2004 MAIN ENTRIES 000 - 099 : Generalities ture: Senapati, Fakirmohan-Concordances.- 004 - 006: Computer science 016.8OR Rs.85.00 Swain, Bishnu Charan 10525 Pathagara parichalana 10531 Bharata gauraba Nobel bijeta= bûeZ ùMøea talim karyakrama nirddeshika= _ûVûMûe _eòPûk^û ù^ûùaf aòùRZû / aò¾ê PeY ÊûAñ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Zûfòc Kû~ýðKâc ^òùŸðgòKû / @aKûg ùR^û I @^ýcû^u \ßûeû Satyanarayan Book Store, 2004.- 64p., pbk; iõ_û\òZ.- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: HKM State Li- 22cm.- 1.Children’s literature: Nobel Prizes- brary, 2004.- 95p.+26p., pbk.; 24cm.- 1.Library India-Biography.- 001.4 Rs.20.00 administration.- 025.1 Rs.80.00 Pradhan, Krushnachandra 10526 Gabeshana prakarana sampadana o anubada 030 - 039 : Encyclopedias, miscellaneous prabidhi= MùahYû _âKeY iõ_û\^û I @^êaû\ _âaò]ô / Wü facts, curiosities Ké¾P¦â _â]û^ I Wü ^òcðkû Kêcûeú eûCZ.- 1st ed.- Das Benhur 10532 @ûc _ûAñ KêARþ / \ûg ùa^jêe Bhubaneswar: Gyanajuga Publication, 2004.- Ama pain quiz= .- 1st 242p., pbk; 22cm.- 1.Editing 2.Literature-Re- ed.- Bhubaneswar: Pathika Prakashani, 2004.- search 3.Reporting 4.Research methodology 64p., pbk; 22cm.- 1.General knowledge 5.Translating and interpreting.- ISBN 81- 2.Odisha-Miscellanea 3.Quizzes.- 87781-73-4.- 001.42.- Rs.90.00 039.9145602 Rs.30.00 Das, Bijayalaxmi 10533 Mahalik, Harihar Prasad 10527 @ûc icÉu RûYòaû aògße aòiàd / jeòje _âiû\ cjûkòK Ama samastanka janiba katha= Biswara bismaya= .- K[û / aòRdflàú \ûg 1st ed.- Cuttack: Friends Publishers, 2004.- .- 1st ed.- Bateswar (Salipur): Rupambara Prakashani, 2004.- 78p., pbk.; 167p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Curiosities and won- 22cm.- 1.Children’s literature: General knowl- ders.- ISBN 81-7401-521-3.- 001.9 Rs.75.00 edge 2.Quizzes.- 039.915602 Rs.25.00 Swain, Mayadhar 10528 ejiýcd Guruji sadharana gyana= 10534 Rahasyamaya Bermuda tribhuja= MêeêRú iû]ûeY mû^ / gýûciê¦e \ûi, iõMâûc ùKgeú ^ûdK I aecêWû ZâòbêR / Aõ cûdû]e ÊûAñ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: cû^iú ù\Iu \ßûeû iõ_û\òZ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Guruji Vidyapuri, 2004.- 100p., pbk.; 22cm.- 1.Ber- Prakashan, 2004.- v.1 (32p.), pbk.; 22cm.- muda triangle 2.Unidentified flying objects.- 1.Children’s literature: General knowledge ISBN 81-7411-458-0.- 001.94 Rs.40.00 2.Quizzes.- 039.9145602 Rs.10.00 Swain, Nityananda 10528A ajò / ^òZýû^¦ ÊûAñ Misra, Bhabanisankar 10535 Bahi= .- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Friends Epari kahinki hue= G_eò KûjóKò jêG / baû^úgue cògâ.- Publishers, 2004.- 204p., bound; 22cm.- ISBN 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sudha Prakashan, 2004.- 86p., 81-7401-523-X.- Books-Essays.- 002 pbk.; 16cm.- 1.Children’s literature: Curiosi- Rs.95.00 ties and wonders.- ISBN 81-7704-054-5.- Misra, Mihir Kumar 10529 039.9145602 Rs.20.00 ijR KµýêUe gòlû / còjòe Sahaja computer siksha= Rout, Subhash Chandra (1963-) 10536 Kêcûe cògâ .- 1st ed.- Puri: Abhijana Publications, Asa chinhiba asa janiba= @ûi PòjÜòaû @ûi RûYòaû / 2004.- 2v. (60p.; 64p.), pbk.: ill.; 22cm.- iêbûh P¦â eûCZ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Baba 1.Children’s literature: Computer literacy.- 004 Prakashan, 2004.- 2v. 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Krishna (Justice) 10549 1001 quotations / edited by Sunil Kumar céZêý _ùe / Wü ]eYú]e _ûYòMâûjúu \ßûeû Mishra.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Prachi Sahitya Mrutyu pare= @^ì\òZ Pratisthan, 2004.- 90p., pbk.; 22cm.- 1.Quota- .- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Books India In- tions, English.- 080 Rs.30.00 ternational, 2004.- 200p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Fu- Naik, Dharmananda (1941-) 10542 ture life 2.Eschatology.- 129 Rs.120.00 Manishi bartta= c^úhú aûðû / ]cðû^¦ ^ûdKu \ßûeû iõMéjúZ.- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Vishnu Mandir, 130 - 139 : Paranormal phenomena, occult- 2004.- 405p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Quotations, ism, astrology Odia.