EDITORS COLORED STONES AND Brendan M. Laurs ORGANIC MATERIALS Thomas W. Overton A contribution to the study of FTIR spectra of opals. I. Adamo GIA, Carlsbad [[email protected]], C. Ghisoli, and F. Caucia, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Abhandlundgen , Vol. 187, No. 1, 2010, pp. 6 3– 68. REVIEW BOARD Opals are water-bearing micro- and non-crystalline silica min - Edward R. Blomgren erals with the chemical formula SiO 2•nH2O. On the basis of X- Owl’s Head, New York ray diffraction, they can be subdivided into three general Annette Buckley groups: opal-C (relatively well-ordered α-cristobalite, with Austin, Texas minor evidence of tridymite); opal-CT (disordered α-cristobalite Jo Ellen Cole with α-tridymite-type stacking); and opal-A (amorphous). Vista, California Thirty-four gem-quality opal samples of known origin, com - prising the most important types of natural and synthetic opal R. A. Howie Royal Holloway, University of London on the market (with and without play-of-color), were examined by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The FTIR Edward Johnson spectra were typical of water-bearing silicates with tetrahedral GIA, London coordinated silicon. Opal-C was easily identified by sharp Michele Kelley peaks at about 620 cm −1, typical of well-ordered α-cristobalite. Monmouth Beach, New Jersey The distinction between opal-CT and opal-A required careful Guy Lalous comparison of the three Si-O bands at 1100, 790, and 470 cm −1, Academy for Mineralogy, Antwerp, Belgium particularly the second one, which is always at higher frequen - Kyaw Soe Moe cies in opal-A than in opal-CT (800–796 and 792–788 cm −1, GIA Laboratory, New York respectively). Infrared spectroscopy can also easily detect the Keith A. Mychaluk presence of clay minerals, providing useful information about Calgary, Alberta, Canada the opal’s genesis and the locality. GL Joshua Sheby New York, New York Green andradite stones: Gemmological and mineralogical characterisation. I. Adamo, G. D. Gatta [diego.gatta@ James E. Shigley GIA Research, Carlsbad unimi.it], N. Rotiroti, V. Diella, and A. Pavese, Russell Shor GIA , Carlsbad Elise A. Skalwold Ithaca, New York This section is designed to provide as complete a record as practical of the recent literature on gems and gemology. Articles Jennifer Stone-Sundberg are selected for abstracting solely at the discretion of the section Portland, Oregon editors and their abstractors, and space limitations may require Rolf Tatje that we include only those articles that we feel will be of greatest Duisburg, Germany interest to our readership. Requests for reprints of articles abstracted must be addressed to Dennis A. Zwigart the author or publisher of the original material. State College, Pennsylvania The abstractor of each article is identified by his or her initials at the end of each abstract. Guest abstractors are identified by their full names. Opinions expressed in an abstract belong to the abstrac - tor and in no way reflect the position of Gems & Gemology or GIA . © 2011 Gemological Institute of America S4 GEMOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS GEMS & G EMOLOGY SPRING 2011 European Journal of Mineralogy , Vol. 23, No. 1, Zr. The concentrations of Cr, Ti, and V were also very 2011, pp. 91–100. low in the samples from Madagascar and Namibia. All Andradite is a rock-forming mineral typically found in the Fe-rich samples ( ≥And 98 ) contained Cr ranging from metamorphic rocks, such as skarns and serpentinites. ~2 to 4189 ppm, which was correlated to color variations. Green andradite (demantoid) is one of the most valued They also showed a strong positive Eu anomaly and were gems among the garnet-group minerals, due to its color, enriched in light rare-earth elements (LREE) but poor in brilliance, and rarity. Sources include Russia (central Ural heavy rare-earth elements (HREE). In contrast, none of Mountains), Italy (Val Malenco, Sondrio), Iran (Kerman the grossular-bearing samples showed the Eu anomaly Province), northern Pakistan (Kaghan Valley), Namibia and possessed high concentrations of medium-REE and (Erongo Province), and northern Madagascar (Antete - HREE. The Russian sample was very low in both LREE zambato). Samples from these sources were examined by and HREE. The three Cr-bearing samples from Italy (Val standard gemological testing, electron microprobe analy - Malenco), Iran, and Pakistan showed a relatively flat REE sis, UV-Vis-NIR and mid-infrared spectroscopy, and single- distribution. The positive Eu anomaly in most of the Fe- crystal X-ray diffraction to determine their gemological and Cr-bearing samples suggested that divalent Eu was and crystallographic characteristics. dominant in the mineralizing fluids. The E u2+ anomaly in The garnets were almost pure andradite, with small these fluids may be caused by the hydrothermal alteration amounts of other elements. The Cr content did not affect process between Eu 3+ and F e2+ , resulting in Eu 2+ and Fe 3+ the unit-cell constant, and cell refinement suggested that cations. KSM Cr3+ can share the octahedral site with Fe 3+ in the garnet structure. The UV-Vis-NIR spectra were characterized by Inside