FORM 26 t{otarv Pulrn"'' " Baihi, Hazi., '-'rg AFFIDAVIT TO BE fILI'D BY THE CANDIDA']'E ALONCWITH NOIIINATION PAI'I]R IJEFORtr TH E RtrruRNrNc oFFrcER r-oR ELECTToN ro {rfiR.ElJ.nMA...u-DilAA..*ld{xrn r orrnr uousrl pnonr......2-€-........P.P..R.K.A.TAA..............co\srr.r-uENcy (NArlr u oFrrrrj coNSr.rruENCy) PASI A c'l uK yn , * F Tn r- .. tRAsaD . DAv.. .. I F i,,,," d.r€r,"rq,i{i-ni ... .L.l+.T.E.......M.tRth|L.....n1.k.To......,tg"a............56............ .u",,.. i, :*.: : *r'0.",", v.t.+L.-...ttA.T.KIRE..,. .l;.o-.:.Cn.nLKa:t .,PS:..e.tl.lk..u.f .4to'u:r1*?^r\!,#,9u,r, EI .]! qrraladdress).acarrrrdarcx*he3boveercclion.dohcreb,vsolennrlyaffinndndsrarconoathasunder:- ,, ram,,can.r,.rrtesc,upby .....BtiyRATryA... It' -t, 1AAA.TA... 1AKTy .., ,4''".,-,J,,c,.rheo"tir.d.p",),.rr-el,e,rEz.antrdrfer.{,.,,ei.a,r *sl.ike i (+ our whichevcr is not app ticablc) ( J) Details of P ermanent Accou nt Nu mber (PAN )* ind statu s offiling of Incom e I.i! retun : 'lht'il Sl. No. The financi!l year incom€ shown in lnconre- for*hich tho last ta\ rcturn (in Rupees) for thc hst five Finrncial Yerrs (as on 3l st uarch) 2nt4 t1 (i) t. Sclf AA Pnfirc - t&o 6a.) / - 2ot7 l8 (ii) .a)A {AM I< I PRA3AD - zRc /- \AD AV Lot6 - tf (iii) q 6q otl l- zo,9 - l6 (i1') Ll A3 2,to /- LotLl tg - (, 2L6 078 )- 20 t8 - 11 (i) z4 t P Q 4 /- 2. Spousc ALvtDttt6( .HANDAM DEvI 2 o/? - l8 (ii) faq at P tti /- 'Lotl - t7 (iii) uqA9q)a J- ZDIS - t 6 (i\) v9tt t 9o l- Lottl - | S 0) (i) At, A 3. HUF 0f the Candidatc is Knrtr/ Coparcener) (iD A. (iii) N.A ^t. (ir') (v) A/.4, (i) D€pendent- I l\/. A . I (ii) M.A, lrrr) lv. A N.n, t-,.4 . (i') 0) (i) 5. Dependent-2 (ir) (iiD tv.n, l/. A , N, N, (i') 0) (i) tr. A. (ii) ^J,A, (I' ) l"''.,, N,A, N.n. fu,4 , (i") (v) i.,t, A l,*; " \ote:Itismandatorl-.forP-A.Nho!dertomentionP-{.NandincaseofnoPANitsbouldbeclearlvstated"\oPAN allottedl': 2af14 )rrt7 (s) Pen ding criminal r,rsrs (i) t d ecla re that therc is no pending crim inrl c!se again st me. (Tick ihis altcrnatile if th€r€ is no crnntual crlc pending against th€ Crndidrte and rlrite \OT APPI-ICARLtr agrinst rltcrnativc (ii) below) .A BLT' OR (ii) Thc tbllo$ ing c rim i'ral cases a re pendinq aqainst me : \ -./ p(nding criminrl cr\e\ igxin\t the.zndidare. lhen tick lhi. alrernrri\e nd \.orr oft - alrernarirc(irrbo,e.andqi\edetril\otrllpcn.ling.r\.inthe'll 'here.rc lablebelo$l Tablc FIR \o. rvith name and tptNAzlAR P <, GoR'iAk P <. rddr€ss of Police Station Go fHA8, AA>/rPt b46l PAorFt'i t!.^ to,4lt.A (a,R, cctt tta, (b) Cnic No. *ith Name of aA,e 7zi'tD..tj tl?+l>otl tIrCourt 5.Dtr.t't,^/r, {v>latAr. /hA4 7.e<:. r.P,... "+ -r. "t sectn,n(s) of concerned P.c , !, P.a, . Acrs/C odes inrol'ed * "rt <ltr :i P.. 7,P.a-. (sire no. of th€ Scction. tt e.g. Section ..... of IPC. <tt 7:' Pa. dt I,P./, T.P.c q . .+ I,P. Ag^*lt eA- dt; 4^l^"rN (d) Bricl d escription of lo eo,,ant L1^o"l loAa t!'