COMMUNITY ARTS DIRECTORY 2018 / 2019 Directory of arts, heritage and cultural artists and workers, groups and organisations within the Mareeba Shire COMMUNITY ARTS DIRECTORY 2018 / 2019 Welcome to the first edition of the Mareeba Shire Community Arts Directory. This Community Arts Directory is a free, publicly accessible directory of arts, heritage and cultural artists and workers, groups and organisations within the Mareeba Shire. The Directory has been developed with funding from Arts Queensland, Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), which is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Mareeba Shire Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland. Through the RADF program, Council is committed to supporting and promoting the development of the arts, cultural and heritage sector within the Shire. The Directory will encourage connectedness within the community and increase the capacity for collaborative activities while promoting participation and development opportunities for residents and groups. The Directory will be a valuable resource for residents of and visitors to the Shire. Individuals, groups and organisations who operate in the Mareeba Shire are welcome to create a listing in the Directory. To add a new listing and update or remove an existing listing, please complete and submit the Contributor Details Form, which is available on Council’s website. The Community Arts Directory will be updated on 1 July 2019. For more information about the Community Arts Directory 1300 308 461 [email protected] www.msc.qld.gov.au Disclaimer: Information contained in the Community Arts Directory is for general information purposes only and is not an endorsement of any site or organisation mentioned. Information contained in the Directory was correct at the date of collection. ARTISTS & STUDIOS Cantata Studio Toni Rogers works and teaches at Cantata Studio, specialising in fabric and plant fibre artwork. The studio is available for Artists in Residence. 11 Punch Cl Kuranda Q 4881 | 0427 553 447 | [email protected] www.cantatastudio.com Catherine Harvey Catherine Harvey is a lampworker who creates beads, small sculpture work and jewellery. 0407 758 645 | [email protected] Therandombead Danny Simony Danny Simony is an entertainer with over 30 years experience providing comedy mime magic performance. 07 4093 7549 | [email protected] www.dannysimony.com Danny Simony Entertainment Didi La Baÿsse Art Studio and Gallery Didi La Baÿsse Art Studio & Gallery features Didi’s original paintings and unique “objets d’art” and locally made glassware, pottery and jewellery. PO Box 224 Kuranda Q 4881 | 2/20 Coondoo St Kuranda Q 4881 | 0407 224 459 www.didi.net.au Didi La Baysse Art Studio & Gallery Dorothy Clews Dorothy Clews is a Speewah based tapestry and textile weaver who takes inpsiration from the environment. 07 4093 0457 | [email protected] www.dorothyclewstapestryartist.wordpress.com Dorothy Clews Tapestry Dream State Entertainment - Dream State Circus Dream State Entertainment provides quality, circus and physical theatre shows and workshops for events, festivals and private functions. Contact: Sophie McGrath PO Box 546 Kuranda Q 4881 | 0409 333 404 www.dreamstatecircus.com Dream State Entertainment Elaine Murray Elaine Murray is a Dimbulah based artist specialising in oil painting, weaving, knitting, crochet and needlework. PO Box 368 Dimbulah Q 4872 | 0428 996 695 | [email protected] Gioia Dalla Lana Gioia Dalla Lana is a visual artist who uses various techniques with primarily acrylic paints. Gioia also runs art classes for adults and children. PO Box 56 Dimbulah Q 4872 | 0448 857 762 | [email protected] Gioia’s Original Art Henri Hunsinger Henri Hunsinger is a painter, printmaker and installation artist. Henri likens his practice to that of “a pianist who plays for pleasure”. PO Box 259 Kuranda Q 4881 | 07 4093 8776 | [email protected] Ken Ison Ken Ison “the working potter & pottery that works” challenges current design concepts and creates glazes reminiscent of reef, rainforest and outback. 0448 898 924 | [email protected] www.kenisonpottery.com Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace is a saddlemaker and leather craftsman who creates western and stock saddles, custom leather and rawhide braiding, whips and ropes. PO Box 301 Dimbulah Q 4872 | 0417 191 978 | [email protected] Lisa Wallace Lisa Wallace is a Dimbulah based painter and pastel artist who specialises in equine and animal art. PO Box 301 Dimbulah Q 4872 | 0407 758 823 Bluestone Original Art by Lisa Wallace Madelaine Harris Madelaine Harris is a Dimbulah based landscape and portrait painter who works with oil paints. 