MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21,1880. NO. 43 VOL. V. Trophy. I.OCAI.. AND GGlVEnAL. NEliVS. DEMOCRATIC MEKTIMSS. Your Folks nnd Our Folk.s. This Hnmbleloninn Sinllion will make a Iurtliant djoimlg Democrat >Vniito.d. HON. H. P. HKNDERSON, Henry McNeil, now nf Lainsbiirg, wns in fall season at our stables in Mason, from Oct. 1st to Dec. Ihth, nt the low price of Published every Thursday Onions, Potatoes, and Hoans, wanted nl Maaon'.s own candidate for Attorney Gen­ the city calling on friends Sunday. hy lflQ.OO for the season, with the privilege once. flu.s'T & Ellis. eral, on the Democratic Stato ticket, hns Homer Cornell and wife of fjanaing, wore nf returning free of charge in ISSl tdl that M. 1». WII ITMOnE, consented lo address tho eiti'/.cna of Mason, in tho city calling on friends 'i'uosday. , do not prove in foal. All who intend using M.iSOX, MICIIW.iN. Circulation thia weak, 1,568. upon the political isaucs of the day, nt the this fashionable bred trotting sire should A. L. '.Vanderconk has been ([uite sick do HO, as he will never stand for as low n court house nn Monday evening, Nov. 1st,' Bay City had a l> 10,000 fire Monday but is again nblo to attend to business. price,ai;ain. Respectfully yours, One Yonr, $1.50 ; Sin montha, 7S oenia ; Three tho last evening boforo the eventful 2d of L. C. •Weiir, nife'ht. Dr. Daniel Campbell of Rclmont, Cana­ monlhi, 40 csnla. November. He is entitled to a full houae. El.y.EY Flora. ijiist Thursday waa a Doniocratic day in da, is visiting his brother. Dr. A. li. Camp- LEVANT BROWN, ESQ. ASoiioy. Mason. , boll of this city. Onr advertising rates are 8100 iier column per an­ Of Hilladalo, one of the most eloquent All persona indeliled lo mo by note or E. H. Williams, is opening his stock of Dr. W. .T. Crawford ol Tinin, lormcrly otherwise, are requesled lo come and settle num. Business notices ftve cenls iier ilne for eacli speakers in the Stato, who is doing land- luser'tieu. Eilllorlal mitices KI cauls. surgeon at tho wutor-curo, at Green Springs, immediately, as 1 must have tho money. lIuslMess cards 81.1X1 per lino ptr year. jewelry this woclc. olTicc work for tho Democracy, will fill the WarrlaKe and death notlciis iiiserli'il trm. Oldlnarv Ohio, has been visiting A. W. Mohan's I3w2 C. F. Buow.v. •oinmsnis, resolutions, card:i of tlinuks, etc., wBI here- Some of our weather prOKnosticatora pre. following nppoiiitmenlH (all evening iiieol- ufler he eharned feral Iho rate of live corns per Ihm. family thia week. Sliuiip |.'or Sale. diet a vory severe tvintcr. iiigs,) Hint overy voter in Iho vicinity of (.'(UTespondence conUilniMK- local news. Is sollcllod Eight nr ton full blooded Spnnisli Aiorino n-o'm all pans of the county. said places should make it a point lo hear P. M. Vandorcook of the St. Loiiia .Lead­ Anouymims conuuunicatlons not insorleil under Snow was over one foot deep in some Rnins that can't bn beat for iinrity of blood, er, and his wife have been in the city this good white wool, aip.e and style. Aho a any idrcninstnnce parts of Canada la.st Monday. him : Kden..... Thursday, Oct. 21 week, called^hero hy the .severe illness of Hook of thirty fiit weathers. Elchell school liouse Eriday, Oct.'J2 JOB PRINTING ! Greer it Mills, have O]ioiied a harness Anreliiirt ijeiiter Saturday, Oct. 2ll his mother, Mrs. T. H. Vandercook, who is .|3w-l. W.M. Bl.ieei.y, Tiigliam. l.iislle Monday, Oct. 2,') Onr nuderlal Is new and of Ihe latest styles and wo shop first door west oT llarrow hloclt. now much bolter. city >'otluu. Kniirantee salislacliori, lii)lh in prices and Wllllamsl 'fnesday, Oct. 2ll aualllv of work. Weliliorvilli Wednesday, Oct. '27 WiiERKAS, The common coiineiT of the ITow can you bettor iiivoat l?'i tlmii to Mason Thursday, Oct, 28 Mr, nnd ^^l•s. Thomas Halstead of Atl- city of Mason, has been pelilioiiod byMi- piircliiiso a ticket to tlio locliiro courso with riaii, wero visiting their sou, 0. W. ITal- kP'rUiiiils i>r thu IIMI\I(ICU.\T wlio Hon. IT. J.'