! ij P P 0 r.T SOUTH PLAINFIELD 1HF LOMPAN' S u b u r b a n r e v i e w I p/puU astd Peed *- .........- / / t i & i y VOL. 33, No. 9 Second Class Postage Paid At South Plainfield, N.J. T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 6, 1967 South Plainfield, N.J. 7 Cents Site Decision Delayed On Veterans' Memorial Selection of a site for the pro­ Ave. The Public Works Commit­ politics and everyday municipal posed Veterans’ M em orial has tee, under the chairmanship of affairs taking place in the build­ been delayed again following a Councilman Joseph W. Mullaney, ing. He added that Borough Hall dispute between the Borougji Jr., favors the grounds in front may someday be expanded and Council’s Public Works Com­ of Borough Hall. the monument could interfere mittee and a special Veterans’ Still a third possibility — in with such a giro gram. Memorial Committee. front of the library — was ad­ On the other hand, George The Council TUesday night re ­ vanced TUesday by Councilman said, the library can be ex­ ferred the site problem to a new Anthony C. Mickle wicz as a com­ panded at the rear of the pro- committee, which w ill be com­ promise. posed monument site without prised of three members each Form er Mayor John George, interference. from the Council, the veterans' judge advocate of die Borough’ s Mayor Harry J. Gaynor argued, group and the Library Board of VFW , appeared before the Coun­ however, that veterans "w ent to Trustees. A report is due Apr. cil TUesday at its executive ses­ war to protect what goes on in 18, at the Council's next execu­ sion to argue on behalf of the Borough HalL" tive session. veterans. He noted that the Mickiewicz and Mullaney in­ The veterans are proposing library itself is a memorial, and terjected one possible problem that the monument, which w ill the monument should be rear it. that could arise at die Kalne cost almost $6,000, be erected on To place it on Borough Hall (Continued on Page 16) the Kalne property adjoining the grounds, he said, would "detract Memorial* Library on Plainfield from its dignity'' because of the Repairs Due 15 Get Summonses At Pitt Field The Borough Council w ill spend about $2,500 to replace bleachers In Truck Parking Ban and fencing at Pin Street Field, destroyed recently by vandals. Fifteen summonses were issued by pxilice during the first week of Authorization to make the pur­ a crackdown against the parking of commerical vehicles in residential chases was requested TUesday zones. night by Councilman Joseph W. Police Sgt. Albert Dellavalie, safety officer, warned this week that Mullaney, Jr., public works Better fete than never! See story and other pictures on Page 10. pxilice will continue their efforts to eliminate truck parking in chairman. (Harold L. Wolf Rioto) residential areas. The Council also w ill spend Of the 15 residents given summonses during the first week, he $1,800 on stoves and concrete said, about 12 either removed the vehicles or garaged them. benches and tables to be distrib­ The summonses, issued under a Borough ordinance, carry a uted among the various Borough Zoners Delay Action maximum penalty of $200 fine, 90 days in jail or both. Persons parks. receiving summonses must apipear in Municipal Court. Vandalism at th e parks in The crackdown was ordered by Mayor Harry J. Gaynor and recent months has been estimated Councilman William Prendergast, gxiblic safety chairman, after at almost $9,000. N/itch of the re­ On Industrial Appeal they received numerous complaints from Borough residents about pair work has been done by the commercial vehicles being parked in their neighborhoods. Public Works Department. The Board of Adjustment, after hearing objections this week from more than 100 South side residents, delayed action until next Tuesday on a variance request by the Jody Corporation to use Landfill Closed residential property fo r lig^it industry. The Borough landfill site, Miss Pendola Resigns Residents turned out en masse the scene of two fires during the past several days, has for TUesday night’ s hearing on have been presented to die Board. the application fo r a use variance The corporation merely has been closed until further on the 14-acre tract at Durham stated that it proposes to build notice, it was announced this As Director of Library and Kavkaz Aves. The South Side on two 5-acre tracts within the week by Councilman Joseph Civic Association presented a site, but contracts cannot be W. Mullaney, J r., public Miss Catherine Ptendola has resigned as director of the South works chairman. petition, containing about 120 sig­ signed until the industrial use Plainfield Memorial Library after more than 10 years of service