MASON. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTExMBER 20, 1900. VOL. XXV. NO. 38 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. See our showing of the newest nov• Hardy of Lansing, Dr. T. M. Winters MlCHICANfTENTRJH^ elties in reudy-to-wear huts at Mrs. J ATOP-NOTCHER of Dansville and James Fraser of Leroy were appointed tellers. M. H "Tht Niagara Falls lioute." Tlic sliito fair at Grand PJaplds be- C. Kimmel's. I Films for Kodaks, Any Size. | SOUTIIH'AJin. Daniels of Meridian moved that all 1,'liis next Monday. Christoplier .Tohnson of Lansing has MHSoii la^osu, in. i:3Cp. in.atSDp.in, nominations be made hy ballot with Bicycles reiialred, enameled and been granted an increase of pension to Jackson iniio ii;30 iO:60 out any nominating speeches, Tlii brazed at F. Drake's. 27tf Si" per month. Detroit,...,,. ., 6:30 p.ni 6:30 p.m. 7:15 a. m. jiroceedure was carried for tbe olllce J. C. .Squiers, .Jr., lias a situation In Jay Lewis, for many years M. C. Oineago,, „ 0:30 p.m. 8:0,1 p. ni.0:30a.Ul, of judge of probate, but was rescinded a druf store at .St. Cliarles. agent at Waters, Otsego county, has on the balance of tbe oillces. p. Plates, Developers, Toning NORTJUVAIll). Mrs. May li. .Squiers lias a new mil• moved to Porter, Ind. Hason........ .. 7i4Stt. m. 12:01 p. m.6:33p.m. For the olllce of judge of probate an Solutions r.anslui; .. 8:12 12:25 p. m.O;00 linery ad. In this issue. Eead. Seven cents for young chicks and Qc Informal ballot gave J. E. Nichols of 0:00 i-:M 7:15 Eaton Rapids defeated Lansing for fowls every day in the week. Lansing 104 votes, Edward Foerste And Everything tot Kodakery at SaiilnaAV .. 10:33 2:62 8:4(1 last Saturday by a score of 11 to 0. J 01 IN G. Dkan, of Lansing 43, IT. E. Thomas of Lan Hay City .. 11:10 3:25 0:20 Maeklnaw.,., .. 7:J5p. m. 7:0Ga, ni. 7:00 a, in. House and lotforsaleon Installment TlieL. A. S. of Etchell's will meet sing 27, D. Boyer of Lansing seven LONGYEAR BROTHERS, plan, also farm for sale cbeap. Inquire with Mrs, A. H. Bush Thursday after• and Geo, W, Bristol of Mason live 0. W. KUOOI.KS, DRUGGISTS. K, D. StaOTON, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agt, of A. J. Hall. ;iSw2p noon, Sept. 27th. Bring yourthliubles. Mayor Jas. F. ITammell of Lansing Ticket ARenl. .Mason. Cnicaijo moved that the ballot be declared Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hunt• Mrs. S. Marshall has returned from formal and the secretary Instructed ley of Eden, Sept. 1-ltli, a dauK'liter St, Jolins to Mason to live and makes BUSINESS DIRECTORY. to cast the ballot of tlie convention weiKliint; Sj pounds. her home with the family of Eugene for Mr. Nichols, This motion pre Yourcominltteoon resolutions have A daii«bter welKliinj,' 10 lbs. wa.s Edgar. had the subject under consideration, E.IJUNl)l!:u.SON,D. 1).S. Oltlceoverlirown vailed and be was declared the unan and after mature deliberation we have .liros,'shoe store, .Mason. aoyl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pot• On the last page of this issue Is an C linous nominee. arrived at the following conclusion: ter of Aurelius last Monday niKbt. ad. for C, A, Parkhurst, the dry goods FJ-I-rS3:CrA.3:TS For the olllce of sherifl' live nomlna The sheet anchor of democracy is dealer. lie announces a great street LARGEST SINGLE CONVEN fully expounded In the national and We call your attention to our now tlonswero made and It took three bal il. KltUUr.ANI), M. 1>. Lawrence lllock. fair sale. Don't fail to read. state iilatforms as adopted by the O, I lonrs-8 101) a. ni„ I to 3,7 to 8 p. ni. and complete lino of confectionery lit TION IN THE HISTORY OF lots lo nominate. Geo. W. Harvey of democratic party in their national and In tbe divorce case of .lames Buck lIAS. C. .(H.N'lvlNS, lloitiosopHtli IMiyslclan Clark's Bakery. Chas, ICkhx. Meridian named Sliiibael Hammond. state conventions held at Jvansas City and Stirneon. Spcchilatlenllonfe'lven to ICye. THE COUNTY. and Detroit In iOOO, and we recom• O Rep. Geo. R. Heck of Laiisinu, rep vs. Jennie Buck, Judge WIest granted M. II. Daniels named M. A. Bray of Kar, Nosu nnd Tlifoiit Diseases. Diseases of mend the same to this convention, Women and Ucctiil DIsimscs. Olllco In Near the defendant a solicitor's fee of $25 Meridian. A. A. Bergman of Mason rescntlnK the lirst district of InK'liani and to all men in this campaign, who lllock. lloura-l to5and7 too. and $20 for expenses of the case. county, was nominated at Ilolt last strong County .TicKct Nominated named N, N. Rouse. .1. W. Butler of are contending fertile eternal right. ll. f!l5ltTUUI)H_ D.OAMI'HKLr., I'liyslclan Friday. A judgment of 5i!).'