New J ersey Courier. Tai n@ s?iBa sri wsi?A, vsa q & o o e a . k g o 's kt t -y ESTABLISHED IN 1850. TOMS R IV ER , N. J., W EDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1888. VOLUME 38.—NUMBER 37. 8ELE0TED POETRY. Following are tbo details of Bla story ua N e w J e r s e y C o u r i e r , give not only her name and residouce, Board tho steamer, where I snared them Odds and Ends. Chas. B. Mathis, nearly as 1 rememBer them : Office, Cowpertuwait * Exclanuge, but those of her husband and his occu­ with the passengers aud some of the W1IOLK8.L. AND HETAU, DIAJ.KH IH Seed-Time. I startod for New York about a year A serious oaacf—A doctor without one. OVER TUB POST 0FF10B, pation. H e translated to me all the let­ orew. I slept that night as I had not We arc sowing, dally sowing, ters he recoived from hia wife. They after you left me. There I bought, a The fat woman in a chair-full creature. Tom s River, O cean County, N. J. DRUGS, MEDICINES, since I left America. Na sonso of Countless seeds of good and ill, were at first frequent and long. After ticket on au Italian steamer for Messina, wroug kept mo awake. A stringed instrument—The olothes- PUBLISHED EVERY 'WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, CHEMICALS. PERFUMERY, Scattered on the level lowland. acme months they were shorter aud there with the privilege of stopping over at Those who went ashore the next hne. Cast upon the winding h ill; H alsey Jenning s Em o***q Pueuams. was a longer interval Between thorn, I any of the leading ports iu Spaiu, France morning Brought back word of a terri­ The crook cluB—Tho poliooman's Seeds that siuk in rich, Brown furrows, or Italy till another Boat oauio along Soft with heaven’s gracious rain; suspected th e reason, But fortunatoly for ble murder that had been committed tho billy. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, belonging to tbo same lino. Tho trip (One copy 3 months .................. .10 Seeds that rest upou the surface his penoe of mind he did not. His trust night before. Oue of them gave me a No matter how high au awniDg may TRUSSES, aoross the ocean was rough, aud I was Subscriptions payable in Agvt .nce. Ol the dry, unyielding plalu; was as devout as his love was ardent. paper containing an account uf it. be suspended, it ia only a shade aBove Shoulder- Braces, Syringes, After some months he informed me of hit, sick most of the tirno till wo got to I have preserved it, aud you cau flud Transient Adveettsbmbnts. — Twelvft linos, Seeds that fail amid the stillness the street. (one nch space,) to ce n ts one Insertion, Each Of the lonely mountain glen; intention of going Baok to Palermo and Gibraltar. Oaoo on the Mediterranean it iu the bundle I leave with you. additional insertion, no cents, PAINTS, OILS, Of course the legend of the Presi­ Seedu cast out in crowded places, Bringing his adored to this country. and it was plensant euBngh so far as As I was rending the paper and smoking B m y w Cards.—o n e Inch space, $s.oo a year, dent’s oont of arm s is “ A puBlic office each additional Inch, *4 .00. 3 VARNISHES AND DYE-STUFFS. Trodden under foot of men ; His remote plan was to continue hie good weather wua oonoorued. Still tho a oigar ou the deck of the steamer I General Adykhtisivo.-O ur r a te s will he Seeds By idle hearts forgo lieu, nearer I got to suy old home the less I is a private Bnap.” made known upon application «*■ <>«w occupation of gardener till he oould save noticed that tbero was au excited crowd either personally or B y letter, Flung at random in the a ir; means to engago iu fruit raising in seemed to cure about goiug to it. I Lad on La Promenade Marma, whioh is Woman is m an’s connsofor,” says a Seeds By faithful souls rememBered, suspicion that something wan wrong divine. Perhap3 that explaius why her law*GAIi Al)yEKTI3EMENT9“ At rates allowed By Sown in tears and love and prayer ; Missouri or southern Illinois. That fall generally occupied by pleasure seekers. Proprietor Of MATHIS’ QUARTER HOL­ there, aud it grew ou me day By day. fees are so notoriously high, S p e c i a l Notices ( i n local column), 10 cents a LAR FAM ILY L IN IM EN T, ly49 I returned to Ghioago aud had no means A wild mob was following a prisoner, line tor tlrst insertion ; subsequent insertions, 8 Seeds that lie unchanged, unqulokoned, cents a line. of learning whether