. f . i • MONDAY, JAmJART 24, 1944 7 P |^(^ IVEU9 Manchester Evening Herald WAR BONDS...Buy Them First—Then Buy What You Need iP & iiu 1 . was .taken for the March of Dimes club who died during the past The Haywire bridge planned for and $80 waa taken. Including the year. Wednesday evening at the Y. M. I« Promoted Club Elects sum of 825 which waa voted from Five "rookie” members of the About Town C. A. has been postponed because the club’s treasury. A good finan­ club were given the club Initiation HALE'S SELF SERVE Average Daily Circulation of Illness among the members. cial year for the club waa report­ during the afterhoon. The Original In New Engiandt For the Month of December, 1948 The Weather Its Officers ed by the officers. ForecMt of U. s. Htmtber Bnrmn Manchester Chapter o f Madaasah Mrs. Anna Thomas of 98 Walnut After the aupper a program of ALICE COFRAN 8,504 wUl hold lU recular nonthly meet­ street was tendered a surprise din­ singing was presented under the If Cloudy and not ao cold tonight: ing tomorrow oirenlnff at eight Red Men’ s Social Organ­ (Known As Queen Alice) c l o n a l Ught m ow; UtUe ner party yesterday on the occa­ direction of Billy DeHan. The SPIRITUAL 8IEUIUM Member of the Andlt o ’clock, at the >ome of Kra. Barv sion of her birthday. The affair Club quartet, Billy DeHan, Tom Armour'k Star Ham l b . 3 3 c jNlage In temperntnre Wednen ney ITIrhm— . M Brookfield street. ization Holds Its An­ Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son Barenn of Clronlatloaa «iay- was held at the home of her Phillips, Art Dancosse and Herb B»m With a Veil. Whole or Shank. Tho profiam win feature Youth daughter, Mrs. James McCava- nual Gathering. Johnson sang several old-time fa­ \________________ AUyah and the Hadassah Medical Readings Dally, Including Sunday, Jdanchenter— A City o f Village Charm \ naugh of Middle Turnpike West. vorites and solos were sung by 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- Garden of Allah organisation. The children and grandchildren of Hammy Jones and President Francis McDoiinoll, of 152 Birch meuL In the Service of the Peo­ (Claoalfled AdverUataig on Fngn 19) Mrs. Thomas who were present re­ street, was elected president, of Francis McDonnell. VOL. LXIII., NO. 97 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) Miss Irma Hare of IM Center ple for 80 Veara. 34c PRICE THREE CEI membered her with money and the Red Men’s Social Club at the Several club members at horns 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. Coffee street la confined to her home with other acceptable gifts. annual meeting held yesterday af­ on furlough from the service at­ Phone 6-2024 a apralned ankle received while tended the meetii.g and supper ternoon in the Wells street Sports Lb. Jar skating at Center Springs Park. Mr and Mrs. Stephen D. Pearl Center. The meeting was well at­ as the guests of the club. A mo­ Peppermint Pears 24c Further Joint Eight Killed, 10 Hurt in Train-Bus Crash of 100 Woodland street have re­ tended with 180 members In at­ ment's silence was observed in Read Herald Ad vs. Norman D. Allen, son of Mr. ceived news from their son, Cor­ tendance. honor of thbse members of the No Polnto!^ Local Grand List and Mra. Carl H. Allen of 118 Hen­ poral Robert W. Pearl, that he has Allies Drive 12 Miles Other officers elected were Her­ ry street, la With the Navy V-12 arrived safely In England. No. 2 Can Action Looms Unit, Holy Cross College, Worces­ bert C. Johnson, vice pre.sldent; James' McCann, financial secre­ ter, and U taking a pre-denUl Daughters of Liberty No. 125, L. Cans Shows an Upturn course. He was graduated from tary aijd Michael Kelley, recording Apple Sauce 25c O. L. I., will have their benefit par­ secretary. On Axis Links Manchester High school, and spent ty for service men tonight at eight a year at the University of Con­ o’clock at the home of Mrs. George After the busine.ss meeting a In From Beachhead; necticut. smith, 63 HemlocK. Members who moose and ^enison supper was Immediate Goal Is Be­ »' have sons In the service are urged served. The meat was brought Of Over a Million back to Connecticut from Maine Premier Gelatin and to attend. last fall by Fred Sobielo. steward a lieved to Be Break IJMit. H. V. Oordy of the club and George McCollum Private Elvio V. Coda, son of Strawberry Dessert Pkg. 7c Twenty Mills Seen as Between Argentina Range and Fuel of East Hartford, and movies of Peace to Be Patrols Push Deeper Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Coda of 96 Lieutenant Horacs V. Cordy the hunting trip were shown to And Nazi Germany. School street la at Keesler Field, Tax Rate; Increase Is son of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Cordy the gathering. O IL Biloxi, Miss., where he will have a Berko of 47 Lilac street, haa been pro­ Help March of Dimes Shown in Personal Trust o f 4 Washington, Jan. 25.