rA__IIKST.KH IIKUAI.I) W.iIii.m I.h Auu 24. Hw:t REAl I' Three teams still alive Undertaker gives Many wait for In town softball toruney us the lowdown nursing homes summer ESTATE ... page 15 ... page 11 .. page 3 Home of the Week it tpontored by the Manchetler Herald* Clear tonight Manchester, Conn. sunny, humid Friday Thursday, Aug. 25, 1983 !?! Gracious and Spacious — See page 2 Single copy: 25C HOME Luxurious 4 Bedroom Colonial on oversized treed lot In Manchester. Kitchen has dining f I I Ml area opening up to family room. Two car gar­ age, 2V2 baths and 1 st floor laundry. Crestfield Old-style cook $123,900. broke law, Is taking keys to Brass Key ■ VM^ D.W. FISH REALTY CO. ^ NLRB says Bv James P. Sacks z ' Herald Reporter THE Bv James P. Sacks 243 Main St., Manchtster 643-1591 "I'm still the old type of cook. I start from Herald Reporter scratch — nothing from the package," said John Vtrnon Circle, Vernon 872-9153 D. Johps, who will soon take over the Brass Key- HARTFORD — A National Labor Relations Board Restaurant. ------------------------------------------------- ------- spokesman said this morning that the management of “I got to check the muffins," said Edward R. "N r the Crestfield-Fenwood nursing home of Manchester White, who's run the restaurant since 1961, has been charged with unfair labor practices by the heading for the kitchen in the middle of a joint WEEK! NLRB. / interview this morning. White, who runs the Main John H. Sauter of the Hartford NLRB office said the Street landmark along with wife, Joan, and other federal labor board has handed down a six-page members of Ms family, says he’s selling the Brass complaint against the management of the facility at Key because he’s “just burned out" 565 Vernon Street for unfair practices against The Brass Key, which opened at 829 Main Street „ S39.500 employees for union activity. in 1955, will formally change hands at a Sept. 1 I ' A hearing on the complaint will take placce Nov. 28 closing. At that time, owners Edward R. and Joan Only 1975 down buys this spotlessSVi room com­ before an administrative law judge. White will, literally, turn the key over to new pletely furnished Condo. Convenient 1st floor „ NEW UCTIN6 Reasonably priced six room colonial. Three bedrooms, The unfair labor practices charges, said Sauter, are owner Johns, who ran the Silver Lane Diner near unit includes sliders to patio with grill, all appli­ based on the nursing home's actions during a recent ances, pool, sauna & lush attractive landscaping. remodeled kitchen, wall to wall carpeting and two the Manchester-East Hartford town line until it garages. Nice location. Call today. $62,900. organizing drive at the facility by the New England was condemned by the state for construction of I T ’S ALL Health Care Employees Union, District 1199. An Interstate 84. NLRB election at the facili^, which could make Johns said the restaurant's name will be HERE... 4 District 1199 the bargaining agent for 130-odd licensed changed to “Johnnie's Brass Key” after the prqactical nurses, service and maintenance em­ closing. Both buyer and seller declined to name ployees and a variety of aides, is scheduled for Sept. 9. the price. 'The complaint, a summary of charges made by the ENERGY EFFICIENT CONTEMPORARY union, represents the NLRB’s belief that there is FOR THE 300 to 400 customers who now enjoy New home set on over 2 acres of land In probable cause to believe the home violated labor law. the Brass Key’s homemade soups and other daily prestigious Knollwood. 8 rooms, 4 bed­ The complaint charges Crestfield-Fenwood's man­ specials, there’s little to worry about, accprdlng $102,900 . 1 ^ rooms, 2 full baths. Thermo-pane windows agement with discrimination against employees r Herald photo by Tarquinto to the two men. ‘ 'The recipe book was turned over Immaculate throughout, professionally de- during District ll99’s recent organizing drive at the t corated & color coordinated is a large 8 room Co­ and doors, sunken living room, fireplace this morning,” said Johns. with wood stove, 2 car garage, extra insula­ facility, which contains both full-care and The Brass Key's menu, an old-fashioned type lonial with 4 bedrooms, family room with fire­ FOR THE AUTUMN OF A UFETIilE intermediate-care beds. John 0. siohhs; who wlH thke over the restaurant with his wife. Joan, and other place, apphanced kitchen, 2V4 baths, all in a relax­ Move Into this Immaculate full dormered Cape, featur­ tion. Approximately 3.000 sq. ft. Much morel diner offering with a wide variety of selections ing country setting. Management, according to the complaint docu­ BYese’Key R«|Af«ui^Aht’et 829 Mein St. family memiiers. The Whites have run, and all-day breakfast service, will