• 1904. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2105 Paul, Minn., in favor of Government ownership of factories for A bill (S. 3720) to authorize the St. Joseph and Grand Island naval construction-to the Committee-on Naval Affairs. Railway Company, in the reconstruction of the bridge across the By Mr. THAYER: Petition of Alonzo W. Bond and 21 other Missouri River at or near St. Joseph, Mo., to lower said bridge voters of Worcester, Mass., against the.passage of a bill limiting and to shorten the draw span thereof; and the hom·s of labor-to the Committee on Labor. A bill (S. 3800) donating gun carriages to the Connecticut com- Also, petition of L. G. Lesure and 20 other voters of West missioners for the care and preservation of Fort Griswold. Boylesfon, Mass., urging passage of Hepburn-Dolliver bill-to the The message also announced that the House had passed with Committee on the Judiciary. amendments the bill (S. 3317) authorizing the Secretary of the By Mr. VREELAND: Resolution of D. T. Wiggins Post, No. Interior to grant right of way for pipe lines through Indian Ter­ 297, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of New York, in ritory in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. favor of a service-pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ The message further announced that the House had passed the sions. following bills; in which it requested the concurrence of the Sen­ By Mr. WADSWORTH: Petition of Rev. F. W. Grnpe and ate: others, of Gainesville, N. Y., for the passage of the Hepburn­ A bill (H. R. 4074) constituting Utica, N. Y., a port of delivery, Dolliver bill-to the Committee on the Judiciary. and for other purposes; Also, resolutions of Staunton Post, No. 396, Grand Army of the A bill (H. R. 8435) to amend the act of Congress of March 11, Republic, of Lakey, N. Y., favoring the passage of a service­ 1902, relating to homesteads; pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. A bill (H. R. 9777) granting to the city of Port Angeles, State By Mr. WEEMS: Petition and papers to accompany bill H. R. of Washington, for park purposes, certain portions of the Govern­ 11344, granting a pension to-Emma Bingham Pearce-to the Com­ ment reserve in said city; and mittee on Invalid Pensions. A bill (H. R. 12446) making appropriations for fortifications Also, paper to accompany bill for the relief of John H. Willis­ and other works of defense, for the armament thereof, for the to the Committee on Military Affairs. procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for Also, petition of Short Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends, in other purposes. favor of the Hepburn-Dolliver bill-to the Committee on the Ju- E:t\"'ROLLED BILLS SIGNED. diciary. _ Tne message also announced that the Speaker of the House had Also, resolutions of Hess Post, No. 595, of Armstrongs Mills; signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolution; and they Drummond Post, No. 203, of St. Clairsville; Robert Rilles Post, were thereupon signed by the President pro tempore: No. 220, of Barnesville; Brannum Post, No. 221, of Bridgeport; A bill (S. 38) granting an increase of pension to Miriam R. Taylor Post, No. 616, of Somerton; E. M. Stanton Post, No. 166, Adams; of Steubenville; General W. P. Richardson Post, No. 609, of A bill (S. 70) granting an increase of pension to John G. Brown; Woodsfield; Harlem Springs Post, No. 624, of Harlem Springs; A bill (S.136) granting an increase of pension to Mary T. Strick­ James P. Mann Post, No. 267, of Lewisville, and J. G. Riethmilller land: Post, of Hannibal, Grand Army of the Republic, all of Ohio, for A bill (S. 142) granting an increase of pension to Henry W. the passage of a service-pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Nichols; . Pensions. A bill (S. 167) granting an increase of pension to J. Hudson By Mr. WILLIAMS of illinois: Papers to accompany bill H. R. Kibbe; 12301, for the relief of D. L. d'Elysee, alias Leopold Bohm-to the A bill (S. 189) granting an increase of pension to Edwin H. Committee on Military Affairs. Wheeler; Also, paper to accompany bill granting an increase of pension A bill (S. 191) granting an increase of pension to Francis Roy; to Alexander Reun-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. A bill (S. 265) granting an increase of pension to Frances Gray; A bill (S. 593) granting an increase of pension to William H. Horn; A bill (S. 594) granting an increase of pension to ~mley T. SENATE. Johnson; SATURDAY, February 20, 1904. A bill (S. 782) granting a pension to