NAT. NAT. HIST. BUL L. SIAM Soc. 50 (1): 111-114 ,2002 The Correct Interpretation of Euonymus auriculatus Craib (Celastraceae) (Celastraceae) and Myladenia serrata Airy Shaw (Euphorbiaceae) ABSTRACT Euonymus Euonymus auriculatus Craib (Celas 甘aceae) is a synonym of La siococca comberi Haines (Euphorbiaceae). (Euphorbiaceae). The genus La siococca is a new record for Th ai1 and. Myladenia serrata Airy Shaw Shaw (E uphorbiaceae) is a synonym of Xylosma longifolium Clos (Fl acourtiac 巴ae) Key Key words: Euonymus ,La siococca ,Myladenia ,Xylosma ,Th ai1 and ,synonymy Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae are notoriously difficult to identify. In a recent pile of unidentified Malesian Malesian Euphorbiaceae , sent to Leiden (The Netherlands) for identification ,90 percent of of the specimens appeared to belong to other families. Even experienced taxonomists s.till make errors of judgement ,especially when they have to interpret-to them-new forms. This This note deals with two species , one described in the Celastraceae , the other in the Euphorbiaceae. Euphorbiaceae. Euonymus auriculatus Craib CRAIB (1922) interpreted a specimen collected by A. F. G. Kerr (Kerr 3620) in the province province of Chiang Mai (called Payap on the label) ,Thailand. He considered it to be a species species of Euonymus (Celastraceae) and because ofthe densely echinate fruit ,short petioles and cordate leaf base ,it had to be a new species. He subsequently described it as E. auriculatus auriculatus CRAIB (1 922). Recently , the two type sheets of E. auriculatus from Aberdeen were sent for identification identification to Hou in Leiden. Hou first thought that the species was described on the basis basis of galled fruits , because densely echinate fruits are absent in Euonymus. After consultation consultation with Van Balgooy the material landed on my desk ,because 出ey were clearly Euphorbiaceae. Euphorbiaceae. Rather Rather atypical for Euphorbiaceae were the subopposite or whorled leaves. Identification of of the two specimens was a bit troublesome , because the plants looked like Erismanthus (opposite (opposite leaves) or Epiprinus siletianus (Baill.) Croizat (whorled leaves) , both with cordate leaf leaf bases. Unfortunately , these taxa have smooth fruits. Recently ,1 revised the genus Lasiococca Lasiococca for the Malay Archipelago (WELZEN , 1998). The species in 血is genus have whorled , cordate leaves and echinate fruits. The two duplicates def 泊itely belong to Lasiococca. Lasiococca. Lasiococca is a genus still unknown for Thailand ,which is quite curious because because the revision of the family is almost finished for the Fl ora of 官 lailand project. Two years before Craib , in the same joumal ,HAI 悶 S (1 920) described a new species of of Lasiococca , L. comberi Haines. Euonymus auriculatus is synonymous with this species because because of the subbasal , submarginal glands on the adaxial leaf surface , the absence of hair- 側負 domatia , the pubescent inflorescences ,and the broad tubercles on the 仕uits. A Received Received 29 November 2001; accepted 19 February 2002. 111 111 112 112 NOTES 凶ce plate can be found in K 町(1 982). Consequently E. auriculatus is placed into the S戸lonymy of L. comberi: Lasiococca Lasiococca comberi Haines (Euphorbiaceae) ,B 凶1. Misc. Inf. Kew: 70 (1920); Kiu ,Acta Phytotax. Phytotax. Sinica 20: 108 , Fig. 1 (1 982). ー Type: India ,Orissa ,An gul ,泊 rocky ravines ravines of the mountains of Mayurbhanj ,Comber s.n. (K!). = Euonymus auriculatus Craib (Cel 出国.ceae) ,Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew: 170 (1 922).