- 080 Rs.150.00 Mahapatra, Rabinarayan 10550 Saratattwa bachanika= 10543 Rahasyamayi tantra taranga= ejiýcdú Zª Zew iûeZß aP^òKû / iû]êaûaû bMaû^ \ûiu \ßûeû fòLôZ I / Wü eaò^ûeûdY cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Friends iõMéjúZ.- 2nd rev. and enl. ed.- Bhubaneswar: Publishers, 2004.- 211p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Oc- Uma Publication, 2004.- 271p., pbk.; 22cm.- 1st ed. in 2003.- 1.Religious life-Quotations cultism 2.Tantrism and successful living.- 2.Saints-Quotations 3.Quotations, Odia.- 080 ISBN 81-7401-530-2.- 131 Rs.80.00 Rs.75.00 Well said / 10544 133.3337 : Feng shui compiled by Prafulla Mahapatra, assisted by Tarei, Ajay 10551 Laxman Pradhan and Ranu Das.- Feng shui upakarana= ù`w gêA C_KeY / Aõ @Rd Bhubaneswar: Ayus Prakashan, 2004.- 131p., ZùeA.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Friends Publishers, pbk.; 22cm.- 1.Quotations, English.- 080 2004.- 116p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Feng shui.- Rs.35.00 133.3337 Rs.55.00 Das, Kirtan 10545 Mahapatra, Rabinarayan 10552 Ghatana krame= .- NUYû Kâùc / _âù`ie Kúð^ \ûg Ankajyotishare adrusta chitra= @uùRýûZòhùe @\éÁ 1st ed.- Balasore, Chandrabhaga Prakashani, PòZâ / eaò^ûeûdY cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sudha 2004.- 144p., pbk.; 22cm.- 1.Historical essays 2.Odia essay 3.Politics and government-Es- Prakashan, 2004.- 180p., pbk.; 22cm.- 1.Nu- says.- ISBN 81-85876-29-0.- 089.91456 merology.- ISBN 81-7704-057-X.- 133.335 Rs.100.00 Rs.55.00 2 2004 MAIN ENTRIES 133.5 : Astrology 68p., pbk.; 22cm.- 1st ed. in 2000.- 1.Child de- Behera, Jagabandhu 10553 velopment.- ISBN 81-7401-355-5.- 155.4 Amazing nadi reading / Er. 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Behera; distrib- Panigrahi, Suchitra (1963-) 10561 uted by Shree Patitapaban Store, 2004.- 114p., Pila mana bujhe ma= _òfû c^ aêùS cû / iêPòZâû pbk.; 22cm.- 1.Astrology 2.Nadi reading.- _ûYòMâûjú.- 1st ed.- Ertal (Bhadrak): Zenith Pub- 133.5.- Rs.40.00 lications, 2004.- 35p., pbk.; 22cm.- 1.Child Choudhury, Pradip Kumar (1967-) 10554 psychology 2.Child rearing 3.Mother child re- Sani mahagraha prabhaba o pratikara= g^ò lationship-Psychological aspects.- ISBN 81- cjûMâj _âbûa I _âZòKûe / ùRýûZòaòð\ _â\ú_ Kêcûe ùPø]êeú.- 88059-36-0.- 155.6463 Rs.25.00 2nd ed.- Bhubaneswar: Gyanajuga Publication, Marden, Swet 10561A @ûcôaògßûi / ùiøùc¦â ùR^ûu \ßûeû 2004.- 304p., pbk.; 22cm.- 1st ed. in 2004.- Atmabiswasa= @^ì\òZ 1.Astrology 2.Saturn planet in astrology.- .- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Bharatiya 133.537 Rs.153.00 Sahitya Kendra, 2004.- 118p., pbk.; 22cm.- Mahapatra, Snehalata 10555 1.Self-cofidence 2.Self-improvement.- ISBN Lal kitab= fûf KòZûa / ùiÜjfZû cjû_ûZâ.- 2nd ed.- 81-8163-047-5.- 158.1 Rs.60.00 Cuttack: Sudha Prakashan, 2004.- v.3 (183p.), Marden, Swet 10562 Chahinba jinisha paiba kipari= Pûjóaû Rò^òh _ûAaû bound; 22cm.- 1st ed. in 2004.- 1.Islamic as- Kò_eò / ùÊUþ cûùWð^u \ßûeû fòLôZ Gaõ iêeaûkû cjû_ûZâu trology 2.Physiognomy.- ISBN 81-7704-049- \ßûeû @^ì\òZ 9.- 133.59471 Rs.70.00 .- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Mita Books, 2004.- Panda, Sankarsan (1940-) 10556 128p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Self-improvement 2.Success.- 158.1 Rs.50.00 Punarjanma rahasya= _ê^Rð^à ejiý / guhðY _Šû.- Sahu, Fakir Mohan 10563 1st ed.- Cuttack: Nabadiganta, 2004.- 108p., Byaktitwa o netrutwa= aýqòZß I ù^ZéZß / WKÖe `Kúe bound; 22cm.- 1.Reincarnation-Stories.- ùcûj^ iûjê.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Agraduta, 2004.- 133.90135 Rs.55.00 168p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Leadership 2.Person- ality 3.Self-improvement.- 158.1 Rs.75.00 150 - 159 : Psychology Rath, Radhanath (Prof.) 10557 170 - 179 : Ethics Ame ama manana= @ûùc @ûc c^^ / _âù`ie eû]û^û[ e[ Das, Babulu 10564 .- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Akshara, 2004.- 116p., Manthana= c^Ú^ / aûaêfê \ûg.- 1st ed.- Bandhapali bound; 22cm.- 1.Oriya essay 2.Psychology- (Sundargarh): B. 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