Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 5-3-1995 Arbiter, May 3 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. W :II' ~ -0 --0 '"• ;;"ft ...VI 1"\ :=o "ft. =a I'll I'll 2 NEWS __ -:..----:.--~------'----'--.:..---------'-------- WEDNESDAY, MAY3,"1995 THE ARBITER ! ( Witchcmft" in Lunebcrg.-Germany, in the fall. can practice public accounting and per- history. Inland Coca-Cola, Simplot Food Walsch will offer "French Intellectuals form external audits. Services. Eddie's Bakery and Albertson's .Garage sale at and Iluman Nature: an Interdisciplinary Currently, there arc about 600 account- also contributed various food items for Inquiry into the March Toward ing majors at BSU. The second largest the concession sales. BSU's Canyon l\1~ernism" and "Sociological Aspects of bachelor's degree program at the universi- Businesses or individuals interested in French and' American Criminal Justice ty, accounting is offered through BSU's donating merchandise for sale in 1996 may County 'Center College of Business. contact Dennis Gri/'fjn, Canyon County Systems" in Pau, France, in spring 1996. To study abroad. call 385-3652. raises $9,850 Center division. manager. at 38S-tj701. , The annual "World's Largest Garage Sale" held earlier this month at Boise State Spring Festival of , l tnlvcrsit y's Canyon County Ccritcr netted, Studies Abroad Six BSU alums 59.8:;0. the second-highest "mount in the Ceramics set for event's seven-year history. offers classes in earn top scores on Canyon County Center progr:lIlls bene- May 6-8 fiting from rhc s:lieinclude professional Mexico, Germany, ,CPA exam truck driving, pr:ll'tiql nursing. respir.uorv B<;,iseState's spring Festival of Ceramics' technician. .mdrcfrigcr.uion. heating .md Six Boise State Univcrsit y a~counting will be at Gallery 1 in the Liberal Art~ air condition·ing. The funding derived France graduall:s were among the top eiglu .scor- iluilding from 10 a,m.-S·p.m. Mav 6-8. The from the sale will help cover licensing :1l1c1 crs for the stare 01 Idaho Certil'icd Public semiannual exhibit and sale features a test fees. srholarships .md till" purchase of Students Gin travel and study with Accountant cxurn administered in large selection 01 hlgh-quality work by nursing uniforms. textbooks .md lab Hoisc St:ItCI 'nivcrsity history professors students. alumni and tuculty. EJTol.1oncs and Phoebe Lundy and criminal November 1')9-'i. equipment. :1l11ongother things, A portion of the proceeds from the The event. not III be 'confused with the juslicc professor Anihonv \\',alsch :\S pan The BStJ graduates arc Andrew Hampton. Brad Rutt.john Schram, Dustin sale helps support the An Department's Collcge of Technology's y'lrd s.ile. is the otihc univcrsitv's Studies Abroad Program. Exky. Cindy Kcnyon and Chris Humc. visiting ceramist program. Several times main fund,raising ;It'li\'iIY lor Ihc pi'll' loncs will teach "Xlodcrn Mexicoand during the year. BSU hosls,visiting its Rclalions with th~' I.:.s:' during a live' To bccomc ccrtified as a CPA. accoun- grams based at 11lL'sill'. ccramisls \\'ho givc workshops that arc Studenls depL'nd on don:llions from wt'ck summer progr:lIll in ~lorclia. tants must fulfillcxperience requircments all ended by stlldents. area art teachers. busincssc,,, :Ind indi\·idu:I1.s. with .\lcxicll. and pass the exam, The two-day exam art ists a nd art pro1'L'ssors lrom BS!' :\Ild Ilomestyk Industries'" :<::II11pabeing Ihe I.undy \\'ill lcach "\'('estcrn Traditions: ,covcrs accounting thcory and pl':lctice. ('ommcrci'allaw. :Iuditing and taxes, CpAS olhcl' regional collcgcs and uni\'(.~rsities, brgest coOlribulor throughml! lhe "lie's ~Iodcrn \'('odd" and "Ilistory 01 EuwpclI1 Discrimination Harassment Disability Accom modations Ii Sexual Harassment j Assault Apply for firestone credit card Hostile Environment Sexual Assault andreceive a FREE B.S.U. Retaliation For questions, assistance & student discounf card! information about these issues contact: Dr. Bett)' Hecker no annual fee! 90 days same as cash Affirmati"e Action Office Adm:nistrati('nBldg, 215B 385·1979 or 385·3648 lTY 385-1436 Leave message evenings and weekends 2178 BROADWAY THE ARBITER WEDNESDAY, MAY3, 1995 NEWS 3 State Education Board approves fee hikes KATE NEIU Y BEU Managing Editor Fees for Idaho resident undergraduates wiII rise 4.7 percent-S37-next fall All fee increases recommended by BSU's Executive Budget Committee and President Charles Ruch were approved by the State Board of Education at its April meeting in Idaho Falls The proposals came before the State Board of Education for final approval after a process this spring of gathering fcc increase proposals from t~UllPUS entities, having public hearings where students and others testified for and against the various proposals and the Executive Budget Committee making