OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL PRAGJYOTISH COLLEGE [Affiliated to Gauhati University and recognized under Sections 2(f) and 12(B) of the U.G.C. Act, 1956] GUWAHATI – 781 009, ASSAM Email: [email protected] Website: www.pragjyotishcollege.ac.in [email protected] Ref No.: ______________________________ Dated: __________ Dr. Manoj Kumar Mahanta Principal 1 Student Progression BOTANY SSR Criterion 5.2.2: Student Progression to Higher Education (2019 graduating batch), Department of Botany, Pragjyotish College Year Name of Student Program Department Name of Institution joined Name of Program admitted Graduated Graduated from to from 2019 Amlan Jyoti Bora B.Sc. Botany Department of Biotechnology, M.Sc. Gauhati University Biotechnology 2019 Bharati Thaosen B.Sc. Botany Department of Biotechnology, M.Sc. Mizoram University Biotechnology 2019 Bidintha Narzary B.Sc. Botany Department of Botany, Darrang M.Sc. Botany College 2019 Dipika Basumatary B.Sc. Botany Department of Botany, Rajiv M.Sc. Botany Gandhi University Arunachal Pradesh 2019 Indumoni Abangpi B.Sc. Botany Department of Botany, Cotton M.Sc. Botany University 2019 Jyotirmoy Das B.Sc. Botany Department of Botany, Royal M.Sc. Botany Global University 2019 Kiwi Kongkana Baishya B.Sc. Botany Department of Management, MBA GIMT 2019 Liya Daimary B.Sc. Botany University of Science and M.Sc. Botany Techonology Management 2019 Nikita Bhowmick B.Sc. Botany Department of Herbal Science, M.Sc. Herbal ADP College, Nagaon Science 2019 Pranamika Sarma B.Sc. Botany Teachers Training College, B.Ed. Mirza, Assam 2019 Priyanka Deka B.Sc. Botany Department of Molecular M.Sc. Molecular Biology, NEHU Biology 2019 Simi Patgiri B.Sc. Botany Royal Global University M.Sc. Microbiology 2019 Trishna Barman B.Sc. Botany Dibrugarh University M.Sc. Botany 2019 W James Singha B.Sc. Botany Department of Botany, Gauhati M.Sc. Botany University r \U HATI lJ~ 1v1_::Rs IT) Name : W JAMES SINGHA Student ID No. : GU/1197 Dept. : BOTANY Course Name : M.Sc. Session · 2019-2020 i• Date of Issue · August-2019 Valid Upto 31/07/2021 _/: Guardian's Name : W CHANDRA KUMAR SINGHA . Date of Birth · 03/06/1996 Present Address · Mangalpur,C achar ,Assam-78811 9 Permanent Address: Mangalpur,Cachar,Assam-78811 9 Contact No. : 7002894040 Di rect1o r, Stll de 11ts' \'\'el far 1e, G. U. 111 case this card is lost/fou11d, ki11dly 'i11:forn1/ retur11 to: Director, Students' Welfare, Gatthati Unt\rers.ity P.O.-Gauhati Uni'versity, Guwahati-7'81 1014 (Assai~'i) ---- 1 - - - -~ - - ~ CHEMISTRY Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner ECONOMICS Print Date & Time : 31/08/2019 07:21 PM Print Date & Time : 31/08/2019 07:21 PM Print Date & Time : 31/08/2019 07:21 PM GAUHATI UNIVERSITY, ASSAM GAUHATI UNIVERSITY, ASSAM GAUHATI UNIVERSITY, ASSAM E-PAYMENT RECEIPT FOR ADMISSION 2019 - 2020 E-PAYMENT RECEIPT FOR ADMISSION 2019 - 2020 E-PAYMENT RECEIPT FOR ADMISSION 2019 - 2020 STUDENT COPY UNIVERSITY COPY UNIVERSITY COPY Application Submitted Date : 29/05/2019 20:23:38 Application Submitted Date : 29/05/2019 20:23:38 Application Submitted Date : 29/05/2019 20:23:38 Application No. : 2022302 Application No. : 2022302 Application No. : 2022302 Personal Details : Personal Details : Personal Details : Applicant's Name : SUSMITA DAIMARY Applicant's Name : SUSMITA DAIMARY Applicant's Name : SUSMITA DAIMARY Father's Name : BIJOY DAIMARY Father's Name : BIJOY DAIMARY Father's Name : BIJOY DAIMARY Mother's Name : ANIMA DAIMARY Mother's Name : ANIMA DAIMARY Mother's Name : ANIMA DAIMARY Paid Amount : 6655.00 Paid Amount : 6655.00 Paid Amount : 6655.00 Reference No. : PA_190831153200_626130 Reference No. : PA_190831153200_626130 Reference No. : PA_190831153200_626130 Payment Date : 8/31/2019 3:32:00 PM Payment Date : 8/31/2019 3:32:00 