AMPAL—American Israel Corporation, 410 Abbas, Ferhat

AMPAL—American Israel Corporation, 410 Abbas, Ferhat

Index AMPAL—American Israel Corporation, Alexander, Lloyd, 485 410 Alexander, Raymond Pace, 98 Abbas, Ferhat, 356,358 Algeria, 232, 235,356-61, 385 Abboud, Ibrahim, 343 ibn 'Ali, Ghaleb, 344 Aberg, Einar, 366 Aliyat ha-No'ar, 251 Abrahams, Robert D., 484 Allan, Robert Alexander, 225 Abramis, Israel, 288 Allen v. County School Board, 72n Aburabiya, Arnram, 327 Allgemeine Wochenzeitung der Juden Academy for Higher Jewish Learning, (West Germany), 257, 261 397 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 33, 163, Act of Bogota, 214 235, 237, 238, 239, 251, 338, 339, 349, Adams, Theodore, 139 350, 355, 356, 360, 367 Adaskin, Harry, 48 Almog, Samuel, 368 Adaskin, Murray, 48 Almogi, Joseph, 316 Aden, 344-45 Altman, Moses, 288 Adenauer, Konrad, 125, 186, 254, 257, Amadeo, Mario, 200,201,202 261, 268, 272, 299, 310 Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union Adler, Selig, 477,485 of America, 38 Adult Jewish Education, 431 Amar, David, 355 Adult Jewish Leadership, 431 Amer, Abdul Hakim, 337 African National Congress (Union of America, 113 South Africa), 363 America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Afritsch, Joseph, 288 155n, 164, 164n, 165, 409 Agnon, Samuel Joseph, 326 American Academy for Jewish Research, Agriculture and Development party (Is- 168, 395 rael), 316 American Association for Jewish Educa- Agron, Gershon, 317, 329 tion, 155n, 168, 398 Agudah News Reporter, 431 American Biblical Encyclopedia Society, Agudas Israel World Organization, 397- 168, 395 98 American Civil Liberties Union, 105 Agudat Israel (Brazil), 218 American Committee for Bar-Ilan Uni- Agudat Israel (Israel), 315n, 316 versity, 409 Agudath Israel of America, 161,398 American Committee for National Sick Pirchei Agudath Israel, 398 Fund of Israel, 409 Bnos Agudath Israel, 398 American Committee for the Weizmann Zeirei Agudath Israel, 398 Institute of Science, 164n, 409 Aharon, Solomon, 306 Aharoni, Johanan, 326 American Committee of OSE, 396 Ahdut ha-'Avodah—Po'ale Zion, 315n, American Conference of Cantors, 398 316 American Council for Judaism, 197, 393 Ahmad, Imam, 343 American Council for Judaism Philan- AI 'A lam (Morocco), 354 thropic Fund, 407 Alberman, Albert, 229 American Examiner, 431 Albert Einstein College of Medicine American Federation of Jews from Cen- (see Yeshiva University) tral Europe, 405-06 Aleph's Guide, 431 American Federation of Labor-Congress Alessandri, Jorge, 218 of Industrial Organizations, 187, 192 Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, American Friends of the Alliance Israel- 394-95 ite Universelle, 396 491 492 INbEX American Friends of the Hebrew Univer- American Society of Newspaper Editors, sity, 164, 164n, 409 115 American Friends of the Middle East, American Student Center in Jerusalem, 190 131 American Humanist Association, 101 American Technion Society, 164,164n American-Israel Economic Horizons, 431 American Trade Union Council for La- American Israel Public Affairs Commit- bor Israel, 196 tee, 196,409-10 A merican Zion ist, 431 American Israel Review, 431 American Zionist Committee for Public American-Israeli Lighthouse, 410 Affairs (see American Israel Public American Israelite, 434 Affairs Committee) American Jewish Archives, 434 American Zionist Council, 161, 168, 196, American Jewish Committee, 121, 125, 410 143, 166, 168, 184n, 349, 393, 484, 485 Youth Department, 410 American Jewish Congress, 89, 121, 