Chton Economist for Mcgovern What Is Smut?

Chton Economist for Mcgovern What Is Smut?

,John Kenneth Galbraith Economist for McGovern Kevin S, Ol~on rlare ,w(' musl H'dlile that Campaigning lor GeorgE' is IS dlwdVS an uphill hattie McGover n , 110tp.d liber.!1 whpn th(' privilegl'd and economist John KennE'th Gal­ afflut'nl are on onl' idp and braith gave a speech at UCSO Vol' "re on Ihe olher.- aturday in which he pll'adf'd Dr Galhrallh, v', ho I' mo,t " for very student 10 recrull f.HllOU' lor hiS C'conomlc dnd work for MrGovE'rn" ;)nrl treali'e\ The Affluent Society arlded, ' The' (,len ion i~ not yel and The New Indu~trial State, O\('r we musl rememtwr crilirllC'd tht' 'Ji~on "d ~ that McGovern is on our minl\tr.Hlon for' bll'lglr,g in side-I he SlOP of fr C'dom ," It'C' must (OnSpr\dt,\(' Galhralth \\.15 introduced h~ ('conoml t S ret' Hoc er-or 'evmour IIMris, a lornwr mJibp f,ln HI m'ml'h e( onomi( LldvlSN tf) John tre (' m n I) (b(>c',. re pon- KC'nned v who no \. teat hp at sloll-' lor, o<d IOfiJtlf 'I ,HId t...CSD . liMrl called Dr, m.llof JII du Irll a GalhrJI h "thc' m() t litl'rdte 0\ \\,H" all PIO lomists" and "one of ttl(' pt'ople \\'ho (on il1cpd Ihe counlrv 0 turn to ,lrd~ John '(,l1n t'l Galbr.lith, nat d ('ynl'sl"n (,c ollorrit -hilt l ~[) "bout c.afllJptlOn in the who 'l()\\ ha, gorH' f,lI bp\ ond '1'1 (>c onO")I( p llrCle~ .lnd hIS Dr . Michael Crithton,r .,peaklng In the Rpvl'lle K( vrH'\ ' Jo 1r Ga ern In d pC'lch wPlch dedit IOIJlH': ahout him~elf, his bonh and thl' Mt Jim"} t l ntireh \\ Ith the up­ of \'\Ir iting photo hy.)o Eastern (omlllg pre d ntldl dectlon the Ii rv rd proft's\"r mdde Author at l ICSD: IJ'ht fpren' polls wh eh hoVo IV\c ( apping wit '1 C ·chton ,1' I th hi 1 I t [ n verpcl .1 grl'dt ""llC' kHld ut i' fll't\ of q J(> IIOlh which Ihe dll ')11" which rrJW~ on d IH'r- il nts IddfC' ,pel to I1im I II ~ Hann 011. rn.lkil g It VI r, ddlruJit 10 Ih Cohl'n ge' 01 ('XI ell('nce, from dh.lndon wrillng s fM dS tlm'l' .I"d one-h llf VPU' In r I Rc (I ( { l(iedS fqr hook .1ft' (Of­ n "(lie.11 ,chool to lfit> (om cerned, hI' SJld " I 1!',uJlly ~'ollt'g( /,If, If' I po,iliun of hi\ mo~t successful don't h,l\C' much itil'J 01 what tiolll'1g stlld"nt gOH'rnnH'nt 0' rowl Thl' Andromeda Strain, I'm doing. I getome sort of ReI elie. 1 hI' ( onlllll'H'I' '111'ets 1'1,1dl dIP di sc u~~ion informa­ W( 1,1.;1\ 011 \ \ I'dne,rlJy~ al 5 vague idpd Jnd I ~ It do\\n and I () n "n dam u sin g . p.1l1 a tht' Rl'leJlp Prc)\o,t's see what happen\" He ,aid What Is Smut? Crichlon recalied his first 0111((' The omll1lll('C''' " Th e Andromeda Strai n was a RIck DroOl e f Ilbrane rill. "m dnd d't aUnlf' Ie'.