Kitcorfr{rtb+ Kilcornan", - The novice football team plaved',,i"'.n Kil€iffi:fi{' on sunaa[7ru}'o#k, il'tilHr'il:i"ilnj",f Our. novice footballers wer awin bY 2goari r"ii,:1y? KILCORNAN OX rI.NCrr GAA. made history when thcy :Xfffi;ff|"o ,be?ten . by Feenasl played Nrmeeoyon_saturday evening their first ever footbail Although, Kilcoman ii: Kilcornsn f-9. Monagea4-6. match ilthe novicechampionship -. were mjs_ tn,thesecondround rif the leigue Although againstTournafulla and tb add tb o'ififJ Kilcornan pul uD a rm.presstveperformancb . Iri, oft rhti{?hl,h?."or"n their gtory, they had a clearcur win Stoxes,_Gerryil{'"#:'+*"''{,ig#: and had ls bur a pale"" shadow by points. Bourke, Aidan suD-stantrallead early in of the driwi 3 With prominenr wetsn, lErence theseconr game,-but certainly this was lootballerslike Madigan, Richard na,I, tne opposition came not Terence'Madigan, jhey bacl true ot this Junior B semi_final Malin G__reelish. 3_9YTF, sri[ managed to wtth a goaland two pointsto at DermotDow"ncs, nold the city champions taki Askeaton on Sundav. Fr..Tim W-rennand Gerry Bourke, -see at-bay. Ine same. rI wT. gqgd to the TFe Both sides did th;ir homework it looks like Kilcornari have a _, h6me team waFTerence Madi correctly and between them bright future in the football circle. -f Iastuoned i#i.tf a game. under the wam . .Alsoplayingwere Aidan Walsh, $fi;ii,'i: 3ilift*j "''o,:l' BXT;?;, sun, consistently therr home parish the. fi*t ttrowne.-ff:i,n: Joe ilif,I in tune with the Alan _Downes,Richie Stokes, lljern Rush, Aiberr pertect conditions. DonieIves, John Browne. bourke, Downes, John Aubr-., Browne and pat_Derrnot It all began so well for the win- 8,";i;. 6iilys;;;#;i: r.j;i ^John Dermot foyc-e. O'Connell, Martrn ners. Their early poaching efforts Maher, Pat Shaulhnessy,pat u',""5i,f"',il?ff"1"dti,l'Ifi Ureellsh, Tony Bourke, Donie resuttlng in three goals wis a real O'Connell._Subs.. Tony Stokcs, ,ri."t t,":"::.p:Ty Bourke.John Maher, snot rn the arm.amd and.J9e Rush foughi , rRl_!]9!gr. in these open_ Danny Maher, John Birvce. pat nafd.agarnstlllgrgan and.Roberr Forey. lng srages. their expertise pr6ved the Kildimobacxs ro uunng the week. O'Donovan,Jeny Mulcari:,Donre get lhelr the clubha'd a gooO thar rhey prevented scores. ol !9 shaughnessy.Joe Rushe. pat Daly :::_D^:.- worthwhile outings Monagea from flowing'with any and Oliver Hanlev. DIl?lt\ agarnstBauysteen in football,anid real pattern.. Bur the lolers abiliry Eachand euery'one h:l'sh H":"rT"g" ffi: againstthe SalesianCollege, pal_ . of the team ulwnes,-Alan Downes, to withstand a crisis was impre_ showedgreat enthusiasm and thrs John laskenry,in hurline. ssive,.a.s.rhey garhered their wits was clearly seen throughout the . I ne sponsoredwYalk whlch tooK arxt slflus together to trail by a game. ptaceo^n.Sunday was very much ilfrwEtlrr,g..,.#!.r::: successtul mere tour points at the interual. playersare looking forward and the club wishcsto lie second .All rnanK , half was essentiallya wtrn great lnterest to their 2nd {i,U3""'3fff,i":'ory"iT,i#,..ili ail thosewho parliciDated clash of equals and in rhe firial match on Sunday next against ano who were involved in the anatyslslt must be the winners abil_ AItOlmo. organlstng. rty to avail All of opportunities that Tr1rog continueson Tuesday _, qardsshould be returnedto Justabout gol them through. and Thursday trHl,lqjf+,,'"rsi#itne club with their -secretelyand in nights under th6 remirtances. llte .pjgce_ss must be guidanceof TerenceMadisan. byLiam thankful for those early, earl! i:lilefereed sfores. ,"*";li"sji'ft In the drawn game, I was H* .,*s":ll:J"::l-Y! perhaps a lirtle critical of their attack. but in today's game I had no sucn . mtsglvings. They moved ;:ll,*mfi4i'ri,i.l,"i$H sweeily and were full of ideas. ln ract a -teature of the game was the sptendtd torwards presented bv both sides. If forced-ro be criticdl and hopefully at the same time consrructive. I would suqgest that fr$"*$i,:r;dffi-. at times the winners-tefence appeared porous. and a Iittle iuscl_ ing.in ttui areawoujd il:;H; amtss- _'It was an entertaininggame all the-way with plentyof frle-flowrnl hurllng.hard but fair tackline.witfi the ourcome rirctflfif* in doubt until thi final whistle. xircTrrfafiS . It is alwaysdifficulr to categor- t#,:'J"F:"i"1['.".':J":S"i::", Our novice hurlcrs havc ically pinpoint cual- rhe reasonsfor*the ificd from their group for the Wesr wJnne{ssuccess in such a close Semi-final. They piar game. Dromcol- f would suggesithat it was logher in Rarhkiaic riext Sundav lne tucky breaksthat they got in the at 2.30-novicep.m. early exchatrqes. gfr{ffinffi The footballers have Monageaf6ught all tle way with Kilcornan acquitted t.hemselvesvery ucll so a fervour one expectsfrom a side far thisyear. with jusl onc dcfcal In just one step removed from the rhenovicc 'fftStFA thelr group. they stand an exccl- final while Kilcoman held on to lent chance of makins-the it ro the their lead with all the tenacity of clnock-out stagcs of cham- the oroverbialScotsman forhis five ilLr.rlfi!i&::#ti; 'ptonshlD. pou'nd u.