TheTheTheThe onlyonly onlyonly bilingualbilingual bilingualbilingual Chinese-EnglishChinese-English Chinese-EnglishChinese-English NewspaperNewspaper NewspaperNewspaper inin inin NewNew NewNew EnglandEngland EnglandEngland 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 2013年3月22日 - 4月4日 MarchMarchJanuaryJanuary 2219, - 2021 6April6 -- January January- 4,April 2013 1, 20,20, 2021 20122012 Vol. 50, Issue No. 1 2021年3月19日 2012年1月6日~2012年1月6日~2012年9月14日 - 2021年4月1日 1月20日 1月20日- 9月27日 IncreasedHong Lok linkage House expands fees supports to house REAL AA CultureCulture ofof EmployeeEmployee AppreciationAppreciation 地產特刊英文成人基礎教育項目的重要性 | ESTATE ISSUE more Chinese seniors AdcotronAdcotron黃秋虹報導 EMS,EMS, IncInc affordableAdcotronAdcotron EMS,EMS, housing Inc.Inc. and work- BY LING-MEI WONG 儘管連邦承諾在英文學習以郵政編碼配額招生計劃尊重員工價值尊重員工價值 force development in Boston 及成人基礎教育上投資贊助,但 By Carey Lin 是研究顯示很多項目只能為少數讓平等教育不再平等 不難理解當一個人進入Adcotron EMS公司玻璃大門時所獲得的 In February, Mayor Martin Walsh to create a Home Rule Petition. This 的移民提供此類服務。不難理解當一個人進入Adcotron EMS公司玻璃大門時所獲得的 announced the official increase of link- petition requested the state to allow 那種振奮之情。不僅環境一塵不染--公司在南波士頓海洋工業園那種振奮之情。不僅環境一塵不染--公司在南波士頓海洋工業園麻州州長派屈克在其FY2014馬笑喻 報導 age fees by 42%. Now, for any com- Boston to adjust the linkage fees. Af- 提案中提出向州立公民項目分配 mercial development over 100,000 ter the mayor signed the petition, the 所佔的35,000平方英尺中珍珠白的牆壁到處可見──而且以一個高所佔的35,000平方英尺中珍珠白的牆壁到處可見──而且以一個高 State House finally passed it, allowing 資助100萬美金, 同比增長321% square feet in Boston, $15.39 per 度組織的方式呈現,複雜程度不同的芯片製造機與相映的組件與主 square foot will be collected as link- Boston to increase linkage to the new- 度組織的方式呈現,複雜程度不同的芯片製造機與相映的組件與主。 age fees, of which $13.00 will contrib- est rate. 板合併板合併州長派屈克在近期出席一 。但是據公司的CEO幾主席Agnes。但是據公司的CEO幾主席Agnes Young介紹,AdcotronYoung介紹,Adcotron ute to supporting affordable housing This increase contributes to main- 個媒體討論會中說道:「麻州, andPhotoPhoto $2.39 by by Agnes Agnes will Young Younggo towards – – The The employees employees workforce of of Adcotron Adcotron EMS, EMS,taining Inc. Inc. balance among the city’s 成功的真正秘訣並不在于高技術機械或者生產衍生的綜合產品,而成功的真正秘訣並不在于高技術機械或者生產衍生的綜合產品,而 development programs in the city. communities. Nishman said, “We 就好像美國這個國家一樣,是因 在於穿著藍色防靜電外套的員工們:他們在公司隨處可見,有的負在於穿著藍色防靜電外套的員工們:他們在公司隨處可見,有的負 Originally created in 1986, the recognize that when big development 為這些來自五湖四海的朋友才變 comes in. There are a stream of people Boston Linkage Program was estab- 責控制按鈕,有的負責檢查組件,有的負責轉動錶盤,有的通過顯得更加富足美好。這些移民為我責控制按鈕,有的負責檢查組件,有的負責轉動錶盤,有的通過顯 lishedItIt isis to notnot leverage difficultdifficult funding toto understandunderstand for the thethe whounmistakableunmistakable follow that, –who– everyevery make housingemployeeemployee communitycheerfulcheerful fromfeelingfeeling large-scale oneone getsgets com whenwhen- enen-- unaffordable,turningturning to to greet greet and her heroften as as she theshe jobsmade made are her her 微鏡觀察整套設備。們的國家和社會做出了很大的貢微鏡觀察整套設備。 mercialtering real-estate through thedevelopment. glass doors For of Ad- notway accessible around toexplaining all income the brackets.” intrica- Hongtering Lok residents through with the Ruth glass Moy doors (second of Adfrom- right).way (Image around courtesy explaining of Rogerson the Commuintrica-- 獻。