recommendations 10 Ruch on which proposals should be approved. The board approved a $37 per semester fee increase for full-time ASBSUPresident Jeff Klaus (\eh) lost a bet Idaho resident students, who will pay $827 per semester starting next fall. between himself and Vice President Darryl The hugest portion of the proposed $37. increase-$22-is for general Wright. The bet was that if the two were education fees that are used 10 support the operation of the university. re-eleded, klaus would have to shove his Other approved increases include $6 for student support systems, $4.50 head. Wright said Klaus has had the some torthe Student Union Building and Activities, $3,50 for lntcrcollcgiatc haircut since 8th grade. , Athletics and $1 for student scholarships. The original requests from the campus entities themselves were $10, $4,'jO,$14 and $7, respectively. The Stale Board of Educntion approved fcc increases for pan-lime Re-eleded ASBSUexecutives to students as well. Part-lime students will pay 50 cents to Student Support Systems, 75 cents 10 athletics and 45 more cents to the Student LJnion spend summer in Washington, D.C. Building and Activities per credit hour. An additional $'580 per semester increase in non-resident tuition for new students was also approved by the slate hoard. Non-residents KATE NEIUY BEU Candidates for these positions are Sen. Sean Lee Brandt, \. enrolling at BSLJ for the Ilrst time will pay the $827 student fcc as well as College of Health Science; current pro-tem David an additional $2,673 in tuition per semester. Managing Editor Nielson, College of Arts and Sciences; and at-large Sen. Tuition for non-residents currently attending BSU will increase ASBSU President Jeff Klaus and Vice President Darryl Jake Caufield. bel ween $82 and $113, depending on when they enrolled. Wright, elected to serve second terms this past April, will Wright said his and Klaus' service awards will go to the pro-tem and assistant pro-tem this summer, with the The SBE also approved a $7 premium increase for the refundable stu- seive internships this summer in Washington, D.C. Klaus, a political science major, will work in the office senators' awards returning to the budget. dent health insurance policy, bringing the price up to $155 per semester. of Sen. larry Craig from May 3Q-Aug. '2. Wright, a gradu- Klaus and Wright wil\ be in the District of Columbia A $3 per-credit-hour fcc increase for part-time students, a $1.50 per ate student in instructional and performance technology, while members ot Congress debate tinancia\ aid and work study legislation. Because the ASBSU executives credit hour increase for summer session students and a $10 fee for gradu- will serve ln the office of Sen. Dirk Kempthorne. The executives' absence at the university this summer have already been serving in their positions for a year, ate students were also approved. In addition, a proposal to increase will be filled by the ASBSU Senate pro-tem and assistant Wright says he and Klaus don't need the summer to Student Residential Life aparlmenl rental rates by $7 per month for pro-tem, to be elected by the senate on May 4. learn their jobs as student body leaders. ap;;nmenls, duplexes, triplexes and most houses was approved. ~~ 2757 BROADWAY (SHOPKO CENTER) • BOISE .•I~,,\ed• Career 0pPQ,.". ,.,..... "VI}/~' ..J~~ set your own hours le&-.... ca Own your own business ','" ~ Unlimited Income' World travel ~_ g A career In cosmetology Is your answer 'Q: ~ ~- ~ ACAD~ Now enrolling for Summer & Fall Cosmetology & Manicuring Courses Call 336-0190 or 1-800-483-0190 Ask for Dodi Financial aid available to all qualified applicants Placement assistance Hands-on education 1.e'1lilQ~:r:-------:----, :L;. $50FF : I Perms, 'Colors, or Nails II I ./coupon througli 7/10194 L~...!~~~YJ:i~~~~LJ WEDNESDAY,MAY 3, 1995 THE ARBITER 4 EDITORIAL .----""'----------------'-\----~-'---- .----------------...;.------------ ..... VOLUME4 NUMBER32 THE ENDLESS SUMMER: , MAv031995 1910 University Drive, Boise, Idaho 83725 epee of mylieart Phone (208) 345·8204 Fax (208) 385-3198 "So, what's the deal old buddy?" E-mail PAT SCHMAUOHN Jimmy said. "Why'd you leave Chick- Editor in chief ago? Seemed like you were doing all [email protected] right when I left." . Frank continued to stir the coffee, breathing in the steam, leuing the moist The Arbiter is the officiol student newspoper false skorpion flavor coat his sinuses and throat. He of Boise State University. lIs mission is to "The role or journalists is not to be hunters set the spoon down beside the cup on provide a forum for the disws~on of issues and ge!llL'rers or inrormation but to wake the paper placcmat and took a cautious people up, to be the eyes or our culture." impacting the campus and the community.
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