155, Student Zionist Organization, 413 155n, 166, 173n, 189, 196, 393 Zionist Youth Council, 410 Women's Division, 393 Americans for a Music Library in Israel, American Jewish Historical Society, 168, 410 395 Americans for Progressive Israel, 410 American Jewish History Center, 168 Anderson, Leslie L., 100 American Jewish Home, 431 Anglo-Israel Securities, Ltd., 229 American Jewish Institute, 395 Anglo-Jewish Association, 225,226 Jewish Information Bureau, 395 Anti-Defamation League (see B'nai American Jewish Joint Distribution B'rith) Committee (JDC), 38, 46, 64, 64n, Applebaum, Louis, 48 158, 159, 163, 164, 165, 180n, 184n, Apsler, Alfred, 485 219, 243, 244, 246, 247, 251, 272, 277, Arab League, 187,309, 332,347, 352 278, 279, 293, 294, 298, 349, 350, 351, Arabian American Oil Company 354, 355, 360, 396 (ARAMCO), 189 American Jewish Journal, 429 Aranne, Zalman, 317 American Jewish League for Israel, 410 Arbeiter-Zeitung (Austria), 280 American Jewish Outlook, 434 L'Arche (France), 238 American Jewish Physicians' Committee, Argentina, 199,215-17, 383 410 Arias, Rudolfo Garcia, 200 American Jewish Press, 435 Arizona Post, 429 American Jewish Press Association, 395 Arnon, Abraham, 326 American Jewish Public Relations So- Aronowsky, Solly, 371 ciety, 407 Aronson, Robert L., 103,104 American Jewish Society for Service, 407 Artom, Elia G., 252 American Jewish Times—Outlook, 434 Arturo, Frondizi, 215 American Jewish World, 430 Asaf, 'Ammi, 317 American Jewish Year Book, 431, 484, Asch, Sholem, 484 485 Ashman, Aaron, 325 American Judaism, 431 Askenazi, David, 360 American Medical Center at Denver, 167, Askenazi, Eli, 296 167n, 407 Askenazi, Ldon, 234 National Council of Auxiliaries, 407 Aspects de la France (France), 239 American Nazi Party, 107,108 Association des Israelites Pratiquants de American ORT Federation, 397 France, 236 American and European Friends of Association of Jewish Chaplains of the ORT, 397 Armed Forces, 398 American Labor ORT, 397 Association of Jewish Community Rela- Business and Professional ORT, 397 tions Workers, 393 National ORT League, 397 Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen Women's American ORT, 164,397 (Great Britain), 226 American Physicians Fellowship, 410 Association of Yugoslav Jews in the American Red Mogen David for Israel, United States, 406 164n, 410 Association pour le Retablissement des American Society for Technion—Israel Institutions et Oeuvres Israelites en Institute of Technology, 410 France-A.R.I.F., 397 INDEX 493 Astor, David, 231 Beer, Martin, 259 Astypalea, 309 Beger, Bruno, 265 Athanase, Joja, 305 Begin, Menahem, 316 Atlan, Jean, 239 Belgium, 240-44,382n Aufbau-Reconstruction, 431 Belicha, Maurice, 361 Australia, 372-76, 382n, 384 Belkin, Samuel, 132 Australian Federation of Jewish Welfare Belkin, Simon, 44n Societies, 372, 373 Bell, L. Nelson, 118 Australian Jewish News, 375 Bellefeuille, Andre, 108-09 Australian Jewish Times, 375 Belyayev, Nikolai, 282 Australian Zionist Youth Council, 373 Benador, Uri, 308 Austria, 249, 275-81, 382n Ben-Aharon, Isaac, 316 Avidar, Joseph, 204 Ben Barka, Mehdi, 353 Avidom, Menahem, 325 Ben Chorin, Shalom, 273 Avigad, Nahman, 326 Bendheim, Siegfried, 449 Bene'Akiva,251 Ba'al Shem Tov, R. Israel, 129, 144, 327 Ben-Gurion, David, 129, 130, 186, 187. Baar, Emil, N., 134 195, 199, 200, 208, 225, 241, 242, 247, Bachad Organization of North America, 268, 290, 309, 310, 311, 312, 316, 326, 410 327 Bachmann, Max, 270 Benjamin, B. B., 380 von dem Bach-Zelewski, Erich, 266 Bennett, John