2SIh ANNIVERSARt' YEA lursDAy, AUGUST 3, 199' OWA on"s MORNING NRVSPAPE "The water stopped coming over sometime in the wee hours of the momin ." upenUot')' Park r Rlmcly Inside Supervisory Park Manager Randy Haa land on top of lhe drying Cor lvil R ervoir ou h to be cont iMCI by Ih spillway. For the first time since July 5th, the reservoir's water Ie hay dropped opm until 1M 1.JIe I b to I An angry, vociferous and offensive George Carlin stars in "What Am I Doing in Jersey!," ju t one of the stand-up comedy \li~ reviewtd in today's MVideotapeworm. n See It's but now for he c column Page 4. dry, finally, Jon Yates The Daily Iowan News Briefs For the first time in over four wee ,the spillway at the Coralville Dam looked lik it has for the rest of its 35 years: dry. I STATE "The water stopped coming over sometime in the wee hours of the morning,- Superviso­ Federal parolee turns self ry Park Manager Randy Haas said. "We've in after OM shootings still got the gates open, and we'll keep t.hem DES MOINES (AP) - A recent federal prison parolee wanted in d , connection with the shooting deaths of two Des Moines men 2--county search and the wounding of a third sur­ tak rendered Monday, police said. Armon Fennell Diggs, 34, was for missing VI charged with two counts of first­ degree murder in the shootings h d cnn Sunday night, said Police Sgt. Judy •• • Bradshaw. She said investigators Jumor contInues believe the shootings were in Brad Hahn retaliation for a robbery of Diggs The Daily Iowan during a card game. The 8earch for missing U1 junior Ben Veldey of Diggs, accompanied by friends, Marshalltown continued Monday a8 friend. and surrendered and told reporters family began a road search of Marshall and tory outside the Des Moines Police Counties. Department that he was innocent. Veldey, 20, was last seen in his hometown Killed Sunday night were Billy around noon Saturday, Marshalltown police said. jackson and jermaine Etier, both He was on his way to Ames to purcha.e a moun· 21. Treated and released for a tain bike. gunshot wound was Alonzo Veldey was expected to return home Saturday night. Family member. reported Veldey missing Hickman, 17, also of Des Moines, Sunday, and police have c1888i.fied him as a "mi - who later was questioned by ing person - endangered." police. Janet Manchon, Vel dey's neighbor, said while The shootings occurred at friends and family would like to think the tudent around 8:30 p.m. in a neighbor­ ran away, it would be very unusual. hood north of downtown Des "When we think of the possibility of a runaway, Moines. we're full of hope that maybe this is just the spon­ taneous action of a 20-year-old," she said. "But that would be really out of character. He hasn't made NATIONAL contact with anyone ... the search is 888uming the worst." Rocket with secret payload VI Junior Jeff McKinney, who is planning on explodes after launch sharing an apartment with Veldey in the fall, said the runaway possibility seems remote. LOS ANGELES (AP) - A Titan "It would be very, very uncharacteristic. 1 don't IV rocket carrying a secret payload want to make any assumptions about what did blew up after launch from happen, though: McKinney said. "He's not a prob­ California on Monday, a serious lemed person. He's a good guy, doesn't drink often setback for the program to launch and is a pretty good student. But you can't rule omd c.tkn~ 11M ~ spy satellites with America's most anything out." Thousands of c.vp, displ.Jced by the ftooding, now lie de.Jd Of dying McKinney said he spoke to Vel dey' mother and powerful unmanned rocket. on exposed bedrock as the water dries up bene.Jth Ih Cor.Jlville Hit vaporized," said Sgt. John See swOt, Page 6 Reservoir Spillway. Dendy, a spokesman at Vandenberg Air Force Base, on the coast about 140 miles north­ west of Los Angeles. .ISU paper wresdes witll Lt. Col. Phil johnson said the rocket was launched from Midwest skeptical of flood's end Vandenberg at 2:59 p.m. CDT editorial restructuring Michael Fleeman and claiming 46 lives, the lateat that of a woman and exploded two minutes later Associated Press whose body wu discovered in North Dakota.. n..-Wanal hebdel uplained lilat Over the Pacific Ocean. The weather pattern that brought relentleas rains .Ithou,b .b. h.d ao put ia ST. LOUIS - The Mississippi apparently has The IRiIy Iowan Hit blew up itself. We did not haa shifted to the usual, drier summer pattern. And ptopowiDf ar TOtiDt OIl the .... struck its worst blow to St. Louis and rolled on. But low. State Uninralty'. 102- in the state doWMtream from Miuouri and Illuloia, menl, .- thouchl tbe ...~ blow it uo/ Johnson said. even aa the river recedes, the people here aren't ready ,....-illd Auclent.