DOCUMENT aisung ED 119 198 , CS 202 528 AUTHOR Hall, William E. Ed. .TITLE Journalism Abstracts: M.A., M.S., Ph.D., Theses in Journalism and 'Mass Communication. Vol. 13. INSTITUTION-. Association for Education im Journalism. PUB DATE 75 , NOTE 172p,; Not available in hard copy-due to marginal . legibility of original document - AVAILABLE FROM Journalism Abstracts, Business Office, lssociation for Education in Journalism,. 431 Murphy 'Hall, . -University of iiinnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 ($6.00 paper) ,. ERRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESeRIPTORS Abstraqts; Annotate& Bibliographies; Communication - -(Thought Transfer); Content'Analysis; *Doctoral Theses; Higher Education; *Journalism; *Mass Media; *Masters Theses; Media Research; News Media; NewspaperS; Radio; Research Methodology; Research Tools; Television 'IDENTIFIER - Broadcast Journalism ABSTRACT . This annual compilation by the Association for Education in Journalism describes master's theses and doctoral dissertations writen in schools and departments of journalism and communication in the United;States between July 1,1974, and June 30, 1975:4 Th4 aim of the'book is to improve the flow of information about current research by providing easy access to,students and teacheiS,in journalism schools, to scholars in related diSciplines, and to professionals in the media of maps communication. It contains -287 abstracts submitted.from 40 colleges. and universities, including 49 doctoral dissertations and 238 masters theses. All abstractswere . prepared by th6 students or their advisors. The abstracts are . arranged, in alphabetical order under doctoral dissertations and master's theses. An author index and, a complete subject indexare. included. (RB) 1 *****************************ic*****************************;(********** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many infOrmal unpublished * . *materials not available from other sources."ERICmakes every effort*,. *to obtain tjie best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * *reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * *of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * *via `the ERIC Document Reproduction,Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * *responsible for the quality of the original docuient. Reproductions* *supplied by EDRS are the best_thaCcan be made from the original. * *********************************************************************** U.S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, ' EDUCATION & WE FARE NATJONACINSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO.. OUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY Journalism Aibsracts Published by the Association for Ei ducation in Journalism Volume 13 t 1975 0 . M. A. , Ph .D .Theses -in J ournalismandMass_ Communication_ Editor: William E. Hall The Ohio State University, School of Journalism . Columbus. Ohio 4321 2 Correspondence about editorial-and, business. matters should be addreised. to Journalism Abstracts, Business Office, Association for Education in Journalism, 431 Murphy Hall, University of Minnesota;Minneapplis, Minnesota 55455. Copies are available from the Busin'ess Office at $6.0 --- each. Special rate to studertts of journalism and members of the AEJ, $5.00. Checksshould.be made payable to JOURNALISM ABSTRACTS. to 4.1 rt 't PARTfCIPAT.ING I N S T T 0 N S Ball State University".' _ Murray State University California State-UniversityFresno University ofNorth Carolina' California State University, Fullerton North Tetras State University California'State University, korthridge Northern Illinoit University Central Michigan University' Ohio University East Texas State University Oklahoma State IlniVersity University of Florida University of Pennsylvania University orGeorgia Pennsylvania,State.University --University San Jose State Unive'rsity Indiana University South Dakota gtate Uni'versity University of Iowa Stanford' University. , Iowa State University Syracuse University University 'of Kansat Temple University Kansas State University ',University of Tennessee, University of Kansas University of0Texas Kent State University University of Washington. University of 'Maryland West Virginia.University University'of Mississippi Western Illinois University Univeitity of Missouri University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Montana University of Wyoming 411 4 V roe . <;;I a . _IBTRODUCTIOlg For the :fourth year a very special vote , Journalism Abstracts is an annual compi- of thanks goes to Mrs. Ouita M Tomlin, sen- lationby.the Association forpecation ior-publidatio;i4absinant, whose capable and ,41 Journalism of master's theses and doctoral conscientious, efforts'ire; iW,largepart, re- dissertations, written in schools and