University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto Alumni Magazine St.SSt.t. MichaelMMichaelichaSVolumee 43 Numbertl 1’’ . Springss 2005 Michael’’ss St. Michaewww.utoronto.ca/stmikesl’’ss In this issue A Tribute to the Sisters of St. Joseph Jean Vanier: The Heart of God Preparing. Presidents St. Michael’s Record in Producing University Leaders Revitalizing the Alumni Board In my first term the University of St. Michael’s College Alumni Association Alumni Association has been busy.We had a retreat for the Board of Directors in September, which focused on Board of Directors revitalizing the board and developing the committee structures it needs to increase avenues for all alumni and friends of the College to become involved. In October, the first Friends of the Library Book Sale Executive Members raised more than $22,000! The alumni committee did a great job. Karen A. Chambers ’88 Terri A. Farkas ’73 The Annual Faith, Hope and Charity campaign has PRESIDENT Michael Doyle ’96 a goal of $1.2 million this year! I want to thank all Ania Kordiuk ’86 contributors for their generous support of the College. John O’Brien ’94 Marianna Korman ’48 A sincere welcome to new members of the Alumni VICE-PRESIDENT Stanley Makuch ’67 Association Board of Directors– Marianna Korman ’48 Michael McCarthy ’94 and Stanley Makuch ’67. Michael T. Mazza ’95 David Montgomery ’77 I hope to see you all at Spring Reunion 2005. TREASURER Bradley N. Morrison ’95 David M. Scandiffio ’94 Gloria Chisholm Buckley ’48 Ann L. Sullivan ’77 KAREN CHAMBERS ’88 SECRETARY Steven A.Williams ’94 President USMC Alumni Association *David Collins ’97 James B. Milway ’73 (on sabbatical) PAST PRESIDENT Student Representatives Brian R. O’Malley Reza Ketabi EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, (SMCSU President) ALUMNI AFFAIRS & David Cramer DEVELOPMENT (SMCSU Vice-President) Kathleen M. Ancker, CFRE DIRECTOR, ALUMNI AFFAIRS St. Michael’s continues to count on its graduates and friends The view from Elmsley Place By RICHARD ALWAY ’62 President, University of St. Michael’s College Recently released, the final report of the Rae Review of postsecondary education in Ontario holds out real promise of positive change for a system of university funding in desperate need of an overhaul. Authored by a respected former Premier, Leaving specific numbers aside, it responsibility to come into the office its major recommendations were pre- seems likely that more money will be during the break to receive the cheque. tested on the provincial government, injected into the post-secondary system, Toronto developer Marco Muzzo will giving this report a better chance than including the University of Toronto, in bring his gift to a total of $5 million most of actually being implemented. coming years.While St. Michael’s does within the next two years, a level What can we expect in coming months, not receive direct provincial funding, our of generosity that places him in the and what effect will this have on students will benefit from any initiatives senior ranks of donors to Canadian universities and colleges in Ontario, taken by the U of T to improve the including St. Michael’s? quality of education, by, for instance, The short answer is likely to be more hiring more faculty and decreasing class PHOTO money for a cash-strapped system, start- sizes. Constantly improving the quality : ing as early as this spring’s provincial of the undergraduate student experience PETE GAFFNEY budget.This is long overdue. For more is a priority for St. Michael’s, and changes than a decade, Ontario has ranked last flowing from the Rae Report should among the provinces in per student help us achieve this objective. support of higher education.The Rae In this column, I would also like to Report calls for $1.5 billion in additional provide you with a quick update on funding over the next three years in a number of other good news items order to bring Ontario’s spending to mentioned in the last issue of St. the national average.While per capita Michael’s.Appropriately enough, the spending on health care in Ontario has College received the first $3 million increased by more than 30 per cent in real instalment of what will eventually be terms since 1987, higher education spend- our largest ever gift over the Christmas ing has actually declined by 18 per cent. holidays. Needless to say, it was a happy universities.The gift is unrestricted in requirements that apply to PIMS as terms of the use to which it can be an ecclesiastical faculty, and will have applied, and is unconditional on the little practical effect on the day to day land sale currently being transacted working relationship between the between St. Michael’s and Mr. Muzzo. two institutions. The College will express its official As part of an ongoing renewal of its ATr appreciation