o tr The Observer 1842-1992 ® ----------- StSOUiCENIENNIAl Saint Maryls College The ObserverNOTRE DAME • I NDIANA VOL. XXIV NO. 121 TUESDAY , MARCH 31, 1992 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Recognition, responses and protection from sexual harassment discussed By LYNN O’DONNELL sponsible for sexual harass­ She feels that women experi­ News Writer ment, in situations where grad­ ence a difficulty because, uate students and professors “Notre Dame’s tradition of be­ Sexual harassment does not are abusing their power.” ing an all-men’s college forces have to be tolerated and there Protection exists for those women to battle against estab­ are some methods to respond­ that are being pressured to lished norms.” ing to this kind of behavior, ac­ perform sexual favors in ex­ After speaking to young cording to Wendy Settle of the change for academic or work- women on campus, Settle would University Counseling Center. related benefits, said Pick, c la s s ify the d in in g h a lls as Settle, along with Barbara quoting the handout. “hostile environments.” Settle Pick of Notre Dame’s Law The three types of sexual ha­ read a survey conducted Spring School and Patty O’Donnell, an rassment are sexual coercion, of 1991, which states that over ND graduate student held the verbal and visual harassment two-thirds of Notre Dame stu­ lecture “How to Recognize and and behavior contributing to a dents have experienced some Respond to Sexual hostile environment. Coercion is type of sexual harassment. Harassment,” last night. the most severe and imposed by O’Donnell talked about her “Sexual harassment is pri­ those in a position of power. experiences with her summer marily an issue of power, not Verbal and visual harassment employer. sex,” said Pick, quoting a includes sexual innuendo’s and “It began with dirty jokes, handout produced by the sexual remarks about one’s how many boyfriends I had, and University of Louisville. “It oc­ clothing , body or sexual activ­ whether I was a virgin,” said curs when a person with power ity. Leering, staring, pinching O’Donnell. “Then he abuses that power.” or grabbing constitutes behav­ propositioned me...he grew Sexual harassment is a ior that contributes to a hostile more aggressive ...he grew breach of the trusting relation­ environment. more angry.” ship that normally exists be­ A “hostile environment exists Settle and Fisk encouraged tween members of the univer­ if the harassment is. severe and O’Donnell and other students in sity community, said Pick. pervasive,” said Pick, “but in similar situations not to ignore Harassment introduces a per­ order for the university to do sexual harassment. sonal element into what should something about it or initiate Settle referred to eight steps be a sex neutral situation. legal action people have to outlined by the University of The Obsetver/David Hunferting Pick defined some of the le­ speak up.” Louisville to respond to sexual The Game of Hackey Sack galities connected with sexual Settle addressed the sexual harassment; recognize it, be harassment. Pick states that, harassment on the Notre Dame assertive with the harasser, talk Geoff Strotman, a sophomore from Pangborn Hall, takes time out “the university can be held re­ campus. see LECTURE / page 4 to play with a Hackey Sack. Probable careers for Saint Mary's freshmen Saint Mary’s College freshmen surveyed By KELLY DERRICK Results “enable administra­ miles or less from home or 100 tors and faculty to gain a better Bus. Mgt. and related 15.0% News Writer to 500 miles from home. Undecided 18.5% sense of their entering Her mother and father both Saint Mary’s participated in women—their backgrounds, have college degrees. The fa­ the national American Council their goals for college education ther is most likely a business­ on Education survey of fresh­ and beyond, and their attitudes man and the mother is typically Lawyer 8.2% men. The Saint Mary’s fresh­ and beliefs, ” said R. W illiam a full-tim e homemaker. The men are compared to other Cash, Institutional Researcher. family income is above average freshmen across the country Of the incoming Saint Mary’s and contributes over $1500 or freshmen, 96.1 percent are more to her education. Doctor 8.5% attending peer Catholic institu­ tions, as well as with other four white Caucasian. Minorities As high school students, 73.6 year colleges. account for a significantly lower percent of the women surveyed This survey is a part of the percentage compared to the earned a B+ or better. Typically Other 33.4% Teacher 9.1% Cooperative Institutional 23.7 percent average at other they were members of Research Program at the colleges surveyed. scholastic honor societies and According to the survey, the Nurse 7.3% University of California, Los took the SAT/ACT college Angeles and is conducted each typical the Saint Mary’s woman preparatory course. Source: Saint Mary's College freshmen survey fall at 431 