depart- sponsible for the almost error-free, quality' ments of journalism and communication in the ofqthe pUblication. She supervised ail.typ- 45 . United States. Thesaim of the book is to im- ing and compiled the tedious sub-indexes that proVe the flow of information about current hake it possible for the reader to find de- research to students and teachers in journal- sired topics quickly and with minimum effort., ism schools, to scholars in related di-1mi- Assisting Mrs. Tomlin with.the typing were plinesarid'to professionals in the media of Mrs.'Harriet Allent:Mrs. Casey Elia, Miss mass communication Cherry Fahrenbruc4and Mrs. Barbara Tilley.. This book, Volume 13, containS*287 ab- Faculty membera',James D. Harless, Paul stracts submitted from 40 colleges and uni= V. Peterson and Galen R. Rarick again provid- versities. includes 49doctoral dieserta- ed invaluable assistance to the editor in in- tions as opposed to 65 last year;.and 238 dexihg abstracts by subject matter, a chore master's theses-as opposed to 297 last year. that provokes sharp differences of opinion. Comparisons become-more significant F. T. Gaumert alio of the Journalism faculty, e when :the reader goes baCk to Vqlume I (1963). again supervised printing arrangements. That book contained 158 abstracts, (17 dis- Ohio State is happy to be able again to -. sertitions, 141 theses) collected from 27 render this service:to AEJ cplleagues. It is schools. a minor contribution to journalism education, 'The 1975 book includes those theses and but we feel that it is an important one. dissertations accepted*fromJUly 1, 1974 to --W.E.W. June 30, 1975. In addition, a few abstracts Columbus that missed the,deadline, for, the previous August, 1975 'year's.volume'areincluded. All abstracts were prepared by the students themselves or by their advisers. ORGANIZATION . While complete coverage is the goal.of this series, a few schools and some students The abstracts are arranged in alphabeti- -., fail to participate. However, on the basis cal order for doctoral dissertations first of this year's response from 40.institutionst and then for master's theses. the editor estimates coverage is approaching An author index appears in the Table of its goal and that Volume 13 includes the vast Contents. A complete subject matter index majority of those theses and dissertations begins oh page'156. Numerals used in the accepted during the publication period. subject matter index refer to the ABSTRACT NUMBERS which precede each abstract in the book and not to page numbers. 4 This system ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS allows eventual computerized automation of The editor first wishes to express his:. the indexing process. 4 appreciationtd all students and advisers whose cooperation' made this thirteenth volume possible. The-proMpt shipment here of first quarter or first semester abstracts duiing OBTAINING COMPLETE STUDIES the winter months again substantially reduced Many of the doctoral dissertationsde- laitminute pressures.." scribed in'this volume may be orderedon -Nexf year, Journalism Abstract's will microfilm or in Xerox copies from University move to a new hoMe after four years at The Microfilms, Inc., 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Ohio State School Qf Journalism. I would Arbor, Michigan 48106.' like to express a vote of *appreciation to my Master's theses usually may be borrOwed faculty and staff for their recognition of through the Inter-Library Loan Service from the value of this publication and for-their. the university library in which theyare cheerful acceptance-Of inconveniences and in- 4 shelved.-Most large libraries will provide crea-aed work loads during its preparation. microfilm or Xerox copies on request. CONTENTS AND AUTHORINDEX Page No. - Page 49 Jerry L. Bayne 50 Mark A. Bedner 50,Thomas M. Belden Ph.D. Abstracts 51 Thomas R: Berg 51 Colleen .J. Birch 2 Eric Alan Abbott 52 Toby Bqnwit 2 Paul Douglas Adams 52 Ronald Wayne BoWes -3 Henry Alvah Anderson, Jr, 52 Robert Burgess Boyd 3 Lee B. Becker 53 Richard Byron Bronk 4 Sheldon Lary Belmar) 53 Jane Delano Brown -5 Melinda Thach Birchmore Jeanne Brownlee. 5 John Harold Boyer 54Bonnie 54DaVidH. Buipee ,4 6 Jennings Bryant, Jr. Lane Burrows' 7 Joanne R. Cantor '55Edward -55,Robert Jose CaldWell 8 Glenna Gail Crotts I 56-Snyder C. Caldwell , 9 -James P. Crow 56 Beverly-Barnum Carden 10. Don Charles Dodson 56 Scott C. Carlberg 11 William D. Downs, Jr. 5 Bob A. Carroll' 12 Edna F. Einsiedel 57 JaMei 0,,2Castagnera 13 George Paul Evans 58 Richirgegson Chalfen 13 Patrice,Lynne French . 58 Te-Cheng Chang 14 Romeo H. Gecolea 59* Mei-Chin Chen 15 Rae Goodell ---59-Kevin-Mictsol-Connors -16-_Jeck Robert Hart 60 Kathleen K.Constanzi 17 Robert Parker
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