他們使我們更加富強,壯“我的員工們比任何事都重要。”Young介紹說。“我的員工們比任何事都重要。”Young介紹說。 nities.)years,cotroncotron the EMS, linkageEMS, Inc. Inc. rate Not Not remained only only is is the the at envi envi-- ciesciesOne of of each ofeach the machine machine major issues and and station. station.for those 大。因此如何對待這些移民將會 $10.81ronmentronment per square spotlessspotless foot, -- the theof which pearlypearly $9.03 whitewhite in the low-income bracket is afford- Hong Lok House may look old on preserved and be replaced by the new in- 州長派屈克。圖片由州長辦事處提供。 is dedicatedwallswalls visiblevisible to affordable allall aroundaround housing thethe 35,00035,000 and ableAdcotron,Adcotron, housing, a awhich premierpremier has been ElectronicsElectronics exacer- 決定我們的將來。」 (詳文請見反面中文第一版)(詳文請見反面中文第一版) the outside, but that’s just its façade. terior building. $1.78squaresquare goes foot foot towards lot lot the the workforce company company occupiesdevel occupies- batedContractContract by the ManufacturingcoronavirusManufacturing pandemic. serviceservice Past its four different exteriors, a new “What’s important is being able to 的確, 新移民的未來由他 業,50%的學生直接入學公共大 opment.inin SouthSouth Originally, Boston’sBoston’s the MarineMarine Boston IndustrialIndustrial Plan- Karen(EMS)(EMS) Chen, providerprovider representing thatthat specializesspecializes the Coali - inin steel building with high ceilings, wood live in Chinatown where the services 們的英文程度決定。根據波士頓 學。但是項目中僅有一小部份的 ningParkPark and -- Development butbut inin aa supremelysupremely Agency organizedorganized was tionmanufacturingmanufacturing for Truly Affordable lowlow toto mediummedium Boston, volsaid,vol-- floors and large windows overlooks Es- are,” said Anne Morton Smith, vice pres- onlymanner,manner, allowed tohighly-automatedhighly-automated adjust linkage every equipequip -- “Inumeume the complex complexcity of Boston, electronicelectronic more assembliesassemblies than 50% 基金會的調查報告顯示,在麻 學生在成人基礎教育。 sex Street. ident of development and community 圖片由Pexels的Hai Nguyen拍攝 threementment years placeplace based componentscomponents on inflation, onon but boardsboards the ofandand the systems systemspeople pay integrationintegration more than forfor 50% aa broadbroad of 州,一個會說流利英語的移民平亞洲學生慶祝畢業典禮。 但是人數容量的問題也暫緩 Located next to public transportation, relations for Rogerson Communities, an ratewithwith was precision precisionunchanged andand for efficiency.severalefficiency. years. HowHow -- therangerange income ofof industries industriestowards rent. includingincluding And with medimedi -- Happy New Year! restaurants and luxury condos, Hong Lok elder-service nonprofit developer that 均年收入是$38,526Happy波士頓擁有三所頂尖的考試學 New 。而一個 Year!了成人教育計劃的前進。波士頓輪分配10%的郵政編碼。郵編將根 ever,ever,After neither neitherseven years thethe sophisticatedofsophisticated advocacy mama-- COVID,cal,cal, military,military, sometimes industrial,industrial, it’s 70 telecommutelecommu or 80% -- House is exclusively for affordable hous- developed the new Hong Lok House and exacerbatedchinerychinery nor norby the thethe challenging complexcomplex products productseco- thatnicationnication goes towards andand alternativealternative rent.” energy,energy, sitssits 英語不太好的移民年收入僅是校:波士頓拉丁學院,波士頓拉丁 基金會的調查表明,平均每個計據家庭收入中位數進行排名,並且 ing. A total of 74 units, including studios manages the building. “The number of nomicareare climatethethe truetrue due reasonreason to the COVID-19ofof Adcotron’sAdcotron’s inin Also aa BostonBoston the Executive RedevelopmentRedevelopment Director AuthorAuthor of -- $14,221學校,以及John 。 