Mullaney urged residents natures, which stated that a use is approved. with the local facility. --------------------------------------------- not To dump rubbish along variance would ruin the residen­ The firm, represented by at­ Her resignation was accepted tor has beenpaying$7.500ayear. the fence surrounding the tial area, would be contrary to torney George Hochberg, was at a special meeting of the According to Williamson, the site until it reopens. the Master Plan, would create described as an industrial de­ Library Board of Trustees on library board will have to adver- F ire broke out at the land­ a safety hazard and would con­ velopment company. It is headed Thursday, Mar. 30, according to tise for a replacement since none fill last Saturday afternoon, stitute "sp ot zoning.” by Martin Mayer of Livingston. Frank Williamson, board presi— 0p the present library employes and flared up again Monday. Thomas Harbin, association Spieaklng on behalf of the ap­ dent- have the necessary professional Authorities are continuing president, also noted that the plication, Walter Timson, Miss Pendola s letter, which qualifications to fill the position, to investigate the cause of Borough Council rejected a re- Metuchen real estate broker,told does not state any reason fo r her the blazes. zoning proposal for the area the Board that the current R-40 resignation, will be read at the Miss Pendola will leave the Mullaney said the landfill last October. zone requirements are "un- board’ s public meeting Monday, library in m id-April. She had no Others opposed the variance w ill be reopiened as soon as Apr. 10, Williamson said. comment this week about her on the basis that no firm plans (Continued on Page 3) possible. The position of library direc- move. Apartment Decision Seen in May A decision, on whether to submit alternative proposals for weeks. "T h e first decision we must The first area affected is recommend approval of a plan to renewal. "Essentially, it is time to make make is whether we want re­ bounded by Maple Ave., Borough redevelop the center of the B or­ Councilmen Charles C. Haus a decision,” he said. development; then we have to Park, the Lehigh Valley Rail­ ough could be made by the Plan­ and W illiam Prendergast noted The Agency w ill be available decide how. I fo r one am not road and Hamilton Blvd. ning Board within a month. Tuesday that the Council made Monday, Apr. 10, in Borough going to let the center of this In all, 626 units have been The proposal, which includes a similar request last fall, but Hall to answer any questions the community stay as it is.” recommended fo r the 152-acre commercial uses and garden has heard nothing from the Board may have. Chairman Jess renewal area in the Borough apartments, currently is under Agency. N. Towbin told Tellone. At the Planning Board’ s Mar. center. study by the planners, who w ill "The Planning Board didn’t get Tellone expressed the hope 29 m eeting. M ayor Harry J. Gay­ make their recommendation the proposal in the form we re­ that a Planning Board decision nor expressed concern about Ernest Lavissiere, formerex- to the M ayor and Council. quested,” said Prendergast. w ill be made by May, and Coun­ allowing too many apartments ecutive director to the Re­ Board Chairman James Caul­ Caulfield said a decision by c il action could be expected in to be built, with resultant va­ development Agency, has field said this week a second work his Board should be made by June. cancies. He also called for more stressed that under renewal the session to review and discuss May, the same deadline stated feasibility studies "to determine Agency would have re-entry the fa cts." the plan w ill be scheduled by the Monday, Apr. 3, by Councilman "M ost of us probably are ready rights if any developer fails to Board. An initial meeting was Henry E. Tellone, who also sits to make the basic decision," meet the building requirements The proposal calls for 254 held Mar. 29. on the Planning Board. Tellone told the Agency, "but we set forth in the deed. apartment units to be built in Meanwhile, the Council is re­ Tellone told the Redevelopment want to be sure we have all the L avissiere, who resigned from newing its request of last year Agency it would be "foolish ” to necessary controls if we do per­ the first stage of renewal over a 2-3 year period. to the Redevelopment Agency to delay more than a month o r six mit apartments in the Borough. (Continued on Page 14) 2...SUBURBAN REVIEW, April 6, 1967 Capt. Sloan to End Career With Boro Police Department By Barbara Wicklund Looking back over his police can be extreiwely rewarding.
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