CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES - 26 WEST BENGAL PART - II B (ii) I PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SCHEDULED CASTES & TRIBES Directorate ot Census Uperations West Bengal CONTENTS Page No. Preface (v) Acknowledgements (vi) General Note 1-17 Statement 1 - Scheduled Caste population as percentage of Total Popul~ion in Rural and Urban Areas, 1991-Percentage of Scheduled Castes 2 Statement 1 - Scheduled Tribe population as percentage of Total Population in Rural and Urban Areas, 1991-Percentage of Scheduled Tribes 3 Statement 2 - Rural-Urban distribution of Scheduled Castes in 1991-Percentage of Scheduled Castes 3-4 Statement 2 - Rural-Urban distribution of Scheduled Tribes in 1991-Percentage of Scheduled Tribes 3-4 Statement 3 - Population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in each district, their proportion to total population and their percentage distribution in districts, 1991 5 Statement 4 - Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population as percentage of Total Population, 1981 and 1991 5-6 Statement 5 - The percentages have been calculated on the Total SC Population exclusive of the Literacy Rates, 1991-Populatlon in Age Group 0-6 6-7 Statement 5 - The percentages have been calculated on the Total ST Population exclusive of the Literacy Rates, 1991-Populatlon in Age Group 0-6 7 Statement 6 - Percentage distribution of Sdlecluled Caste population In each sex into Total Workers, Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-workers in Districts, 1991 8-9 Statement 6 - Percentage distribution of Scheduled Tribe population in each sex into Total Workers, Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-workers in Districts, 1991 9- 10 Statement 7 - Percentage distribution of Main Workers among Scheduled Caste population of each sex into broad industrial categories in different districts, 1991 11-1 2 Statement 7 - Percentage distribution of Main Workers among Scheduled Tribe population of each sex into broad industrial categories In different districts, 1991 12 -1 3 Statement 8 - Sex ratio (Females per 1,000 Males) among Total Scheduled Caste population, Total Workers (Main Workers + Margina~ Workers), Main Workers, each category of Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-workers in Total, Rural and Urban Areas of each District . 14-15 Statement 8 - Sex ratio (Females per 1,000 Males) among Total Scheduled Tribe population, Total Workers (Main Workers + Marginal Workers), Main Workers, each category of Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-workers in Total, Rural and Urban Areas of each District 16-17 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes : State Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 19-31 District Primary Census Abst~ct for Scheduled Castes 33-315 Annexure of District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 317-341 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes : State Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 343-355 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 357·639 Annexure of District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 641-665 (iii) Maps 1. Administrative Divisions 1991 667 2. Percentap of Literates amoh, Scheduled Castes, 1991 (District) 669 J. Percentap of literates among SCheduled T"bes, 1991 (District) 671 4. Percentap of Main Workers, Maratnal Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Castes, 1991 (District) 673 4. Percentale of Main Workers, MarstnaJ Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Tribes, 1991 (District) 67S (I v) PREFACE Vital illlformation collected through 1991 Census In the State are presented In two Impo ..nt publications namely Part II-A and Part II·B. The Part II-A Volume will contain, the A-Series Tables I.e. A·I to A-S whereas the Part 11-8 which Is splltted Into two parts namely Part 11-8-(1) and Part II-B·(l1) to be brought out .15 separate volume will contain on the other hand, Primary Census Abstract for General Population and Primary Census Ab$tract for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population respectively. The Volume Part 11-8-(11) will contain Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population as well as 'number of occupied residential houses, number of households, literates, main workers classified by ~nlne Industrial categories, marginal workers and non-workers. Also total population In the age group 0-6 will be' available. The data are presented at State/District/CD Blocks/Urban Anlomeratlon/ Town Level. For the fll"'St time In 199 t Census data have been presented at the C.D. Block level Instead of P.S. Level. Though P.S. level data can be arrived at by adding the staWtof)' towns situated cMreln (exdudlnl Census towns and outgn'lwths) to CD Block figures. All these Information are useful to administrators, planners, research workers and the public. In fact this Is one of the basic tables of 1991 Census. The credit of this pl4'bllcatlon goes to Shrl H. Chakravarty, former Director of Census Operations, West Bengal whose competl!