US 20170028.184A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0028.184 A1 Godden et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 2, 2017 (54) DEVICE AND METHOD OF SKIN CARE AND (52) U.S. CI. TREATMENT VAMCRONEEDLES HAVING CPC ........ A61M 37/0015 (2013.01); A61N I/0416 NHERENT ANODE AND CATHODE (2013.01); A61M 2037/0023 (2013.01); A61M PROPERTIES, WITH OR WITHOUT 2037/0007 (2013.01) COSMETIC OR PHARMACOLOGICAL (57) ABSTRACT COMPOSITIONS A device with in situ anode and cathode microneedles is used, either with or without any cosmetic, cosmeceutical, (71) Applicant: CATURA CORPORATION, Seattle, nutraceutical, and/or pharmaceutical composition or formu WA (US) lation. The in situ anode and cathode microneedles form battery cells or half-cells when placed in contact with an (72) Inventors: Glenn Godden, Edmonds, WA (US); electrolyte found in bodily interface tissue, to produce an Darrick Carter, Seattle, WA (US) electromotive force without any additional chemical battery or power Source. The microneedles may be composed of, or (21) Appl. No.: 15/220,011 may carry (e.g., be coated with) electrical potential material (s) that has or have an electrical potential relative to an electrolyte in the bodily interface material. A first number of (22) Filed: Jul. 26, 2016 microneedles may, for instance, include a first electrical potential material having a first electrical potential. A second number of microneedles may, for instance, include a second Related U.S. Application Data electrical potential material having a second electrical poten (60) Provisional application No. 62/288,305, filed on Jan. tial. The first number of microneedles may thus serve as an 28, 2016, provisional application No. 62/197,421, anode, while the second number of microneedles may thus filed on Jul. 27, 2015. serve as a cathode. Alternatively, a number of microneedles may, for instance, include both a first electrical potential material and a second electrical potential material, having a first electrical potential and a second electrical potential, Publication Classification respectively. Respective portions of each of the (51) Int. Cl. microneedles may thus serve as an anode and a cathode. A6M 37/00 (2006.01) Again, such may be accomplished without any other or A6 IN L/04 (2006.01) additional electrochemical battery. 1. 200 Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 1 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 PRODUCT e MULTI-OUTLET* (e DRUG e ACNE TREATMENTS 639 186.5 BODY ANT-AGING 24.1 8.1 DEPLATORIES 1912 FACIAL ANTI AGNG 1,221.9 FACIAL CLEANSERS 965.4 FACIAL MOSTURIZERS 40.5.1 FADE/BLEACH 79.9 TOTAL 3,522.7 FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 2 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 DERMIS (1-2mm) FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 3 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 4 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 7 FIG. 5 Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 5 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 FIG. 6 FIG. 7 Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 6 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 S S Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 7 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 STRATUM N CORNEUM WABLE EPIDERMIS > 900 DERMIS Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 8 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 9 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 FIG 11 1200 FIG. 12A Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 10 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 1200 -- 1306 -- Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 12 of 13 US 2017/0028.184 A1 1600 N FIG. 16 US 2017/0028.184 A1 Feb. 2, 2017 DEVICE AND METHOD OF SIKIN CARE AND used by itself, or may be used to apply a cosmetic, cosme TREATMENT VLAMCRONEEDLES HAVING ceutical, nutraceutical, and/or pharmaceutical composition NHERENT ANODE AND CATHODE or formulation via one or more microneedles, that improves PROPERTIES, WITH OR WITHOUT the user's experience and appearance results. COSMETIC OR PHARMACOLOGICAL 0009. The device may be provided in the form of a patch. COMPOSITIONS The patch may, for instance, have a relatively thin and flexible form that conforms to the contours of skin. The BACKGROUND patch may, for example, include an adhesive, for instance, a 0001 Technical Field bio-compatible pressure sensitive adhesive to removably 0002 This disclosure generally relates to devices and secure the patch to the skin with the microneedles in contact methods that treat a biological interface tissue—for instance, with the skin. Thus, the adhesive may overlie the skin. More particularly, this disclosure relates to devices and microneedles. The patch may additionally include a selec methods that treat biological interface tissue and which tively removable release liner to cover the pressure sensitive combine electric fields with cosmetic, cosmeceutical, nutra