-run newpaper, the Miaaiaaippi flows wider, without the conatraining ehaDp would bier IF. the IIUIi*Y to believe their ordeal is nearing an end. State Daily. i8 levees. the Jowo r.dnc a of .tudeDla' work by pro~id.lq bylaw The largest metropolitan area threatened in .ix The river level. dropped in the metropolitan area prGtID.ed amendlMDt that U- with caotinuoaa ............. weeks of Midwestern Oooding escaped. the pl'edicted because the MiJ8is8ippi continued to bulldoJe through t.hreateu to tab ed.itoriaJ dec:i­ Mkhael McHlIl'Dq, ...pM- collision of record crests of the Mi88i8sippi and Mis­ saturated levees in western lllinoia, juat to the east of .ion. away from .ladenu and ... inpobtbl ....... ...... souri rivers Monday, but residents have seen all too pa.ce U- with a })lid, nonlacal­ the city, dumping billions of gallOD.l of water. .... adit« 01 the Doiq, .... .. intimately what heartbreak the waters can bring. ty act.i8Ir. Monday, it wsa the farmi.na community of Valmeyer UaiaIIa 1M pi 'wi ...... fI The rivers remain unnaturally high, levees are sat­ that paid the price; it wa. almo.t completely .ub­ The cbID&e. which will he .... roM tlltelltlou btl, 1M .....·t OD by the Dail,', PabllcalioDi urated, area farms and towns are 8ubmerged - and merged. Authorities said the water guabinc through a ... with .... cwriinit ........ .Boud 35, baa cnatec1 COD­ people continue sandbagging. levee break there would eventually 00111' unimpeded Aut. .. thiDl tbe .... .tpt ..... bu• ..,.., .,... whether tM poww­ "We've lived with this so long," said a tearfu1 Mar­ IlCI'088 the 20 milea of low·lying farmland to the his­ catain dip-. fI-'t to It, IIat J Features ..................................... 2 garet Lindemann, whoee 80uth St. Louis home, toric town of Prairie du Rocher. hue cbaDp wiD tab the I'Udlat dOIl't think it'. been .t1ldled oat tbe .tadent n.wapaper or Metro & Iowa ............................. ] tucked behind a battered levee, appeared to have The day before, Alton, m., bore the brunt; it. down­ elloqb 10 far: lfcNamey AId. been spared. "What is relief! It's been horrible." iDcreue the quality of the puhli­ Arts & Entertainment. ................. 4 town waa swamped and ita water-treatment plant ·lt c:ut1"eIltJy IUds, 'The .ma­ The waters have battered St. Louis since Friday, damaged when the river crept into the sewer system. c:atioo. .hall alao on,... the editofiaJ Calendar / News of Record ......... 5 -rhla ia Dol intaded &0 .... flooding hundreds of homes in suburban Chesterfield More than 70,000 people remained without potable prucJua oItha~.'· cenaonhip pomiaD,. Aid J..u. Nation & World .. , ...................... S and st. Charles, forcing thousands of people to evacu­ water. IiIcNarDey nplei..... the cWni­ ADt.iadaJ, ..... aaaupr 01 the Comics I Crossword .................... 6 ate and inundating nearby farmland. "The water ju.st. came through the ground, bubbling tal 01·0.... • ....n.. bbD. Be Movies ....................................... 7 But despite continued levee breaks and lingering up through the street, and the Itl'eetI were buckli.o& DaU,. ~i1.intendedoalJ cIoesD't thiDk the ItafI' ..... an to pr'CIIt.:lIM .... hID uw.. Classifieds .................................. 8 fears, it appears the Flood of '93 Could be reaching ita right before your very eyes," said Paul Ventimiglia, _ NI'WII'Af8. ,..6 conclusion after cauaing at least $10 billion in damage See flOOOINC, 6 &ituatioM- Sports ..................... .................. 10 p. ,. <, 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, August 3, 1993 Features HEY YOU, DAILY IOWAN READER! Don't like us? Think you can do any better? Need a inhllool .. Wl'Il, hen.·.., your <.h,tn<'l·. in and get your N.H. residents seek end to bridge burning ng for one of the top college dailies in the country. now accepting applications for Metro Reporters, David Moore I"n.rut" Writers, Editorial Writers, Copy Editors, freelaJnce~ ....!. Associated Press & Entertainment Writers, and Photographers. CONCORD, N.H. - On an early morning last May, someone went If you're interested, drop by 201 N Communications Center to the Corbin Covered Bridge in an application. Then prove you can meet a deadline by '" Newport, N.H., doUBed the timbers it completed and turned in by Friday, Aug. 27. Any , • with a flammable liquid, struck a match and ended 158 years of his· uestions should be directed to 'loren at 335-6030. tory. Go for it. When firefighters arrived, burn· ing timbers were dropping into the Sugar River. By morning, only ash· es, charred debris and smoldering anger remained. OBSERVE THE -I am shocked and angered, angered because it is history that can never be replaced; said Alicia WARNING SIGNS. Dixon, a member of the Newport Historical Society.
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