i'.-^ir I }] u u 1, BOUGHT WiTH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF M^nvQ W, Sage 1891 ^.....^s..2..f\s..^ ^/rrjj.^... 35'3-I Cornell University Library QL 666 .C6B82 Hand-list of the specimens of shield rei 3 1924 024 782 082 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/cletails/cu31924024782082 : HAND-LIST SPECIMENS OF SHIELD KEPTILES BRITISH MUSEUM. Dr. J. E. GKAY, F.E.S., F.L.S., &c. t Keeper of the Zoological D^a/rtmenU LONDON PEINTED BY OEDEB OP THE TEUSTEES OF THE BEITISH MUSEUM. 18 7 3, londok; E. KEWHAH, rniNTEE, DEVONSHIEB STKEfel, BISHOPSGATE. — INTRODUCTION. A list of all tHe specimens of Shield EeptUes in the British Museum. They are arranged as they are described in I. The Catalogue of Shield EeptUes. Part I. Testudinata, dto, 1855 ; the Supplement, 4to, 1870; and its Appendix, 4to, 1872. By Dr. J. E. Gray. II. The Catalogue of Shield EeptUes. Part II. Emydosau- rians, EhynohooephaUa, and Amphisbasnians, 4to. 1872. By Dr. J. E. Gray. The new species or improvements in the arrangement of the animals that may have been discovered since the pubUcation of these works have been adopted, and a reference made to where they have been described. When any of the specimens have served as the types of a description or figure of the species in any scientific work, reference is made to where the description and figure are to be found. Whenever the specimen has been presented or obtained directly from a collector, the name of the presentor or collector, and the habitat sent with the specimen, has been recorded immediately after the specimen, but the far greater number of the specimens have been obtained from dealers with only the most general habitats. The condition in which the specimen is preserved, its size, and often the age and sex, when known with certainty, are recorded. IV INTKODUCTION. The following table gives the number and state of the speci- mens at present in the collection, and the manner in which they are preserved. 1 HAND-LIST OF SPECIMENS OF SHIELD EEPTILES. Sub-order 1. TYLOPODA. PamUy 1. TESTUDINIDiE. Genus 1. TESTUDO. * Gopher. 1. Testudo Gophee, Gray, Cat. p. 5 ; Swppl. p. 4. a. Animal stuffed. Thorax flat. Thighs very sUghtly spurred. North America. Presented by Dr. E. Harlan. h. Animal stuffed. Thorax very concave. Thighs with two or three conical spines. North America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Animal stuffed. Thorax nearly flat. Mexico. 48, 6, 8, 22. d. Adult skeleton. North America. 57, 8, 28, 17. e. Skeleton and shell, H in. Sternum flat. North America. 69, 10, 19, 1. /. Animal and shell dry, 9^ in. Sternum quite flat. North America. 55, 11, 26, 15. 2. Testudo tabulata. Gray, Cat. p. 5 ; 8v/ppl. p. 4 ; AppenA. p. 2. a. Animal and shell. Tropical America. h. Animal and shell, 13 in. Tropical America. c. Animal and shell. Tropical America. V. Animal dried, and shell. Back very flat. Sternum very concave. $ or young. Sternum flat. Cayenne. 51, 8, 25, 16. B a HAND-LIST OP /. Animal staffed, and shell, 9^ in. Tropical America. 88. e. Animal stuffed, and shell, 8f in> ' West Indies. Presented by John Gould, Esq. Animal and shell, iu spirits, young. Tropical America. 66, 8, 14, 219. Animal and shell dry, young. Tropical America. 66, 8, 28, 4. g. Animal stuffed, and shell, 6^ ia. Head sjrmmetrioally yeUow- marked. Shell pale brown, with black edges to the shields. Tropical America. 65. Animal in spirits, young. Shell 3| in. Xeberos. 67, 6, 13, 80. d,. Skeletons, J . Sternum concave. Tropical America. r. Skeleton and shell, 12^ in. Back worn. Tropical America. s. Skeleton and shell, 9J. in. Cayenne. 62, 12, 3, 20. t. Skeleton and shell. 16 in. Without plates. Prepared by E. Grerrard, jun. Tropical America. It. Skeleton and shell, 12J in. Sternum very concave. Tropical America. a. Skeleton and shell, 13 in., with two eggs in it. Tropical America. h. Skeleton and shell. 11 in. Tropical America. 43, 2, 20, 9. y. Skeleton and shell, 7 in., out down the back. Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 97. q. Skeleton and shell, 9J in. Tropical America. A. Shell, 22^ in., very large, much worn. Sternum concave. West Indies. Presented by Col. Finch. i. Shell, 12J in. Tropical America. y. Shell, 111 in. Tropical America. ft. Shell, 12 in. Back worn. Tropical America. Ti. Shell, 15 in. Sternum rather concave. Tropical America. 43, 12, 7, 43. m. Shell, 9J in. Sternum slightly concave. Tropical America. SHIBLD REPTILES. 3 b. Shell, 12 in. Sternum nearly flat. Tropical America. w. Shell, 9^ in. Shields grooved. Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 88. u. SheU, 6 in. Shields deeply grooved. Tropical America. 