D. O'Bryant學校 劃後補名單上有接近10,000人。席位將先分配給每個輪中家庭收入 and one-bedroom apartments, will rent dialects spoken at Tufts Medical Center pandemic,success,success, linkage asas thethe company’shascompany’s finally ChiefChiefbeen ExEx-- theity-ownedity-owned Chinese Progressivebuildingbuilding alongalong Association, Boston’sBoston’s 這些公立學校與其他公立學校 中位數最低的郵編。 for less than $500 a month on average. by the nurses and doctors is significant. 新年快乐!新年快乐!調查還發現大波士頓地區 有的時候名單上面的人需要等兩 increased.ecutiveecutive “BeforeOfficerOfficer and andthe passagePresidentPresident of AgnestheAgnes Chenbeautifulbeautiful said, “Inwaterfrontwaterfront Chinatown districtdistrict especially, andand a 的不同之處在於,它們要求入學學 然而,此計劃已被擱置。 2月 Amenities include a senior center open to The food and transportation Hong Lok 236,933名英語能力有限的移民 年才能被選上接受教育。還有很 legislation,YoungYoung would wouldthe city suggest.couldsuggest. increase Patrolling,Patrolling, lotboastsboasts of people aa storystory are few, few,squeezed ifif any,any, into businessesbusinesses smaller the community, a rooftop garden, taichi residents need are all right here in this 生學術優異,以及出色的標化考試 26號,14個來自波士頓優學家長聯 linkagepushingpushing to CPI buttons,buttons, which checkingischecking the consumer compocompo -- apartments.aroundaround can can We claim. claim. have actually seen in 中,少於5%的人參加政府資助的 多移民不想申請或者根本不知道 deck and in-unit emergency call buttons. community.” 成績。但這些學校,尤其是波士頓ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear盟(BPCAE)的家庭發布了新聞稿,並 IssueIssue pricenents,nents, index, turning turning without dials, dials, permission peering peering through throughfrom one of the apartments in Chinatown, The original Hong Lok House used Redeveloping Hong Lok House cost 小學,中學教育。拉丁學院,在近些年針對有色人種 這些資源的存在。對波士頓學校議會以及 波士頓公 themicroscopes microscopesstate, but they all all didn't throughout throughout do that the theall facil thefacil -- aBorn Bornthree out outbedroom of of the the apartment,closure closure of of a a[wherein] previous previous to be the Normandy Lounge, which was nearly $33 million, with 23 sources of 的不平等標準引起輿論嘩然。小學和中學的教育系統會isis ComingComing OutOut onon校校監布蘭達 JanuaryJanuary麻州非常需要成人基礎教育 20th,20th, • 卡塞魯斯提起訴 2012!2012! yearsity,ity, thatclad clad they in in blue, blue, could anti-static anti-static have done overcoats overcoats it,” morecompany,company, than a Adcotron Adcotrondozen people gotgot liveitsits startthere.start in in bought by the Greater Boston Chinese public and private funds. The waiting saidareare Amy the the Nishman,true true success: success: representing the the employees. employees. the Basically2005.2005. When When one Advanced familyAdvanced shares Electronics, Electronics, one bed- a a 向成年人提供一些基礎教育計今年因為疫情的原因,這些要 和英文課堂的存在來幫助促進社訟。根據新聞稿,此起訴訟背後的 Golden Age Center. It opened in 1981 list is seven to eight years long due to 春節特刊將與一月二十日出版 Job Training Alliance. Nishman said, room,companycompany
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