48 BURSTOCK. DORSETSHIRE. [ KELLY'S J3URSTOCK. Reader Thomas, miller (water) Major Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Creed John, farmer, Burstock grange Ro~ls Ge?rge, beer.retailer Stevens 'l'homas, dairy Curtis William, dairy SpIller RIchard, daIry Symes George, farmer Dunning J'Oseph, farmer HTTRSEY. Symes William, beer retailer Fowler John, farmer, Manor farm Major Hubert, farmer BURTON BRADSTOCX is a parish, near the sea, destrored. Gen. A. H. L. Fox-Pitt-R~vers, who is !flrd on the river Bredy, partly within the borough of Bridport, of the manor, and ~ 'Jh!1 Hu~~ey esq. a!e the principal two mil~s from West Bay station, and three miles south- landowners. The SOlI IS oolitIC; SUbSOIl, yellQw sand­ east-by-south from Bl'idport, in the liberty of Frampton, stone: The chief cropl1l are wheat and barley, an~ some though locally in the Western division of the county, land III pasture. The area is 2596a. It. 7p. of which 155 hundred of Godder Thorne, Bridport union, petty ses- are water and foreshore; rateable value, £4,080; the sional division and county court district, rural deanery population in 1891 was 889, of which 165 are within the of Bridport (Bridport portion), archdeaeonry of Dorset borough and parish.of Bridport. and diQcese of Salisbury. The church of St. Mary is an Graston is one mIle east; Cogdon"is one mile and a ancient stone building in the Perpendicular style, con- half east. sisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch, and a Parish Clerk Henry Hitchcock. square embattled central tower, containing 5 bells and a ' . clock: there are. 300 sittings. The register dates from Post O.ffice.-Mrs.E~zbth.Kmght,sub-postmIstrss. ~tt~r.s the year 1614. The living is a rectory with the chapelry receIved from Bndport at 8.20 a.m. &:, 5·30 p.m., dIS- of Shipton Gorge, annexed, average tithe rent-charge patehed at 10.30 a.n:'" &:, 5.30 p.m. on week d~ys only. ~ere, b~t £312, joint gross yearly value £421 , net £270 , with 44 Postal orders are Issued not paId. The acres of glebe and residence, in the gi'ft of Gen. A. H. L. nearest money order office IS at Brldport &:, telegraph Fox-Pitt-Rivers, and held since 1886 by the Rev. James office at Wes~ Bay . Lethbridge TempleI' M.A. Caius College, Cambridge. Coastguard. StatIon! Wm.Norkett, chIef boatman-m-chrge There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, erected in 1825, Cou!1ty PolIce Stab.on, Fred~. ?ansford, constabl~ with 100 sittings. The place was formerly named Natwnal School (mixed), bUIlt III 1865, for. 250 children; Brideton, from the river Bride or Bredy. The cliffs are average attendance, 170; Wm. Thos. MIlbu.rn, master from 70 to 100 feet high, and contain many fossils. To Carriers to Bridport.-Charles Collins &; Wm. Symes, the south-eastJ is the site of a castle. Here is a flax mill, mono wed. &:, sat also a cQastguard station. This place was' much injured A parish council of 9 members was formed Dec. 1894, by fire in 1854, upwards of 20 houses having been Rev. J. L. TempleI' M.A. chairman CoIlings Henry, White house Bishop Wm. B. dairyman,Manor dairy Hawkins Joseph Samuel Day, Three Cogle Miss, Magnolia cottage· Brown Thomas, tailor Horseshoes P.H. & baker Foot Capt. James Frederick R.N Burton (The) Spinning Mills (James Hayward William Henry, builder &; Gale Samuel Henry Grant, manager) contractor &:, assistant overseer Gillett Frands Jegs, The Rookery Burwood Belshazzar, shopkeeper Hayward Isabella (Mrs.), shopkeeper Grant James Henry Cheney Charles, fish dealer Hussey Robert, farmer, Manor farm Hussey John J.P. Graston Chileott William, fish dealer Kerley Frederick, blacksmith Hussey Robert, Manor house Churchouse John, Anchor P.H Knight Elizh.(Mrs.),shpkpr. &:'postofI Knight David Robert Collins Oharles, carrier Little John, cattle dealer & butcher ~fercer John Justiman Roberh Whitby Cousins Charles Fooks, farmer Mocher Joseph, beer retailer Constantine, The Mount C()'\lsins C. D. relieving &:, vaccina- Prout Henry, baker Roberts Miss, Grove house tion officer &:, registrar of births & Reading Room (James Williams, sec) TempleI' Rev. James' Lethbridge M.A. deaths for the Burton Bradstock Rendall Jsph. miller(water), Grove ml Rectoo'y sub-district of the Bridport union, Stephens Henry Jas. draper & grocer Toe Henry David, Shadrach house Darly house Stephens William, grocer "Valdron Mrs Coasins Daniel, farmer, Cogdon farm Symes William, carrier COMMERCIAL. Gale Geo. farmer &:, income tax cllctr Trivett Cornelius, shoe maker Baggs Joseph, butcher & shopkeeper Hallett V. fa~mer, Petfolds Vine John, farmer LONG BURTON is a parish, on the road from Sher- ot Lincoln College, Oxford, and rural dean of Stalbridge borne to Dorchester, 3 miles south-east-by-south from portion. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. The great tithes Sherborne station on the London and South Western of Long Burton (commuted value), £123, and of Holnest, railway, 9 miles south-east from Yeovil, and 14 north £140, belong to the lay impropriator, J. K. D. Wing­ from Dorchester, in the Northern division of the county, field-Digby esq. M.P. The manor belongs to Wanley hundred, union and petty sessional division of Sherborne, Ellis Sawbridge-Erle-Drax esq. J.P. of Holnest Park. county court district of Yeovil, rural deanery of Shaftes· The principal landowners are Wanley Ellis Sawbridge­ bury (Stalbridge portion), archdeaconry of Dorset, and Erle-Drax esq. J. K. D. Wingfield-Digby esq. M.P. oi diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. James the Sherborne Castle and H. J. B. S. King esq. West Hall. Great is a stone building, consisting of chancel with The soil and subsoil are cornbrash and Oxford clay. chancel aisle, nave with south porch and north aisle, The land is principally in pasture. The area is 1,041 and an embattled western tower containing 4 bells: the acres; rateable value, £1,526; the population in 1891 church contains several monuments to the Fitzjames was 330. family, and was restored in 1873, with the addition of Post Office.-Miss Lydia Perrott, sub-postmistress. Let- the north aisle, at a cost of £1,437: the chancel aisle is ters by messenger from Sherborne, at 7.30 a.m.; SUD- Jacobean, and the tower arch Early English; the rest day, 8.20 a.m.; dispatched at 5,45 p.m.; sunday, of the church is in the Perpendicular style: there are 1.15 p.m. The nearest money order &:, telegraph sittings for 200. The register dates from the year 1590. office is at Sherborne The living is a discharged vicarage, with the chapelry of Public Elementary School (mixed), with residence for Holm~st annexed, average tithe rent-charge £154, joint mistress; built in 1852, &; since enlarged, for 95 gross yearly value £226, net £192, with 19 acres of children; average attendance, 50; under the manage- glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Papworth, and ment of the Rev. C. H. Mayo M.A.; Miss A. E. held since 1872 by the Rev. Charles Herbert Mayo M.A. Loader, mistress Lemon Robert, Glenwood Down Thomas, farmer Ridout Francis, shopkeeper }fayo Rev. Charles Herbert M.A. Foot Edwin Arth. baker &; corn dlr Saunders Edwin, Rose & Crown P.R (vicar &:, rural dean), Vicarage Hawkins Charles, farmer Sherston William, carpenter Thorne Sydney, Ferndale house Hayward Oliver, stone mason White George, farmer, Leweston farm COMMERCIAL. Hayward WaIter, farmer White John, dairyman Curtis George, smith Lock Thomas, shoe maker Young Arthur, carpenter CANFORD MAGNA is a village and parish, plea- Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The ancient parish santly situated on the river Stour, having a station church (not dedicated) is Norman, and is a picturesque­ (Broadstone) on the London and South Western main looking stone structure, with a low tower, containing 5· line, whence the Somerset and Dorset (Midland and bells: it contains several monuments and brasses: a South Western Junction) railway diverges, 6 miles stained window at the east end has been inserted too north-by-east from Poole, 2 south-east from Wimborne Sir J. John Guest bart. and a north window to AugustUlf and lIS! from London, in the Eastern division of the F. Guest esq.: the whole church was restored and the county, Cogdean hundred, Wimborne petty sessional west end rebuilt of red sandstone, and two porches division, Poole union and county court district, rural erected over the north and south doors in 187678 by deanery of Whitchurch (Poole portion), archdeaconry of Lord Wimborne: there are 250 sittings. The register.
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