07 4093 5322 Margaret Genever Margaret Genever is a printmaker, drawing and installation artist and has arts lecturing, workshop facilitation and community arts group experience. 0439 996 141 | [email protected] www.margaretgenever.com Margaret Genever Melissa Waters Melissa Waters is a mixed media, sculptural, collage and installation artist with many years arts experience, curating exhibitions and arts tutoring. 0497 182 653 | [email protected] Mollie Bosworth Mollie Bosworth, professional ceramist and cyanotype artist, is best known for delicate wheel thrown porcelain using varied and uncommon techniques. 0421 198 565 | [email protected] www.molliebosworth.com Mollie Bosworth Ceramic Artist Richard Rudd Richard Rudd is a Mareeba based photographer with over 30 years experience who specialises in aerial and landscape photography. PO Box 880 Mareeba Q 4880 | 0477 053 351 | ruddr1340@ gmail.com Susan Doherty Susan Doherty is a visual, sculptural and installation artist who also has experience conducting art workshops for adults and children. PO Box 669 Kuranda Q 4881 | 0437 223 439 | [email protected] www.susandohertyartist.com Warril Creative Pty Ltd Warril Creative is a Nth Qld based company that produces large scale commercial art and provides consultation and project management services. Contact: Eve Soemardi PO Box 90 Kuranda Q 4881 | 0412 005 357 | [email protected] www.tomcosicart.com.au Tom Cosic Art GROUPS & TUITION Arts in Mind Arts in Mind is a group that seeks to encourage community arts in Mareeba across all art forms. Contact: Nikki Nicholls PO Box 366 Mareeba Q 4880 | 0439 300 970 | [email protected] Debbie’s Academy of Dance Debbie McCahon offers jazz and hip hop dance classes for children 3–18 years; providing opportunities to learn dance in a fun positive environment. PO Box 996 Tolga Q 4882 | 07 4095 5618 | [email protected] www.debbiesacademyofdance.com.au Debbie’s Academy of Dance Dimbulah and Mareeba Trevisani Nel Mondo Trevisani Nel Mondo was formed to keep alive the dialect, language and traditions of the Italian Treviso region and facilitate social interaction. Contact: Lucia Montagner PO Box 207 Dimbulah Q 4872 | 0429 936 145 | [email protected] Tues, Wed 8am - 4pm Fogolar Furlan Dimbulah Fogolar Furlan Dimbulah was formed to preserve and celebrate the culture of the Northern Italian region of Friuli. Contact: Deris Marin PO Box 471 Dimbulah Q 4872 | 0438 323 424 | [email protected] Kuranda Creative Arts Group Kuranda Creative Arts: professional artists passionate about working together and mentoring youth through community arts workshops and activities. Contact: Gail Betts PO Box 681 Kuranda Q 4881 | 0409 263 186 | [email protected] Kuranda Creative Arthouse & Artists Group Mareeba Arts Society Mareeba Art Society (MAS) is a community group offering art workshops, workshop/studio and shop space. MAS also hosts an annual Art Exhibition. Contact: Faythe Keogh 345B Byrnes St Mareeba Q 4880 | 07 4092 7539 | [email protected] Daily 10am -2pm www.mareebaartsociety.weebly.com Mareeba Art Society Inc Mareeba Theatre Group [email protected] www.mareebatheatre.org.au Mareeba Theatre Group Inc EVENT ORGANISERS Chillagoe Bushman’s Carnival Association Chillagoe Rodeo PO Box 41 Chillagoe Q 4871 | 07 4094 7119 | [email protected] www.chillagoerodeo.com.au Chillagoe Rodeo Irvinebank Community Arts Recreation Tourism and Sports Inc (ICARTS) John Moffat Festival 07 4096 4176 Icarts WHATS on in Irvinebank Mareeba District Rodeo Association Mareeba Rodeo PO Box 392 Mareeba Q 4880 | 07 4092 1583 | [email protected] www.mareebarodeo.com.au Mareeba Multicultural Festival Committee Mareeba Multicultural Festival 0418 770 095 | [email protected] www.mareebamulticulturalfestival.com Nature of OZ Gail Betts’ Nature of OZ is a Kuranda based business offering arts, eco and cultural tours and events production and management. PO Box 681 Kuranda Q 4881 | 0409 263 186 | [email protected] The Great Wheelbarrow Race Committee The Great Wheelbarrow Race PO Box 154 Mareeba Q 4880 | 1300 308 461 | [email protected] www.greatwheelbarrowrace.com Great Wheelbarrow Race GALLERIES & VENUES Kuranda Amphitheatre Society Contact: Liza Dewey PO Box 500 Kuranda Q 4881 | 5 Barron Falls Rd Kuranda Q 4881 07 4093 7633 | [email protected] www.kurandaamphitheatre.org Kuranda Amphitheatre Kuranda Arts Cooperative Kuranda Arts Cooperative promotes the high quality art and craftwork of members (local professional artists) through management of the gallery. Contact: Mollie Bosworth PO Box 875 Kuranda Q 4881 | 3-4/20 Coondoo Street Kuranda Q 4881 07 4093 9026 | [email protected] Daily 10am - 4pm www.artskuranda.asn.au Kuranda Arts Cooperative Kuranda
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