This Week ~ Low-income energy as- sistance bifls, see page 3. b ~ CETA fanding an- COLlNTY. EWS nouncement sears, page 6. Vol. 11, No. 38 October I, 1979 Washiwgtow, D.C Iraara I le to H pital Cost Bill Following more than oue week of which contains far more limited Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) of a na- wrangling, members of the House provisions for cost containment. tional insurance proposaL Interstate and Foreign Commerce Last year, a cost containment, bill Those who oppose the bill. Committee, on a 23 to 19 vote, last died in House Commerce, but passed however —hospitals, physicians, and week ordered reported to the House on the Senate floor. This year. the other groups —argue that it would floor an amended version of the billwillbe voted on by tbe full House lead to rationing of health care and Administration's Cost Containment and Senate within the next few to further regulation in the health 1979. les Act of Implementation of weeks. Even with the inclusion of a industry. They point out that a cost controls is regarded by the Ad- sunset provision and a "one-house voluntary effort to contain costs hss ministration as a necessary first step veto," giving either House 30 days to reduced the rate of cost increases toward consideration of proposals block implementation of mandatory snd, therefore, the bill is un- for national health insurance.. controls, should the voluntary effort necessary. anti. The Administration's proposal to fail, the outlook for passage of the At a time when regulatory contain hospital spending, projected billis far from certain. sentiment is high, that argument hss many proponents. Yet the voluntary AL COST CONTAINMENT—ReP. to save some $ 22 billion in federal Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) NACo, ALONG with other public effort to contain costs, which was seen committee markup tax dollars and $ 6 billionin state and ;s during with Reps. James Florio (D-N.J.) in (D-Wash.). local money over the five year period interest groups, strongly supports initiated by the hospital industry ssd AlSwift con. response on the 1980-1984. calls for a mandatory pro. the Administration's bifl, which to this bill, works tains NACo.supported provisions to same principle. is felt that the gram of cost controls to go into ef- It "dumping" of charity legislation has fect. should a voluntary program fail. prevent the pressure of impending and uninsured patients on public provided the necessary impetus for iles, borfion, Pay Hike Voluntary limits on annual cost in- effort. creases would be linked to the actual hospitals. But the issues which the the success of the voluntary calls into question are tough ones "Under this biB, the voluntary ef- F rate of inflation, with a guarantee of bill for the Congress to address head on. fort can forward as long as it suc- wit)i for '80 a minimum allowable increase of 11.6 go ag Funding On the one hand, the bill's passage ceeds," noted Waxman. It(oil percent for 1979. is expected to generate billions of members are asked to the House the Congress AB NACo nit week by approved last year in the Favorable action by the Commerce dollars in savings over the next five contact their congressmen to urge margin of 208-203 passed Labor-HEW billafter much delay. Committee was not needed for con- years. At a time when the need for passage. For further information, reatinuing resolution for fiscal The House language reads: "None sideration by the full House, since anti-in- which budgetary savings and contact Janet Smith at NACo. H.J. Res. 404, provides of the funds provided for in this act the Ways and Means Committee had flationary measures is more critical foraff federal agencies through shall be used to perform abortions already reported its version of the than ever. this argument would seem 31 st levels contained in the except where the life of the mother bill. However, the committee's sup. '80 to be afl that is needed to win the Carfer Vows fiscal appropriations would be endangered if the fetus port is regarded as an important vic. necessary contains support. ould This resolution also were carried to term." tory by the Administration and Moreover, as Rep. Waxman pointed e for a 5.5 percent pay raise for The Senate language is slightly could provide added impetus for the out in committee markup of the bill, Transit Help of Congress and federal more liberal and reads: "None of the bill's final passage. in light of the current budget crunch, employees. funds provided for in this act shall be On the Senate side, the Ad- no other major piece of health NEW YORK, N.Y.