o L > Thr Grand Valley Ledger Volume 8, Issue 6 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 December 14, 1983 Jury rules in city's favor Daniel Riggs of 209 Lincoln Lake Avenue, Lowell was found guilty of violating the city's gen- eral nuisance ordinance before a jury in 63rd District Court last Thursday, Riggs has several pieces of inoperable farm machinery parked on his prop- erty in a residential area of the city, and following numerous SPAGHETTI DINNER complaints Lowell Police issued a citation for violating the city The Girls Varsily Club will be sponsoring a Spaghetti Dinner, ordinance. The citation carries a Friday. December 16 in the Lowell High School Cafeteria. Serving maximum penalty of $500.00 from 5 to 8 P.M. Adults $3.00 and children under 12 $2.00. Tickets and /or 90 days in jail. Riggs' at- arc available at the door. torney requested a pre-sentence investigation, and Judge Joseph YOUTH BASKETBALL CLINIC B. White stated that sentencing may not take place for up to 60 ATTENTION! YMCA Youth Basketball playen. there will be a days. free basketball clinic Thursday. December 15th from 7:00 - 8:00 This was the city's second trip P.M. at the Lowell Middle School. Come and see a basketball slide to court with this case. When the presentation and meet your coaches and team for some short drills. citation was first issued Rigg's wife Cynthia was the only one 22 ENJOY "CHRISTMAS IS FORXIDS" home, and the citation was writ- ten in her name. White dismissed Twenty boys and girls enjoyed the Annual Jaycees Christmas For the case after Daniel claimed re- Kids Saturday. The movie Rip Van Winkle was reviewed with sponsibility for the equipment. sacks filled with popcorn. Two Christmas craft projects were made Lowell Police then cited Daniel 1 his old combine parked near Chatham St. is one of the pieces of inoperable farm equipmen' for and then games were played by all. Riggs for the same violation, and which Daniel Riggs was cited. The Riggs home ap^^ars in the background. the case ended up in court again. MEMORIAL FUND TO BENEFIT BOY SCOUTS White indicated to those pre- tions, treating each day as a sepa- will give Riggs a rttsonable ment stays, the city will exercise sent at the dui that the city bad qrte violauon-LoweUCUy Man- period of tiaae to renvwe the its option and begin issuing cita- Donations for the William J. Nowak Memorial Fund arc now the option of Issuing new cita- ager Ray Quada said that tlie city farm equipment, but if the equip- tions on a daily basis. being accepted at the State Savings Bank. 414 E. Main St.. ix)well, 49331. Funds contributed in Mr. Bill's name will be used to benefit Scouting activities within the structure of Troop 102 of Lowell. Radio Shack Store opens here ATTENTION FORMER HOCKEY PLAYERS Curt's Sound & Home Arcade Center, 609 W. Main St., Low- The Lowell High School Hockey Team will be playing against ell. Ml is now a Radio Shack Au- former high school hockey players on Wednesday December 21 at thorized Sales Center. 9:00 P.M. at the Cascade Ice Arena. Following a two period game According to Curtis C. Al- against the Lowell Varsity, the Alumni will be divided into two brecht. 3''. of 1405 Laurie Gail teams for a game. Players from 1973-78 will comprise one team and Dr.. lx)well the store's owner. players from 1978-83 will make up the other. Cost will be $2 per Curt's Sound & Home Arcade player. Center will stock a selected line of products from Radio Shack. CHRISTMAS CANTATA Their exclusive products are cus- tom-made by or for Radio Sunday, December 18.1983, the First Congregational Church of Shack. Some of the brands in- u Lowell will proudly present a Christmas Cantata, "How Far Is It to clude Realistic. Archer. Micro- Bethlehem" by Ronald Nelson. nta, Archerkit, Science Fair, Featured will be music by mixed choir, organ and orchestra. Patrolman, Supertape, and TRS- From the church will be Dr. David Durkee on viola, Mrs. Ruth 80 Computer Systems. Thurtell on violin, Dr Kathy Chase on flute and guest musicians on Radio Shack, a Division of clarinet, trumpet, violin and cello. Tandy Corporation (NYSE), Our cantata will be the major part of the worship service an I headquartered in Fort Worth. guests are most welcome. Childcare and Nursery will be available. Texas, owns and operates sev- The Cantata will be videotaped and thanks to the courtesy of Lowell eral manufacturing factories in Cable will be rebroadcast at 10:00 A.M. Monday through Thursday the U.S.A. and others in and at 7:00 P.M. Tuesday evening on Channel two. Canada. Japan. South Korea, fil and Taiwan, employing over OFF THE BLOTTER cont'd, back pg. Involved in a minor injury accident Saturday afternoon on W. A Radio Shack Authorized Sales Center opened here this week. A temporary permit was issued Main near Riverside Dr. were Edward Beebe, 20, of Kentwood Appointments not always by the city for this outdoor sign. The business is currently located at 609 West Main Street with when he struck the rear of a car driven by Billie Ellison. 