Distribution Weather 7 Lin. temperature, 28 de- Today > tren. Ftli tod»y; fclgh, 4*. BED BANK Partly cloudy tonight and t«- 18,900 monow, Low tonight, M. High I JndependerU Daily f tomorrow in 40a. Sec weather page*. Dial SH I -0010 VOL 84 NO T47 inrni ililly. Moniiir tarouih JTMiy. Becoim din Postan RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE .'""' "• ""• "' Paid it Re<pB»bk mi at Addltlotlona: l Ualllnc Olrices. The Keansburg Police Probe Manager Refuses Faulty Rocket Ruins Try To Sign Charges To Boost Five Satellites KEANSBURG — The current and said that there were many Besides the two top officers in probe into alleged payroll pad- "irregularities and inconsisten- the department, a patrolman, CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)-Rocket failure tures and land an Instrument package on the lunar The Naval 'Research Laboratory, which conducted Frederick Loder, also was sus- ding by members of the police cies in the blotter." today ruined an attempt to boost five satellites into surface. the Buckshot experiment, said the multiple payload pended Friday. department took a new twist yes- He said that these irregulari- orbit simultaneously to probe a number of space The attempt to orbit astronaut John H. Glenn, technique permits (I) Savin;; in booster cost (2) terday when C. Bernard Blum, ites dealt with members of the Charges have not been com- mysteries. Jr., is set for Saturday. Launching several satellites that arc incompatible be- ' borough manager, declined to department securing overtime pleted in his case. Doomed by today's failure were: cause of spin requirements or electronic interaction sign charges drafted against the pay which was not actually There was still no official an- The space quintuplets hurtled into the sky at 4:30 —SR-4 (for solar radiation 4) to study X-Ray and (3) Orbiting payloads built by different labora- suspended police chief and deputy worked. (See MANAGER, Page 2) a.m. cradled snugly in the, nose of an 80-foot Thor- Able-Star rocket. The first stage of the 55-ton rocket radiation from the sun and possibly learn how SiOrms tories without the extensive co-ordination required lor chief. several experiments flown in a single package. • Mr. Blum said he wanted to performed normally and observers at the Cape saw raging across the sun's face affect space near earth. the second stage ignite. —Injun If to examine the relationship between Earlier versions of SR--I, Injun and Lofti were consult his attorney before sign- carried on previous Thar-Able-Star firings, The models ing the charges against Police UPPER STAGE FAILURE the outer Van Allen radiation belt and auroral phe- But 20 minutes after launch the Defense Depart- nomena such as "Northern Lights." today embody modifications designed to expand on Chief Alphonsus McGrath and dala gathered by their predecessors/ Deputy Chief Theodore Loder. ment announced that the upper stage failed to build —Lofti II (for low frequency Irans-ionospheric) Four X-ray detectors in the SR-4 ball were to The manager said there were up sufficient thrust after ignition and the entire rocket to study radio wave propagation in the ionosphere in measure various intensities of solar radiation in the certain questions about "proce- assembly plunged in the Atlantic Ocean far down- an experiment aimed at devising better earth and ionosphere, an electrified belt which extends from 30 dure" that he wanted clarified range. space radio communications systems. to several thousand miles above the earth and off before he would sign the charges. Officials said the $3.5 million vehicle fell into the —Sccor (for sequential collation of range) to test which radio sijsnals are bounced. The charges were drafted by sea "well south of Cuba." techniques for future satellites which will map the George E. Ostrov, borough at- The failure wrecked the United States' most am- earth. CHECK FREQUENCIES torney. bitious multiple payload experiment to date. Attempts —Surcal (for space surveillance system calibra- In another ionosphere experiment, Lofti II was lo Mayor Louis T. Collichio said have been made previously to send three satellites tion) to study means of improving the Navy's satel- determine its effect on very low frequency radio later last night that "If Mr. Blum aloft with one booster, but never as many as five. lite detection system stretching across the southern waves. Purpose is to see how well the frequencies continues his refusal to sign the The five satellites were to have been sprayed into United States. penetrate the ionosphere. charges, then I will sign them orbit by spring devices much like the pellets from a SR-4, Lofti and Secor are 20-inch spheres, Injun Prime object of Injun II, developed by Dr. James myself." shotgun charge. Because of this, project