\' W.lrs ilt Harvard UnivPr­ litle, and I reallv liked thdt hpacil'd h, miC' ~10rl, Ocan of Rewll( and i, lompowrl of Tht' IJ~t pl'r~()n \I)l! waul I (' PI'C! to op­ 1\ "d pr('\('nt 0' rp'trrel t~1' ('rcu alion of Ify. IIc- \,\,1\, he ~illd, "propel­ title. I don't hJ\e very good led absolute terror" to be \ix .,tudenh .lI1d fi\,' othC'1 ro I' ,lIl allti-pornograph\ propo"tion \\l uld honk, both cia c and nlPdl'rn . In hart he hv titlt's usudlly and thl'Y tak e J JJlob.lbl~ hI' J nll'mtwr of the clt'rg\ or ,I t"el, Ih,lI if If \\.1 P,l l'd It Voould den !'rious .lnd ~Iudlou~ durmg his long tim to get. 'Jow that I l.1cultv mernhprs, 1 he tudpnt 11\~lll-wing Mlor. Hut both FathPr Char P' .Jell/I" Ihl' II ~rt Ie) r,'ad 01 \ It \\ r IJIt d" h f,r\1 two year~. He ~ald his had a tille I r<'.lll y wanted a memhpr, .II!' rirkl'd .11l1l11aJlv In thp Spring Qu.ll\C'r b\ tl DolIl'n from tht' Uni\prsitv of .•111 Dll'go Jnd " not oh,( l'nl' I.Iflll'r gave him $20 for train book to go with It." fJre home, so sure was he that Rl'velle .\(hool-wldp election. John W ayne h,we camp out \igOlou,h Crichton i~ presently more \nolhl'r opponpnl 01 hi h/\ ~o n would flunk out im­ Thi., committ!'l' ha<; om­ .1~.lIn \l Prnpl"ltion 18, .In antl-,mut propo,aJ. intere~ted In movie~ than in TI"C' rl'.1 \on, \p('m to be thl' , rong 1I'lvlO \ olght hl'Jd 0 the Cpn'rd' LI"'Jf\ at ml'dlately. During h iS junior pll,te control 01 Ih(' Rl'velle b oo k~ . WIll'n he was asked it 111l',hUrp, I\hil h thp prOplhltion I\ould im­ l ('''0. In.m mtl r\ll'\\ \ tllt<h' ,aid h.l' 'he yf'M he decid d tQ bpcome a he is intere~tPd in scienCl' fiC ­ \hafC' 01 prolll' Irom the lend­ po e .lg.III1,1 smut. \ t(ordill~ to ,)rll' 'up­ 1('.11 prClbft'l11 \\ it 18 1 th,1I II 110\\ ,I J'lhl'l dOrlor He put off the deciSion tion movie\ he rppiled " I don'l ing m,l(hine<; aroulld camru,. port!'r "I the propo"itlon. " " ,I pr.\( Ii( .11 (On1'lll.nltl 'e (',.ltabl· I II 0' '1 rull a' to unlil that :ime be ausE' he like ~(iencp fi tion I think It ' ~ Thl; \(,M the IlIojl'rtpd hudg!'t m.lttC'f 'AC' thmk the initlat" f' 10\l'r, PII'[ - \\ h.lI I 01> «('1'(' Thu II t ht' prop 1V.lntpti to be cPrtaln before really boring and awful." for till' fh( ,II H'M 1q72-1973 thlllg, Hut 1\1' hlnt to prot PI t 11,'opll' 11\(' or Pol' l'd \PU cOlold r('.ld .1 boo 10 0 nlolklng a tholce, hE' recali d a IIlrllldl'\ ."