of the nation’s two is Catholic, lives with both of and four year colleges. her parents, and lives either 50 see SURVEY / page 8 The Observer/John Rock Sasseen discusses academic freedom Hit-and-run driver admits By KATHY MASSA common objections to the definition of a Catholic uni­ News Writer validity of Catholic universi­ versity’s identity, said drinking the night of accident ties. Sasseen. There is a widespread Quoting the Pope, Sasseen Herein lies the contradic­ By JULIE BARRETT Indiana, driving while intoxi­ misunderstanding of the true defined the mission and tion of a Catholic university Assistant News Editor cated is. definition of academic identity of the Catholic uni­ as objectors understand aca­ The Police Department has freedom which shapes the versity. demic freedom: if an indi­ The Notre Dame junior in­ submitted the accident report to identity of universities, ac­ “The central task of the vidual desires to teach some­ volved in the hit-and-run acci­ the county prosecutor’s office cording to Robert Sasseen, Catholic universtiy is to thing he believes but it is dent that seriously injured two where the charges against the President of the University of establish an authentic com­ contrary to the Church, said Saint Mary’s sophomores early driver are still pending upon Dallas. Catholic universities munity of inquiry, animated Sasseen, then, the university Sunday morning, Feb.16, has further investigation. necessarily bring an added by the spirit of Christ, giving that employs that teacher admitted to drinking the night County prosecutor Michael dimension to the definition of effective witness in the heart cannot be a Catholic institu­ of the accident, according to Barnes was unable to be academic freedom. of culture to the Church’s tion. Sgt. Charles Feirrell of the reached for comments. Saseen discussed this rela­ belief in the intrinsic value of The conclusion of the ob­ South Bend Police Department. tionship in his lecture titled, knowledge,” Saseen said. jection is that a Catholic uni­ The Police are currently tak­ Elizabeth Joyce and Cara “The Church, the Catholic Sasseen countered the ma­ versity is impossible in terms ing depositions from ND/SMC McCourt, the Saint Mary’s University and Academic jor objection to this vision of of academic freedom. In students who were around the sophomores injured in the acci­ Freedom.” the Catholic universtiy: it vio­ other words, objectors be­ student driver that night to de­ dent, have been released from He outlined the identity lates academic freedom. lieve that academic freedom termine if the student driver St. Joseph Medical Center and and mission of a Catholic Sasseen pointed out that omits the possibility of a was intoxicated when he hit the are back in school. universtiy according to Pope academic freedom has two Catholic university, said two students, Feirrell said. John Paul II. He then meanings: institutional au­ Sasseen. “We are trying to work McCourt, who suffered a bro­ related the conditions tonomy; and individual Sasseen’s response was around school schedules to take ken lumbar spine and a con­ necessary to realize the true teaching autonomy. simple, “any unqualified depositions from witnesses who tused kidney, said she is “doing Catholic university. An These definitions portray a view is intangible in theory saw the student before the fine.” understanding of academic university that is not subject and practice.” An accident occurred to find out if freedom is crucial to the to any outside authority, said unqualified, limitless the student was intoxicated Receiving a broken neck and development of a Catholic Sasseen. In addition, university “simply cannot be while driving that night," skull fractures after being di­ universtiy, according to teachers should be able to maintained in pinciple,” Feirrell said. rectly hit by the car, Joyce is Sasseen, and he developed teach whatever they believe Sasseen said. He argued Feirrell explained that still wearing a neck brace, but these two definitions. to be true, according to those against this erroneous although drinking while driving declined to comment further on Sasseen then responded to who oppose the Pope’s see SASSEEN / page 8 is not illegal in the state of her recovery. page 2 The Observer Tuesday, March 31, 1992 INSIDE COLUMN Forecast for noon,Tuesday WEATHER REPORT March 31 FORECAST: Only we can Lines separate high temperature zones for the day. Mostly cloudy, high in ---------- vTX_r-A 20s the middle 40s . Low in the middle to save Church of upper 20s. Loretto TEMPERATURES: City H L Over the past few Anchorage 35 18 Athens 66 46 months much has been Bogota 72 39 said about the renovation Boston 57 37 of the Church of Loretto. Cairo 84 61 Chicago 49 35 Open forums, letters to the Cleveland 40 34 editor, inside columns and Dallas 67 51 Denver 61 32 discussions have all oc­ Havana 84 69 curred.
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