Be carried out his All tho orew were from Naples, and tlioy who Und obviously mndo an attempt to A new oolor nnnounoed’this season is TOMS RIVER, NEW JERSEY. Lifeless ou the tcewiug mold j know next to nothing aBout Bioily. The Seeds that live and grow and flourish intention of going from New York to escape from the polioo. ilia hands "diseased ghost.” Wo did not er- When the sower’s hand Is cold. Palermo on a steamer engaged in the clerk who kept tho uccounts of tho were faatoned together with irons. speotro have such a tint as that, g , ^ By a whisper sow wo blessiugs, fruit trade or not. T hardly expected freight informed rae that Nicolai Pietro A dog was following him, aud overy A young woman who marriod a one- By a breath we scatter strife ; that I should ever see him again, Bul l had not boon 0 shipper of fruit for years, littlo while he would snap at him. leggod man says it doesn’t take m uch to POWDER In our words'aud looks and actions Bad such pleasant recollections of him aud he was convinced that ho was not As he did so tho boys would Bhout. I make her BnsBaud hopping mad. Lie the seeds of death and life. Absolutely Pure. that I entertained a vory favoraBle opinion knowu iu Business circles nt Palermo. understood all about the matter. Tho wimaien ought tow keteh all This powder n ev e r varies, a marvel of purity Thou, who knowest all our weakness, of Bis oountrymou. I solecteu Alexander Then it ooourred to mo that ho had Two days afterward there wub ar quiet them phellows who part their hair in strength awl wholesomcncss. More economical Leave 11s not to sow alone! BiBolla for my BflrBer, and cultivated induced mo to go to Amcrioa Bimply to funoral iu the little ohapel whore I was than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In Let thine angels guard the furrows the middle, and clap a rod flannel petty- competition w ith the multltnte of low test, short the acquaintance of Mr. Cornieutb, who soparate mo from my wife. Was Blie in married. Tho body over whioh services Where the precious grain is sown, ooat on them. weight., alum o r phosphate powders. Sold only league with him at the time ? Had ehe were held wus that of a false wife, In cans. Koval baking Powder Co., loeWall Till the fields are crowned with glory, was employed in the office of the county If the world were williug to accept 8t., New York. \y\j during my absenoo fallen into his power ? who had been murdered By her false Filled with mellow, ripened ears, clerk. I Bought the fruit I ate of Italian most, men nt their own Yiduation, it street venders. I could not eat, sleep or rest. I lover, Nicolai Pietro, At least that Filled with fruit of life eternal would have to go into iuvefanfary walked the deck nearly all night. The From the seed we sow in tears. During the fall of 1880 I frequently was tho way tho papers spoke of it. Bankruptcy in a fortnight. surgeon informed the captain thnt I was I hoard tho bell strike twenty-three WELX TESTED Check the fro ward thoughts and passions, noticed when I was walking on Dear­ Note the distinction : When a man is Stay the hasty, heedless hands, Born or C lark street in the evening that threatened with brain fever. Both of times in sucoossiou iu tolling. That Prescription o f a regular physio inn who has had not ashamed of what he writes, Be puts Lest the germs of sin and sorrow an emaciated, sorrowful looking, dark them thought 1 would bo hotter onshore. was the number of her years. I will PHARO & WILLITS. many years’ experience In treating chronic dls- liar our fair and pleasant lands. it " ovor" his own namo. When he eases of all k inds. Every house should have It oomplexioned man was a little way As wo were to put into a small port ou ooufess that 1 was utlootod each time Father, help each weak endeavor, wishes to hide his identity, ho places it In case of emergency. When the children are Behind m e, and apparently following rao the island of Sardinia, I concluded that tho Boll struck for tho eighteenth year. pale, feverish, appetite poor, dull, etc., use Make each faithful effort Blest, under ” au assumed namo. BUSINESS CARDS. for a purpose. In places comparatively I would wait until the next steamer That was for the year of our marriage, Till thine harvest shall Be garnered, "Jack, can it Bo that you are going to A.
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