25538 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 10, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE DANTE B. F ASCELL NORTH­ AUTHORIZING THE COMMITTEE ON and great American. I speak of Mr. George SOUTH CENTER THE J UDICIARY TO INVESTIGATE Wimberly, who has served his community as WHETHER SUFFICIENT GROUNDS a member of the City Manager Board for the HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN EXIST FOR THE IMPEACHMENT City of Little Rock; Mayor of the City of Little OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLIN­ Rock, Arkansas; and as a member of the Ar­ OF NEW YORK TON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED kansas General Assembly. All of these posi­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATES tions are significant, but they are completely Friday, October 9, 1998 overshadowed by his accomplishments as a SPEECH OF Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, today Rep­ friend and servant to his fellow man. George has owned and operated a neigh­ resentative LEE HAMIL TON and I are intro­ HON. LOIS CAPPS ducing H.R. 4757, to honor our esteemed OF CALIFORNIA borhood pharmacy, Buice Drug Store, in the Stiff Station area of Little Rock for over forty former colleague, the former Chairman of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. He is personally involved in the day to International Relations Committee Dante Fas­ Thursday, October 8, 1998 cell. day care of each and every one of his cus­ This bill will rename the educational institu­ Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in tomers. George provides not only medicine, tion known as the North/South Center, as the support of beginning a fair and focused im­ advice and counsel, love, attention and serv­ Dante B. Fascell North-South Center. peachment inquiry. I will as every member of ice, but he also has a genuine concern for the Chairman Dante Fascell was responsible for the House should cast a vote of conscience well being of everyone he knows. Every per­ establishing this Center in 1991 to promote on this grave Constitutional matter. son that comes in contact with George gets better relations between the United States and Let me be clear. I have been appalled by the same consideration. When George Wimberly is your friend you the nations of Latin America and the Carib­ the President's behavior in this matter. His af­ know that there is one person in the world that bean and Canada through cooperative study fair with Monica Lewinsky was reckless and you can count on. He has been my dear friend training and research. Today, we recognize reprehensible. Lying to his family and the since childhood and has befriended genera­ the significant contribution Dante Fascell has American people about it was outrageous. He tions of my family members. He is a wealth of made to U.S. Latin American relations and in­ has tarnished the office of the Presidency and knowledge about our heritage and when he deed to so many other aspects of our foreign his own positive record of accomplishment. reads this he will say, "What would Wimpy policy. He was dedicated legislator and states­ President Clinton must be held accountable. say about this?" man. It is a privilege to sponsor this measure The question before us today is not whether He has provided free medical advice, serv­ to provide a modest means of recognizing a or nor there will be an inquiry. The question ice, and products for anyone in need. He con­ truly great American. before us is what kind of inquiry will there be. I support what the American people are call­ tinues to check on shut-ins and the disabled in Accordingly, I urge my colleagues to fully ing for an expeditious impeachment inquiry the community and is the only link to the out­ support this measure. that will allow our country to being this issue side world for many of them. He is from the H.R. 4757 to a close and to move on. I cannot in good school that thinks character and honesty are Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep­ conscience support an endless series of premier qualities and practices these beliefs. resentatives of the United States of America in unfocused hearings that may distract Con­ Because he has lived and served among us Congress assembled, gress from dealing with the important issues for 78 years we are better for it and the world .SECTION 1. DESIGNATION OF NORTH/SOUTH facing the nation. is a better place to live. As they say in the CENTER AS THE DANTE B. FASCELL place I come from , the One Horse Store, he NORTH-SOUTH CENTER. Of course, if the House is presented with Section 208 of the Foreign Rela tions Au­ further allegations from the Independent Coun­ is a "good man" and I am proud to call him t horization Act , Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993 