Constancea 85: Tucker, Catalog of California Lichens, References

Constancea 85: Tucker, Catalog of California Lichens, References

Constancea 85, 2014 University and Jepson Herbaria California Lichen Catalog CATALOG OF LICHENS, LICHENICOLES, AND ALLIED FUNGI IN CALIFORNIA (second revision) Shirley C. Tucker REFERENCES ACHARIUS, E. 1810. Lichenographia Universalis. Dankwerts, Göttingen. ACHARIUS, E. 1814. Synopsis methodica lichenum, sistens omnes hujus ordinis naturatis detectas plantas, quas, secundum genera, species et varietates disposuit, characteribus et differentiis emendatis definivit, nec non synonymis et observationibus selectis illustravit auctor. Lund. 392 pp. ADLER, M. T., & T. AHTI. 1996. The distinction of Punctelia perreticulata and P. subrudecta (Parmeliaceae; Lecanorales). Lichenologist 28: 431–436. AHTI, T. 1966. Parmelia olivacea and the allied non-isidiate and non-sorediate corticolous lichens in the northern hemisphere. Acta Botanica Fennica 70: 1–68. AHTI, T. 1969. Notes on brown species of Parmelia in North America. The Bryologist 72: 233–239. AHTI, T. 1980a. 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Menegazzia subsimilis, a widespread sorediate lichen. Lichenologist 35: 393–396. No CA citation; Washington state is closest. BLANCO, O., A. CRESPO, P. K. DIVAKAR, T. L. ESSLINGER, D. L. HAWKSWORTH, & H. T. LUMBSCH. 2004a. Melanelixia and Melanohalea, two new genera segregated from Melanelia (Parmeliaceae) based on molecular and morphological data. Mycological Research 108: 873–884. BLANCO, O., A. CRESPO, J. A. ELIX, D. L. HAWKSWORTH, & H. T. LUMBSCH. 2004b. A molecular phylogeny and a new classification of Parmelioid lichens containing Xanthoparmelia - type lichenan (Ascomycota: Lecanorales). Taxon 53: 959–975. BLANKINSHIP, J. W., & C. A. KEELER. 1892. On the natural history of the Farallon Islands. Zoe 3: 144–165. (Geology and botany by Blankinship; zoology by Keeler) BLAUMAN, S. 2004a. CALS field trip to Sherwood Road, Mendocino County, April 17, 2004. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 11(1): 24–26. BLAUMAN, S. 2004b. 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