Hainan Airlines Inflight Entertainment Magazine Oct. 2019

Hainan Airlines Inflight Entertainment Magazine Oct. 2019

Hainan Airlines Inflight Entertainment Magazine Oct. 2019 200+ 600+ 1300 Movies TV Shows CDs THEME 主 题 When拨云见日 the clouds clear, a bright 未来可期 and hopeful future is revealed 十月已至,秋光潋滟,万物美好。 October has arrived, bringing with it the light and colors of autumn. 这是一段充满收获的时间,积累了大半年能量的果 实总算落了地,但再转身你可能就要面对满眼的万物凋 零。我们就是在过着这种“又丧又有希望”的平凡小日 子,连影视剧中的主人公们也不例外,即使身披霞光、 手握星辉,也终将面对成长、家庭、爱情等凡人琐事。 也许,这正是我们爱电影的原因,不论多么宏大的主题, 我们总能在其中找到生活的影子,给我们力量,直面过 去,也能笑迎未来。 Autumn is the season of the harvest, where fruit full of stored up energy from the preceding months finally falls to the ground. But as soon as the fruit falls, it begins to wither away. We live with this "loss and hope" in our daily lives, and characters in movies and television series are no exception. They too eventually have to face trivial matters such as growth, family and love just like any other person. This is perhaps why we love movies. No matter how fantastical the theme of a movie is, we can always find aspects of life reflected in it, giving us strength to face the past and to have hope for the future. 本期的几部好莱坞大片均为系列之作。《蜘蛛侠: 英雄远征》的时间线延续“复联 4”,彼得·帕克和全 世界都在适应没有钢铁侠的世界,尚处于青少年的彼得 更是意志消沉,陷入了自己到底是“普通人”还是“英 雄”的自我怀疑中。新人物“神秘客”的加入仿佛给了 彼得更多的希望,但随着故事的层层深入,他身上的谜 团也越来越多。神盾局局长尼克·弗瑞回归领军,他的 真实身份竟然成了故事的最大亮点。“欲带皇冠,必承 其重”,且看新一代蜘蛛侠如何走出困惑,快速成长。 1 主 题 THEME Several of this month's Hollywood blockbusters are After a nine-year wait, the fourth installment of the Toy franchises. The timeline of Spider-Man: Far From Home Story series finally sees the light of day. This Pixar classic, continues on from Avengers: Endgame. Peter Parker which pioneered the use of CG technology in animated and the world are adapting to a world without Iron feature films, has also paved the way for animated films to Man. Peter, still a teenager, is depressed and wrestling enter the mainstream adult market thanks to its captivating with self-doubt as to whether he is an ordinary person storylines. In Toy Story 4, Woody and the other toys bid or a hero. The addition of the new character, Mysterio, farewell to their old owner Andy and join their new owner seems to give Peter more hope, but as the story deepens, Bonnie. However, the main character, Woody, receives a the mystery surrounding him grows. Nick Fury, the cold reception. He tries his best but ultimately forgets that director of the S.H.I.E.L.D. espionage agency, returns the fate of his world lies in his own hands. It's not until as a lead character, and his true identity turns out to be the appearance of an old friend, Bo Peep, that a completely the highlight of the story. As the saying goes "He who different world opens up for Woody. Disney has a knack of wears the crown must bear the weight", so it will be finding new perspectives from the same story. Even though interesting to see how the new Spider-Man tackles the the toys don't age, their characters have continued to grow confusion around growing up. in depth, drawing in more and more adult viewers. 时隔 9 年,《玩具总动员》系列第四部终于与 观众见面了。这部皮克斯的经典大作,开创了 CG 技术用于动画长片之先河,而其出色的故事性也将 低龄动画片开拓至成人市场。时间来到《玩具总动 员 4》,胡迪等一众玩具告别了安迪小主人来到新 主人邦尼身边。从来都是主角的胡迪突然受到了冷 遇,他拼尽全力,却始终忘记了命运其实是掌握在 自己手中。直到老朋友“牧羊女”的出现,才为胡 迪打开了一片完全不同的广阔天地。