Library Holdings on China Inland Mission in the Special Collections and Archives TITLE AUTHOR / EDITOR / TRANSLATOR PUBL INFO CALL NUMBER 1 內地會 : 出中國記 China, the reluctant exodus. Chinese 董艷雲著 張致珊譯 香港 : 海外基督使團, 2003 248.2 7315 2003 (General) 作者董艷雲 譯者林嘉亮 改寫傅淑慧 編 2 內地六巾幗 Each to her post. Chinese 香港 : 海外基督使團, 2007 AHC B979.9 T37A 2007 輯吳望華 聖愛的火焰 : 中國宣教史上的海家班 Flame of sacred 台北市 : 基督教宇宙光全人關懷機構, 3 柯喜樂著 韋華林譯 AHC 240.7 7133.1 2006 v.3 love. Chinese 2006 綠業常靑 : 最後撤離中國的內地會宣敎士 Green leaf in 4 楊宓貴靈著 樂恩年譯 香港 : 海外基督使團 , 1993 AHC 249.953 4635-2 drought. Chinese 5 戴德生 : 摯愛中華 J. Hudson Taylor. Chinese 史蒂亞著 梁元生譯 香港 : 福音證主協會, 1990 AHC 249.941/4322 7722 1990 耶和華以勒 : 內地會百週年見証 Jehovah-Jireh : the 6 董豔雲(Phyllis Thompson)撰 香港 : 證道出版社, 1965 AHC 248.2 7355 1965 centennial testimony of the China Inland Mission. Chinese 义和团运动中中国內地会传教士殉道史及都分逃生者 的危难实录 Martyred missionaries of the China Inland 7 马歇尔・布鲁姆霍尔编撰 中国福音站编译 香港 : 香港真理书房有限公司, 2010 AHC B979.2 M36A 2010 Mission : with a record of the perils & sufferings of some who escaped. Chinese 8 同行二里路 Second-mile people. Chinese 楊宓貴靈著 徐成德譯 香港 : 海外基督使團, 1998 249.9 4735 1998 (General) 師達能夫婦功成傳 [electronic resource] Triumph of John 戴存義夫人 翻譯吳久舒 Mrs. Howard Taylor 9 上海 : 廣學會, 1939 and Betty stam. Chinese translated by Miss Marry Woo 台北市 : 基督教宇宙光全人關懷機構, 10 全然奉獻為中國的戴家 : 從戴德生到戴繼宗 徐欣嫻 AHC 240.7 7133.1 2006 v.2 2006 宣教繽紛錄 : 宣教史人物故事集 Stories of Christian 臺北市 : 財團法人基督教宇宙光全人 11 魏外揚著 Wei Wai Yang AHC B979.2 W26B1 2015 missionaries in China 關懷機構, 2015 12 怒江傈僳族内地会研究 申晓虎著 北京 : 光明日报出版社, 2014 AHC B979.2 S50A 2014 台北市 : 基督教宇宙光全人關懷機構, 13 「戲」說宣教士 : 內地會宣教士劇本集 亦文 AHC 240.7 7133.1 2006 v.6 2006 14 戴德生傳 : 內地會創始人 戴存義(Taylor, Howard)撰 胡宣明譯 香港 : 證道出版社, 1970 AHC 249.941 4348 15 戴德生傳 : 內地會創始人 上卷 [electronic resource] 戴存義暨夫人原著 胡宣明節譯 上海 : 內地會, 1950 16 戴德生傳 : 內地會創始人 下卷 [electronic resource] 戴存義暨夫人原著 胡宣明節譯 上海 : 內地會, 1950 昔我往矣 : 內地會赴溫州宣教士行傳 = Marching on : 17 黃錫培著 香港 : 香港中國信徒佈道會, 2014 AHC B979.9 H44A1 2014 the story of CIM missionaries in Wenzhou [華東師範大學圖書館館藏基督敎文獻彙編] 18 [上海] : 華東師範大學圖書館, [2000] MF 240 4442 [microform] 台北市 : 財團法人基督敎宇宙光傳播 19 鏡頭走過 [顧衛民輯] AHC 248.2 8014 1998 中心, 民國87[1998] 20 隱藏基督裏 : 何斯德小傳 馮浩鎏著 香港 : 海外基督使團, 2008 AHC 249.941\/3577 3133 2008 According to plan : I will build my church : a recent London Philadelphia : China Inland 21 AHC 275.1 Ac272 survey of the work of the China Inland Mission Mission, [1944?] Across China's Gobi : the lives of Evangeline French, 22 Mildred Cable, and Francesca French of the China Inland Linda K. Benson Norwalk, CT : EastBridge, c2008 AHC 266.00922 B443A 2008 Mission 23 After thirty years [electronic resource] [1843-1905] Among hills and valleys in western China : incidents of by Hannah Davies with an introduction by 24 London : S. W. Partridge, 1901 AHC 266.00951 D287A missionary work Isabella Bishop Among hills and valleys in western China [microform] : by Hannah Davies with an introd. by Isabella 25 London : S.W. Partridge, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.633 incidents of missionary work Bishop Among hills and valleys in western China : incidents of New York : Cambridge University Press, 26 Hannah Davies, Isabella Bird AHC 266.00951 D287A 2010 missionary work c2010 by James S. and Velma B. Kiefer illustrated by Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Book House, 27 Apostle to inland