Calculations confirm chain letter rip-off By Dan Chilton for two money orders, the People at Stockton and else chain letter participant makes where are being ripped off by back his investment if he can an old con—the chain letter. sell two $6 letters. He hopes to Chain letters sent by mail are have his name on the top of illegal, but legislation does not the list after ten resales of the prevent chain letters being letter are made. If all who buy passed on by hand. his letter sell two copies each The con goes like this: and those in turn sell two cop- 'Art*' tmmotma WBrial pabU You are offered a letter for ies each, etc., then after the 10 catlaa W SiackiM State Crf- resales 2 to the 11th power, or independent student publication legc, bat Is prtH.hii by tm the price of $6. The letter Ift- contains a list of 10 names, a 2048 people will send him a $3 rar «Mtd la New Jcraçy. $3 money order made out to money order. Buy the chain the first person on the list and letter and make $6142. Pomona, N.J.08239 May 11, 1976 a set of instructions. The recip- There are 3 (at least) reasons ient of the letter is instructed why the\.chain letter should not Blue movie blues to mail the $3 money order to be purchased. First, the chain the first person on the list, letter must start with ten cross off that person's name names already on it, and since from the list and put his own chain letters are started so peo- name and address on the bot- ple can make money, we can X-rated movies axed tom of the list. He then makes assume that the first ten names By Bob DeLozier dent like high schooler." The that Stockton in not showing two copies of the instructions are of people who want to Looking forward to seeing the R-rated film Flesh Gordon is the film was only acting on and of the new list. He buys make money. The best way for Devil and Miss Jones here at being considered as a substi- directives passed down from two $3 money orders made out ten people to make money buy Stockton on May 28 like it says tute for the Devil and Miss above. Tantillo urged students to the person on the top of the a chain letter is for each of on the movie schedule? Well Jones, according to Hamer. concerned with the situation to list. He then sells each copy of them to sell as many letters as you're not going to. Speaking for the Stockton ad- write to their state assembly- the letter with the money order they can, with their own name Due to recent political contro- ministration, Dr. Charles Tantil- man and urge them to rescind enclosed, for $6 apiece. Having at the bottom of the list, and versy surrounding the showing lo. Director of College Develop- the measure. Unless this is spent $6 for his copy and $6 Continued on page 2 of X-rated films at Glassboro ment, admitted that the contro- done, he said, the college will State College, Chancellor of versy was a "definite first have to take a no-show policy Higher Education Ralph Dun- amendment question." He said for movies of this kind. gan has asked the presidents of all eight state colleges to re- frain from showing the blue movies. With state college allo- cations still up in the air, the Archeological Society lecture college presidents are going along with the ban. The Chapter of the NJ Archeological Society at Stockton will hold The whole mess started sev- its monthly meeting on Tues. May 11 at 7 p.m. in room G-207. eral weeks ago after it became Prof. Rodger Wood will be speaking about "Early Man in known that a couple of erotic Africa." Refreshments will be served. films had been shown at Glass- boro. Some members of the SSU Action Now Committee New Jersey Assembly took to Got a problem? Need help? Call the Student Union Action Now the floor to rail against "per- Committee. The Action Now Committee is working directly with missive" attitudes of colleges the Atlantic County Action Now Organization. If you have a in letting these "filthy, immor- problem call the Union at ext. 585, B-130. al" movies to be shown on campus. The Assembly then Bike hike to Brigantine passed a measure letting Chan- Everyone interested in bike-riding out to Brigantine Wildlife cellor Dungan know that they Refuge on a Sunday or Saturday, contact Joe at_box 2094 or call deplored the showing of these ext. 573 and leave message. Possible cycling trip to Trenton, films in state institutions. They Valley Forge and Philadelphia could also be planned. ordered an investigation of the circumstances in the situation. Blues band concert Dungan then made his request The J. Lazar Blues Band is giving a free concert on May 24 at to the eight state college presi- the G-wing patio. The show will start at noon. Rain site is the dents. Pub. The J. Lazar Blues Band, currently working in Philadelphia, When asked about the dirty does all original blues, jazz, reggae material. movie ban, Don Hamer, chair- person of the Programming Veterans news Committee said he felt the re- Photo by Richard A. Scaler* The Veterans Organization is sponsoring a Spring Feast on May striction was "out and out cen- Billy Joel concert Sunday drew 1100. See page 2 for the story. 28 from 8 to 12 p.m. at Zaberer's (Black Horse Pike). There will sorship." "The political reasons be dancing and entertainment, prizes, raffles and surprises. for the college not to show the Tickets can be purchased at the Vets Office at $13 per person. film are realistic but not val- A reminder to all veterans planning to attend the summer id," stated Hamer. According session. To receive your VA checks on time, your application must to Hamer, Stockton has been Noble to speak on be in by the second week of May. showing -X-rated flicks openly longer than any other college, Want to get into a racquet? starting with the "73-74 New gay rights Thursday There will be a meeting on Tuesday, May 11 at 4 p.m. in room York erotic film festival. G-204 to establish a Stockton Raquet Club. When Deep Throat was shown By Bob DeLozier ble was active in the gay rights at Stockton last October 29, it Earlier in this school year and anti-war movements, before Dance company to perform had five showings and generat- there was a great deal of con- being elected to office and con- The Wendy Rodgers' Dance Company will present a performance ed over $250 which came from troversy in the Stockton com- tinued her fight in these areas in the Dance Studio H-104 on Wednesday evening. May 12 at over 1,000 students paying 25 munity over student funding for in the legislature after being 6:30 p.m. Ms. Rodgers and the members of her company are cents apiece to gain admission. the Gay People's Union (GPU). elected in November 1974. from New York City where they recently gave a performance at By contrast, the next most pop- However, funding was obtained In her campaign for office, the Merce Cunningham Studio. Free Admission. ular movie of the year, The and the GPU is using the mon-- Ms. Noble did not stress her Sting, drew only 716 viewers ey to bring a speaker, Elaine gayness, but instead showed GPU sponsors speaker and brought in no revenue as it Noble, to Stockton on Thursday that she was qualified for office The Gay People's Union will host speaker Elaine Noble on May was shown for free. The films May 20 at 8 p.m. in the G- on other grounds. Within the 20 at 9 p.m. in G-wing cafeteria. Ms. Noble will speak on gay are paid for by student activity wing cafeteria. Massachusetts legislature she is rights. fee funds, not out of monies reportedly well liked and re- contributed by the ordinary tax- Ms. Noble is a member of the spected by her fellow members. Antique glass show payer. House of Representatives of the Elaine Noble's speech will There will be a lecture and slide show in antique and collectible Hamer said that he felt ^ ' 'the state of Massachusetts and the concern itself with gay rights glass made during the period of 1890 and 1940. The present- state assembly should have bet- first self-admitted lesbian to be and there will be free ad- ation will be made by Kevin Gallagher, an antique collector for 12 ter things to do with their elected to state office. She is a mission. All members of the years. Mr. Gallagher will show examples of Tiffany type glass, cut time," and . that "they . should Democrat and represents the' community are invited to at- glass, and art glass. All are invited to attend ,the show on May 12 stop trying to treat college stu- Fenway section of Boston. No- tend. * V» >' at 12 noon in B-014. .
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