sel, the Judiciary Committee can examine my friend . (22 U.S.C. 2075) is am ended them as well. (1) by striking su bsection (a) and inser ting But today the House should take a step to­ the following: ward completing this inquiry fairly, thoroughly A YEAR OF ACHIEVEMENTS "(a ) SHORT TITLE. This section may be and quickly. There is no reason we cannot fin­ cit ed as th e " Dante B. Fascell North-Sout h ish this by the end of the year. HON. JAMES A. BARCIA Center Act of 1991 ''; Mr. Speaker, I have heard from thousands OF MICHIGAN (2) in subsection (c) of my constituents on this issue. Their com­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTAT IVES (A) by am ending t h e section heading t o read as follows: " DANTE B. F ASCELL NORTH­ ments and advice range from calling for the Friday, October 9. 1998 SOUTH CENTER. " ; and President's resignation or impeachment to in­ sisting that the House drop the entire matter. Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, efforts to pro­ (B) by striking " known as t he North/Sout h mote equality, success, and opportunity are Center," and inserting which sha ll be known While they may differ in their beliefs and posi­ and designated as th e Dante B. F ascell tions, in the end their most common theme is appreciated by all Americans. An organization, Nor th-Sout h Center," ; an d that they want to see this matter come to an in my district, is truly dedicated to helping Afri­ (3) in subsection (d) by strik ing " North! expeditious resolution. can-Americans succeed in the business com­ South Center " and inserting "Dant e B. Fas­ We should follow their advice. munity and sets a powerful example. It was cell Nor th-South Center ". formed to overcome hardships, and to support SEC. 2. REFERENCES. each other in furthering their success. This (a) CENTER. Any reference in any other pro­ TRIBUTE TO GEORGE WIMBERLY month the Saginaw African-American Minority vision of law t o th e educational instit ution Business Association (S.A.A.M.B.A) is cele­ in Florida known as the North/South Center HON. MARION BERRY brating a year of outstanding achievements by shall be deemed t o be a reference to the designating October as National Minority Busi­ " Dante B. F ascell North-Sout h Center". OF ARKANSAS ness Month. (b) SHORT TITLE. Any referen ce in any IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The weekend of October 23rd, S.A.M.B.A. oth er provision of law to th e North/Sou th Friday, October 9, 1998 Center Act of 1991 shall be deemed t o be a will be hosting a Minority Business Con­ reference t o th e " Dante B. F ascell North/ Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ference. This conference will bring together South Center Act of 1991" . pay tribute to a great friend, great Arkansan, Saginaw area minority business owners. The e T his "bullet" symbol ide ntifies statements or insertions w hich are not spoken by a Member of the Se nate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Mem ber of the House on the floor. October 10, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25539 conference will offer the members of AGAINST HOUSE CONCURRENT ment so often missing in theater productions S.A.A.M.B.A. many different helpful workshops RESOLUTION 254 of today. and motivational keynote speakers, in hopes I want to commend Meredith Bixby for his of providing a solid foundation for the ad­ HON. DANNY K. DAVIS hard work and dedication. It is estimated that vancement of African-Americans in business. OF ILLINOIS S.A.A.M.B.A. advances the development of in 88 years, he has performed more than area African-American minority businesses to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 20,000 marionette plays. succeed in the community. This organization Friday, October 9, 1998 builds relationships with financial institutions in Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I take the area. S.A.A.M.B.A. also sponsors training this opportunity to comment on House Concur­ A TRIBUTE TO RICHARD CHERRY workshops, seminars or conferences like this rent Resolution 254 which passed the House one, educates and answers questions of Afri­ on September 14, 1998. I inaccurately voted can-American business owners and other peo­ in favor of this bill when I should have voted ple with similar interests. This organization's "no." HON. MARCY KAP11JR efforts to increase membership each year The bill calls upon the Government of Cuba OF OHIO have been successful and its members look to expatriate to the United States Ms. Joanne IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forward to many more years of building rela­ Chesimard as well as all other individuals who tionships and promoting business opportuni­ have fled the U.S.
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