52, of Low- Bruce's Shoe Repair, but owner Curt Albrecht hopes to find larger quarters soon. ell. A passenger in Ellison's car, 47 year old Delores Ellison sus- needed at Vanity Hair Fash- tained the minor injuries. ions. Open five days Lowell, Bonnie Howard, 37. of Lowell struck and killed a deer Wednes- W7-75Q*. day. December 7 on M-21 near the Admiral Gas Station. Leroy School Board Meeting Briefs Hinds of Lowell also struck and killed 2 deer early Sunday, De- STEAK DINNER - Sal., ^ec. 17,4 P.M.-8 P.M. al the VFW cember 11 on M-21 west of Ada. Neither of the drivers were in- The Lowell Board of Educa- at the high school for 20 years of Bids were received on com- Port 8303, Main St., Lowell T- jured. tion held its regular meeting on service and to Mrs. Mary puter equipment to be used in the Bones, Rlbeyes, steak for two, Cited into 63rd District court on charges of open container of al- Monday. December 12 at 7:30 Richard, bookkeeper in the ad- Lowell Community Education Sixtitn. "Band" following cohol in a motor vehicle Saturday evening was Gregory Weaver. P.M. in the Board offices. Start- ministration office for her 25 Program. The Bqiird awarded dinner 8 P.M.-12:M. 21, of Wyoming. Michigan. ing off the meeting, the Future years of employment with Low- the bid to Newman Audio Video William Driftmeyer, 53, of Lowell stated to Lowell Police that he Farmers. Association (FFA) from ell Area Schools. In other mat- of Grand Rapids for the purchase VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE - lost control of his vehicle on Lincoln Lake St. near Hunt St. Friday the high school gave a short slide ters relating to Personnel, the of Commodore 64 computers Full service garage open from morning and struck a tree. The driver was not injured. presentation to the Board show- Board accepted the resignation and related equipment in the 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. Certtflcd Two juveniles were arrested Wednesday. December 7 after they ing their trip to a national con- of Tom Harper as J. V. Wrestling amount of $5.0%. 10 to be paid Mechanics on duty. 2400 Wert confessed to the breaking and entering of a trailer in the Valley Vista vention in Kansas City and other Coach and hired Nancy Hanson for from the Lowell Community Main St., Lowell 897.9844. Trailer Park. Both will be referred into the juvenile court at a later local activities. for J.V. BasketballCheerleading Education funds. dale. Following the approval for the Coach; John Wilder for Assistant In other action, the Board re- Arrested by Lowell officers on a criminal bench warrant issued PRECISION & FASHION payment of bills for the month of Wrestling Coach; and Bill Stouf- ceived a recommendation from by the 63rd District court was William Hahs, 30. on Tuesday. De- HAIRSTYLING - For both November, the Board presented fer for Assistant Volleyball the administration to consider a cember 6. men and women. Man's World special recognition plaques to Coach under extra duty contracts HairrtyHng. Pfewe 897-8102. Mrs. Mary Ann Ay res, secretary for the 1983-84 season. cont'd, back pg. mm Jit- jja ,, •. , ....... -iii'kifiTr to- ^ ••stjii • • Grand Valley Ledger - Wednesday. Dec. 14, 1983 - Page 3 Grand Valley ledger - Wednesday. Dec. 14. 1983 • Page 2 In the Service •5-f i Obituaries cozy Marine Pvt. William M. Wil- REYBURN - Mrs. Christine NELI.IST - Charles Clark Nel- 9560 - 36th Street. Lowell, Mrv Hildegard and Otto Peebles Dannison PhD. (Major Danni- He is a 1983 graduate of meritorious service in the perfor- Schultze, aged 91. widow of liams Jr., son of Deloris F. and Lucillo Reybum. aged (>6. of list. aged 73. of 7619 Fase St.. passed away Monday. She is sur- all of Rockford. Funeral Ser- son is with the U.S. Army Lakewood High School. Lake mance of their duties on behalf of Prof. Henry Schultze, and resi- William M. Williams Sr. of Culler Eslules. Grand Rapids. Ada. went to be with hi* bird vived by her children. Catherine vices were held Friday. De- Michigan National Guaid. Lans- Odessa, Michigan. the Army. dent of Lulher Village, passed 2150 Johnson Road. Saranac. Mi. passed away Sunday.
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