adhesive prior to use. The device may be supplied or sold in ceutical, and pharmaceutical compositions to provide con sterile packaging. The device may be Supplied with one or venience, cosmetic, health, or medical benefits to an indi more cosmetic, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, and/or phar vidual. maceutical compositions or formulations pre-applied or pre 0003. Description of the Related Art loaded to or in the device and/or microneedles. Alternatively 0004 Consumers spend billions of dollars per year on or additionally, the device may be supplied as part of a kit, cosmetics and other skin care products. For example, Rev along with a receptacle or reservoir (e.g., Squeeze tube, Vial, lon, Inc.; Avon Products, Inc.; and L'Oreal reported com jar, foil package) that contains one or more cosmetic, bined sales of more than 30 billion dollars in recent years. cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, and/or pharmaceutical compo Thus, at great expense, the majority of consumers passively sitions or formulations, and/or written instructions for using apply cosmetics and skin care products on a daily basis. In the device and/or cosmetic, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, part, the need to apply cosmetic and skin care products on and/or pharmaceutical composition(s) or formulation(s). a daily basis stems from the fact that many of today's Thus, the cosmetic, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, and/or cosmetic and skin care product formulations fail to signifi pharmaceutical composition(s) or formulation(s) may be cantly penetrate the outer layers of the skin when passively applied or loaded to or in the device just prior to use, after applied and when they do the “active ingredients” have removal of the device from its packaging. For example, an questionable effects. This is especially problematic with end consumer, physician, cosmetologist or other may apply regard to the application of “anti-aging or “anti-wrinkle' or load the cosmetic, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, and/or skin care products. pharmaceutical composition(s) or formulation(s). 0005. In addition to cosmetics and other skin care prod Behavioral elSkin “A day in the life” ucts, many consumers require the application of medical 0010 Vice-president of merchandizing for Costco, Bar treatments to prevent or treat a variety of frequently encoun bara Hornsby wakes in her condo on the Upper East Side, it tered skin disorders. For example, acne, psoriasis, eczema, is 6:15 AM and her iPhone 6 is playing WNYC. She pushes dermatitis, Xerosis, and ichthyosis often require the daily the off button with distain. Barbara is definitely not a application of medical treatments to treat or ameliorate the morning person. A busy day is ahead with multiple meetings conditions as well as the discomfort associated with the and a quarterly sales review with the CEO. She pulls on her conditions. The discomfort associated with skin disorders white silk robe and heads to the kitchen. She makes Earl includes, but is not limited to pain and itching. Grey tea, adds half and half and sits down to read the mail 0006 Moreover, daily application of cosmetics, skin care and New York Times that her amazing husband has lovingly products, and medical treatments is often very time con laid out for her on the kitchen counter. It is now 6:45AM and Suming and expensive. Additionally, some medical treat time to move to the bathroom for the daily routine. She ments require costly and specialized devices or equipment showers quickly with no time for hair, dries off with a large that must be used at a doctor's office or treatment center white towel from Lord and Taylor and heads over to her under the Supervision of a trained physician. These condi makeup table and takes a seat. tions lead to problems with patient compliance, which in 0011. At 57 years of age Barbara has a very youthful turn, results in poor skin health and the increased chance of appearance. Some mistake her for being in her 40s but given developing unwanted skin conditions. her Nordic heritage (blue eyes and fair skin), it has taken a 0007. Therefore, there is a need in the art for a more good deal of personal care and many skin care products over effective method for the application of cosmetics, skin health the years to maintain this young-looking appearance so products, or medical treatments to the skin. The present critical to her profession. Opening her makeup table drawer disclosure provides devices, methods, and compositions to she removes an elSkin patch from the manufacturer's pro address these needs. tective pouch. Made of thin and flexible silicon, it is about half an inch wide and about two inches long. Barbara BRIEF SUMMARY carefully places it (just like a bandage) on her forehead, just 0008. A device in the form of one or more of a nanoscale above her artfully waxed eyebrows—the wrinkle Zone.
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