in an appropriate fashion teaching staff, the Faculty of Theology at a future date, but at this time I is currently conducting searches to fill would again like to convey our sin- two vacant positions, the Patrick cere thanks for this unprecedented Keenan Chair in religious education, measure of support of St. Michael’s. and the Basilian Fathers Chair in pas- On the Bay Street land front, I am toral theology.The former opened up pleased to report that a sale document with the happy news last summer of the has now been signed between St. Michael’s appointment of Rev. Mario D’Souza, and the Muzzo group of companies. CSB, Associate Professor of Religious The agreement is conditional upon Education, as the twentieth President of receiving planning approval from the Assumption University in Windsor.The City of Toronto which we are advised St. Michael’s community congratulates could take as long as two to three years. Father D’Souza on his new appoint- In the interim, the College will continue ment, and wishes him every success. to collect revenue from its parking Finally, alumni and friends who have operation on the site. Initial cash not already heard the news will read flow projections indicate that if the elsewhere in this issue of the decision sale proceeds as expected on this of the Sisters of St. Joseph to close St. kind of timeline, our annual operat- Joseph’s College in May of 2006.This ing deficit can be eliminated within will mark a significant change for St. five to six years. Having the College Michael’s, which, with its students, has operate on a break-even basis for benefited so much from the contribution As some the first time in living memory will of the Sisters.Their generous service of you have already learned, establish a sound foundation for over the course of nearly a century St. Joseph’s College will soon close. continued positive performance, has literally changed the lives of The Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, both financially and academically, countless young women, and allowed after much consideration, reflection as we move into the second decade many to receive a university educa- and consultation, have decided they of a new century. tion who otherwise would not have must close St. Joseph’s College in May Careful readers of the Globe and been able to do so. As most of you 2006. Sister Margaret Myatt, General Mail might have noticed the recent will know, St. Joseph’s is an independ- Superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph, in publication of St. Michael’s application ent institution owned and operated by announcing the closure stated, “The to the Ontario Legislature for new the Sisters, and the reasons for its clo- Sisters have been reviewing all of legislation to reform the governance sure are particular to the Congregation their ministries and making decisions structure of USMC.A private member, itself.This is part of a broader trend and choices for the future of the Mike Colle, MPP for Eglinton-Lawrence, where religious congregations across Congregation, moving away from their has agreed to sponsor the bill, and we North America, faced with declining institutions into new ministries.” expect that passage will occur during personnel, are having to reduce their Alumni, administration, the spring session.At the same time, the commitments and make the difficult faculty, students and staff of St. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies decision to close some institutions. Michael’s share the sentiment (PIMS) will also be receiving its own This, of course, makes it all the more expressed in Sister Margaret’s words, act, and will become an autonomous important that alumni/ae come for- “It is not without considerable institution affiliated with the University ward to support Catholic colleges sadness that the Sisters have made of St. Michael’s College, rather than and universities. In this spirit, St. this decision.” one of its four divisions.This change is Michael’s continues to count on its For over ninety-five years the being carried out to fulfil canon law graduates and friends. Sisters of St. Joseph have made a major 2 Spring 2005 St. Michael’s to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto ibuteRICHARD ALWAY ’62 President, University of St. Michael’s College Left 1918 graduates of St. Joseph College with Sister Perpetua Whalen, CSJ and Sister St. John O’Malley CSJ Middle Sister Geraldine Thompson, CSJ Right Sr. St. John O’Malley and students of St. Joseph College, 1918 Courtesy of Archive of Sisters of St. Joseph College contribution to the history and life of St. Michael’s understands and accepts St. Michael’s owes a great debt to the St. Michael’s.They have been influential, this decision and is committed to Sisters of St.
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