THE DITMAS TODAY ONLY 3 SCHOLARS PIEUSE The Dainty and Fascinating Film Star RE AU Theatre VIOLET MERS Al MajesticCOUNIHAN & anil and a Star Cast in SHANNON, Props, Mers. Supported By Harry Benham REAL ESTATE "THE PATH OF HAPPINES5" Most Pleasant Event Given MORTGAGES [ Together with a Two Part Comedy Yesterday Afternoon and PERTH AMBDY'S THEATRE Of INSURANCE VARIETIEsH Last Night. Entire of Vaudeville Program Every Mon. and Thun. Some of Next Week's Feature Attractions Chang· Pictures Changed Daily. Pathe Weekly Wed and Fri. Brothers & Co. Special to the STICKING NEWfi. Daily Matinees 2 p. m., 5 and 10c. Every Evening at 7 and & Boynton Woodbritlge, March 11—The enter- 15 and 25c BLANCHE SWEET tainment at school No. 1 yesterday af- p. m., 5, 10, 87 SMITH ST. ternoon and last night drew crowded Orchestra Under Direction of Andrew Nelson fa™* » houses at both performances. There March 13th in "THE SECRET SIN" was not an error from start to finish 480-481 Telephone* and the teachers deserve great credit (he for the finished manner in which - - 6 various parts wore carried out. Today, 6 Big Acts ' Cl3iî anil Wall3Ce ^ I All of the numbers were roundly The sketches, fold Tuesi]1/ I encored. drill, At The Usual Vaudeville Prices musical se- March 14th \ in "THE CHORUS LADY" dances, tableaux and the 5c ; lections were all so good it would be Matinees 5 and 10c Evenings 25, 15, 10<and impossible to mention any particular one, Messrs. Llvlngood, Randolph MONDAY and WEDNESDAY Comng and Potter always are willing to aid HOPE CREWS In an enter- I LAURA any way toward making Wednesday, tainment for their "Alma Mater" a Ma ch 15th in "BLACK BIRDS" success and their selections last night The Original \ were greatly enjoyed. ! ■ ■ I ■ » | The program follows: COMPOSED -Shamrock .Drill—Cai'ol Martin, Anna HONEY BOY MINSTRELS Comns VICTORHERBERT Ellas, Ella Burdick, Victoria ,A UCE BRADY lirown, Helen Johnson, Mary Snyd- Thujsilay, er, Anna Petersen The greatest ot all Vaudeville Minstrels March 16th \ in "THE RACK" "PRINCESS PAT," BIG \ Sketch—"The Train to Monro." Sta- tion agent, Paul Sabo; Mrs. Butter- milk, Emma Johnson; Johnnie Both Sides of Vaudeville La Petit Elva & Co. Buttermilk, Peter Hoar In a Kinder I'olka—Helen Bergen and A Novelty Sketch Dainty Offering Seredn Peterson; Tanteli, Mary J A YIN 'S GARGLE O'Nell, Jessie Buchan, Martha Bert and Dorothy Adair Krauss, Augusta Huber McGrath and Yeoman Spring Song—Mary Klias, Mildred A Dainty Couple For Sore Throat, Canker in the Mouth. Valentine, Margaret J>ee, Margaret Comedians etc. Pollak, Eleanor Koyen, Margaret Tonsilitis, Wand, I-aura Mnndy, Edna John- New Phot Plays son, Ruth Lorch, Florence Voor- The Sensational Celest with Pathe Weekly Wednes- hees, Florence Huber 25 and 60c Tableaux—"Old Woman who lived In On the Wire days and Fridays a Shoe." Helen Sabo, Edwart*. Aug- ustine, Frances Einhorn , Ruth Augustine, Madeleine de Russy, EVERY FRIDAY drugs' Frank Leisen, Junior l>unne: Drug Department Dunne, Frank T^eisen, Jimrale I Adams; "Mary, Mary, Quite Con- "THE IRON CLAW" UNITED CIGARS STORE'S CO. trary," Virginia Adams; "Jack , Horner," Sidney Upjohn TUESDAY, MARCH 14th, MAIINEE AND NIGHT STS. PERTH AM30Y, . I. Solo—Selected, James J. Llvingood, STATE-SMITH ' Jr. the new "Hiawatha," John de Hussy, Harriet BERT BAKER BON TONS Co. Breckenridge; "Bo Peep," Kathe- I Rikcr-Hegeman rine Concannon; "IJttle Boy Blue," with BABE LA TOUR he sensational Barbary Coast Dancers Medicines Toiict Articles "Pied I Raymond Demarest; Piper FEELT Me CL UD of Hamlin," Joe Homond, Ruth Augustine, Eugene Finn, Mike Pal- 30 PRETTY G RLS 30 ko, Julius Gecsei, Madeleine de Russy, Frank I^eisen, Helen Sa bo, A SAFE Place for your Valuable Papers and Jeanette Melick, Albert Levi, Ray· MATS. Orchestra 25c and 15-3 Eox mond Deraarest, John Hedugus, 50c; Balcony, ; Seats, 75c; is in Our-£ate Deposit Boxes, $2.50 Up, Helen liarned, Roland Founidoni. Gallery, 10c. EVENING: Orchestra, 75c and $1.C0; Jewelry Farrell ami Verna Waltz—Margaret 50c and 35c; Box Seats, $1.00; Gallery, 25c. and get them when you want tnem. McElroy; Highland Schottische, Balcony, Jessie Buchan SEATS NOW ON SALE Solo—Selected, Asher Randolph Sketch—"How the Story Grew." Mrs. Fire and Bur g tar Proof Vault Brown, Marion Peterson; Mrs. \ Green. Ruth Numbers; Mrs. Bean, Frances Jordan; Mrs. Rice, Kath- COMING SOON TO THE ryn Spencer; Mrs. Doolittle, Helen Gj»einer; Mrs. Snow, Helen Augus- Jfirst Jlnfionu/ jfJnuh tine; Mrs. Taylor, Margaret Bergen; Mrs. White, Marie Schlickenheimer. MAJESTIC THEATRE Scene 1—Mrs. Green's New kitchen; m have been . Public of Perth Perth Amboy, Jersey Scene 2--Mrs. Bean's kitchen; What the Amusement Loving boy Scene 3—Mrs. Doolittle's kitchen; waiting for Scene I Mrs. Taylor's