{ h2tfrd^'l , B/(L^A of 1441 (e) \\ hcther clarges h!\t been frrmed (nention YES or\O) (f) lf rnrrer against (e) above ir YES, thcn gire the date 0tr ryhich fuA ch arges were frrnred $:hether rny Appeal/ Application for r€lisn,n has bcei"ftlcd against th€ proceodiDgs (llention YES or\O) 3of14 €-fut,wrcq 7 (6) Cases of contiction (i) I dcclrre th at I have not bcen co nvicted lbr rny criminal offence. hAs co n \ icted and w rite \ O T A PP LIC AB1 D tgainst \.-' ( Iick this alternativc. if th€ candidatc not been ' alterntttive (ii) belo ) OR (ii) I hav€ been convicted fo r the ofiencer entionedbelow: (lfthc candidate has been conricteal, tlren tick ihis alternafite and scort olfalternative (i) above. and givedrtails in theTable beloll) No APPL' LA BLE Tnble (a) N,A , /v A, (b) Namr of the Court N,A, N,n. G) S€ction(s) of Acts/ Codes involved (gire no. of the Section, c.g. Section ...... oflPC,etc.). (d) B rief description of iYhich offcnce for N, A, N. /1, (o 0) Punishment imposrd At n, (c) Wheiher anr'. AppeNl hrs b€en liled rgrinst 'lv.A, M.A (llention YES or No) (h) Ilrns\rer to (g) above is YES, gile d€trils and N.A. At.A. prcsent status of appcal (6A) I hale gi\c.lilll and up-lo.date inibmmtion to nvpolhcalparly aborLl alltcnding crnnina] cases lgal Sl rne 3nd aboLrr allcascs olconvictioD {s given in!ar.rgtuphs (5) and(6) lN vIElv OF Icandidatcs to rvhom this Itcm is not applicable should clearlr'\Yrite \OT APPI-ICABI-E ENTRIES IN 5(i)AND 6(D.ABOVEI Note: l. I . Details sh o ul d b€ entercd clearl,v a nd legible in BO t.D l€tters. 2. I Dttails to be givcn s€prrately for c,ch case u D d€r difier ent col uff ns egain st each itcm ' 3. Dctails should be gitctr in reverse chronologicll order' i e.' thc htest case to be mcntioned lirst rnd brcklyardsin the ord€rofdates forthe othcr cases. Additiooal sheet ma] be add€d if requi r€d. Candidat€ is responsibte for supplling all information in compliance of Hor'ble sopremc Court's iudqmentin wP(C) \o. s36 of20l1. ';..il 2 €;fl6'* ute t' ANNEXURE'l for Page No. 5 to I of Form - 26 (7) t hat I givc herein betow thc dctails ofrhe assets (novable itnd innoiable etc.) of myscll, nl spotse and.ll dependents: A. Details olmovable asscts : Notei L Assets injoint name indicatirgthe extent oi ioinl ownersh ip willalso have lo be given Note:2. ln case ofdeposit/lnv€strnent, the detais includ ng Serial Number, Amount, date ofdeposit, the scheme, Name of Bank/lnstitution and Branch aretobegiven Noie:3.ValueofBonds/ShareDebenturesasperthecurr€ntmarketvalueinStockExchange in respect of listed companiesand as per books in case of non listed companiesshould be siven. Noter 4. 