Impact of physical and socio-economical factors on agricultural scenario of Nashik District (MS) 1991 – 2011 A thesis submitted to, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) In Department of earth Science (Geography) Under the board of Faculty of Moral and Social Science studies Submitted By Pandurang Dnyanadev Yadav Under The Guidance of Dr. Nanasaheb R. Kapadnis February 2016 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the thesis entitled “IMPACT OF PHYSICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMICAL FACTORS ON AGRICULTURAL SCENARIO OF NASHIK DISTRICT (M.S.) 1991 to 2011.” completed and written by me has not previously been formed as the basis for the award of any degree or other similar title upon me of this or any other Vidyapeeth or examining body. (PANDURANG DNYANADEV YADAV) ResearchStudent Place: Pune Date: February,2016. I CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “IMPACT OF PHYSICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMICAL FACTORS ON AGRICULTURAL SCENARIO OF NASHIK DISTRICT (M.S.) 1991 to 2011.”Which is being submitted herewith for the award of the Degree of Vidyavachaspati (Ph.D.) in Earth Science (Geography) of Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune is the result of original research work completed by Mr. Pandurang Dnyanadev Yadav under my supervision and guidance. To the best of my knowledge and belief the work incorporated in this thesis has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree or similar title of this or any other University or examining body upon him. (DR. NANASAHEB R. KAPADNIS) Research Guide Place: Pune Date: February, 2016. II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere feelings to Dr. Nanasaheb R. Kapadnis, Principal, Arts and Commerce College, Taharabad, Tal. : - Baglan, Dist.:- Nashik for his constant encouragement and guidance during the completion of this work. I am indebted to him for his valuable help during all the field visits. I take this opportunity to thank for Arts and Commerce College, Taharabad, Tal. : - Baglan, Dist.:- Nashik providing necessary laboratory, library facilities. I am grateful to Dr. S. N. Karlekar (Dean, moral and Social Sciences Faculty, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune), Dr. Umesh Keskar, Registrar, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Mr. Ganesh Dendage (Head, Dept. of Geography) for their co-operation during the research work. It is a great pleasure to thank Prof. Abhinav Kurkutegave many references and reports which have helped in improving the quality of map work. It gives me a great pleasure in acknowledging the help by Mrs. Sarika Pawar in GIS map work in my field work and Prof. Suhas Pawar in photographic reproduction. I wish to thank my supportive Family members, My Wife Anjali and My Brother Bhagwan, My daughter Sayali and My son Vivek for strong support. I am enormously thankful to Dr. Subhsh Patil, Mr. Narayan K. Devare and his family, Mr. Satyawan B. Mane and his family who have helped me in ways too numerous to mention. I am also thankful to all non-teaching staff of the Arts and Commerce College, Taharabad, Tal. : - Baglan, Dist.:- Nashik. This work is an outcome of sincere help and cooperation from many other people. I express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere feelings to all of them. Date: Mr.Pandurang Dnyanadev Yadav III TILAK MAHARASHTRA VIDYAPEETH, PUNE. Undertaking (For Ph.D. Student) 1. I PandurangDnyanadevYadav, have registered my name for the Ph.D. Course EARTH SCIENCE (GEOGRAPHY) in the year 2011. 2. The undertaken research is entitled as:IMPACT OF PHYSICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMICAL FACTORS ON AGRICULTURAL SCENARIO OF NASHIK DISTRICT (M.S.) 1991 to 2011. 3. I have gone through extensive review of literature of the related published/ unpublished research works and the use of reference made have been acknowledged in my thesis. 4. The title and content of research is original. 5. I understand that, in case of any complaint especially plagiarism, regarding my Ph.D. research from any party, I have to go through the enquiry procedure as decided by the vidyapeeth at any point of the time. 6. I understand that, If my Ph.D. thesis (0r part of it) is found duplicate at any point of time, my research degree will be withdrawn and in such circumstance, I will be solely responsible and liable for any consequences arises thereby. I will not hold the TMV,Pune responsible and liable in any case. I have signed the above undertaking after reading carefully and knowing all the aspects there in. Signature : Address : ‘Dnyan-Kamal’ Building, Plot No. – 10, Survey No. - 16/1, Kisan Nagar, Behind Panchayat Sammitti, Islampur, Tal: - Walwa, Dist.:- Sangli (Maharashtra)Pin code:- 415409. Ph. No. : 9860067392 e-mail :[email protected] Date : Place : Pune. IV CONTENTS Sr. Content Title Page No. no. no. 1 Declaration I 2 Certificate II 3 Acknowledgements III 4 Undertaking IV 5 Contents V 6 List of Tables VIII 7 List of Illustration XIII 8 Abstract XV 9 CHAPTER NO. – I 0.1 Introduction 1 0.2 Arrangementof Text 5 0.3 Choiceof Region 6 0.4 Methodology 7 0.5 Other Sources 9 0.6 Field Work 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF AGRICULTURAL RELEVANCE 1.1 Historical Background 13 1.2 Administrative Unite 16 1.3 Geology 18 1.4 Physiography 19 1.5 Drainage 26 1.6 Climate 29 1.7 Natural Vegetation 40 1.8 Soil 43 V 10 CHAPTER II:SOCIO -ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Population 51 2.2 Occupational Structure 58 2.3 Cultivators 60 2.4 Land Tenure 62 2.5 Agricultural Implements 65 2.6 Transport and Communication 68 2.7 Irrigation 71 2.8 Power Supply Electricity 82 2.9 Marketing 83 11 CHAPTER No. III: GENERAL LAND-USE 3.1 General Land-Use 86 3.2 Area Under Forest 88 3.3 Net Sown Area 94 3.4 Culturable Waste 101 3.5 Fallow Land 107 3.6 Area Not Available For Cultivation 113 12 CHAPTER No. IV: LAND-USE PATTERN OF CROPS 4.1 Cropping Pattern 120 4.2 Bajara (Botanical Name Pennisetumtyphoidenm.) 123 4.3 Jowar (Botanical Name –Sorghum Vulgeare) 129 4.4 Wheat (Triticumsatuvum) 135 4.5 Rice (Oriza Sativa) 140 4.6 Sugarcane (Saccharumofficinarum Linn.) 145 4.7 Cotton (Gossypium Spp.) 152 4.8 Oilseeds 157 4.9 Pulses Crops 162 VI 4.10 Fruits and Vegetables 166 4.11 Ragi (EleusineCororocana) 171 4.12 Vari (PanicumMiliacenum) 176 4.13 Fodder 180 13 CHAPTER No. V: REGIONLISATION OF AGRICULTURE 5.1 Basis of Regionalisation 186 5.2 Ranking of Crops 188 5.3 Crop Combination 201 5.4 Crop Combination According To J.C.Weaver 203 5.5 Diversification of Crop 210 5.6 Agricultural Location Model 212 5.7 Association between Agricultural Land –Use 217 And Physico –Cultural Environment 5.8 Correlation Analysis 218 14 CHAPTER No. VI:PROBLEMS AND SUGGETIONS 6A Problems 232 6A.1 Environmental Problems 232 6A.2 Cultural Environmental Problems 233 6A.3 Problem of Irrigation 234 6A.4 Problem of Dry Farming 235 6A.5 Problem of Low Yields 236 6A.6 Other Problems 236 6B Suggestions 236 15 CHAPTER No. VI:SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 240 PHOTOS 248 BIBLIOGAPHY 258 VII LIST OF TABLES Sr. Tables Page Title No. No. No. CHAPTER I 1 1.1 Administrative Units – Nashik District. 16 CHAPTER II 2 2.1 The population of the district and decade variation rates since 52 1901. (District as a whole). 3 2.2 Population (Density of Population) 53 4 2.3 Spatial analysis of talukas on the basis of population density. 55 5 2.4 Tendency of talukas towards increases and decreases in area 55 under Density. 6 2.5 Length of Various Types of Road in Nashik District in k.ms. 70 (1991 And 2011) 7 2.6 Length of Railway route in Nashik District. (1991 and 2011). 70 8 2.7 Percentage of irrigated area by different sources in Nashik 73 District (year 1991 and 2011). 9 2.8 Major Irrigation Project in Nashik District. 74 10 2.9 Medium irrigation project in Nashik district. 75 CHAPTER III 11 3A General Land-use – Nashik district (1991- 2011). 87 12 3.1 Percentage of Forest area to total geographical area 1991 & 92 2011. 13 3.2 Spatial analysis of talukas on the basis of area under Forest to 93 Total Geographical Area. (1991 -- 2011) 14 3.3 Tendency of taluka towards increases and decreases in area 93 under Forest. 15 3.4 Percentage of Net Sown Area to total geographical area 1991 & 97 2011. VIII 16 3.5 Spatial analysis of talukas on the basis of area under Net Sown 99 Area to Total Geographical Area. (1991 -- 2011) 17 3.6 Tendency of taluka towards increases and decreases in area 100 under Net Sown Area. 18 3.7 Percentage of Culturable Waste to total geographical area 1991 105 & 2011. 19 3.8 Spatial analysis of talukas on the basis of area under Culturable 106 Waste to Total Geographical Area. (1991 -- 2011) 20 3.9 Tendency of taluka towards increases and decreases in area 107 under Culturable Waste. 21 3.10 Percentage of Fallow Land to total geographical area 1991 & 110 2011. 22 3.11 Spatial analysis of talukas on the basis of area under Fallow 112 Land to Total Geographical Area. (1991 -- 2011) 23 3.12 Tendency of taluka towards increases and decreases in area 113 under Fallow Land. 24 3.13 Percentage of Area not available for cultivation to total 116 geographical area 1991 & 2011. 25 3.14 Spatial analysis of talukas on the basis of area under Area not 117 available for cultivation to Total Geographical Area. (1991 -- 2011) 26 3.15 Tendency of taluka towards increases and decreases in area 118 under Area not available for cultivation.
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