USOO71636.16B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,163,616 B2 Vreelke et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 16, 2007 (54) REAGENTS AND METHODS FOR (56) References Cited DETECTING ANALYTES, AND DEVICES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS COMPRISING REAGENTS FOR DETECTING ANALYTES 4,545,382 A 10/1985 Higgins et al. ............. 128,635 4,711,245 A 12/1987 Higgins et al. ... ... 128,635 4,863,016 A 9/1989 Fong et al. ........... ... 206,210 4.941,308 A 7, 1990 Grabenkort et al. .......... 53.425 (75) Inventors: Mark S. Vreeke, Houston, TX (US); 5, 120,420 A 6/1992 Nankai et al. .............. 204,403 Mary Ellen Warchal-Windham, 5,206,147 A 4, 1993 Hoenes ............. ... 435/25 Osceola, IN (US); Christina Blaschke, 5,212,092 A 5/1993 Jackson et al. ............... 436/11 White Pigeon, MI (US); Barbara J. 5,236,567 A 8/1993 Nanba et al. ............... 204,403 Mikel, Mishawaka, IN (US); Howard (Continued) A. 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N o50kGy O : N N 100 kGy NAD-MLB PQQ-Ferri PQQ-MLB Chemistry 600mg/dL Glucose Response After irradiation 18000 16000 S 1200014000 Že s SS %: a Control ° 33. NES 2666%.61%. f N 333. N D50is 100kéy kGy NAD-MLB POQ-Ferri PQQ-MLB Chemistry PQQ-GDH/MLB Dose Response Curve 20000 15000 g -0- 5 SeC. 5 10000 -H 10 SeC. as 5000 -A- 15 SeC. O O - 20 Sec. O 200 400 600 mg/dL Aqueous Glucose U.S. Patent Jan. 16, 2007 Sheet 4 of 6 US 7,163,616 B2 MLB 92 with Glucose Oxidase 3 25 a 20 S 15 CN y = 0.0423x + 0.53 (e) 105 R42 = 0.9934 9 S 0 C 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 glucose (mg/dL) GDH-PQQ With MLB 92 20000 0 initial 5 15000 4 wks at 50C E 10000 A RT 4Wk 40%RH 5 5000 no des O Linear (RT 4wk) O 200 400 600 Glucose (mg/dL) PQQ-GDHChemistry irradiation Stability Study Formulation 9. S 10000: -0- Control (S) 8 8000 --25kGy Sis 40006999 -A-50 kG y 3 2000 -o-100kGy g O O 200 400 600 mg/dL Aqueous Glucose U.S. Patent Jan. 16, 2007 Sheet 5 of 6 US 7,163,616 B2 PQQ-GDHChemistry irradiation Stability Study Formulation 20000 9 16000 (e) E. 12000 8000 -o-Control d 4000 --25kGy g O 0 1 00 200 300 400 500 600 mg/dL Aqueous Glucose PQQ-GDHChemistry irradiation Stability Study Os Formulation ill 3 3 20000 S 16000 9 oris 120008000 -o-Control d 4000 --25kGy KC O 0 1 00 200 300 400 500 600 mg/dL Aqueous Glucose PQQ-GDHChemistry irradiation Stability Study 2 Formulation IV 3 3 20000 S 16000 9 is 12000 5is de 80004000 --Control CDg O --25kGy 0 1 00 200 300 400 500 600 mg/dL Aqueous Glucose U.S. Patent Jan. 16, 2007 Sheet 6 of 6 US 7,163,616 B2 FIG. 12 PQQ-GDHChemistry irradiation Stability Formulation W O 93 20000 S 16000 s 12000 s: -o-Control O O --25kGy 0 1 00 200 300 400 500 600 mg/dL Aqueous Glucose US 7,163,616 B2 1. 2 REAGENTS AND METHODS FOR the radiation conditions commonly employed in lancet ster DETECTING ANALYTES, AND DEVICES ilization. Reagents stable to Such radiation sterilization COMPRISING REAGENTS FOR DETECTING could be incorporated into highly user-convenient units in ANALYTES which lancet and biosensor are combined. The present invention is directed to electron transfer This application claims benefit to provisional application mediators for use in flavoprotein- and quinoprotein-based 60/318,716, filed on Sep. 14, 2001. biosensor reagents, which exhibit improved stability to both environmental interferents and to radiation sterilization. BACKGROUND 10 SUMMARY The present invention relates to reagents, methods and devices for measurement of analytes and, more particularly, The scope of the present invention is defined solely by the to reagents, methods and devices for the measurement of appended claims, and is not affected to any degree by the glucose in the blood. statements within this Summary. By way of introduction, the The monitoring of certain analyte concentrations in the 15 presently preferred embodiments described herein are body enables early detection of health risks, and identifies directed towards remedying the aforementioned stability the need for the introduction of therapeutic measures. One of problems of electron transfer mediators and enzyme biosen the most commonly monitored analytes is glucose, the blood SOS. concentration of which is important in determining the Briefly stated, a composition aspect of the present inven appropriate dosages of insulin for diabetics. Various meth tion is directed to a reagent for detecting an analyte, com ods have been developed for monitoring glucose levels in prising (a) an enzyme selected from the group consisting of the blood, including the use of electrochemical biosensors. a flavoprotein, a quinoprotein, and a combination thereof. Electrochemical biosensors are based on enzyme-catalyzed and (b) a mediator selected from the group consisting of a chemical reactions involving the analyte of interest. In the phenothiazine, a phenoxazine, and a combination thereof. case of glucose monitoring, the relevant chemical reaction is 25 A first apparatus aspect of the present invention is directed the oxidation of glucose to gluconolactone. This oxidation is to an electrochemical sensor comprising: (a) a working catalyzed by a variety of enzymes, some of which may electrode having a Surface; and (b) a second electrode contain a bound coenzyme Such as nicotinamide adenine coupled to the working electrode. The surface of the work dinucleotide (phosphate) (NAD(P)), while others may con ing electrode is coated with a solution or mixture of a tain a bound cofactor Such as flavin adenine dinucleotide 30 reagent comprising an enzyme selected from the group (FAD) or pyrroloquinolinequinone (PQQ).
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