迪士尼另辟蹊 径,总是能从同一个故事中发现新视角,即便是玩 具们不会变老,但他们的“人格”也在慢慢完善, 让成年的我们一次次投入与感动。 2 THEME 主 题 同样是阔别许久的“黑衣人”系列也终于迎来 剧,不仅情节虐人,戏里戏外的众多话题也让这部 了第四部——《黑衣人:全球追缉》,自带光环的 作品迅速火了起来。BBC 纪录片《野性都市》讲述 黑超系列,自 1997 年首部上映起就引发了诸多关 了钢筋水泥的大都市与栖息在其内的野生动物的相 注,本集“雷神”克里斯·海姆斯沃斯和“女武神” 处之道,从而引发思考,人类与自然究竟该如何和 泰莎·汤普森的加入,更是为“黑衣人”IP 植入了 谐共生。 The American TV series, The Big Bang Theory, which has 一丝“天神”的基因,也让黑衣人宇宙增加了超多 been on our screens for 12 years running, releases its final 有趣看点。片尾黄渤的亮相,也算是入乡随俗给中 season. Since its first broadcast in 2007, the show has 国观众的一份彩蛋惊喜。 The long-standing Men In Black franchise also garnered more than 50 Emmy nominations, with each finally ushers in its fourth installment, Men In Black: season receiving a rating above 9 points on Douban, the International, over two decades since the first film was Chinese social networking service. The show centering on released in 1997 to much acclaim. This installment stars the trials and tribulations of a group of geeks was a surprise Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, who respectively hit around the world. With the successful conclusion of the played deities Thor and Valkyrie in the Marvel Cinematic twelfth season, viewers reluctantly bid farewell to the show Universe, and with such a divine combination in the lead but are left with many good memories at the same time. roles, this latest Men In Black does not disappoint. Huang New domestic drama, The Untamed, burst on screen during Bo's appearance towards the end of the movie is also a the summer, a mystical martial arts drama centering on the pleasant surprise for Chinese viewers. adventures of growing up. Touching upon many themes, including cruelty, the show was an instant hit. The BBC 陪伴了观众 12 年之久的美剧《生活大爆炸》 documentary Wild Metropolis tells the story of concrete 也迎来了最终季。这部神剧自 2007 年播出以来, metropolises and the wildlife inhabiting them, raising 一共得到过 50 多次艾美奖提名,每一季的豆瓣评 questions about how humans and nature can co-exist in 分均在 9 分以上。谁也没想到四个技术宅的生活竟 harmony. 然惊艳了整个世界,虽然不舍,但十二季的圆满落 幕,也留给了观众们许多美好的回忆。国产新剧《陈 情令》在暑期档热播,这是一部围绕少年成长展开 的仙侠 3 好莱坞新片 Hollywood Latest 2018 最大的小小农场 2019 玩具总动员 4 The Biggest Little Farm Toy Story 4 只为了坚持对爱狗的承诺,约翰与茉莉这 胡迪深知自己在这个世界上的使命,就是 对疯狂夫妻索性来去乡下开农场!本片历 照顾他的主人,无论是原来的安迪还是新 时十年追踪,跟着这两位疯狂的梦想家和 主人邦妮。当邦妮将不情愿成为玩具的“叉 他们的爱狗,远赴乡间打造出与自然和谐 叉”带回家时,胡迪又担起了教导叉叉接 共存,物种多样的开心农场。 受自己新身份的责任。 Documentarian John Chester and his wife Molly When a new toy called "Forky" joins Woody work to develop a sustainable farm on 200 acres and the gang, a road trip alongside old and new outside of Los Angeles. friends reveals how big the world can be for a toy. 纪录片 Documentary 喜剧 Comedy / 动画 Animation John Chester Josh Cooley 导演 Director :约翰·切斯特John Chester, Molly Chester 导演 Director :乔什·库雷Tom Hanks, Tim Allen 主演 Cast :约翰·切斯特 莫莉·切斯特 主演 Cast :汤姆·汉克斯 蒂姆·艾伦 E E F G R 91mins/ 中 /PG 100mins/ 中 /G 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-T 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-T 300/B787-8/A330-200 300/B787-8/A330-200 2019 蜘蛛侠:英雄远征 在复仇者联盟众英雄的努力下,于灭霸无限手套事件中化作 Spider-Man: Far From Home 为灰烬的人们,重新回到了人世间,曾经消失的蜘蛛侠彼得 帕克也回归到了普通的生活之中,数月后,蜘蛛侠彼得帕克 动作 Action / 科幻 Sci-fi 所在的学校举行了欧洲旅游,帕克也在其中,在欧州威尼斯 导演 DirectorJon Watts : 乔·沃茨 旅行时,一个巨大无比的水怪袭击了威尼斯…… 主演 Cast : Tom Holland, Zendaya Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man must 汤姆·赫兰德 赞达亚 E F G R step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever. 130mins/ 中 /PG-13 适用机型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350- 900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-300/B787- 8/A330-200 Audio: E English F French G Deutsch R Russian Sp Spanish 配音 英文 法语 德语 俄语 西班牙语 4 S Hollywood Latest 好莱坞新片 2019 高材生 Booksmart 讲述一对好友、两个学术天才和一群朋友在高中毕业前夕意识到她们应 该少学习而多玩,为了不落后同龄人,她们开始了一项任务:将 4 年的 快乐时光填满一个晚上。 