'Dependent' means parents, son{s), daughter(s) ofthe candidate or spouse and anv other person re ated to the candldate whether by blood or rnarriage, who have no separate means of income and who are dependent on the candidate for the!. livelihood Note: 6- Dctails should inchrde thc inFresl in or owneship ofoffshore asscls rxpl.n5tio.,- For the purpose of this form, the expression "offshore atsets" indudes, details of atl dePosits or investments in Foreign banks and anv other body or institution abroad, and details of all assets and liabilities in foreign countries'i Descdption Self HTIF Dependenl-2 S. ){o. NIL NJL (i) 40,A0O/. 38000/ Detaih of deposit ln Bank (i)BOLCHALKUSHA (i)SOIBARKATHA accounts (FDR5, Term 96,363/- 34,2371 Deposiis and allother types of {ii)CENTRAL BANKOi (ii)BOIBARKATHA deposits incl!dingsaving 21,a27 / acco!nts), Depositswlth !3,343/ liii)Bor cHAL(u5HA Fin.nclel lnstitution5, Non 1,97,46A/ ra,ao,a94/ (iV)HDFC RANCHI (ii) companies and (iv)SB RANCHI 2,82,300/ 77,AAO/- NIL NIL NIL Cooperative socleties and the (V) HDFC HAZARIEAG amounl in each such deposlt 3,A3,AOO/ lVD]HARKHANDGRAMIN BAN(,BARKATHA 82,52.y' 7,ss,5671- Deu;ls ol inv€shrenl in Bonds. Debentures/Sha.es (iit and unils in BOr SHARES 9,000/ NIL NL NIL NL Ntl cohpanieYMurual Funds ,nd.thes and the antourt. K A-tnt tt'' Delails of invesbnenl ;n NSS. Po$l Savins. lnsurance Poiicies and LIC premjum 1,10,000/ (:v) investme.t in an] Financial N NIL NL N 1,00,000/ (P.A.) iflstruments i. Post oflice or lnsu.ance Company and the PeFonal loans/advance given to alt percon or enriry including (v) N]L NIL NL NI NIL fimcompany, Trust etc. and othcr receivables from debtoN a.d lhe anount Molor Vehicles/Aircrafts/ Yachts/Ships (Details of (vi) Make. registraiion number. NIL NI N]L NIL NI NIL elc. year of pu.chase and Jewellery. bullion and (,ji) lahable thins(s) (ei!e 200gm Gold N]L NIL NIL del2ils ofweiqht and value) 110sm Gold 4,18,000/ 7,60,AOOl- Any other assets such as viii) NL N]L NI NL NIL value of claims/inleresl (i*) Ntl NIL NL 23,55,42a/ !5,t4,A9r/ B. Det{ils oflrnnovablc assets: Note: l. ProDeties in iointownership ind;catnr8 the extent ofjointowne6hip will also have ro bc indicaled Nole: 2. Each iand or buildins or apadment should be me'lioDed separately in this fomar Notei 3. Detaik should include the interesl in or owDcrship ofolishore 6sels. Self Spouse HI]F Dependent-1 Dependent-2 Depeodent-3 AericulturalLand (i) NIL NJL NIL N]L NIL Locai;onG) anchal Chalkush. Dist Area (total neasuremenl in NIL N NIL NIL Ntl whether inherited propertv NIL NIL NIL NIL Date ofpurchasc in case of self - acquired propery NL NIL NI NIL Cosl of Land (in casc ol purchase) at the tine ol NAr) NIL N]L NIL NL NIL \'\" Durchase, ,'.- r: ,'l f' Any lnvestm€nt on th€ land by way ol NIL NIL NIL N]L NIL development, constructiorl Approxirnate Cuneot markei 2,50,OOA/ NIL N NIL NIL Non-Asricultuml Land Location(s) (i) khaia no- 3os, s rvey nunbe{s) (iii) NIL H.zaribas (iii) NIL NIL NIL NIL {i) 1760 sqft A.ea (total me-asurem€nt in (ii)20s3 sqft (jii) NIL NIL NIL NiL NlL sq.
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