China : the story of J. Hudson Taylor AHC 266.00924 T215KA Adrian Beerhorst 1965 London Philadelphia : China Inland 28 Archibald Orr Ewing : 'that faithful and wise steward' by Marshall Broomhall AHC 266.00924 EW53BA Mission, 1930 Attacking on all fronts : part of the story of the China Inland 29 compiled by Frank Houghton London : China Inland Mission, [1942?] AHC 266.00951 AT81 Mission in 1941 London : Lutterworth Press : China Inland 30 Behind the ranges : Fraser of Lisuland S.W. China by Mrs. Howard Taylor AHC 266.00924 F863TB Mission, 1944 Beyond the clouds : the story of Samuel Pollard of South- by R. Elliott Kendall with photographs by the 31 [London] : Cargate Press, [1947] AHC 266.0095135 P763KB West China author 32 Body politic and civil service in China [electronic resource] [1886-1910] 33 The book which demands a verdict by Mildred Cable & Francesca French London : S.C.M. Press, 1946 AHC 261 C112B Crowborough, E. Sussex : Overseas 34 Bosshardt : a biography Jean Watson Missionary Fellowship International Books, AHC 266.00924 B677WB 1995 35 The breaking of the alabaster box \ Nina E. Gemmell London : China Inland Mission, 194? AHC 266.00924 P677GB 36 By faith : Henry W. Frost and the China Inland Mission by Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor Philadelphia : China Inland Mission, 1938 AHC 266.00924 F929TB 37 By love compelled : the call of the China Inland Mission by Marshall Broomhall London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1936 AHC 266.00951 B791B London : Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 38 By searching by Isobel Kuhn AHC 266.00924 K955B 1957 39 The call of China's great North-West, or, Kansu and beyond by Mrs. Howard Taylor London : The China Inland Mission, [19--] AHC 915.1404 T214C Chang-Ching-Fou! Cream of Tartar, or, The prince, the 40 [1843-1905] princess, and the Mandarin [electronic resource] Stanley Houghton, Edith B. Harman and Margaret 41 Chefoo London : China inland mission, 1931 AHC 373.951 H814C Pyle with foreward by F. McCarthy China and the Gospel : an illustrated report of the China 42 London : China Inland Mission, 1906-1936 AHC 266.00951 C441CG Inland Mission Palo Alto, CA : Overseas Crusades, Inc., 43 China assignment Dick Hillis AHC 266.00924 H559C 196u London : Inter-varsity Fellowship of 44 China calling by Frank Houghton AHC 266.00951 H814C Evangelical Unions, 1936 China Inland Mission, 1865-1951 [microform] : from the Marlborough, Wiltshire : Adam Matthew 45 MF 266.00951 C441i School of Oriental and African Studies, London Publications, 2006- 46 China Inland Mission [microform] : Occasional papers London : Nisbet, 1866-1875 MF 266 C4412 47 A China sanatorium [electronic resource] [1886-1910] China : short sketch of the China inland mission, location of Melbourne, Australia : [China Inland 48 edited by Mary Reed AHC 266.00951 R334C Australian missionaries, the truth about opium, etc Mission], 1892 China through the eyes of CIM missionaries [electronic [Hong Kong] : Hong Kong Baptist 49 resource] : a lantern slide & glass plate negative collection University Library, [2003]- China's millions : the China Inland Mission and late Qing Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. 