Experimental Observation of Bethe Strings Zhe Wang1, Jianda Wu2, Wang Yang2, Anup Kumar Bera3,4, Dmytro Kamenskyi5, A.T.M. Nazmul Islam3, Shenglong Xu2, Joseph Matthew Law6, Bella Lake3,7, Congjun Wu2, Alois Loidl1 1Experimental Physics V, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany 2Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, California 92093, USA 3Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, 14109 Berlin, Germany 4Solid State Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400085, India 5High Field Magnet Laboratory, Radboud University, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6Hochfeld Magnetlab Dresden, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 01314 Dresden, Germany 7Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany Abstract: Almost one century ago, string states - complex bound states (Wellenkomplexe) of magnetic excitations - have been predicted to exist in one-dimensional quantum magnets and since then become a subject of intensive theoretical study. However, experimental realization and identification of string states in condensed-matter systems remains an unsolved challenge up to date. Here we use high-resolution terahertz spectroscopy to identify string states in the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg-Ising chain SrCo2V2O8 in strong longitudinal magnetic fields. We observe complex bound states (strings) and fractional magnetic excitations (psinons and antipsinons) in the field-induced critical regime, which are precisely described by the Bethe ansatz. Our study reveals that two-string and three-string states govern the quantum spin dynamics close to the quantum criticality, while the fractional excitations are dominant at low energies, reflecting the antiferromagnetic quantum fluctuations. 1 Introduction: The one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg model is the paradigmatic model of interacting spin systems. Enlightening insight into fundamental aspects of magnetism can be provided by studying the spin dynamics of this quantum model. Early in 1930s Bethe has introduced a systematic ansatz to calculate its exact eigenvalues and eigenstates (1). Among the generic solutions of spin waves, Bethe also predicted bound states of spin waves. Spin waves in the scattering states, characterized by real momenta, collide and propagate throughout the chain, while the bound states – described by complex momenta – correspond to strings of flipped spins which move as entities along the chain (1,2,3). The Bethe ansatz can be applied in a far more general context to study a variety of one-dimensional integrable problems (4), such as the fermionic Hubbard model (5) and the non-equilibrium behavior of bosonic atom chains in optical lattices (6,7). Also in the context of quantum communication (8), the bound states can play an important role in the transport properties across a channel of qubits (9). Recently this powerful approach has been even extended to study the string dynamics in the 푁 = 4 super Yang-Mills theory (10), where the string, as a successful concept in string theory, can be represented by a chain of identical scalar fields, and the string excitations correspond to inserting different scalar fields (oscillators) into the chain (10,11). With 푛 identical oscillators inserted the so-called Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase states (11), as counterparts of string excitations on the light-cone, can be mapped onto the bound states with 푛 complex momenta (푛-string states) in the one-dimensional Heisenberg model (10). Hence, the study of quantum spin dynamics in the Heisenberg model also provides a new perspective for the string theory. Here we present the results of high-resolution terahertz spectroscopy on SrCo2V2O8 in longitudinal magnetic fields, identifying unambiguously string excitations in a condensed-matter system. The realization of the 1D Heisenberg-Ising model in SrCo2V2O8 relies on its crystal structure and dominant magnetic interactions (Fig. 1A). The screw chains of CoO4 tetrahedra with fourfold screw axis running along the crystallographic c direction are arranged in a tetragonal structure. Due to spin-orbit coupling, the atomic magnetic moments of the Co2+ ions, comprising spin and orbital degrees of freedom, are exposed to an Ising anisotropy. 