UK, the Sample Is Fairly Representative of the Entire Country

UK, the Sample Is Fairly Representative of the Entire Country

✓ Population (millions): 66,022,270 ✓ Female (% of total): 50.7% ✓ 25-29 y.o. (% of female population): 7% ✓ Area: 242,545 km² ✓ Density: 272.90 pop./km² ✓ GDP (Global): 2,624.53 Md $USD (5th) ✓ GDP (per capita): 39,720 USD /capita (28th) ✓ System: Parliamentary constitutional monarchy ✓ Head of State: Elizabeth II (Monarch since 1952), Theresa May (Prime Minister since 2016) ✓ Women in national parliament (%, Nov. 2018) : 32.2% ✓ Fertility rate: 1.83 births / woman (2014) ✓ Population growth: 0.65 % / year ✓ Life expectancy: 81 years ✓ Female: 83 years ✓ Male: 79 years ✓ Average age of women at first birth : 29.9 Source : World Bank / IMF / Interparliamentary Union ✓ Ease of doing business: 9th ✓ Starting a business (procedure, time, cost): 19th ✓ Time required to start a business: 4.5 days ✓ Unemployment: 4.3% ✓ Women: 4.2% ✓ Men: 4.4% ✓ Female share of employment in senior and middle management (%): 34% ✓ Maternity pay and leave: 52 weeks / 90% of the pay (Father: 14 days) ✓ Law ensuring women an equivalent post after maternity leave: Yes Source : World Bank / United Nations / Doing Business / PopulationData.Net /Interparliamentary Union / HuffPost / INS Global Consulting ✓ The study was conducted by Market Probe ✓ The sample was sourced via an online panel ✓ Panelists were send an e-mail invitation to the survey and could Target take the survey online Male Female 20-29 248 255 ✓ Those who entered the survey were screened on age, gender and 30-39 243 250 region (where applicable) ✓ Quota stops were put in place to ensure representation with regard 40-49 249 256 to these attributes 50-59 246 253 ✓ As internet penetration is high in the UK, the sample is fairly representative of the entire country ✓ Results were analysed by BETC Corporate 2003 RESPONDENTS FEMALE MALE IN 2018 54% 46% 20-29 30-39 20-29 30-39 25% 24% 21% 26% 50-59 40-49 50-59 40-49 12,4% IN THE GREATER 25% 26% 26% 27% LONDON 14% 12% 12% 9% 9% 9% 8% 8% 7% 5% 4% 2% South East Greater London North West South West Yorkshire and West Midlands East Midlands Scotland East of England Wales North East Northern Ireland the Humber BASE : TOTAL SAMPLE 62% 55% 45% 38% MARRIED OR LIVING WITH PARTNER SINGLE 28% 25% 12% 9% 5% 4% TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL MALE SINGLE - LIVING AT HOME WITH PARENTS SINGLE - LIVING WITH FRIENDS SINGLE - LIVING ALONE 56% 56% 44% 44% Up to A Levels Further Education + TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL MALE FEMALE MALE MORE THAN £40K LESS THAN £40K PER MORE THAN £40K LESS THAN £40K PER PER YEAR YEAR PER YEAR YEAR 26% 74% 36% 64% Conversion rate in USD (DEC. 18) 1 £ = 1.27 USD 40,000 £ = 50,741.12 USD Disclaimer: This information is self-reported and household revenue reports are often overclaimed in surveys. Use this BASE : TOTAL breakdown as an indication of the wealth repartition rather than an accurate reflection of earnings. NOT ENTREPRENEUR ENTREPRENEUR WANTREPRENEUR OTHER 19% 31% 50% NOT ENTREPRENEUR ENTREPRENEUR WANTREPRENEUR OTHER 36% 32% 32% ENTREPRENEUR SOMEONE WHO STARTS THEIR OWN BUSINESS OR TAKES OVER AN EXISTING BUSINESS. NOT ENTREPRENEUR PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEITHER STARTED NOR TAKEN OVER A BUSINESS. WANTREPRENEUR AMONG PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ENTREPRENEURS, THOSE WHO ARE CONSIDERING BECOMING ENTREPRENEURS. TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL MALE 1080 RESPONDENTS 923 RESPONDENTS TOTAL FEMALE MALE ENTREPRENEUR 1080 RESPONDENTS 333 RESPONDENTS TOTAL FEMALE MALE NOT ENTREPRENEUR 1080 RESPONDENTS 590 RESPONDENTS FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE WANTREPRENEUR 