sapphires. C. P. Smith, Rapaport Diamond Report , Fe 3+ absorption features, which represent the main cause Vol. 33, No. 7, 2010, pp. 123–132. of color, while the mid-IR spectra revealed the presence of The provenance of fine sapphires can greatly increase their hydroxyl groups. DAZ value in the eyes of connoisseurs. Most sapphires can be associated with two geologic events: (1) the orogeny that The profile of trace elements, including the REE, in gem- created the Himalayas (55 million years ago [Ma]) and pro - quality green andradite from classic localities. R. duced sapphire deposits from Afghanistan through Bocchio [[email protected]], I. Adamo, Kashmir and east into Vietnam, and (2) the Pan-African and V. Diella, Canadian Mineralogist , Vol. 48, No. orogeny (80 0– 450 Ma) that produced the deposits in Sri 5, 2010, pp. 120 5–1216. Lanka, Madagascar, Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Fifteen gem-quality samples of demantoid from Italy Having created a source classification scheme for (Aosta and Val Malenco), Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Namibia, rubies (see Rapaport Diamond Report , Vol. 37, No. 47, and Madagascar, and two samples of grossular and 2008, pp. 14 0–148), the author presents a similar one for uvarovite, were analyzed by electron microprobe and LA- sapphires. This scheme has two tiers, the first separating ICP-MS. All the andradite samples were found in serpenti - sapphires into three groups based on broad geologic for - nite host rocks except for two samples from Namibia and mation scenarios: Met (metamorphic), Mag (magmatic), Madagascar, which formed in skarns. Nine samples from and Met-Mag (having characteristics outside of classical Val Malenco possessed almost pure andradite end-member Met and Mag). The second tier further divides sapphires compositions, though a minor uvarovite component into types I through IV based on their dominant inclu - resulted from the internal diffusion of chromium from sions and other features, as well as advanced analytical magnetite inclusions. The sample from Madagascar was data. Photomicrographs illustrate the internal characteris - also close to the pure end-member and homogeneous, tics that differentiate sapphires produced by important while samples from Aosta, Russia, Iran, and Pakistan localities. The current range of sapphire treatments is also ranged from 91 to 96 mol.% andradite. Other garnet com - reviewed. AB ponents detected were grossular in samples from Aosta and Russia, and uvarovite in those from Iran and Pakistan. Major and trace elements in the Namibian sample were DIAMONDS heterogeneous, ranging from pure andradite to And 11 Gro 89 within a single crystal, reflecting the geochemical process - Ages of cratonic diamond and lithosphere evolution: es involved in the skarn host rocks. Constraints on Precambrian tectonics and diamond The metasomatic reactions caused higher concentra - exploration. H. Helmstaedt [helmstaedt@geol. tions of rare-earth elements (REE) in skarn-hosted queensu.ca], J. J. Gurney, and S. H. Richardson, Madagascar and Namibian demantoid than in other sam - Canadian Mineralogist , Vol. 48, No. 6, 2010, pp. ples (hosted by serpentinite). The pattern of trace ele - 1385–1408. ments such as Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Sr, Y, and Zr was Age dating of syngenetic inclusions within peridotitic and similar for all the samples, showing a “U” shape. The eclogitic minerals shows that diamond formation occurred Russian sample had no Ni and very low amounts of Y and in episodes in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. GEMOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS GEMS & G EMOLOGY SPRING 2011 S5 From studies of the geologic record, these episodes could angle Farallon Plate and directly implicates devolatiliza - be correlated with important craton-forming events in the tion of this plate in magma genesis. It is proposed that an Archean and Proterozoic. influx of fluids triggered a small amount of partial melt - Diamonds containing peridotitic inclusions formed ing of the deep craton lithosphere, forming a source of between ~3.5 and 3.2 billion years ago (Ga), in the kimberlite and lamproite magmas. Paleoarchean. Formation of these diamonds occurred in Rapid, low-angle subduction reaching beneath craton - harzburgite, containing subcalcic garnet and/or chromite, ic continental interiors appears to be relatively rare. within the lithospheric roots of the nuclei of the oldest Therefore, subduction-related magmatism may be limited cratons. The process appears to have been associated with to a small number of kimberlite events. Where there is no a metasomatic event triggered by the infusion of CO 2-rich evidence for contemporaneous low-angle subduction, subduction(?)-related fluids. Post-Archean peridotitic dia - other mechanisms must have been responsible for pro - monds formed later (~2. 3–1.9 Ga) in lherzolite source ducing the kimberlites. DAZ rocks. Diamonds with eclogitic inclusions formed over a Composition of cloudy microinclusions in octahedral dia - longer period, some 2.9 to 0.58 billion years ago.
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