The Newark Post OLUME XXVII NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1936 NUMBER 29 r-----_.------ . CECIL COUNTY II DIAL PHONES LEGION SEEKS Health Head Makes NEW CURBING COW CONTESTS TO BE READY TO ELIMINATE Appeal to "Dumpers" CONTRACT IS Following complaints ft'om ON SATURDAY more thoughtful residents of IN NOVEMBER TOWN HAZARD Kells avenue and owners of un­ LET BY TOWN Cattle Fanciers of Newark and developed real estate in that Approximately Half of Work Puses Resolution To Urge section, Dr. J. R. Downes, direc­ Wilmington Paver Set To New Castle County Completed; About 1000 Road Building Under B. & tor of the New Castle County Start $5300 Project Expected to Attend Changes Needed O. R. R. at Center St. Unit of the State Board of Next Week ----- ----- Health, issued the following ap­ AT MAPLE SHADE FARM NEW OFFICE BUILDING OFFICERS NOMINATED peal this week. WEATHER PROVES HELP Work on the Diamond State Tele­ At the regular meeting of the J. To Residents of Kells - Site Is Located Near North Avenue and Vicinity: Main Street Resurfacing Is East; Medals For 4-H phone Company's dial program in Allison O'Daniel Post, No. 10, Amer­ Newark is progressing rapidly, it was ican Legion last night in the legion AN APPEAL . Far Ahead of Schedule; Club Winnen announced today by J. Edward Mur­ rooms of the Old Academy Building, From the owners of a vacant Pour Bridge Concrete lot on the west side of Kells Some 200 cattle fanciers and breed­ phy, managln' for the company. a resolution was adopted urging the avenue, near Academy street, Contracts for the laying of curbs ers of Newark and New Castle Coun­ Approximately half of the nearly town officers to construat {; pass un­ comes the complaint that same­ and gutters, amounting to $5,321.79, ty are expected to be among the 1,000 1,000 manual telephone ~ s e l' ve d der the Baltimore and Ohio railroad one is using the lot for a dump, were awarded to Julian T. Jones, 'll! Jlcctators at the sixth annual field through the Newark exchange al­ tl·acks. The distance between Chapel depositing all sorts of rubbish, Wilmington paver, by the Council of day and show of the Cecil County read have been replaced with new Street and North College Avenue is even garbage and fish offal. Newark at a special meeting Tues­ Jersey Cattle Club, to be held at Ma­ dial telephones. With six installers without a connecting street between There is a sure way to stop day night. ple Shade Farm, near North East, engaged in this work, it is expected Cleveland Avenue and Main Stl'eet this practice, that is, all the WO;'k on the project, which em­ Md., on Saturday. The committee in that by September 1 all t he remain­ and the situation is a dangerous one braces sections of Haynes and Acad­ ing manual telephones in the homes residents in t he neighborhood charge is anticipating, by far, the considering the f act that hundreds emy Streets and the entire length of and business establishments will have refrain from maldng this lot most successful affair of its kind ·ever of adults and children take this haz­ Old Oak Road, will start early next been changed to instruments of the ardous course daily, in order to go more unsightly and unbearable held in Cecil County. than it is already, and use every week, according to Town Engineel' dial type. from one street to the other. The George C. Price who will supervise Starts At Ten resol ution adopted was as follows: effort in their power to prevent New Storm-Proot Cable others from making it a com­ the construction. WHEREAS the SAFETY of the The show will start promptly at HARD­ In preparation for the change from munity scrap heap. Starting at West Main Street, con­ ten o'c lock and the twelve classes shooting Frank Knox, veteran of manual to the dial system of' tele­ Public, especially children, is be­ Can we rely on your coopera­ crete curbing and gutters will be will be j udged by Bob Tilgham of' two wars and Republican Vice phone operation, construction forces ing emphasized by all' Safety Coun­ tion in this matter? I am sure· laid on both sides of Old Oak Road, Presidential nominee. will visit every Holly Beach Farms, Annapolis with under the supervision of Lewis H. cils as well as other bodies inter- we can. south to t he town limits. Connecting section of the country to carry the . ested in preserving Life and Limb, Howa rd Barker, breed extension spe­ message of the Landon-Knox cru­ Darlington, district