!.82fi I rom 1.1" ~ e.1l\ ell \ ('dr' eI(\\\1l thl' lil'!' \\t' don't no\\ \\hal APdl I ,lnd po ,'bl- nOI 1'1 01 I 'tar roomma te "who lho~e his fI( hton rC'cl' ntly hds bN'n ~(,Il dlng inr-nm!' .Inti .Ip­ ('Ilgagpd In ,I numlwr of mo\ ie Olnl' Cll',ltl .' porno\tr.lph,'r might thll1k up d,t,on.llly It (' nll'.hlHe \lOll d pl.1 I thl' m .. jor six limes In dbout J proximal!'l\ $4 son \l'lldlnl; m­ hl,llT'C' ( n Ihl' t t' on II ho h.ld (on'ro o· thl' \\(1(''''-.'' plOWers. Hl' md ,amp friends cornr Irom th" \eoll 1 hl~ ," pn II).I'PII.II' Thu' thl' Ilbrandt' Vo luld III' C'v( ntually pnlered m,ldp a movie l olli I'd "Extreme mOOl'} i., to Ill' ,lJlottt'c1 lor To "protl'( t" Iwopl." Pr,'po,illon Hl \\ould hi '('<pon Ibll to' \ ho 00 'd .1' thl b 0 111I·di ( ,II <,( hool .1Od rp('ived C lose-up" which w ill bl' re­ .I( ti \itil' pulllil III grOllJh that III tl-I' 1,,,rJrl ~{'(,IU l' Pr 'po Itlon 11l I uld hl\ M [) On thp bel~1\ of his I a~ed in F('bruary. He wrotP a will I>('Il('llt the R"IPIJ(' 11 .lllow lo( .11 rOl11l11l1nltil" to ,pt tI"'1f 0\\ n pl.1t l' ~')l'( 1,1 re tr (tlOI1 on tl)) p under 18 '1'011, In nwdi( .11,( hool he for­ ~cr enplay for " Th Termin,,1 (nlll'!;C ,l(ld, nt' '.tnd.lflh I. rr'o\iit'~. I1lJ~JIH1e • nd bill Man." (He sa id he's be ­ 2) ,1110\\ IOdllidu.ll tll 111,;"t> cillllll,' ,lIr('~ Irlr 0'.1 'e -hi' rnll.!ht <I,), .111 :lhr.Hle rn"l.lIpri .1 numbC'r 01 inlereq­ In ordt'r for .1 group to obtain coming " qUltP unpopular in ot ,u IW(tPd Jlorn()~r .Iphl'rs .Inu r,HI'I'I.ltl pc ) 'I' U Ipr 'h( .I~P 0 18 'Ilg IrlpJ~ in connection with monl' II mll~1 put III :t Vol i!tl'n Ihl' nwdltal rrol(,~~lon . WhC'1l l.A., saying how {'a~y screen r('qlll,.,t 10 tl1<' cOn1mittP(, for tl1l'lI rnatPri,II" \\ Ithout ,I \\.Hr,mt , II tldet., Ihr' 'illJlfl'lm' Cnur t rul n' ,IIIOI\lnl: 111,ltl'rI.11, Thl' re.ll probl,''11 I f1l1('~tion was .l\k(·d ahout Writing is. ") HC' has al 0 done a lunch .11 Il'.1 t lI1ft'l' d.IY' be­ 01 "rI'dc l'mlllg '01",1 1I11pOr I'" to be t1wrt' I> nil ba thr proficienry of doctors, movie for BC'\ Movie of the lOll' Ill(' (rlll1ll1itll'p ha' ," t.ln( II Ilut 0\1,( ('nl' \\ hal Cric hton ~aid that h(' would WC' k callpd Pur~Ult ," which \~p"kl mc'ptlllg rhi r('(jut" t <II dlllll'd, Hee .lU'P of thl' (" l'flil .md 'Ihll un­ "put (Ompelent doctor~ Will be shown thi fall .

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