!0.05, with costs of Wlieatlleld named ex-Slierlir J. J. and .SnrKuon„ . Olllce over iMcCfosscti'sDrni,' and How It Was Done. Hon. E. L. Bray made a few re• StoreD . Olllce liottr.s, 8 to 0 a, m., 2 to j and 7 to 8 Relile. Delegate Steele from lirst p. m. Connti'yand town calls promptly iittended. M. A, IBement Is In Laiislns,' today $-ll.,l!l, was taken in the clixult court marks at the close of the convention ward of Lansing named C. G. Mlsliler. purcbaslng a carload of bugi,fics to bo last Thursday against Mrs. Margaret n which he stated that It pleased hira R. iniANlC I^TIIOMAS, IMiyslcliin and Snr- . , , Dr. A. F. Ferguson of Lansing second• D E. Sears In favor of Coleman C. Vaughn. The democratic convention for the to see the harmony nnd good feeling geon. oitieoovhrWiiiiii^i Whitman's store; sold at the Street fair at prices below nomination of county olllcors held ed tho nomination of Hammond. Af• displayed at this convention and that residence nt corner Hand Oak streets. Mason, cQD^jQtjjyyn, Last Thursday Judge WIest granted n tills city last Monday, In point of ter the second ballot the names of lie would aid the county coniiuittee W. C. Snook lias left the Soo and Mrs. Georgia A. Wise of Lansing a di• numbers, was a recoi-d breaker, there Rou.so and Mlsliler were withdrawn. with his best ell'orts during the cani- 11. TAYLOii, Aiiorney nt Law, nt Ahstnict «one into the Canadian woods as fore vorce from Samuel L. Wise, the artist, being the largest attendance of any Ballots as follows: D. Olllce, Alason, Midi. lialgn. There was harmony and de• man of a gang of men at a salary of Desertion and non-support wer 1st 2d ;!(i single convention ever held here. It termination among the democrats In K. SANDHltS, Attorney nt Liiw, Mason, $100 per month. Il'unmond 63 73 lOO . Midi. Moni'V to Loan. shown. G was an exceedingly raw and cold day Itchlo til 70 67 every county In the sixth district, Last Thursday John Hammond A. IlKKOMAN. Atlonioy at Liiw. onice The case against Ernest McBrid but tills did not keep any of the dele Itonse 31 10 while our opponents were lacking in , over Loll^'year liros,. Mason. Mich. Meridian remembered the Dis.mocuat A charged with the larceny of Englisl gates at home. Mlsliler 2S 17 Interest and were having their jangles force with a very largo and line water ISray •. ' ii i llKI) A. Af.LKN, Attorney iuid Counselor at sparrows, was adjourned until today The delegates from this .section l.nw, Mason, nt County Clerk's olllce. iill over tbe district. He claimed that melon, for which we extend ou After the ballots were taken and F The case of the three boys who took headed by tho Mason city band, march organization was the ke.vnote to suc• li. McAKTlllJlt, Attorney luid Counselor at thanks. the bats Is on for tomorrow. nominations made, in air cases mo• I Law. Circuit Conn Commissioner. ed to the depot to meet the delegates cess and paid a compliment to Chair• LoverKarmers' liank, Mnson. tions prevailed to make the nomina• Tbe democratic senatorial conven At tho Methodist conference bold from Lansing, who came with thel man Hemans for bis ell'orts to thor• tions unanimous. T. lIliMANS, Attorney and Counselor at tlon for the Mtli district will meet i at Battle Creek last week Rev. W. Newsboys' Band. Then all formed oughly organize this county. He , Uiw. Olllce In the new l.itwrenco lilocl" convention at the city ball in'Lanslng For prosecuting attorney R. R. MasonL , Mich, Money to loan on Kood security. Wilson was chairman of tbe committee and marched to the court square. promised to meet the democrats of Stewart and S. B. Roe, both of Lan• next Tuesday at two o'clock In tbe on Epworth League and a member Of The convention Wits called to order the county again before the campaign sing, were named. A ballot gave Mr, afternoon. of the committee on nominations. at 11:12 by Lawton T. Hemans, cliair closed. Mr, Bray made a good im• Roe 108 votes and the nomination, EO. A. KAULK, DUALEU IN UKAVY AND Wc shall need and expect that nioo' pression among our people. Ono thing Shelf Hardware. Maple Street, Mason. man of the county committee, there Frank Harmon, charged with Er• Stewart fiO, L, T, Hemans 11 and A, a! G ey due us on account on or boi'ore the being "standing room only" In tbe is sure, he did not tire the delegates nest McBridc with the larceny of Eng• Bergman 7.
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