—(/P)—Fur­ TICKET PRINTING month's training as a pre-aviation During the evening a collection No Formidable German moted from the rank of second to Property; Several Mil­ ther joint action by the American Indiana Senator METERS cadet. Chocolate Pudding Pkg. 7e Japan Paying first lieutenant, according to a lions in New Construc­ republics to uproot and destroy Taken by Death Opposition Yet En­ Meter prints amount of de­ The Retail Merchants Division cablegram received from him by Big Powers any pro-Axls movementa under of the Manchester Chamber of Burt Olney tion Not in This List. Steep Price; countered; Obvious livery on your slip for your Commerce will meet tomorrow hla parents. Lieutenant Cordy RANGE AND way in South America was fore­ noon at 12:30 at the Sheridan Res­ has been with the Administrative shadowed today by refusal of the Appian Way and Main protection. Mancheater’a grand list com­ Halifax Asserts Britain taurant for a luncheon-meeting. Branch of the U. 3. Army In Aus­ FUEL OIL Pumpkin or Squash United States and seven other Coastal Railway Under tralia and New Guinea for two puted on the Hat of taxable prop­ Raids Go On Willard H. Campbell, the guest 381 Center St. Tel. 6566 Must Have Strength western hemisphere nations to L. T. Wood Co. speaker, will discuss "Post-War years. He was graduated from erty filed Oct. 1, 1943, reached a recognize the revolutionary rulers Domination o f Allies; Manchester High school In 1936 2Ho. 2cans27c That , Sustained Her 51 Bissell St. Tel. 4496 Problems as They Affect the Re­ James A. Woods , Papaf.Cota Compnnn, Lon§ Mand Cftv, JV. Y, total of 845,695,349, an Increase of Bolivia. Nipponese Lose More Nazi Planes Seek to tailer.” and before enlisting In the serv­ Franchloed Bottler: Pepal-Cola Bottling Co. of Central VUIage, Conn. of 81.080,229 over the list of 1943 In War Also in Peace. The. Immediate goal in this diplo­ ice was employed by the munici­ Medliun Slxe which was 844,615,120, it was an­ matic maneuvering is believed to Than 350 Planes in Halt Reinforcements. pal water department nounced today. ' be a break between Nazi Germany The principal Items in the grand Toix>nto, Jan. 25.—UP)—The fu­ 30 Days at Rabaiil Apples $1.75 list this year are: Personal propi- and Argentina, which now is the FOR TOP VALUE ture peace of the world will de­ only American nation maintaining Allied Headquarters, Al­ ' ROOnNG ^ 16-Qt. Bskt. erty, 812,152,839; dwelling houses, Alone; Allies Lose 79. giers, Jan. 25,-l</P)— Allied IN A NEW HOME O U R FABRIC DEPARTMENT NOW READY 820,659,090; house and building pend .upon four great powers, the relations with Germany. Talk of lots, 87,430,678; buildings Used for British commonwealth and empire, Axis intrigue has been linked with troops have driven 12 miles See the Ones Being Built By ASBESTOS SIDING Income Tax Returns Large and Fresh the Bolivian revolution so that Advanced Allied Headquarters, commercial purposes, 82,286,606; the United States, Russia and inland from their Nettuno- mills (manufacturing) 81.784,367; every development Involving New Guinea, Jan. 25— (iP)—Fight­ GREENBROOKE INSULATION Prepared CThina, Lord Halifax, British am­ Anzio beachhead and patrols • Soup Bunches motor vehicles, 83,009,449; ma­ Boliria now la studied closely for ing desperately to halt Allied air are pushing deeper, head­ Reasonable Fee! chinery, 82,836,744 and miscellan­ bassador to Washington, told the Its effect on Argentina. blows at her Southwest Pacific air HOMES. INC Expert workmanship. All work Telephone Manrhester 8208 quarters announced today, guaranteed. Reasonable Priiies. eous, 85.425,044. Toronto Board of Trade last night. Reaction Expected Soon That Argentine reaction would and sea bases, Japan is paying a On Walker Street No obligation for an estimate. Redactions Are Noted steep price—more than 360 planes with no “formidable” Ger­ Reductions are shown in the To take its proper place in this not be long In forthcoming became man opposition yet encoun­ Write. Fresh Celery Hearts 25e bulwark of peace, the common­ in 30 days over Rabaul alone— yet For further lafomiatlnn call at grand list this year on the follow­ apparent when Foreign Mlniater haa failed to stop the devastating tered. Tile famous Appian way to Alexander Jarvis Oo. oflice on Burton Insulating Co. ing listings: House and building wealth must be linked together Alberto Gilbert announced at daily parade of bombers.
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