26 BAN BURY. OXFORDSHIRE. [KELLY's hose ree1s & fire escape be~onging to the brigade are School Attendance Committee. kept at the Station, r8 Horsefair ; alarms to be given Meets at the Workhouse Qn thursday in every month, at the Police station, & by ringing the fire bel>l at the except Septemlber & October, at 10.30 a.m. engine house; the Neithrop fire engine is kept at Box Clerk, William Waters Heming, 47 High street, Eanbury Hedge Attendance Officers, J-ames Henry 13onner, Neithrop; Horton Infirmary, Oxford road, C. L. H. Pemberton He'nry William Huggins, Wroxton; William Golby, M.R. 0. '3. Eng., E. Franey M.R. C. S.Eng. & Innes Griffin Cropredy; !John 13onner, Koxham IM.R.G.S.E. hon. medical officers; Robert Heygate Brooks, hon. surgeon-dentist; Walter Fa,rrar Henley Rural District Council. M.R.O.S.Eng., L.'R.G.P.Lond. 'house surgeon; C. H. ~'I:eets at the Workhouse on every alternat-e Davidos, hon. sec.; Miss Elizabeth Gardner, matron thursday at n.45 a.m. Inland Revenue Offices, 19 l\Iar:'borough road, George Clerk, William Waters Heming, 47 High st·reet, Banbury Oarter, collector, ·Oxford; Wa1ter Thom3Js Edwards, Trea.surer, John Padbury Gillett, Cornhill, Banlbury surveyor of taxes ; 1Yil:iam Rakt>, supt>rvisor ; John :Medica~ Offic-er of Health, Edward Fra'ney, 13 Horsefair, Patterson, Gfficer; E. M. Moore, Brack"_ey; :F. Light­ Banbury foot, Hook Norton; & J. E. Davis, Decl.dington, In~pector of Nuisances, ·w. 0. 'Yhite, Calthorpe street, officers ~eithrop, Banbury Town Hall, Bridge street, Frederick Pen'n, keeper Public Officer:s. Yeomanry Oavalry. Assistant Overseers, Warkworth, William F. Coulthard, Oxfordshire (Queen's Own Oxfordshire RuSisars) (A Grimsbury; Neithrop, Thomas Stevens, Warwick rd.; Squadron\ Lieut. Cecil W. Boyle, commsnding Ban­ Banbury, Richard Rymill Thomas, Town hall bury d<etachment; Sergt.-Major iHarry Percy, drill Certifying Factory Surgeon, Robert Stanton Wise M.D. I instructor Horsefair Volunteers. Clerk to the Barrbury & Blo'xham Highway :Board, Wm. :2nd Volunteer Battalion, ·Oxford,shire Light Infantry (C W. Heming, 47 High street Co~lectors of Poor Rates, Banbury, Richard Rymil~ Company), Carpt. F. 0. Aplin, commandant; O~iv~r Jame.s Stockton & Arthur Stockton, lieuts.; Sergeant Thomas, 25 High street; N eithrop, Thomas S tevens. A. N. Lovick, drill instructor, Armoury, Town hall 62 Warwick rDad; Grims.bury & Warkworth, W. F. Coulthard, West street, GrimSJbury Banbury Union. Commissioners of Property & Income Tax & Land & Board day, alternate thursday, at 10 a.m. at the Assessed Taxes for the Borough, John P. Barford, T. Workhouse, N eithrop. Beesley, R. Edmunds, John Rarlock, Jos. Mals:bury, 0. Gillett, W. Rartley, W. W. Heming, W. Edmunds, 0. 'The Union compri&es the fo1lowing plac-es, viz. : Alker­ L. H. Pemberton, Henry Stone, P. Tanner, G. Watson ton, App~etree (Northampton), Aston-le-Walls (~orth­ & IRobert Stinton Wise; clerk, John Fortescue, 45 ampton), Avon Dassett (Warwick), Banbury, Barford High street St. John. Barlord St. ~licha-el, Bloxham, Bodicote, Commissioners O·f Taxes for Bloxham & Ba'nbury Hun­ Bourton Great & Little, BroughtGD, Chalcombe (North­ dred, T. E. Oobb, Col. Hon. C. C. Molyneux, E. ampton), Chipping 1Varden (Northampton), Clattercote, Samuelson, J. F. Starkey, George Loveday & A. T. C. Claydon, Cropr-edy, Drayton, East Adderbury, Ea.st Cartwright; clerk, Oliver James Stockton, 38 High st Shutford, Edgcote (Northampton), Epwell, Farn­ Deputy Coroner for the Northern District of th~ County, borough (Warwick), Grimsbury (OXJfordshire), Hanwell, Charles Fortescue, 45 High street Hook Norton, Horley, Hornton, Lower Bodrlington Superintendent of County Police, Fraucis Keal, Police (N1)Tthampton), M~ddleton Cheney (Xorthampton),Mil­ station, N ewland road combe, }Iilton, Mol:ington, :N eithrop,X e :hercote(North­ Surveyor of the Highway Board, Richd. Archer, Bourton -ampton), ~orth Kewington, Prescot·e, Radway (War­ Trustees of Municipal Charities, H. Stone, C. Gillett, J. wick), Ratley (Warwick), Shenington, .Shotteswel~(War­ P. Barford, J. Rarlock, W. Edmunds I& J. Malsbury; wick), Sibford> Ferris, Sibford Gower, South Newing· treasurer, T. E. Cobb; clerks, John & F. & C. F. ton, Swalcliffe, Tadmarton, Upper Boddington (North· Fortes-cue, 45 High street ampton), Wardington, 1Yarkworth (Northampton),War­ mington (Warwick), West Adderbury, West Shutford, Places of Worship, with times of services. 