stay substan- ing formal dining room, three bedrooms, fireplace in Call office for more details and to set up a ment, engaged in the "surveillance, threat of firing living room, two baths, screened porch and nice yard showingl! , after a Sept. J clbeiiig, shares a faugh the . B i ^ Key for 22 years. Detached garage. $72,500. ' and firing" of employees during the organizing drive. ■4^’ wtth Eclward'R. Whiter who runs the Wt cin lMl|i you bMoms i $165,000. According to the document, on July 2 management Please turn to page 10 SENTRY “ "REALE" PR0FE88I0NAU threatened employees with loss of vacation time and Cill B46-4S2S, and uk (or Dm. with other unspecified reprisals if they engaged in ____ RealEstaleServicS STRAN0 REAL ESTATE union activities. A new, more restrictive absentee 223 Em I Center SL, Manclteeter 111 tm> D.F. REALE, INC. policy took effect June 21, and in early July three S !% ***!^ *• 156 EAST CENTER ST. employees — Debra Melesko, Duncan Drever and ” I?*®"®"' Hiiltofd, Real Eetele so Poquonocti Aw., WIndWK I IFS Mala St., Maadmiw, Ct. MANCHESTER, C T. 646^20001 Daniel F. Hickey — lost Uieir jobs because they had Mt-4515 engaged in union activities, the complaint alleges. Golf course purchase unlikely Also in early July a man identified as Michael Deschenes interrogated employees on union activi­ ties, the complaint says. By James P. Sacks dead issue. Though Kinne admits course outright should be explored The labor organizing drive was the subject of a Herald Reporter federal funds to buy the course wooded acres of Metropolitan Water i ^ T T R W i two-day NLRB hearing in Hartford during July, based immediately. He plans to suggest the District open space land, is already probably won’t materialize, he wants idea to Glastonbury’s town manager. on a union petition filed with the NLRB. the town to study buying development fully irrigated and features a bar and The NLRB handed down a decision again! the The owner of the 157-acre Minne- Richard Borden, when Borden returns clubhouse that can serve about 100 chaug Golf Course near the rights to the course rather than from vacation next week. management of the facility. Management had tried to purchasing it outright . people. assert that LPNs and cooks were supervisors and Manchester-Glastonbury town line Borden has been close to negotations Kinne said another possibility is for said Wednesday he doubts Glastonbury "We have a committe negotiating all along and has advocated Glaston­ therefore ineligible to participate in the election. will purchase the course for an with Clark,” Kinne said this morning. Glastonbury to float a bond issue to buy Qftftn „ Forest Hills Union organizer Partrtek Ward said this morning a bury’s acquisition of the course since Minnechaug. But he says there isn’t open-space recreational facility. “Graham Clark’s a good businessman, the possibility arose this spring. He kitchen, beamed press conference will be held at the nursing home this “There’s nothing new,” owner Gra­ and that’s just what he’s doing — time to do it this year because of the • • cathedral ceiling in,large living & dining rooms, afternoon. said in a Manchester Herald interview necessary public hearings and appro­ ham Clark said of a possible offer by negotiating (by talking pessimistically in May it would be “a crime” if the land family rooms, 3 full baths, w/w carpet, matured Glastonbury to buy the lush 18-hoIe to a reporter).’’ vals from various town agencies; and trees A landscaping. $92,900 were sold to a developer. Clark says he won’t wait. course, which he converted from a 'Borden calls Minnechaug a "vital dairy farm in 1948. "They’re all Kinne said he’s "not at liberty to resource to the town.” Kinne said if a bond-issue vote were BOLTON IIF dragging their feet and I don't think it discuss” the current offer by the town held now, it would be “very close." Manchester Bell, unions will materialize.” •Walk to Buckley School ANDOVER to buy the course, but he says IF GLASTONBURY acquired devel­ While conservationists and recreation 42 plus or minus acres $74,900 He said if he doesn’t get the $3.5 negotiations are continuing. ’’They’re opment rights to Clark’s golf course, advocates favor the issue, he said, •16x32 Sabrina inground pool Private situated on beautifully At million he wants from the town by Nov. some distance apart,” he says of the Kinne points out, Minnechaug would "There are people who say these are go with this SVa Rm. • t 1. he will sell the golf course to a •Immaculate Ranch . treed 205’x220’ is this 4 Br Co­ try to reach negotiators. remain privately-owned open space hard economic times and that’s a lot of •3 bedrooms Chalet type home.
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