338 RESPONDENTS 292 RESPONDENTS FEMALE NOT ASPIRANT MALE NOT ASPIRANT 535 RESPONDENTS 298 RESPONDENTS TOTAL FEMALE FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR FEMALE NOT ENTREPRENEUR FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR 1080 RESPONDENTS 207 RESPONDENTS 873 RESPONDENTS 338 RESPONDENTS 20-29 266 RESPONDENTS 20-39 130 RESPONDENTS 20-29 201 RESPONDENTS 20-39 182 RESPONDENTS 30-39 262 RESPONDENTS 40-59* 77 RESPONDENTS 30-39 197 RESPONDENTS 40-59 156 RESPONDENTS 40-49 279 RESPONDENTS 40-49 232 RESPONDENTS 50-59 273 RESPONDENTS 50-59 243 RESPONDENTS FEMALE NOT ASPIRANT 535 RESPONDENTS TOTAL MALE MALE ENTREPRENEUR MALE NOT ENTREPRENEUR MALE WANTREPRENEUR 923 RESPONDENTS 333 RESPONDENTS 590 RESPONDENTS 292 RESPONDENTS 20-29 193 RESPONDENTS 20-39 207 RESPONDENTS 20-29 107 RESPONDENTS 20-39 149 RESPONDENTS 30-39 237 RESPONDENTS 40-59 126 RESPONDENTS 30-39 116 RESPONDENTS 40-59 143 RESPONDENTS 40-49 248 RESPONDENTS 40-49 162 RESPONDENTS 50-59 245 RESPONDENTS MALE NOT ASPIRANT 50-59 205 RESPONDENTS 298 RESPONDENTS 16% 84% TOOK OVER A START A BUSINESS BUSINESS FEMALE OVER-REPRESENTATION* BEAUTY HEALTHCARE / SOCIAL ASSISTANCE / WELLNESS FOOD INDUSTRY MALE OVER-REPRESENTATION* SOFTWARE / TECH INDUSTRY / 13% ENGINEERING 12% CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECTURE 10% 9% 9% 9% 8% 8% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 4% 3% 2% 2% 1% Beauty Retail trade Design/art Healthcare, Food industry Other Sport, leisure Personal services Wholesale trade 9% 6% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% com./advertising/marketing Education Fashion Transport./warehousing Tourism tech industry/engineering Finance/insurance/legal FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR 40 33 30 20 19 18 10 11 8 8 WITHIN THE LAST YEAR 2-3 YEARS AGO 4-5 YEARS AGO 6-10 YEARS AGO MORE THAN 10 YEARS AGO FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR 70% 66% 33% 29% Up to A levels Further Education FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR 50-59 50-59 20-29 14% 12% 20-29 31% 26% FEMALE MALE AGES 40-49 AGES 26% 40-49 30-39 30-39 23% 31% 36% MEAN 36.5 MEAN 36.9 MEDIAN 35.9 BASE : ENTREPRENEURS MEDIAN 36.7 60% 59% 40% 41% 26% 25% MARRIED OR LIVING WITH PARTNER SINGLE 11% 9% 5% 5% FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR SINGLE - LIVING AT HOME WITH PARENTS SINGLE - LIVING WITH FRIENDS SINGLE - LIVING ALONE MALE ENTREPRENEUR FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS MALE ENTREPRENEURS MORE THAN 40K€ LESS THAN 40K€ PER MORE THAN 40K€ LESS THAN 40K€ PER PER YEAR YEAR PER YEAR YEAR 36% 64% 50% 50% Conversion rate in USD (DEC. 18) 1 £ = 1.27 USD 40,000 £ = 50,741.12 USD Disclaimer: This information is self-reported and household revenue reports are often overclaimed in surveys. Use this breakdown as an indication of the wealth repartition rather than an accurate reflection of earnings. FEMALE MALE ENTREPRENEURS ENTREPRENEURS 13% 23% IN GREATER IN GREATER LONDON LONDON Source : The Telegraph (02/24/2018) / Independent (06/13/2018) / The Guardian (06/25/2014) Source : Inc.(01/09/2018) / Forbes (12/19/2017) / (12/04/2018) Source : Companies register activities 2017 to 2018, Official Statistics, (06/28/2018) MORE THAN 25% OF BRITISH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS RUN OR PLAN TO RUN A BUSINESS DURING THEIR STUDIES Source : The Independent (02/12/2018) 53% 55% 50% 48% 48% 47% 50% TOTAL FEMALE FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR TOTAL MALE MALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR 50% 41% 41% 39% 40% 36% 38% TOTAL FEMALE FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR TOTAL MALE MALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR 50% 38% 39% 36% 35% 35% 35% TOTAL FEMALE FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR TOTAL MALE MALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR 50% 40% 39% 42% 35% 33% 28% TOTAL FEMALE FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR TOTAL MALE MALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR 50% 40% 38% 38% 38% 35% 36% TOTAL FEMALE FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR TOTAL MALE MALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR 63% 56% 57% 56% 52% 47% 50% TOTAL FEMALE FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR TOTAL MALE MALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR ONLY 19% START-UPS WITH A FEMALE FOUNDER OF BRITISH SERIAL RAISED 8.5% OF ALL FUNDING RAISED IN ENTREPRENEURS THE UK IN 2017. ARE WOMEN Source : Beyond the First Business - The Center for Entrepreneurs 2016 / The Entrepreneurs Network, 2017 FEMALE MALE 39% 50% FEMALE NOT ENTREPRENEUR MALE NOT ENTREPRENEUR FEMALE MALE 50% 73% 42% / 36% / 30% 61% / 48% / 32% 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 FEMALE NOT ENTREPRENEUR MALE NOT ENTREPRENEUR FEMALE MALE 19% 36% COUNTRY FOCUS: The UK is the country where the gap between male and female 44% / 47% / 37% / 40% 46% / 59% / 51% / 59% entrepreneurs is the widest 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50–59 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50–59 “I am an entrepreneur”: • JAPAN: 9% / 21% (GAP: 12pts) • FRANCE: 14% / 22% (GAP: 8pts) • UK: 19% / 36% (GAP: 17pts) • HK: 36% / 41% (GAP: 5pts) • SA: 43% / 53% (GAP: 10pts) FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR MALE ENTREPRENEUR FEMALE MALE 24% 33% 34% / 28% / 23% / 12% 43% / 44% / 34% / 14% 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL MALE FEMALE MALE 26% 36% 35% / 27% / 24% / 20% 46% / 44% / 30% / 25% 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 Again, this “impostor syndrome” diminishes with age, which might be due to more mature women TOTAL FEMALE feeling more in control of their TOTAL MALE professional skill-set WOMEN WERE WOMEN WERE 31% 37% MORE LIKELY THAN MALE TO MORE LIKELY THAN MALE TO ENTER HIGHER EDUCATION IN VS ENTER HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UK THE UK IN 2012 IN 2017 Source : The Guardian (08/28/2017) Source : WISE - Women on Boards (2017) 95% OF NEW BUSINESSES FAIL IN THEIR FIRST FIVE YEARS OF EXISTENCE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Source : Liverpool Business News (12/21/2017) NEUTRAL 32% AGREE 50% DISAGREE 18% BASE: TOTAL FEMALE MALE 51% 49% 58% / 50% / 50% / 48% 58% / 56% / 44% / 42% 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL MALE FEMALE MALE 58% 52% 59% / 57% 58% / 46% 20-39 / 40-59 20-39 / 40-59 FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE MALE 67% 56% 69% / 64% 60% / 49% 20-39 / 40-59* 20-39 / 40-59 FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR *Small base MALE ENTREPRENEUR FEMALE MALE 54% 46% 60% / 47% / 49% / 59% 47% / 51% / 45% / 40% 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL MALE FEMALE MALE 60% 50% 59% / 60% 51% / 49% 20-39 / 40-59 20-39 / 40-59 FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR MALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE MALE 67% 54% 68% / 66% 57% / 50% 20-39 / 40-59* 20-39 / 40-59 Younger male entrepreneurs seem more aware of the reality described by female FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR *Small base entrepreneurs than their MALE ENTREPRENEUR elders 19% FEMALE 21% FEMALE 39% FEMALE 25% MALE 27% MALE 39% MALE COUNTRY FOCUS: TOTAL MALE TOTAL FEMALE The UK is the only country amongst all countries surveyed where men MALE WANTREPRENEUR FEMALE WANTREPRENEUR are more likely to have felt discriminated because of their gender.

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