Mary D. Duval; A bill (S. 797) granting a pension to Mary H. Allen; Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. A bill (S. 846) granting an increase of pension to Catharine W. The Secretary proceeded to read the J ourna.l of the proceedings Collins; of Thursday last, when, on the request of Mr. GALLL~GER, and by A bill (S. 880) granting an increase of pension to Allen W. (alias unanimous consent, the fm·ther reading was dispensed with. Albert) Hall; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the Journal A bill (S. 889) granting an increase of pension to Catherine A. will stand approved. Brown; A bill (S. 891) granting an increase of pension to Erwin R. FRENCH SPOLI.A.TION CLAIMS. Cole; The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ A bill (S. 895) granting an increase of pension to Charles Dis­ munication from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans­ brow; mitting the conclusions of fact and of law filed under the act of A bill (S. 897) granting an increase of pension to Lewis D. January 20, 1885, in the French spoliation claims set out in the Frogge; findings by the court relating to the vessel schooner Washington, A bill (S. 962) granting an increase of pension to Jennet Thoits; Hem-y Chichester, master; which, with the accompanying paper, A bill (S. 980) granting an increase of pension to Mary von was referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be Kusserow; printed. A bill (S. 1239) granting an increase of pension to John Adam­ He also laid before the Senate a communication from the assist­ son· ant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting the conclusions of A bill (S. 1241) granting an increase of pension to Hamlet F. fact and of law filed under the act of January 20, 1885, in the Roberts; French spoliation claims set out in the findings by the court re­ A bill (S. 1242) granting an increase of pension to Thomas Davis; lating to the vessel brig Orion, Frederick Hopkins, master; which, A bill (S. 1356) granting a pension to Robert Kelley; with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on A bill (S. 1358) granting an increase of penBion to William W. Claims, and ordered to be printed. Lackey; He also laid before the Senate a communication from the assist­ . A bill (S. 1428) granting an increase of pension to George Pen- ant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting the conclusions of nrngton; . fact and of law filed under the act of January 20, 1885, in the A bill (S. 1451) granting an increase of pension to Eleanor H. French spoliation claims set out in tne findings by the court re­ Hord; lating to the vessel brig Fly, James Merrihew, master; which, A bill (S. 1490) to authorize the sale of a part of what is known with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on as the Red Lake Indian Reservation in the State of Minnesota· Claims, and ordered to be printed. A bill (S. 1532) granting an increase of pension toElecta All~n; ME-S AGE FROM THE HOUSE. A bill (S. 1597) granting a pension to Rosa D. Mayhew; A bill (S. 1688) granting an increase of pension to Frederick A message from the House of Repre entatives, by Mr. W. J. Bellman; BROW1\~G, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed A bill (S. 1689) granting an increase of pension to Henry H. the following bills: Houghton; · A bill (S. 113) to enable the Secretary of the T1·easm·y to pay A bill (S. 1799) granting an increase of pension to Charles E. to the State of Vermont money appropriated by the act of Con­ Decker; • gress of July 1, 1902, and to adjust mutual claims between the A bill (S. 1802) granting an increase of pension to Isaa~ M. United States and the State of Vermont; Couch; . • 2106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 20, A bilf (S. 1911) granting an increase of pension to Ambrose W. A bill (S. 2712) granting an increase of pension to Harriet Ell- Severance; lings; A bill (S. 1912) granting an increase of pension to Joseph W. A bill (S. 2797) granting an increase of pension to Edward A. Booker; . Catting; · A bill (S. 1935) providing for the holding of an additional term A bill (S. 2841) granting a pension to Jane Patterson; of court in the northern district of West Virginia at Martins- A bill (S. 2858) granting an increase of pension to D,elia B. burg W.Va. Stuart; A bill (S. 1937) granting an increase of pension to Samuel A bill (S. 2889) granting an increase of pension to John Beaird; Richards; A bill (S. 2924) granting an increase of pension to Samuel E. A bill (S.
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