. iiondorsQii of our city, can­ iios McRoliert and other owners of land havo iMiHliMSHN In Idle ri'ohatu it? ' stoad and fiuiiily last week. Mr. TI. is a fronting upon that iiortinii of B street lying — Oonrt will iLi ns a luvor hy ru- didate I'or Altornoy General on the Demo­ atauneh Democral and one of tho thrifty south of South street in said city, tovaciitc (Iiiesllng ,ruilgi) tJliaMorion to linvu tliuIr Dr. \V. W. Hoot has ii new toiiomoiit prini Inu: tloiio at this nllico. cratic Stato ticket has been making some pioneers of Lenawee county. tliii same for roiisoiis set I'orth in snid peli­ house noarly completed on eastMii|)lo telling speeches during the oiiinpaign in tion, and it iiiipeiiriiig to the council advisa­ Onieial Diniclorv. street. the inlorosl of Domooi'iicy. Everywhere ho .Tno. C. Squiera, attorney, real eatate ble that such portion of snid street should has thus fnr spoken ho has reeoived vory nnd coUoctioii agent has removed his of­ bo vacated, ihercl'oro COUNTV OFFICERS Clias. .1. Ilaynor has inircliased tho .T. Ifcsoloed, That tho regular meeting of Ihuteriiig commeiits from tho newspapers, fice from the .Sackrider .t Mcllobert block SlierlO... .LILlUnT M. Hudson rosidciice just cast of tho M.E. this council on .Monday oveniiig of the loth Treasurer '• P. ll.^•n for his candid, fair nnd convincing manner to the Cook block, where lie has vjry con­ Clurk C. U. V'Ai.Kan church. day of Noveiiilier iic.vl, at eight o'clock on IteKisler J.O. O-IUKOS of discussing the politics of the day. Be venient and pleiiKiiiit rooms, lilntranco on said evening and nt the cninmoii council d mine of Pr.d.ato M. P. Cu.vrrr.aTo.N Mrs. .T. L. ii'iiller returned Irom Chicago Main atreol, directly opposite the poslolHco. room in said city of .Mason, be and is fix­ Pros. .Vltornev -E. U.\nii.i- low wocive some c.Ktraels from iiowspa])erB Monday morniiif,', where she had hec^n jHir. ed as the time and ]ilaoii wliuro and when .. , f (I, \V. llaisToi. whore ho has been : OircoilOonri Lom rs|^ ()sTa...>nKa cliaaiiie! iiiilliiicry ),'Oods., The terrible galo of last .Saturday, .Sun­ this council will moot to hear any objec­ * '.i * f„ the cvoniiig tho Band gave Surveyor A. P. lla.MiK day and Monday, was the most disaslrioiis tions that may he niado to the pioposod va- 'I'he first snow .sloriii of the season yhsit- us a few jiicces Irom tho Opera Hall, prior llraln Llmii'r I. B. Woonnoiisr. storm on the Tjiikes that has been known cnlioir, of the pnrtiuii of said street above f l.^ooe SwiT'/.o.MU.i; to the coiiiiiienceinoiil of the speaking for (Joroners, p. HKy.vui.ufl od lis last Saturday niglit and Sunday, it referred loainl tliat luitiee of said ineetiiig, the evening. Order was called a little past for years. The steaiiicr Alpena, with all nudtcd noarly as fast as it foil. lo-wil: A copy ol this rosoliitiim be pub­ CITV OFFICERS. seven by tho chairman, who introduced Hon. or board was loat; luso the scliooncr, David May.r .....r II S.»VKil« lished nt least liiiir siieccssivo weeks before f.p.pj. , ho: p. I'ui:si.rv .1. L. Fuller, dealer in boots, shoes, mil­ J. L. Wliitooinb, the domocratic nominee A. Wella, and all on board. Probably lii the timu above li.xed for said iiiectiiiL'. for Senator for Ciillioiiii county, who spoke Treasnm-'Iiml' l.lolhiclor A. A. ILiw.^ao linery nnd fiiiioy goods has a new advcr- lives were lost during the storm, and the .lo.s. I'. I'liEHLKV, City Clerk. Seined Inspector 1. Il.vavsv Lvo.v' Inr a few minutes, and was followed by Marshal.... ll.ll.i;.M.u tisunieiit and locals in this i.ssue. destruction to properly was enormous. Itiiulc ,-Vgiiiu. Street Llounuissioaer 1. A. Il.vasi.h lion. C. C. Wortliinglon, democratic candi­ ' Jons W. Il.\v date for Stato Repreaentalivo from the first On or iilinut the first of October 1 shall , „ M. Rv.KN Arthur 1. ileaiiicr has traded SO acres reproseiitative district of CitUioiin county. A couple of thirsty Repiihlicans wore ri;opon my hoot,and shoe shop, third door .lusticesofthc peace ^ m ||i„,„o.vii of land ill iahollo county for his former Hon. H. ],'. llENPEitsoN'of Mason, the dom­ soon standing in front of tho Asii, street soutli of the iiosloHiee. and shall bo glad lo I. \y. RoVSTo.S ocralio candidate for Stato Attorney Gener­ meet all my old cusloinera and many now Aldermen al Large , E.U. ItUSSKI.l. lioiiie on Bir/./,ul street in this city. saloon early yoslerdiiy morning, before the A. W. M EU.IN al, was then iulrodueed, who made the eye-opener-man had got there, crying bit­ oiiea. Gilo. H. Paiipiice. Snpervisor, Ist ward...' N. A. nu.NSlso "Little Seal,'' the star clothier, has a Snpc principal address of the evening, and gave Supervisor,-d ward ...L- ll: "ana terly, and between sobs one of them was .Spy Glaases. Toys, .Saviiios Biiiika, eto,, ' M. v.uinus large stock of new winter elothiiii,', which lhe republican leaders such an overhauling Aldermen, 1st AVard hoard to soliloqiii'/.o : "i'robahly the'diirii- at WiiiTEi.Ev's; II.
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