©fficial (3a3ette OF THE (Government of Palestine. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY. No. 269 JERUSALEM 46th October, 1930. CONTENTS Page I. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. ־ ־ ־ 1930׳ - - - - à) Confirmation of Ordinances Nos. 21, 22 and 23 of 830) (b) Appointments, etc. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 830 (c) Appointment of Secretary, Central Tenders Board - -- -- -- - 831 (d) Appointment of Consul - -- -- -- -- -- -- 831 (e) Order under the Police Ordinance, 1926, appointing Superior Police Officer - - - 831-832 (/)' Annulment of Declaration of Acquisition of Citizenship ------- 832 {g) Revocation of Certificate of Naturalisation - _ _ _ _ - __ . 832 regarding the control of ,1927׳ ,h) Regulations under the Fruit Export Ordinance} export of Citrus Fruit . 833-835 (?) Regulation under the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, regarding Black Scale - - 836 {•/) Notice regarding the importation and exportation of antiquities ----- 836-838 ! II. DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES. ־ - ־ - - - - - a) Posting of Schedules of Rights in Masudiya 838) (b) Posting of Schedules of Claims in Rishon-le-Zion - -- -- -- - 838 (c) Notification of intended settlement in Ness-Ziona - -- -- -- - 839 839 ־ id) Panellation of lands in Al Mughar (e) Lists of persons in Petah Tiqvah who are to submit Memoranda of Claims to the Settlement Officers - -- . - 840-847 (/) Medical, etc. licences - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 847 (g) Extension of Night Letter Telegram Service - -- -- -- -- 848 (h) Opening of Post Office at Kfar Sava ----------- 848 (?) Government Scholarships - -- -- -- -- -- -- 848 (j) Adjudication of Contracts - -- -- -- -- -- -- 848-849• ־ - - ־ ־ - - - - - - - k) Registration of Companies, etc. 849) (/) Winding-up of Company - -- -- -- -- -- -- 849 {m) Citations for Orders of Administration - -- -- -- -- - 850 ־ ־ ־ - - , - - ^ - - n) Sittings of Courts of Criminal Assize 850) (o) Corrigenda - -- -- -- -- -- - 850-851 HI. RETURNS. (a) Sale of Unclaimed Goods - ------ - 851 (b) Wreck - ----------------851 (o Return of Immigration and Emigration - • - - - - - _ - - - 852 (d) Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - -- -- -- -- 853 Price 50 Mils. 830 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 4C'th October, 1030. (705) Mr. A. Saunders, M. C, Deputy Commandant, Grade E, Department of Police and Prisons, to act as Commandant, during the absence CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCES. on leave of Mr. A. S. Mavrogordato, O.B.E., with effect from the 13th September, 1930. The Right Honourable the Secretary!of State for the Colonies has notified that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his Mr. R. H. Drayton, Solicitor General, Grade E, power of disallowance in respect to the follow­ Legal Department, to act as Attorney General, ing Ordinances :- j during the absence on leave of Mr. N. de M. Bentwich, 0. B. E., M. C, with effect from the 17th September, 193U. No. 21 of 1930 entitled: 4'An Ordinance to amend the Bills of Exchange Ordinance, 1929". ! Mr. R. B. Crusher, Inspector, Class 2, Depart­ No. 22 of 1930 entitled: "An Ordinance ment of Surveys, to act as Director, durinB to amend the Magistrates' Courts Jurisdiction the absence on leave of Mr. C. H. Ley, Ordinances". | O.B.E., with effect from the 9th to the 26th | September, 1930, inclusive. No. 23 of 1930 entitled: "An Ordinance to legalise certain payments made in the Year ended 31st December, 1929, in excess of the Mr. G. Ellison, Telegraph Superintendent, Grade expenditure authorised by the Appropriation 1, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, to (1929) Ordinance, 1929". act as Postmaster, during the absence on leave of Mr. T. H. Brown, with effect from the 1st October, 1930. Mr. E. L. Eid, Inspecting Clerk, Grade I, Depart­ ment of Posts and Telegraphs, to act as (706) Postmaster, during the absence on leave of Mr. F. H. Smith, with effect from the 6th APPOINTMENTS, etc. October, 1930. "A" Appointments. ־: The High Commissioner has appointed Mr. E. P. Quigley, M.C., District Superintendent, "C" Leave. Class I, Department of Police and Prisons, to be Deputy Commandant, (C.I.D.) Grade F, with effect from the 1st April, 1030 The High Commissioner has approved the ־: leave of the following• officers Mr. R. D. Badcock, M.C., Administrative Officer, Mr. Faiz Idrissi, Department of Police Class 2, District Administration, Southern and Prisons, District, to be Assistant Chief Immigration 6.9.30-5.10.30. Officer, Class 1, Immigration and Travel Section, Department of Police and Prisons, with effect from the 30th May, 1930!. M. C. H. Ley, O.B.E., Department of Surveys, 9.9.30-26.9.30. Mr. A. S. Mavrogordato, Department of Police O. B. E., and Prisons, 13.9.30-27.11.30. "B" Acting Appointments. Dr. I. Haurani, Department of Health, 15.9.30-14.10.30. The High Commissioner has appointed Mr. I. Frumkin, Land Settlement, 28.9.30-27.12.30. Mr. J. P. Graham, District Engineer, Class 2, Mr. E. Waisel, Department of Customs, Palestine Railways, to act as Resident !Engi­ 7 Excise and Trade, neer, New Locomotive Workshops, wi th 28.9.30-27.10.30. effect from the 15th August, 1930. Mr. Musa Nasir. District Administration, Southern District, Mr. J. R. Dallmeyer, Assistant District Engineer, 6.10.30-5.11.30. Class 3, Palestine Railways, to act as District Engineer, vice •Mr. J. P. Graham, with] effect from the 15th August, 1930. 