-Type: τ'h ailand ,Payap ,Me Ta ,Kerr 3620 (K , holo; iso ABD! , 2 sheets). Di s釘ibution.- In dia , South China ,North 組 d Northeast Th ailand , North Vietnam. Habitat. 一一 Evergreen fores t. After After pinpointing L. comberi as new record for Th ailand , K. Phattarahirankanok and K. K. Chayamarit 合om the Forest Herbarium (BKF) 泊 Bangkok drew my attention to a second second specimen (W ongprasert s.n ふ which was collected in the province of Loei (Northeastern (Northeastern floristic dis 住ict). Myladenia sem 仰 Airy Shaw AIRY SHA W (1 972) made the first complete revision of all Euphorbiaceae for 百lailand , a much needed and excellent piece of work. In a later addendum ,AIRY SHA W (1 977) described described a new genus of Euphorbiaceae for Th ailand ,Myladenia ,a monotypic genus with M. serra ωA句 Shaw 部 single species. 日 is on1 y known from 血e type spec 加 en (V 佃 Beusekom et al. 4104) which bears staminate flowers; pis ti1 1ate flowers and 仕uits 釘 e absen t. τ'h e absence ,especially , of the 仕uits caused the con 白 sion. 百le isotype present 泊 Leiden Leiden was originally identified as a species of Drypetes (E uphorbiaceae) 恒 197 1. Airy Shaw changed this in 1974 into a tentative Hydnocarpus ,a Fl acourtiaceae. In 1974 ,when Sleumer Sleumer (Le iden) was revising 由is family for Fl ora Malesiana he readily re 心ognised it as Xylosma longifolium Clos (Fl acourtia 印刷. Th erefore 血e follow 均 names have to be synonymized: synonymized: Xylosma G. Fors t.,日. In s. Austr. (1 786) 72 ,nom. cons.- Le ctotype: X. orbiculatum (J. (J. R. Forst. & G. Fors t.) G. Fors t. (based on My ro. 巧,lon orbiculatum J. R. Fors t. & G. G. Forst ふ = Meliosma Airy Shaw ,Kew Bull. 32 (1977) 29. 一一 Type: M. serrata Airy Shaw. Xylosma longifolium Clos ,Ann. Sc i. Na t. Ser. 4. ,Bo t. 8 (1 857) 23 1.ー Type: Gaudichaud 260 (n.v ふ = Meliosma serrata Airy Shaw ,[Kew Bull. 31 (1 976) 378 , in obs. ,nom. nud.] Kew Bull. 32 (1 977) 79.-Type: Van Beusekom ,Geesink , Phengkhlai & Wongwan 4104 (holo K; iso L) ,Th ailand ,Eastern ,Chaiyaphum ,Nam Phrom , 16.20 N ,10 1. 45 E. Acknowledgments: I thank Di ng Hou ,Max van Balgooy ,and the Di rector of 也e Aberdeen herbarium for drawing my attention to one of 血e misinterpretations presented here. here. Kongkanda Chayamarit and Kanlaya Phattarahirankanok (BKF) 紅 e thanked for the 泊formation on the second 百聞spec 加 en of La siococca comberi Haines. J組 Frits Veldkamp is is thanked for his useful advice. NOTES 113 REFERENCES AIRY SHAW , H. K. 1972. The Euphorbiaceae of Siam. Kew Bull. 26: 191-363. AIRY SHAW , H. K. 1977. Additions and corrections to the Euphorbiaceae of Siam. Kew Bull. 32: 69-83. CRAIB ,W. G. 1922. XXVI. 一-C ontributions to the flora of Si 訓 Bull. Misc. Inf: 165-174. HAINES , H. H. 1920. IX. ー Decades Kewenses. Plantarum Novarum in Herbario Horti Regii Cons 巴rvatarum. Bull. Misc. Misc. Inf: 66 ー71 KIu , H. S. 1982. Lasiococca Hook.f. (Euphorbiaceae) in China. Acta Phytotax. Sinica 20: 108-110 , Fig. 1. WELZEN , P. C. V AN. 1998. Revisions and phylogenies of Malesian Euphorbiaceae: Subtribe Lasiococcinae (Homonoia ,La siococca ,Spathiostemon) and Clonostylis ,Ricinus , and Wetria 目 Blumea 43: 131-164. Peter Peter C. van Welzen Nationaal Herbarium Nederland ,Leiden Universiteit Branch P.O. P.O. Box 9514 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands E-mail: Welzen@nhn .l eidenuniv.n l. .
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