2+ The crystal-electric field in the CoO4 tetrahedra lifts the twelvefold degeneracy of the Co moments, resulting in a Kramers-doublet ground state with the total angular momentum 1/2 (12). Magnetization and neutron diffraction experiments reveal that the Ising anisotropy forces the atomic magnetic moments along the c axis, with a Néel-type collinear antiferromagnetic order stabilized below 푇푁 = 5 K (13). Superexchange interactions between the magnetic moments in SrCo2V2O8 are described by the Hamiltonian of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising model, 푁 푁 푥 푥 푦 푦 푧 푧 푧 퐻 = 퐽 ∑[(푆푛 푆푛+1 + 푆푛 푆푛+1) + ∆푆푛 푆푛+1] − 푔∥휇퐵퐵 ∑ 푆푛 (1) 푛=1 푛=1 where 퐽 > 0 is the antiferromagnetic coupling between neighboring spins and ∆ > 1 takes into account the Ising anisotropy between the longitudinal and transverse spin couplings. The last term includes the Zeeman interaction in a longitudinal magnetic field 퐵 along the c axis with the g-factor 푔∥ and the Bohr magneton 휇퐵. The Néel ground state at zero field can be illustrated by an antiparallel alignment of 푧 neighboring spins, corresponding to the total spin-z quantum number 푆푇 = 0 (Fig. 1A). One spin-flip creates an excitation of two spinons (14) that can separately propagate along the 2 chain by subsequent spin-flips. In momentum space they form a two-particle excitation continuum (15,16,17,18) that is gapped above the ground state – the spinon vacuum (19). Via the Zeeman interaction a longitudinal magnetic field can reduce and finally close the spin gap at a critical field 퐵푐 (20). Before reaching the fully polarized state (퐵 > 퐵푠, Fig. 1A) where the elementary excitations are gapped magnons, the system enters a gapless phase corresponding to the critical regime (퐵푐 < 퐵 < 퐵푠). In this regime, a general ground state 푧 with an arbitrary value of 푆푇 is illustrated in Fig. 1B, and fundamentally new states can be excited by flipping a single spin (Figs. 1C to 1F). According to the Bethe ansatz (1), the spin excitations in the critical regime can be Bethe strings of length 푛 (푛-string states) (2,3) corresponding to 푛-complex momenta, or pairs of psinon-psinon/psinon-antipsinon (19,21) with real momenta (22,23,24). Psinons and antipsinons, introduced by Karbach and Müller (19,21), are elementary fractional magnetic excitations. Compared to spinons in zero field (15), in the critical regime psinons/antipsinons also form continua of two-particle (one-pair) or multi-pair excitations but with different dispersions (19,25). The psinon-(anti)psinon continuum is gapless at certain momenta that follow characteristic dependencies on the longitudinal magnetic field (24). The string states, depending on their length 푛, exhibit distinctive excitation continua, which are gapped and located at higher energies (24). 푧 Since excitations with Δ푆푇 = +1 or −1 are allowed by selection rules that govern the interaction with the photon magnetic field or the neutron magnetic moment, the excited states illustrated in Figs. 1C to 1F should be observable by optical or neutron scattering experiments. Here, we report terahertz optical spectroscopy on the Heisenberg-Ising antiferromagnetic chain SrCo2V2O8 in a longitudinal magnetic field up to 30 T. Our study provides clear experimental evidence on the high-energy quantum excitations of 2-string and 3-string states, as well as on the low-lying fractional excitations of psinons/antipsinons, characterizing the quantum spin dynamics of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising model. 푧 In a longitudinal magnetic field, 푆푇 is a good quantum number. Hence, the eigenstates of the Heisenberg-Ising model can be accordingly classified, and described by a general Bethe- ansatz wavefunction |휑⟩ = ∑ 푎(푛1, 푛2, … , 푛푟) |푛1, 푛2, … , 푛푟⟩ 1≤푛1≤⋯≤푛푟≤푁 푧 for the total spin-z quantum number 푆푇 = 푁/2 − 푟 (Fig. 1B), with 푁 denoting the length of the chain, and 푟 flipped spins at the sites of 푛1, 푛2, …, and 푛푟 in the chain with respect to the ⟩ ⟩ − − − ⟩ fully polarized state |… →→→ ⋯ , i.e. |푛1, 푛2, … , 푛푟 = 푆푛1푆푛2 … 푆푛푟|… →→→ ⋯ where 푆± ≡ 푆푥 ± 푖푆푦 푛 푛푗 푛푗 푛푗 is the operator flipping the spin of the 푗 site. We use the Bethe ansatz to obtain the coefficients 푎(푛1, 푛2, … , 푛푟) and eigenenergies of the ground state as well as 푧 excited states for every 푆푇 sector (24). Corresponding to the real and complex momenta in the solutions of the Bethe-ansatz equations (1), the excited states of psinon-(anti)psinons (푛) and 푛-strings are labelled as 푅푞 and 휒푞 , respectively, with the subscript indexing the corresponding transfer momentum. Those excitations allowed in optical experiments obey 푧 the selection rule Δ푆푇 = +1 or −1, which contribute to the dynamic structure factor −+ +− 푎푎̅ 푆 (푞, 휔) or 푆 (푞, 휔), respectively. The two quantities are defined by 푆 (푞, 휔) = 푎̅ 2 ± 1 푖푞푛 ± 휋 ∑ |⟨휇|푆 |퐺⟩| 훿(휔 − 퐸 + 퐸 ) in which 푆 = ∑ 푒 푆 and 푎̅ = −푎 with 푎 = + or −, 휇 푞 휇 퐺 푞 √푁 푛 푛 3 and |퐺⟩ and |휇⟩ are the ground state and the excited state with eigenenergies of 퐸퐺 and 퐸휇, respectively (24,26). Hence, we can quantitatively single out contributions of string excitations, as well as of psinon-(anti)psinon pairs, to the relevant dynamic structure factors. The string excitations with higher energies and characteristic field dependencies can be well distinguished from the low-energy psinon-(anti)psinon pairs. This enables us to precisely compare to the experimental results as a function of longitudinal field and to identify the nature of each observed mode. Results and Discussion: Figure 2A shows transmission spectra at various frequencies below 1 THz as a function of longitudinal magnetic fields. At 0.195 THz, two transmission minima can be observed at 2.41T (mode ) and 6.18 T (mode 푅0), below and above the critical field 퐵푐 = 4 T, respectively.
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