On the eve of their high school graduation, two academic superstars and best friends realize they should have worked less and played more. Determined not to fall short of their peers, the girls try to cram four years of fun into one night. 剧情 Drama / 喜剧 Comedy Olivia Wilde 导演 Director :奥利维亚·王尔德Beanie Feldstein 主演E F Sp Cast :比妮·费尔德斯坦 85mins/ 中 /R 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330- 300/B787-8/A330-200 B 2019 黑衣人:全球追缉 2019 昨日奇迹 Men in Black International Yesterday 英国黑衣人总部王牌探员 H(锤哥)与新 上世纪 60、70 年代,杰克是英国一个海 晋探员 M(泰莎·汤普森)在阻止外星团 滨小镇上苦苦挣扎的创作型歌手,有着好 伙入侵的过程中意外铲除了隐藏在黑衣人 友艾莉的一直支持。在一次神秘的全球大 组织中的内奸,成功拯救世界 。 停电中发生了一起奇怪的公交车事故,杰 克醒来后发现披头士乐队根本从未存在 过。他正面临着非常复杂的问题。 The Men in Black have always protected the A struggling musician realizes he's the only Earth from the scum of the universe. In this person on Earth who can remember The Beatles new adventure, they tackle their biggest threat after waking up in an alternate timeline where to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization. they never existed. 动作 Action / 科幻 Sci-Fi 音乐 Music/ 喜剧 Comedy F. Gary Gray Danny Boyle 导演 Director :F·加里·格雷 Chris Hemsworth 导演 Director :丹尼·博伊尔Himesh Patel, Lily James 主演 Cast :克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 主演 Cast :希米什·帕特尔 莉莉·詹姆斯 E F G J E Sp G R 115mins/ 中 /PG-13 116mins/ 中 /PG-13 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-M 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-Y 300/B787-8/A330-200 300/B787-8/A330-200 2019 寻找斯蒂夫·麦昆 2018 万圣节传说 Finding Steve McQueen Halloween Island 该片由马克·史蒂文·约翰逊执导,改编自 夏威夷大岛上的万圣节,令人兴奋,满是 美国历史上一次的真实银行抢劫案件。 恶作剧。凯,埃迪和莱拉尼三个好朋友在 一个秘密山洞里发现了一个神秘神像,放 出了古老的邪祟。 In 1972, a gang of close-knit thieves from It is Hallowaiian on the Big Island of Hawaii, so Youngstown, Ohio attempt to steal $30 million excitement and mischief are in the air. Three in illegal contributions and blackmail money young friends, Kai, Eddie and Leilani uncover a from President Richard Nixon's secret fund. mysterious idol in a secret cave… 犯罪 Criminal/ 爱情 Romance 动画 Animation/ 冒险 Adventure Mark Steven Johnson Sean Patrick O'Reilly 导演 Director :马克·斯蒂文·约翰逊Travis Fimmel, Lily Rabe 导演 Director :肖恩·帕特里克·奥雷利Vanessa Williams, Mark Hamill 主演 Cast :崔维斯·费米尔 莉莉·拉贝 主演 Cast :瓦内萨· 威廉姆斯 马克· 哈米尔 E Sp E 90mins/ 中 /R 82mins/ 中 / PG 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-F 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-H 300/B787-8/A330-200 300/B787-8/A330-200 Subtitle: EN English 中 Chinese 字幕 英文 中文 5 好莱坞新片 Hollywood Latest 2018 只有你 2019 我的天使 Only You Angel of Mine 奥康纳与科斯塔饰演一对在跨年夜一夜情 基于 2008 年法国电影《天使的印记》, 后,疯狂坠入爱河的情侣。几个星期后他 围绕一位母亲莉兹展开,几年前她失去了 们就住在了一起,不久就为生育做努力。 女儿,仍在应对悲剧带来的疼痛,她开始 然而彼此的观念并不相同,当压力投射在 确信一位陌生人的女儿就是她的骨肉。 这一对身上时,家庭的观念开始影响他们 的关系。 Elena and Jake meet by chance on New Years Based on the French film, L'Empreinte D'Lange Eve, arguing for the same taxi.

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