16th October, 1930. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 831 (707) CENTRAL TENDERS BOARD. APPOINTMENT The High Commissioner has appointed Mr. S. H. Perowne to be Secretary of the Central Tenders Board with effect from the 13th October, 1930, in the place of Mr. H. M. Foot. By His Excellency's Command, M. A. YOUNG 14th October, 1930. Chief Secretary. (541/30) (108) APPOINTMENT OF CONSUL. NOTICES. I. The Officer Administering the Government directs it to be notified for genera] information that Mr. M. Dizengoff, M.B.E., Vice-Consul of Belgium at Jaffa, has been promoted to the grade of Consul with effect from the 25th July, 1930. E. F. COLV1LE 29th September, 1930. Acting Chief Secretary. (2952/29) II. It is hereby notified that the King's exequatur empowering Mr. M. Dizengoff to act as Consul of Belgium at Jaffa, received His Majesty's signature on the 3rd September, 1930. M. A. YOUNG 10th October, 1930. Chief Seeretartj. (2952/29) (709) POLICE ORDINANCE, 1926. Order by the Officer Administering the Government. M. A. YOUNG Officer Administering the Government. In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 5(2) of the Police Ordinance, 1926, the Officer Administering the Government 832 OFFICIA! GAZETTE 16th October, 4930. has appointed British Inspector A. II. Leeves to exercise the powers and duties of a Superior Police Officer specified in Section 17 of the said Ordinance so long as he is acting as Divisional Inspector, Beersheba. ,His Excellency's Command 1׳ E. F. COLVILE 1st October, 1930. Acting Chief Secretary. (2201/29) (710) PALESTINE CITIZENSHIP ORDER-IN-COUNCIL, 1925. Annulment of Declaration of Acquisition of Citizenship. It is hereby notified that in ! exercise of the powers vested in the High ,Couneil־Commissioner by Article 10(2) of the Palestine Citizenship Order-in 1925, and with the approval of thé Secretary of State, the Officer Administering the Government has annuled with effect from the 1st October, 1930, the declaration of acquisition of Palestinian citizenship made by Moshe Evenary .Gouncil־in־under Article 5 of the same Order And it is further notified that, in exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Article 11(1) of the said Order-in-Council, the Officer Administering the Government lias ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said Moshe Evenary shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof. By His Excellency's Command, E. F. COLVILE 1st October, 1930. Acting Chief Secretary. (2284/30) (711) PALESTINE CITIZENSHIP ORDER-IN-COUNCIL, 1925. Revocation of (Certificate of Naturalisation. It is hereby notified that,! in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 10(1) of the Palestine; Citizenship Order-in-Council, 1925, and with the approval of the Secretary of ;Slate, the High Commissioner has revoked, with effect from the 7th October, 1930, the certificate of naturalization of Isaac Rabinovitz. An it is further notified that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 11(1) of the said Order-in-Council, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said Isaac Rabinovitz shall cease to be Palestinian citizens lis from the date hereof. M. A. YOUNG 7th October, 1930. Chief Secretary. (3067/30) 16th October, 1930. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 833 (712) FRUIT EXPORT ORDINANCE, 1927. Regulations made by the Officer Administering the Government for the Control of Export of Citrus Fruit. In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 10 of the Fruit Export Ordinance, 1927, 1, Sir Steuart Spencer Davis, Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, hereby make the following Regulations. 1. (1) Fruit shall be exported only from the ports of Jaffa and Haifa and by railway via Kantara. (2) Fruit intended for export from the ports of Jaffa and Haifa or by railway via Kantara shall be inspected at the places of inspection prescribed in the Schedule hereto. (3) No fruit intended for export shall be allowed to pass into the port area or any prescribed area of any port either by sea or railway without an official certificate signed by a Fruit Inspector in respect of each particular consignment in whatsoever manner it is carried, provided that fruit arriving by night shall be admitted into the port area or the prescribed area on com­ pletion of a non-clearance certificate giving particulars which would enable the consignment to be inspected and cleared within the port area. 2. (1) An inspection fee at the rate of one mil per case or receptacle or half mil per half case or half receptacle shall be payable, together w7ith the fee due for storage, by the consignors or exporters at the ports of Jaffa and Haifa to the Collector of Customs, and on fruit intended for export via Kantara, to an official appointed by the General Manager, Palestine Railways.
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