kitchen; Paid on Accounts Interest Checking Scene 5—Mrs. Green's sitting room. JOHN CORT WILL PRESENT Piano solo—·Augusta Zeyen Cornet solo—-Charles Acker Vocal solo—Stanley Potter At the close of the entertainment CONGRESSMAN'S DAUGHTER ice cream and cake were sold and the Victor Herbert of "THE PRINCESS PAT" entertainment certainly netted a sub- Composer stantial sum for the Victrola fund. FiVE DOLLARS IS GOLD which will be heard soon at the Majestic Theatre Th© career of Victor Herbert, com- "Pabette," "it Happened in Nord- ' "Alice and poeer, is a moat enviable one. Born land," Eight Princesses," afterwnrds renamed "Wonderland," and in PATH in Dublin educated Germany, "Miss Dolly Dollars," "The Red Mill," Γ" as a cello OF^INESS" Dr. Bernard Feldman. a local den- he first became prominent "Mdlk*. Modiste," "The T&tooed player with the Court Orchestra Stut- Man," "The Son# ! AT DiTNIAS THEATRE TODAY tist. with offices at 131 Smith street, Birds," "Algeria," igart. "The Prima Donna," "Little Nemo," whose views on mouth cleanliness In IS 6 he v,:is cello player in the "The Only Girl" and "The Princess Violet Mersereau, one of the dain- tiest and most fascinating of all film the Metropolitan Orchestra, New York, Pat." ivere published In Literary Digest stars, will at the Ditmas unci in 1894 became bandmaster of With such a long· list of successes appear today created a nation-wide in the five drama of romance and thereupon the Twenty-second Regiment Band, one naturally concedes Victor Herbert part and charm entitled "The Path of Hap- fiicicussion on the topic, offers a prize New York, and subsequently conduct- to be the leading: composer of this piness," in which she will be support- ed the Pittsburg Orchestra. country and his new compositions are at $5.00 for the best 2 50-word essay ed Harry Ben ham and an all star In 19<>4 Γ. W^rb^rt formed his looked forward to with koen antici- by the cast. Besides the feature attraction un the subject "How to Clean own orchestra, with which lie toured pation, for Victor Herbert music is a laughable two part will also all over the United Stales. He is considered to that comedy Teeth." vastly superior be offered. composer of t ho«ifollo\vtng operas and usually heard in light opera and On Blanche Sweet, is to ap- The essayist Is not forced to agree musical pi·.· cos: "The Captive," musical comedy productions. Monday pear in "The Secret Sin," and "Prince Anadias," "The Wizard of His latest work, "The Princess nothing with Dr. Feldman in his contention she has done previously on the screen the Nile," "The Gold Bug," "The Ser- Pat," is said to be a veritable unclean tooth-brush and triumph. is marked with so much artistry, that ibo ana.de," "The Idol's ICyes," "The For- It will soon be heard in this at city gracrj and finish as her performance colored dentifrices are in- tune Teller." "Cyrano de Bergerac," the Date and full -Book and Lyrics Blossom strongly Majestic. particu- of ill'} "Twin Sisters," in this remarie, by Henry "The Singing Girl." "The Ameer," lars will be announced later in these to the mouth. Some dentists ble drama. With all the skill of the CAST AND Jurions "The "Babes in columns. SUPERB CHORUS Viceroy," Toyland," lLasky studio artistisc forces centered take s»rong exception whereas others Ion this photo play from the view- AUGMENTED HERBERT ORCHESTRA Ktrongly uphold l.lm in his plea for a point of photography, attention to Watch the Press for Date and Particulars uniform and efficient method of clean- minute detail and sheer sincerity will take its place with the masterpiece of ing tho teeth. the screen. Included in τ ho splendid cast that will Miss This difference of opinion will force support Sweet will HEAR LECTURE ON be found that excellent Japanese ac- the real truth to be eventually re- tor, Sussue Hayakawa, who scored so vealed. heavily in "The Typhoon" and "The Clue." Everybody has a right to express "BETTER BABIES" his own sincere opinion. Send yours Bedtime before April 1 directly to Dr. Bernard PARENT-TEACHERS ASS'N AT Daddy's Feldman, 131 Smith St. Essays will Home of Calvin H. Petty is Matawan Woman's Club Also be Judged in the order In which they HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY NI6HT α Burned to the Ground— Shows Mothers to Care for re received. The High School Parent-Teachers' How Letters Miss Mary Archer is the pretty Association will hold its next meeting " is About $6,000. Infants Use of Films. at the The Carne to Be daughter of Congressman Carter Glass Damage by Tuesday night high school. How People Used to topic to be considered is School of Va. She is and "High Learn to Make Mark» Lynchburg, popular Athletics." Preceding the talk the Invented.
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