**i'#r**itrj,E,ff note, and ironically, in the il:l'J.-" Of coursc. the hishltuht of rhc f;1,,3'I;,iTil,,,[',fi I year end one felt as sadfor the losersas sr'Marv so far for thd cl"ub is the one felt elad for the winners. lTillixl'Jlri'l',",yed sro success of our under 16 hurlers Bestfdr Kilcornan were:T. Cor- ffi'iF:i;:$'*"*]ni13; who won Group C of thc West rigan, F. Nash,A. Burke, F. Ryan, Cham.pionshipreccntlv. This is rhe J. Burke, and impressive for !' Ilrst champtonshipat lhir lcvcl ft,r Monagea were T. Brouder, J. "l'l#ffir nursdaysat 7.30_5""'+i:s""f,."p.m. ;,"J Kilcornan. Hogari',K. Hogan and T. Dowling. The pancl of plavcrs was: N. Kilcorngn: T. Madigan, L. Mulcair. S. Walsh. i. Griffin. E. Meade,P. McMahon,T. Conigan, Lynch. T. Downes. M. Sheehan, T. A. Burke,J. Neville,J. ,{;fl.q'.,tJ,[#i.',iffiJ. Nash, J. Hanley, A. Kett. T. Nelson, s;iilrl',;ii i,"1 Griffin, Maher, C. Bourke, P. Hough, F. " flfftf ;" ,3""'" S. Rush'(caDlain). V. Nash, E. Murphy, P. Ives, D. J. Fitzgerald. D. Dorivnes. G. Kett. F. Rvan. S,S:lt'r McDonnell. L. Dillon. R. Lynch, Mon4ei: T. Mccarthy, T. Cus- st$ili":F J. Dolan, M. Walsh, C. Ahein. B. set J. Foley.S. Flanagan,T. Dowl- "YJf; O'Gorman, J. NMash, D. Griffin. The team was trained and malagg{ byJohr O'Gorman ably assistedby Fr. Irwin, P.P.t Trrm and Bridset Griffin. We y'fitr"i-T;ffiffii . ho[e.rhisisthe first of n]any trophies that will be on our sideboards this year. Wc u ould like to thank Siamus Braddish, local building contractor. for tne set of playing gcar he rcccnuv presentedto our club. I t_ .LUBGAA: Kilcornan l3/Qlgtt Kilcornan's lL-tP-g 6 l,ongestGAA Activity on the slrortslrelowali Kilcorhdn games recordbid confined to trail for the There was an excellent attend- trlrpo ta.6.gL senior cup and the under 16 anceat football training on I nrr6- match divisional teams. We have four this €aort By GERRY McCARTHY dav nieht and hoPefully Fourteern Co, Limerick players already on the West panel wif L-e-sustained^as thi:,semi-frnal Kilcornan (Co. Limerick) and considering that Mark The nouce lootbalers Gaelic footballers from the drawsnear. parish G.A.A. club is bidding for an Sheehan,Thomas Downes, John oiav fltOimo on WednesdaYnight tiny of Kilcornan, Hhnley and John Grffin have in---irti ihe PallaskenryTournament' which has a population of entry itr the GuinnessBook of already won West medals in this iiav fo6tballers gfaYed 300, yesterday created a Rccords by setting a world grade, we anticipate them making t"tuneret iri Kilcornan on Friday- for non-stop Gaelic the final fifteen. of record record for noD-stop Gaelic ;-shl:-Th" Mungret girls trave footbali. football. The junior hurlers had a very co-ursemuch more exPerienceat worthwhileset tosetherlast Sun- this level. Even so' Krlcornan For a total of 60 hours The actionstarts at 6 a.m. on 4ay when jbinind'wirh Croa€h- played very well with Carollne and five minutes, two teams Friday, May 23, when two Kilfinny in a...challengeagainst O'Keefe in great torm' .le-am: of seven-a-sideplayed con- Wil- seven-asideteams line out in the Crecora. Of oarticular note was Catbtlne O'K-eeffe,Victoria tinuously from 6 a.m. on local sportsfield, situated l0 thepbrformance of JohnnvDunne mott. Jennifer BoYce' Manan Friday to 6.05 p.m. yester- at riiht half forward whir scored O;ShauehnessY,Eliine Walsh' hoping to earn re- miles from Limerick on the one and terrpoints from play. Ellen Comgan' day, !'oal Ann G-realish, in the Guinness Foynesroad. The hopeto play Trlining commencedon iues- Martina Mulcair, LucY Maotgan' cognition dav nieht at.6.30.While we had Sandra Sheahan' Book of records. The record without a break for 60 hours -fine '.players Ann Bourke, soine individudl Kathleen McDonagh. Maggle earned funds for the club, until 6 p.m. on Sunday,May 25. throughlhe yearsthe club failed to Hanlv. Breda Hartigan anclt'lona the local community council Should they achieve this makean impressionin the honours Rush- an'd tho Haernorpitr,iliac target, their effort will be; list until iast year when.
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