43, 2, 29, 4. X. Shell, 4i in. Shields grooved. Tropical America. 45, 6, 4, 19. aa. Shell, 6f in. Like "^." Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 87. 3. Testudo Chilensis, Cfrcm/, Cat. Sup^l. p. 5 ; Append, p. 9. a. Animal stuffed. Sternum flat. Anal shield expanded. T. Chilensis, Gra/y, P. Z. 8. 1870, p. 706, t. xl. Argentine BepubUo. 70, 12, 18, 2. ** Megalochelys. 4. Testudo indica, Gray, Gat. p. 6 ; Suppl. p. 5 ; Append, p. 3. c. Animal and shell, 42 in. India. d. Young animal stuffed, and sheU, 4 in. Figured in Gen. Hard- wicke's drawings. Bengal. Presented by General Hardwicke, /. Animal stuffed, and shell, 34 in. Elongate, compressed on sides, and turned up at edge. India. Presented by Earl of Derby. Testudo Vosmaeri, Fitdnger, Cat. 8h. Bep. p. 6. India. g. Young animal, in spirit. India. Presented by Colonel Playfair. h. Skeleton and shell, 27 in. India. Zoological Society. b. Skull, very large, 6 in. long. India. a. Skull, 3f in. long. Testudo indica, Gray, Gat. 8h. Bep. t. 55, f. 1. India. Dr. Mantell's collection. e. SheU, 14 in. Sternum quite flat. India. Zoological Society. 54, 5, 4, 1. i. SheU, 13;i in. Bones and scuteUum very convex. Caudal and sternum flat. India. 5. Testudo elephantopus, Chray, Cat. 8uppl. p. 5 ; Append, p. 3. a. Animal stuffed, and sheU, llf in. Sternum flat. S. America. 4 HAUD-LIST OP c. Animal stuffed, and shell, 8 in. Sternxun flat. Chili. Wucherer. 70, 12, 18, 1. g. Animal stuffed, and shell, 6 in. Bad state. S. America. d. Animal stuffed, and shell, 28 in. S. America. e. Animal stuffed, and shell, 6} in. Galapagos Is. 55, 10, 16, 151. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. i. Toung animal stuffed, and shell, 4J in. Cralapagos Is. /. Animal stuffed, and shell, 7i in. S. America. h. Shell, 42 in. without sternum, very broad. S. America. Presented by E. Cross, Esq. h. Shell of very young animal. S. America. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. h'. SheU, 5\ in. S. America. j. SheU, 5 in. " Oregon." 65, 6, 13, 2. Tc. Skull, very large, 6J in. Testudo planioeps, Ora/y, Oai. 8h. Bep. p. 6, t. 3. S. America. e. Skeleton of adult, $ ? Sternum flat. S. America. 47, 3, 5, 27. *** Asirochelys. 6. Testtjdo badiata. Gray, Cat. p. 9 ; Swppl. p. 5 ; Append, p. 4. $ Animal and shell, adult, stuffed. Thorax concave. Anal lobes thickened, bent up. Madagascar. 46, 1, 22, 8. d. ? . Young animal stuffed, and shell. Madagascar. 40, 12, 12, 51. 5 Skeleton of adult, and shell. Anal shields flat. Madagascar. 58, 11, 5, 1. c. SheU of adult. Madagascar. Presented by Gen. Hardwick. Tc. $ . Like former, but dorsal shields worn, smooth. Madagascar. 43, 12, 7, 86. a. Dorsal shield only, without sternum. Madagascar. Presented by the Boyal Society. i. SheU of adult. Madagascar. 43, 12, 7, 42. SHIELD EBPTILES. g. Shell, 11 in., of adtilt. Anal plates thickened. Sternum rather concave. ' Madagascar. 65, 10, 16, 154, Presented by the Haslar Hospital. c'. ?. Shell of half-grown. Madagascar. Presented by General Hardwicke. h. Shell of adult, 12J in. Sternum slightly concave. Anal notch very broad. Ma/dagascar. e. Shell, 6 in., of young. Lost part of shields. Madagascar. 43, 2, 1, 5. /. Shell, ia., of young. Lost part of shields. " 4J " r. 40, 6, 2, 70. **** Stigmochelys. 7. Testudo pakdalis, Oray, Cat. p. 9 ; 8upp. p. 6 ; Append, p. 4. a. Animal stuffed. Very old. Central vertebral plates rather con- vex. Sternum flat. Caudal plate produced. Length 17 in. ? . S. Africa. 54, 5, 4, 2. From the Zoological Society. 5. Animal stuffed, adult, Vi\ ia. S. AMca. d. Animal staffed, adult. S. Africa. e. Stuffed animal, half-grown. S. Africa. 51, 7, 9, 10. /. Animal stuffed, very young. Areola large, yellow. Lo§t one vertebral plate. Madagascar. 51, 8, 25, 15. g. Stuffed animal, half-grown. Anal shield infleied. $ Central Africa. 63, 8, 11, 9. Presented by Capt. Speke. h. Shell, adult. Sternum flat. Central vertebral shields elongated. Length 18 in. Caudal plate convex, inflexed. ^ Algoa Bay. 63, 7, 3, 1. Presented by — Dunsterville, Esq. 6, c. Toimg shell, without front lobe of sternum. S. Africa. I. Young, stuffed, 4 in. S. Africa. 63, 2, 21, 45. Presented by Sir A. Smith. i. SheU of young. Hinder margin expanded, lobed. South Africa. 62, 6, 27, 1. j. Shell of young. Anal shield flattish. S. Africa. 43,12,7,47. It. Shell of very young. Areola large, reddish. S. Africa. 43,11,10. b HAND -LIST OF Genus 2. PELTASTES. * Peltonia. Asia. 1. Peltastes elongatus, Oray, Gat. Suppl. p. 9 ; Append, p. 5. Var. 1. Body oblong, elongate.
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