—President used sharp contrast. the Senate to perform abortions except ministration bill was ordered repor- legislation has a chance of passage Carter in a speech last week before of of H.J. Res. 404 limits the where the life of the mother would be ted by Human Resources in June. this year. The only positive steps the American Public Transit eat of the resolution to Oct. 31 endangered if the fetus were carried That bill is expected to be offered as that can now be taken are to hold Association said that, he is "more videi cuts Congress out of the pay to term; or except for such medical an amendment on the Senate floor to down costs. Waxman is chairman of committed than ever" to providing I nl Also by sticking to more procedures necessary for the victims Sen. Herman Talmadge's Commerce's health subcommittee assistance to the nation's public abortion language, the of rape or incest, when such rape or Medicare/Medicaid Reform Act, and is,co-sponsor along with Sen. transportation systems. The version sets up another con- incest has been reported promptly to assurance of additional aid marks a between the two bodies on a law enforcement agency or Public LASTMINUTERUSH year-long turnaround by the difficultquestion of federal fund- Health Service; or except in those in- President in his support for energy- sbortions. stances where severe and long- efficient public transit. addition, the Senate version lasting physical health damage to 'he President again linked $ 16.5 for son defense related travel of the mother would result if the Title XXto Senate billion over 10 years for transpor- he employees to $ 750 million. pregnancy were carried to term when tation to passage by Congress of a nce press time it was unclear so determined by two physicians. The Child Welfare and Social Ser- 30. Unless the bill is enacted. the "windfafl profits" tax. Without the Congress could resolve their "Nor are payments prohibited for vices Amendments of 1979, H.R. national Title XX spending limitwill windfallprofits tax package, which is the before the fiscal year drugs or devices to prevent, implan- 3434. which passed the House Aug. I revert from $ 2.9 biflion to $ 2.5 currently locked up in the Senate oet, Oct. 1. A continuing tation of the fertilized ovum, or for by an overwhelming margin, was billion. Finance Committee, no new public ol is needed to fund agencies medical procedures necessary for the taken up by the Senate Finance's Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan (D-N.Y.), transportation would be available, he i for appropriation bills have not termination of a ectopic pregnancy. public assistance subcommittee on chairman of the subcommittee, held warned. ites This includes most of the The Secretary shall promptly issue short notice last week A crowded only three hours of hearings on Sept. The President promised to Ie to regulations and establish procedures calendar following the month-long 24 and scheduled fufl committee revitalize many of the nation's older to ensure that the provisions of this August recess forced Senate con- markup for two days later. NACo transit systems, like New York, so loll ABORTION issue has also section are rigorously enforced." sideration of the bifl in the last days and other public interests groups that they willbe able to keep up with (Cei agreement on the con- —Jon Weintraub of the federal fiscal year ending Sept. See SENATE, page 6 citizen demand for efficient public 'wo report on the Labor-HEW transit. He also announced that Ted lees Act for 1980, H.R. Lute, former general manager of w) by the House and the Senate Washington, D.C. Transit Authority Ur. passed the conference report, and former administrator of the Ad- the Senate rejecting the ban Mass Transportation 's abortion language, 64-53, to Address CICs ministration, would be his choice to 8radley resume the UMTApost again. ie insisting on its own language by Transpor. M of 57-31. The Senate language The new Secretary of Sen. William Bradley (D-N.J.) targeted countercyclical aid. Goldschmidt, who was same compromise language the tation, Neil announced last week that he will Other key speakers are Sen. James called for the be sworn in last week, also speak to the opening general session Sasser (D-Tenn.), chairman of the quick enactment of the President's of the 15th annual federal aid brief- subcommittee on intergovernmental tax so new trans. ted to Bulletin windfallproflts that ing, sponsored by NACo/the Council affairs snd David Walker, associate portation funds could be made es, House a vote of passed, by of Intergovernmental Coordinators. director of the Advisory Commis- available. Goldschmidt announced re. Budget Chairman Robert The conference takes place Oct. 23-26 sion on Intergovernmental Relations. that he would create a more L substitute to the Senate. Wash- (ACIR). (i at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in "streamlined federal bus uly.
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