\l\t leadership and active Involvement resulted successful completion of 1991 Census In West Bengal. Althol'Jgh Shrl H. Chakravarty left this Directorate Immediately after completion of the census operation In the Sta.te and long before the volumes could be ready or printed, his contrtbudon Is neverthele~ gratefully acknowlecJ,ged. We also recall the contrtbutlon of the Innumerable oftlclals and tleld staff from the level of Enumeratol~, top officials of the districts and state administration In making the tleld operation In the State a success. We are also Indebted to forme." Registrar General & CftlSUS Commissioner of India Shrt A.R. Nanda and the present Registrar General & c.:~nsus Commissioner of India Dr. M. VIJayanunnl for their valuable guidance. My thanks are also due to Shrl S.P. Sharma, DRG (C&T), Dr. M.K. Jain, ORG (SS), Smt. Minad Ghosh, DRG (Map) and Shrt A.K. Singh, Dy. Director and Shrl Babu Lal, Dy. Director and many others In the Office of the Registrar General, India for their various assistance and sUllestlons In bringing out this publication. I must also recl.'rd my deepest sense of gratitude to all the members of the team In the Tabulation Unit of the DCO, 't,.Vest Bengal, especially the role played by Shrl S. Guha, Investigator. Since there are many to be ackno\wledged, It Is, therefore, not possible to name each and everyone In the preface Itself. However, they have been Included In the acknowledrement list In this publi­ cation. I also like to thank Shrl Hlmangshu Saha Chowdhury, Printing Inspector who has taken pains to prepare the manuscripts for the press. My thanks a,,"e also due to Prlntln, Division In the Ofnce of the Registrar General, India and the press who will bring (I 'ut this publication. I am thankful to all of them. Calcutta A.K. Durta 9th January, 1997 Joint Director (v) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1. Sri Swapan Guha Investigator 2. Smt. Parul Barman Investigator 3. Smt. Anjali Oas Statistical Assistant 4. Smt. Sucheta Dutta Statistical Assistant 5. Smt. Mira Banerjee Computor 6. Sri Manash Mitra Computor 7. Sri Ollip Chatterjee Typist 8. Sri Himangshu Saha Chowdhury Printing Inspector 9. Smt. Supti Chatterjee Proof Reader 10. Sri Prasanta Burman Proof Reader 11. $ri' Sumit Mukherjee Geographer 12. Sri Utpal Kumar Mandai Geographer 13. Sri B.N. Mallick Sr. Artist 14. Sri R.C. Oas Sr. Artist 15. Sri B.K. Majumdar Artist 16. Sri J.B. Dasgupta Artist 17. Sri A.R. Haldar Sr. Draughtsman 18. Sri P. Das Sr. Draughtsman 19. Sri H.R. Banerjee Artist 20. Sri A.K. Paul Draughtsman 21. Smt. S. Topno Draughtsman 22. Sri N.N. Das Draughtsman 23. Sri S. Das Draughtsman 24. Sri K. Murmu Draughtsman 25. Sri A. Mandai Draughtsman 26. Sri T. Bhattacharjee Draughtsman 27. Sri P. Roy Draughtsman 28. Sri Subir Chatterjee Draughtsman (vi) GENERAL NOTE SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PART OF niE PUBLICATION PART 11-8 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT, WEST BENGAL Separate Primary Census Abstracts (PCA) for Scheduled community or a member of the Scheduled Tribes and the Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in addition to PCA Question No. lOis meant for the exact name of the caste for the General Population have been prepired. In addition, or tribe to which a particular person belongs to. The 8 Statements In respect of Scheduled Cas~ and Scheduled enumerator is provided with a list of Scheduled Castes and Tribe pol)ulation are given also. Before tile Statements are Scheduled Tribes of West Bengal for ascertaining whether a taken up for analysis, a few words In respect of the particular person belongs to any of the Scheduled Caste or enumeration procedure of Se/ST population needs to be Scheduled Tribe communities. The enumerator is specifically stated in brief. instructed that a person belonging to the Scheduled Caste or The basic enumeration procedure for the members of Scheduled Tribe communities may return by a synonym or a Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes does not differ in generic name of a caste or a tribe in these respects, it is to any manner from the process of enumeration of the non­ be reckoned as a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe for scheduled castes and non-sche'duled tribes t>,Wulation except the purpose of enumeration. It Is to be noted that the list for one way. The Questions 9 and 10 of the Individual Slip of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as applicable to deal with the Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribe West Bengal Issued under' the Scheduled Castes and matters for every single individual belengln~ to either of Scheduled Tribes orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 (No. these two communities. In Question 9, It Is asked whether a 108 of 1976) dated 18th September, 1976 is used which particular person Is a member of the Scheduled Caste are reproduced below : - list of Scheduled Castes t1nd Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Castes 1.
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