1Vigginton & Wroxton. The porpu1ation Df the union in St. Mary's Parish Church, Rev. Charles Fleetwood r8gr was 29,495 ; area, 78,489 acres; rateable value in Porter M.A. vicar & surrogate; Rev. Herbert G. Elton r8gr, £r82,972 M. A. & Rev Lawrence E. Arden M. A. curate; holy Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, "\Vm. communion 8 a.m. every sunday; 10.45 a.m. 3 & 6.30 W. Reming, 47 High street, Eall'bury p.m. ; & holy communion on holy days, 8 a.m. ; Treasurer, John Padibury Gillett twice a month also at noon & on the fourth sun. also Relieving & School Inquiry Officers & Collectors to the at 7 a.m.; daily mattins- & evensong at 9.30 a.m. &; Guardia-ns, Banbury district, J. H. Banner, Neithrop; 6 p.m. ; wed. & fri. holy days, 10.30 a.m. ; wed. & lBloxham district, John Bonner, ElDxham; Cropredy holy days, 7.30 p.m district, William Golby, Cropredy; Swalcliffe district, St. Paul's Chapel of Ease, Neithrop; 10.45 a.m. &; Henry William Huggins, Wroxt.on 6.30 p.m Vaccination OfficeDs, F. W. Goodway, Banbury; Henry Christ Church, South Eanbury, Rev. C. E. Graham­ William Huggins, Wroxton; William Golby, Cropredy; Jones ~LA. vicar & surrogate; Rev. John Francis John Bonner, l3~oxham Warren M.A. & Rev. Philip Proctor Goldingham, Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Eanbury district, curates ; 8 & 10.40 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Innes Griffin, 31 Crouch street, Banbury; Bloxham dis­ St. Leonard's, Grimsbury,chapel of ease to ChristChurch trict, J ames Spreut Rolbertso'n, Adderbury; Cropredy St. John's Cath-olic, Rev. Charles John Bowen M.R. district, Herbert George !Shore; Hornton district, Wm. resident priest & rural dean; 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 Arthur Shelswell L.!R.C.P.Lond. Shenington; Middle­ p.m. ; holy days, mass 7.30 & 9 a.m. & benediction ton Cheney district, Reginald Rygate, Wardingt-on; 7.30 p.m.; daily mass, 7.30 a.m. & thurs. benediction, Swalcliffe district, Richard Laycock Routh L.R.C.P. 7·30 p.m Edin. Sibford Ferris Society of Friends' Meeting House, Horse fair; xo a. m. Superint•end-ent Registrar, \Yilliam Waters Heming, 47 & 6.30 p.m High street; deputy, Jame:s L. Baker, 6 South Bar Baptist, Bridge street, Rev. Isaac Watts; 10.45 a.m. & •street, Banbury 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7·45 p.m Registrars of Births & Deaths, Banlbury sub-didrict, J. Calvinistic, Dashwood road; IO. 30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. ; H. Banner, Neithrop; deputy, Herbert Allen, Neithrop; fri. 7.15 p.m Bloxham sub-district, John Bonner, Bloxham; deputy, Congregational, South Bar .;treet, Rev. Henry Cublxm R. C. Rainbow, Bodicote; Cropredy sub-district, John B.A.; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Smith, Bridge street, :Ban bury; deputy, George Srrith, Disciples of Christ, Gatteridge st. ; ro. 30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m Cropredy; Swalcliffe sub-district, Henry William Hug­ Primitive Methodist, Church lane, Rev. John William gins, WroxtDn; deputy, John Fox, \Vroxtl()n Fish & Rev. John Samuel Buckley; 10.30 a.m. & 6 Registrar for Society of Friends, J. Wells, Sibford Gower p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m Registrar of Marriages, W. H. Haycock, Al'bert street, Unitarian, Horse fair, Rev. Henry Hill; xo.go a.m. & Banbury; deputy, John Lovell, Bridge street, Banbury 6.30 p.m The \Vorkhou-se- sta'nds on an -eminence in Neithrop, & Wesleyan, Marlborough rd. ro.go Rev. E. Stanley Shel- will contain about 312 paupers; George Chandler Sal­ a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; -wed.7.30 p.m. ton, Rev. Jonathan mon, mast-er; Rev. James Goodwin B. A. chaplain; Wesleyan, Westst.Grimsbury,xo.3o Cbapple&Rev.Henry William Thomas Douglas, m<>dical officer; Miss A. A. a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m. Wostenbolm Veary, matrC':!1; Miss E"l.len Mold, schoolmistress Salvation Army Barracks, Fish street, erected in 1889 .
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