plant superinten­ (Signed) J . R. Downes, M. D., strips \vill be included for futUre ex­ cialist of the University of Maryland sade to cut taxes and restore gov­ dent, are building more than 9,000 and Director tensions at intersections for the pro­ in charge of the show ring and acting ernment to the control of the peo­ feet of storm-proof cable and rear­ Whereas in the Town of Newark New Castle County Unit posed thoroughfares marked as Dall­ $2.12 as ~ p~ cia l announcer. Mr. Barker will ple. Col. Knox says fO.r every hundreds of adU lts and children am Road Boulevard and Cheltenham being spent by the federal govern­ ranging the company's lines and State Board of Health. be as'isted by J. Z. Miller, Cecil ment, only $1 is being raised in cables so that they will converge up­ daily expose themselves to e. dan­ Road. Qu nty Agent. E xhibitors may bring taxation. This means the other $1.12 on the new central office building at gerous hazard by crossing and re­ ~============~ I Mayor Collins Presides Lheir cattle to t he grounds Friday af­ will have to be paid for double. 78 E . Delaware Avenue. crossing the B. & O. Railroad mid­ - - - - - way between Chapel Street and The Haynes Street improvements Lernoon and all animals mus t be in' ============= Construction work on the central P. T. A. P LAN S will start at Delaware Avenue and their stall s by 9. 30, Saturday morn ~ office building has just been com­ North College Avenue, and ing. will extend south 310 feet, both sides. Cooch Files For pleted and in a week 01' ten days the WHEREAS the distance between Similar work will be done on each side l\laple Shade F arm, the property of MEETING SOON telephone f orces located here will be Chapel Street and North College of Academy Street starting at Kells . A. Beamer, who is a member of Governorship On' increased by several installers, who Avenue is one-half mile without a Avenue and extending 550 feet south Lhe comm ittee, may be reached by go- Democratic Slate will begin the task of setting up t he connecting stJ'eet between Cleve­ Plans Made at Session Held Aug. 5; Report Is Given to Water Works Lane. dial central office equipment. land Avenue and Main Street. Mayor Frank Collins presided at ~I~g a~o G~I:I:~:l ' ;~~' n~:~n~e ~~ °t~ eR:~;: ca~e:d~'~~~re~y atD~~~~~:~~\a~! ,!:~: Ready in November NOW THEREFORE BE IT On Child Survey the special session of the Council of 'o rth E ast and proceeding about Edward W. Cooch of Cooch's Bridge, RESOLVED that the J. Allison which had been called to open bids one-half mile; from the opposite di- . , . O'Daniel Post No. 10 of the Amer- recllon, turn r ight at the red light a ttomey With of!ices m. WIlmmgton, di:\n !~~r!:~t sp~i~~e db e~~~ ~~::ali:~ D e~~~al~x~c~~~:_T~~~~:~~t~:so~~ati~~ on the work. Members of the body cannot be operated as such until the ican Legion hereby record itself as met in Yorklyn as guests of Mrs. and proceed down Main Street to has anno~nced ~I S ~andlda c y for the present were: Herman T. WoUaston, E . I h h tIft d Democratic nom111atlon for governor. dial system is actually placed in ser- !::o~:\~n a: a~~::r~YtoC:~~~:~a~! Manley P. Northam on Wednesday, John F. Richards, George E. Ramsey . Jllsco pa c urc , urn e an c?n- " I will make an active campaign for f and George F . Ferguson. Secretary Ll nue fo r about a quarter of a mile. f d I t''' M C h vice early in November. the hazard by causing to be in- August 5. igns will be placed along the road to nO.mma Ion an e ec lOn, r. ooc "Until t he dial central office equip- stalled 01' constructed a viaduct It was decided that the program for C. Vernon Steele and Price also at­ aid motorists. said after the announcement. ment is placed in operation, telephone under t he B. & O. Rialroad at a the coming year would emphasize t he tended the meeting. His first candidacy was for At­ subscribers will continue to make needs of dependent Delaware children Resurfacing Advances their calls in the usual manner," he point on the North side of Centre and the a sso~iat i o n would cooperate in Keen Competition Expected torney General on t he Democratic Completion of the resllrfacing of ticket in 1934. He received the unani­ said. the effort to bring to the attention of Competition is expect!id to be ex­ ~!~:::t ;~er~.a~lr:i:: \;~k C~::el~:d Main Street from Academy to the mous vote of the state convention of Mr.
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