. 10 AUTOMOBILES FOR EX CH A NOB BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS for wedd!r.s and Stanley 11 AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES all like a flash business that runs daily and Mrs. Algol Johnson. Mr. and occasions, plue quality and ervlca. P 12 AUTOMOBILES WANTED Flower Gaiden ureenh 1163 of jufe. Stanley far up into millions bushels. Mrs. Charles Anderson and children 13 AUTOS TAXI SERVICE St. Phone 38:5-- 14 LET The eager oblique upward stretch Ethel and Carlton of Prospect St. GARAGES TO BOSTON FERNS mul- 15 MOTORCYCLES AND BICTCLES Very reasonable prlcea. of the right arm of each of the are the next two i Sandelll's Greenhous-e- , 21 S Oak spending weeks at 16 MOTORCYCLES-BICJCLE- 3 WANTED St. tip-to- e in Phone 2643-1- 2. titude of brokers standing West brook. Conn. ATHLETIC 1J SERVICE STATIONS REPAIRING t. ,, . I CUT the trading-pi- signifies not merely Misses Myrtle Zochler and Esther FLOWERS potted plante, pleasing that he is to or sell, but BC SI NESS SERVICE variety. Specializing on funeral work. striving buy Molander of Maple street will spend Johnnon'a 517 in de- "TOrfrc in g-ig- Greenhouse. Church St. also expresses exact form the a week at Walnut Beach, Milford. of fWEi?icMt 18 BARBERS HAIRD'S MASSEUSE Mr Lost I finite amount and the actual intend- rS 19 BUILDING AND CONTRACT nud ouuet tt ed price. Where everybody is Bhout-in- 20 BUSINESS 6ERVICB RENDERED BANK BOOK No. 23117 on the Master Warren Buechner of Wal- 21 DENTISTS even the best have their Trust Co., lost. Finder kindly lungs lace street entertained sev of his .2 DRESSMAKING MILLINERY return to hank. and more is need- 23 DYEING A CLEANING limit, something friends at a In honor of his BANK ed. party 24 INSURANCE ALL KINDS LOOK No. 27434 on. the Com- fourth birthday at his home Sat- 26 LAWYERS PATENT ATTORNEYS mercial Trust Co., lost. Finder kindly Whole Hand, 25.000 IHishrl return to urday. 20 MOVING, TRUCKING, BAGGAGE The device is simplicity itself a 27 PAINTING, PAPER HANGING PHI KIG.MAN Pin Name. Ruth F.bana. In w hole 28 PLUMBING. HEAT'G, METAL WORK Lost between 140 sign manual which the Mrs. chil- library and Black Rock 25,-0- Harry and 29 AND TAILORING Ave. 142-- hand displayed vertically means Bloomquist PRESSING Finder call Reward. dren are spending a week at Walnut 30 PRINT'B, JOBB'G. STATIONERY POCKETBOOK Lost bushels, each finger counting as 31 Friday. contMnij.g Beach, Milford, Conn. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES drivers license, rash. Union book. Finder 5.000 bushels. Price in even cents is 32 REPAIRING & PIANO TUNING return to Herald. Indicated the clenched fist, held Wllhelm Johnson was a visitor In 13 WANTED TO RENDER SERVICES by Mr. and Mrs. R. Newton Oil Lands From U. S. horizontally. Each horizontal finger George BERLIN NEWS West Cromwell yesterday. COOLIDGE LEAVES Personnts of Galion. Ohio, the week-en- d EDCCATIONAL separately extended represents an spent Miss Peggy iJolan has returned to Is Studied in Mexico OLD PHOTOGRAPHS no matfer how with Mr. Newton's Mr. and in New a 34 CORRESPONDENCE COUR8 faded, can bo reproduced to look like added eight of a cent up to five parents. her home Britain after Mexico City, Aug. 9 President new. Mrs. R. Newton of 36 Wrallace 35 DANCING TEACHER8 We aleo enlaige plctuie from any The extended hand entirely J. week's visit as the guest of Miss small Arcade eighths. street. (Continued from Page Seven) OLD FARM TODAY Calles and the foreign office are 38 INSTRUMENTAL AND VOCAL photograph. Studio. with the fingers horizontal but close Betty Bourgeois. 37 LOCAL & PRIVATE INSTRUCTORS ' the means three-quarter- and studying latest note from the 38 WANTED INSTRUCTORS together They returned with a basketful for Engagement Announced , the thumb raised separately is a sig- Miss Mary R. Edwards and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. of United States relating to the Mexi- AUTOMOTIVE Rose Misses their day's labor. Gabany K.MPI.OVJIKNT nal for seven-eight- h Whether the Brophy and daughters. East Berlin announce the engage-- (Continued from First can oil and land laws. No com- Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Brooks en- i Page) 39 EMPLOYM EST AGENCIES is offered or being bid for is Margaret and Katheryn. are regis- ment of their Helen ment has been made on the note, grain daughter, 40 HELP AGENT8 WANTED Aulo ami Truck Agencies a motion of the tered at the Ocan Spray, Ocean tertained relatives from Worcester and it has not been decided 41 shown by slight Dorothy, to John E. Guman of fixedly at the departing automobile yet HELP MEN WANTED ' re- BUICK MOTOR A Its Sales and Service" hand to or from the trader himself. Beach. New London, for the at their home Conn. until it turned a curve in the road when reply will be made. 42 HELP WOMEN WANTED Sunday. Bridgeport, 43 HELP MEN OR WOMEN Capitol Bulck Co., 193 Arch St. PhoDe as the may look, mainder of the summer. view. 2607. Grotesque system Lake was the mecca and was lost to 44 SITUATIONS WANTED MEN the. not closes con- Congamond has signaling only of a number of local yester- The, special train of six cars of Although nothing been given 45 SITUATIONS WANTED WOMEN CADILLAC CARS Sales & Service. I.aah millions but also In- John is his va- people TO out Motor Co. "A tracts Involving Brophy spending who motored over to the lake APPEALS NEW SHAH the New York Central railroad is by the United States embassy Reliable Concern." West enables the official cation at Indian Neck. day about the new oil FINANCIAL Main St., corner Lincoln St. stantly reporters for a Those who made due at Gabriels late this afternoon, American and moment to note at a John P.
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