50 Alvyn Austin AHC 266.00951 Au761C 2007 society, 1832-1905 Eerdmans Pub., 2007 1 of 5 25/1/2017 Library Holdings on China Inland Mission in the Special Collections and Archives TITLE AUTHOR / EDITOR / TRANSLATOR PUBL INFO CALL NUMBER Robert Gillies, with a forward by Rev.F. 51 Chinese idylls London : China Inland Mission, 1933 AHC 275.1 G415C Houghton 52 Chinese literature [electronic resource] [1886-1910] 53 Climbing on track : a biography of Fred Mitchell by Phyllis Thompson London : China Inland Mission, 1954 AHC 266.00924 M656TC The contested highway : part of the story of the China Philadelphia Toronto : The Mission, 54 AHC 266.00951 C767 1943 Inland Mission in 1942 [1943?] Winona Lake, Ind.: Woman's Missionary 55 A corn of wheat : the life story of Clara Leffingwell Helen J. Root AHC 266.00924 L521RC Society Free Methodist Church, 1943 D.E. Hoste : a prince with God : Hudson Taylor's successor by Phyllis Thompson foreword by Frank 56 London : China Inland Mission, [1947?] AHC 266.00951 H795TD as general director of the China Inland Mission, 1900-1935 Houghton 57 The daily exchange quotations [electronic resource] [1886-1910] Days of blessing in inland China : being an account of 58 with an introduction by J. Hudson Taylor London : Morgan & Scott, 1887 AHC 266.00951 D336 1887 meetings held in the province of Shan-si, &c. Days of blessing in inland China [microform] : being an 59 with an introduction by J. Hudson Taylor London : Morgan & Scott, 1887 MFC 951.03 N622 no.189 account of meetings held in the province of Shan-si, &c 60 A desert journal : letters from Central Asia London : Constable & co. ltd., 1934 AHC 808.86938 D457 Desert pilgrim : the story of Mildred Cable's venture for God 61 by Phyllis Thompson Chicago : Moody Press, 1957 AHC 266.00924 C112TD in Central Asia 62 Directory of the China Inland Mission [Shanghai : s.n., AHC 266.00951 C441L Discourse on the study of Chinese history [electronic 63 [1886-1910] resource] London Philadelphia : China Inland 64 Dispatches from North-West Kansu by A. Mildred Cable and Francesca L. French AHC 266.00951 C112D Mission, 1925 by Anna Magdalena Johannsen with a preface by London Philadelphia : China Inland 65 Everlasting Pearl : one of China's women AHC 275.1 L978JE Walter B. Sloan Mission : Morgan & Scott, 1913 66 Eyes of the earth : the diary of Samuel Pollard edited by R. Elliott Kendall London : Cargate Press, 1954 AHC 266.00951 P763E 67 F.W. Baller, a master of the pencil by Marshall Broomhall London : China Inland Mission, 1923 AHC 266.00924 B255BF 68 Faith's venture : a shorter life of Hudson Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor London : China Inland Mission, [1932] AHC 266.00924 T215TF 1932 London : China Inland Mission, Overseas 69 The fire burns on : C.I.M. anthology compiled and arranged by Frank Houghton AHC 266.00951 H814F Missionary Fellowship, 1965 A flame of sacred love : the life of Benjamin Broomhall, 70 by Norman Cliff Carlisle : OM, 1998 AHC 266.00924 B791CF 1829-1911 A foreign missionary on the Long March : the memoirs of Arnolis Hayman edited with an introduction by 71 Portland, Ma : MerwinAsia, c2010 AHC 951.042 H332F 2010 Arnolis Hayman of the China Inland Mission Anne-Marie Brady Foreigner : the story of Grace Morton as told to Stanley 72 Wellington : Oxford Univ.
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