March 4, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E289 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN STRONG SUPPORT OF THE PRO- HONORING DELORES CHRISTINA Mississippi State Conference President, Der- DUCTION TAX CREDIT AND IN- BROWN OREY rick Johnson. Mrs. Orey has been credited VESTMENT TAX CREDIT with maintaining the Jackson Branch NAACP HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON through the years by serving in all capacities OF MISSISSIPPI from President to Treasurer to Secretary. She HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES received numerous honors and prestigious awards throughout her distinguished life. OF MASSACHUSETTS Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Mrs. Orey enjoyed spending time with her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- loving family. They shared her passion for her er, I rise today to honor the late remarkable Tuesday, March 4, 2014 advocacy. On numerous occasions they ac- public servant, Mrs. Delores Christina Brown companied her to various activist events, es- Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Orey, who was born on September 24, 1932 pecially her beloved national NAACP Conven- echo the concerns of Americans across the in Martinsville, MS (the eldest of five children) tions. to the late Mr. Alpheus and Mrs. Ella Brown. country and call upon my colleagues in Con- On January 8, 2014, Veteran Mississippi Mrs. Delores Christina Brown Orey attended gress to extend the Production Tax Credit Civil Rights Worker and champion for social Piney Woods School and graduated from Par- justice, Mrs. Delores Orey transitioned this life. (PTC) and Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Yet ish High School in Hazlehurst, MS; did further again, these essential tax credits have fallen She was a heroine who was truly loved by her study at Tuskegee Institute; and received her family and friends and will be missed by all. victim to political jockeying and were allowed BA degree in Elementary Education with a Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me to expire at the end of 2013. If we are serious minor in Sociology from Jackson State Col- in recognizing Mrs. Delores Christina Brown about meeting our renewable energy stand- lege. She became concerned about the dis- Orey for her dedication to serving. ards and, importantly, putting Americans back parate treatment that she and other African to work, then it is time to end this uncertainty American Mississippians received and joined f and bring stability to a growing industry. the National Association for the Advancement The PTC has encouraged nearly $20 billion of Colored People under the leadership of Dr. HONORING YOLANDA JORDAN, Aaron Henry. in nationwide private investment annually over CALUMET DISTRICT’S SOCIAL She was very dedicated to the NAACP and WORKER OF THE YEAR the last 5 years alone, while the ITC serves as served the organization in various capacities. the most fundamental federal tax incentive for She worked as Secretary in the NAACP State offshore wind farms. As we promote invest- Office and also drove Dr. Henry around the HON. BILL FOSTER ments that will reduce our dependence on for- State to investigate discrimination complaints. OF ILLINOIS eign oil and serve as a central part in our fight She was jailed for her unwavering activism IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES against global warming and climate change, it and spied on by the Mississippi State Sov- is essential to remember the spillover of job ereignty Commission. Tuesday, March 4, 2014 creation and specialized expertise that will fol- During that time, she helped organize Voter Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to low. Registration Drives and Boycotts. She invited celebrate the achievements of Ms. Yolanda Support for the PTC and ITC is bipartisan— Freedom Riders, both Black and White, to Jordan on being named Calumet District’s stay at her home even under the threat of vio- and vocal. It is well-understood that the voids 2014 Social Worker of the Year. lence and started a Freedom School at her we create with our inaction will not remain Each year, the eight Illinois districts of the church, Mt. Nebo. She attended and helped to National Association of Social Workers select unfulfilled. They will be filled by foreign com- organize many marches for Civil Rights along- a member to receive the Social Worker of the panies who will not be ‘‘Making It in America.’’ side Medgar Wiley Evers, Dr. Martin Luther Year award. Recipients of this award are indi- I find it to be nonsensical that investments in King, Jr. and Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., to viduals who embody the mission of the Na- renewable energy continue to face an uphill name a few. She also ran for the Mississippi tional Association of Social Workers, and who battle. House of Representatives, and unfortunately, strive to help others while abiding to a strict her opponent was killed in an airplane crash. At home, we have witnessed firsthand the code of ethics. These individuals have each The Governor of record appointed a white critical economic development opportunities made invaluable contributions to the people male who had lost the race rather than fol- that renewable energy projects provide to they help and the communities in which they lowing procedure for Mrs. Orey to assume the States. Our region has undergone an eco- work. post. In her continuing quest for equality, Mrs. nomic regeneration with the promise of Cape After more than 20 years of service in the Wind—slated to be the Nation’s first offshore Orey children integrated the Jackson Public Schools. Illinois Department of Children and Family wind farm. From the Port of New Bedford, Because of her activism on behalf of the Services, it is clear that Ms. Yolanda Jordan which will serve as the staging area for as- poor and disenfranchised, she developed a was meant to receive this prestigious honor. sembly, to the ferry captains who will provide special relationship with former President Throughout her career, Yolanda has provided eco-tours of offshore turbines, no sector of our Jimmy Carter and was invited to represent the people of Kankakee, Will, and Grundy community is left untouched. Mississippi in his inaugural parade. She was a counties with unparalleled social services. She Massachusetts is consistently recognized as close confidant of former Governor Cliff Finch has helped families and children navigate the one of the States for clean energy, particularly and this led to her son, Alfonso and his wife, complex child welfare system, and worked as a clinical practitioner, operating her own pri- wind energy. 106MW of wind power is pro- Sadie, becoming the first Blacks to have an vate practice. duced state-wide, powering over 32,000 official wedding ceremony on the grounds of Ms. Jordan, along with other Illinois social homes. In my district alone, 23MW of wind en- the Governor’s Mansion. She was one of the workers who received this award, will be hon- ergy is produced. These impressive figures do first Head Start Directors for Mississippi Action ored during the month of March, which is Na- not account for the thousands more of poten- for Progress and worked for the MS Council on Aging and was an AARP Volunteer. She tional Social Work Month. tial wind power that exists offshore. loved children and served as NAACP State Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Support for a long-term extension is bipar- Youth Advisor for several terms. She in recognizing Ms. Jordan’s service to the tisan and urgent. I call on my colleagues to mentored many young people among them members of the Calumet District, and to ac- join me in supporting an extension of these our immediate past NAACP National Presi- knowledge the vital role social workers play in important incentives. dent, Benjamin Todd Jealous, and our current creating a healthy society. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Mar 05, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K04MR8.001 E04MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 4, 2014 PERSONAL EXPLANATION to the regular authorization and appropriations exists within our armed services and create a process; it requires the CFPB to use the GS safe and transparent environment. HON. PAUL A. GOSAR pay scale like other federal agencies; and it f prohibits the CFPB from accessing or using OF ARIZONA HONORING JOHNNIE CARR DURING IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES personal financial data of a consumer without express permission. I support reining in the BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2014 Tuesday, March 4, 2014 unchecked authorities of the CFPB and sup- Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to port this legislation. HON. TERRI A. SEWELL recognize passage of several pieces of legis- H.R. 899, the Unfunded Mandates Informa- OF ALABAMA lation during the week of February 24, 2014. tion and Transparency Act, is a bill that, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Unfortunately, I was not able to vote for final among other things, enhances the ability of Tuesday, March 4, 2014 passage of these bills because I was out on the public to identify federal mandates that Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I medical leave recovering from much needed may impose additional costs to citizens, work- rise today in honor of continuing the 7th dis- hip replacement surgery. ers, businesses, as well as State, local, and trict’s commitment to honoring influential Afri- H.R. 1211, the FOIA Oversight and Imple- tribal governments.
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