C, 119,120 Bacon, Isaac, 132 Bentov, Mordecai, 317 al-Bader, Crown Prince Seif al-Islam Ben-Zvi, Isaac, 312 Mohammed of Yemen, 343, 344 Bercovitch, Alexander, 48 Baeck, Leo, 273 Berg, Roger, 238 Baer, Yitzhak, 476,484 Bergelson, David, 287, 288 Baghdad Pact, 330 Bergmann, Ernest, 48 Bailey, John M., 112,123 Bernstein, Edgar, article by, 366-71 Bakalczuk, Melekh, 371 Bernstein, Paul, 278 Bakdash, Khalid, 337 Bernstein, Philip S., 189 Balanesco, Mircea, 305 Bessis, Albert, 347,349 Baldwin, Raymond E., 95 Bieberstein, Szymon Z., 449 Ballon, Ellen, 48 Bienkowski, Wladislaw, 291 Baptist General Association of Virginia, Bigman, Stanley K., 17n 92 Birdsell, Dale E., 110 Bar-Adon Pesah, 326 Birobidjaner Shtern (Soviet Union), 291 Baratz, Meir, 288 Birstein, Bernard, 449 Barbados, 382n Bitzaron, 168 Bar-Ilan University, 165,229 Bitzaron, 431 Bar-Kokheva, Simon, 326 Blaine, James G., Ill Bar-Meir, Solomon, 317 de Blank, Joost, Archibishop, 364 Barnett, Lionel D., 231 Bloch, Arnold, article by, 372-76 Baron, SaloW., 485 Bloch, Ernest, 449 Baron de Hirsch Fund, 407 Bloom, Harry, 364 Barukh, Armand, 296 Blum, Leon, 239 Barukh, Victor, 296 Blum, Virgil C, 101 Barzillai, Israel, 317 Blumel, Andre, 236,289 Basson, Japie, 363 B'nai B'rith, 38, 40, 155, 156, 196, 251, Ba'th party (Syria), 337, 341 270, 373, 407 Batshaw, Harry, 47 Anti-Defamation League, 121, 127, 166, Baudouin, King of the Belgians, 241 ' 184n, 393 Bavarian Association of Jewish Commu- Hillel Foundations, 40,168,228, 398 nities, 270 Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital, 408 Bavly, Isaac, 370 National Youth Service, 155n, 168, 169 Bayefsky, Aba, 48 Vocational Service, 168,407 von Bebenburg, Franz Karg, 263 Women, 407 Bech, Joseph, 247 Youth Organization, 168, 398 Beckenstein, Esther, 26n B'nai B'rith Messenger, 429 Beckerle, Adolf Heinz, 266 Bnai Zion, 406 494 INDEX Bnei Akiva of North America, 410-11 Cahiers de VAlliance Israelite Univer- Board of Deputies of British Jews, 195, selle, 238 225, 226 Caiserman, Ghita, 48 Bock, Fritz, 279 Caiserman, Hananie M., 36 Boegner, Jean-Marc, 346 Caisse Israelite de Relevement Economi- Boehm, Franz, 257,271 Bogata conference, 214 que, 351 Boger, Wilhelm, 265 Calhoun.Zeke, 110 Boggs, J. Caleb, 81 California Jewish Record, 429 Bogue, Donald J., lOn, 12n, 19n, 20, 20n, California Jewish Voice, 429 22, 22n, 25, 25n Calwell, Arthur A., 372.376 Boimvohl, Rachel, 288 Campbell, A. A., 23,23n Boll, Heinrich, 273 Camus, Albert, 239 Bonds for Israel (see State of Israel Bond Canada, 28-49,383 Organization) Canada-Israel Corporation, 39,40 Bonne, Alfred, 329 Canada-Israel Securities, 414 Bonsai, Philip, 222 Canadian Association for Labor Israel, Bor, Josef, 301 414 Bormann, Martin, 258 Canadian Committee of the Council of Borowitz, Eugene B., article by, 145-53 Jewish Federations and Welfare Borthwick, J. Douglas, 31n Funds (see Canadian Community Bouabid, Abderahim, 352 Services Program) Boudin, Anna P., 449 Canadian Community Services Program, Bourguiba, Habib, 332, 346, 347, 348, 351 414 Bowles, Chester, 78 Canadian Friends of the Alliance Israel- Braiterman, Marvin, 134 ite Universelle, 414 Brandeis Institute, 398 Canadian Friends of the Hebrew Uni- Brandeis Youth Foundation, 398 versity, 40, 414 Brandeis University, 155,168 Canadian Jewish Chronicle, 435 Brandstetter, Roman, 295 Canadian Jewish Congress, 36, 37, 38, 39, Brash, Rudolph, 134 40, 41, 46, 49, 414 Braude, Mark, 288 Canadian Jewish Magazine, 435 Braunfeld v.

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