officials is a 16-inch cube and Surcal is a 5'/2-inch diameter Van Allen for whom the radiation belts are named, In general, both police officers, nicknamed the project "Buckshot." cylinder to remain attached to the burned out second was to study the exact relationship between the outer are charged with failing to ex- MAJOR EFFORTS stage rocket body. Total weight of the 5-in-l bundle Van Allen belt and auroral phenomena. ercise proper supervision and neg- This was to have been the first of three major was 219 pounds. lect of duty concerning the keep- Widely scattered ground stations were to measure U.S. space efforts scheduled this week. On Friday, Thor-Able-Star rockets have been used three (jmes Ing of records in the police de- radio signals sent to and relayed from the Secor geo- an Atlas-Agena rocket is slated to hurl a Ranger 3 previously to loft two satellites into orbit at one partment. detic sphere as a means of determining exact dis- payload to the moon to take closeup television pic- crack. tances between various earth points. Review Records The charges stem from an in vestigation into reported evi- dence of payroll padding by Equal Deductions members of the department. The probe was ordered several weeks tgo.by Mayor Louis T. Collichio. Mr. Ostrov reviewed police Weigh Revisions time cards and the police Wotter To Tax Measure Currie TRENTON (AP) - Gov. Rich- would enact the equalized deduc ard J. Hughes says New Jersey tions for residents of each state has worked out a revised version under the other's tax. Named of an agreement with New York Hughes said he wants to equal on granting equal income tax de- deductions to take, effect, RUSK LISTENS — Sectary of State Dean Rusk holds « ductions to out-of-state commut- that he also wants to protect New haadphone as bs listens to opening address by Uruguay- rs. Jersey's legal rights in Attorney an Foreign Minister Homero Martinez Montero at the "We think it's going to be all challenge to other portions the New York tax law. This is MATAWAN - Mayor John W. Inter-American Foreign Ministers meeting in Pjinta del right," he toid a news conference Applegate last night appointed yesterday. the intent of the changes his aides Edward W. Currie as borough at- Eite, Uruguay. He said the revisions had been have proposed, Hughes said torney. (AP Wirephoto by radio from Punta del Esfel discussed with New York tax of- They will be presented to New . Council's vote on confirmation ficials. York tax officials at a meeting of the appointment was 4-2, with The revisions are designed to in New York City tomorrow, he Councilmen Vernon A. Ellison Compromise Proposal preserve New Jersey's right to said. and Edward E. Hyrne, both Re- file court challenges to New publicans, dissenting. York's recent action in changing ~i, MS- Cui™. a Democrat, is a its income tax law. ADM. ARLEIGH BURKE, retired former chief of naval operations, sits in witness rormefhiaydr of the borough and Income Tax 27-House chair before senators investigating charges that military leaden have been "muz- a former borough attorney of Rebuke Is Planned The complicated interstate zlad" by civilian Pentagon officials in speaking about the Communist menace. Spec Keyport. hassle started last year when He is also the attorney for New Jersey enacted an income Colony tafors fill the caucus room of the old Senate building. In foreground, backs to Howard Siegel, builder, who now tax on New York-New Jersey camera, are Sens. Leverett Saltonstall (R-Mais), left, and John Stennii (D-Missl, has under construction here the For Castro Regime commuters. If*""wfs designed to 370-unit Marc Woods housing de- recapture $30 million in taxes the hearing chairman. (AP Wirephoto) PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay velopment. The proposal was to be sub- New JgEseyans pay to New York. Proposed (AP) — The hemispheric confer- mitted today to the seven na- Mayor Applegale again put off New York changed its tax law ence on Cuban communism tions' foreign ministers and then appointments to the Planning this year to block the New Jer- OCEANPORT — A real estate picked up speed today amid in- to the Central American delega- Board, Zoning Board of Adjust- sey plan. Hughes said New Jer- developer is expected to apply to dications it would end with tions for their concurrence be- ment and Board of Health. sey is still mulling over the pos the Planning Board next month 'Utter Confusion ' rebuke for the Havana regime for fore its introduction before the sibility of going to court in an for final approval of his plan to Probe Continues joining the Soviet bloc hut with conference. attempt to counter New York's erect 27 houses near South Pem- He said the question of "whose no effective penalties.
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