PM Payment Date : 8/31/2019 3:32:00 PM Mobile No. : 7002930751 Mobile No. : 7002930751 Mobile No. : 7002930751 Declaration : Declaration : Declaration : I SUSMITA DAIMARY, hereby declare that I have made I SUSMITA DAIMARY, hereby declare that I have made I SUSMITA DAIMARY, hereby declare that I have made Online Payment for Admission in GU, for which details are Online Payment for Admission in GU, for which details are Online Payment for Admission in GU, for which details are mentioned above. If at any point of time it is found that mentioned above. If at any point of time it is found that mentioned above. If at any point of time it is found that the receipt is fake or amount is not credited in Gauhati the receipt is fake or amount is not credited in Gauhati the receipt is fake or amount is not credited in Gauhati University Account my Admission may be cancelled. University Account my Admission may be cancelled. University Account my Admission may be cancelled. Date : 31/08/2019 Date : 31/08/2019 Date : 31/08/2019 Signature Signature Signature DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH PRAGJYOTISH COLLEGE Santipur, Guwahati 781 009, Assam Phone No. 0361-2544531,2606988 (O) Fax: 0361-2544531 Email: [email protected] Website: www.pragjyotishcollege.org.in Ref Date: 21.11.2019 SSR Criterion 5.2.2: Student Progression to Higher Education (2019 Graduating Batch) Year Name of the student Programme Department Name of the Name of graduated Institution joined Program from admitted to Isha Baishya BA IGNOU MA (English) Raimali Boro BA Gauhati University MA (Women’s Studies) Priti Dewri BA Gauhati University MA (Women’s Studies) Sujata Boro BA IGNOU MA (English) Jagriti Ojha BA IGNOU MA (English) Himashri Mahanta BA USTM MA (English) 2019 Ankurjyoti Rajbongshi BA ENGLISH TISS, Mumbai MA (Public Health) Afrin Hussain BA IGNOU MA (English) Jasminara Begum BA IGNOU MA (English) Manash Pratim Bora BA Tezpur University MA (Social Work) Farnaz Shenaz Hussain BA IGNOU MA (English) Jaibur Rahman BA IGNOU MA (English) DETAILS OF 2016-2919 BATCH, DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY, PRAGJYOTISH COLLEGE Sl. Name Program Department Session Institution Course Photo of I. Card/ No. graduated graduated Receipt /etc from (BA / from BSc) 1 SUSHMITA PEGU BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 GAUHATI UNIVERSITY M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY SUSHMITA 2 MAYURI HAZARIKA BSc GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 SANKALPA ACADEMY,NEW DELHI UPSC COACHING MAYURI 3 FWILOUSHA BAGLARY BSc GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 GAUHATI UNIVERSITY M.Sc. IN GEOGRAPHY FWILOUSHA 4 MOONMI GOGOI BSc GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 COTTON UNIVERSITY M.Sc. IN GEOGRAPHY MOONMI 5 PARTHA PRATIM GOGOI BSc GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 COTTON UNIVERSITY M.Sc. IN GEOGRAPHY PARTHA 6 SUSMITA SAPKOTA BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 BODOLAND UNIVERSITY M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY SUSHMITA 7 GEETANJALI MUDOI BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 COTTON UNIVERSITY M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY GEETANJALI 8 ASHA KALITA BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 GAUHATI UNIVERSITY M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY ASHA 9 TINKU SWARGIARY BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 BODOLAND UNIVERSITY M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY TINKU 10 NYAPHEN TESIA BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 USTM M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY NYAPHEN 11 VARGABI THAKURIA BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 GAUHATI UNIVERSITY LLB VARGABI 12 DILOWAR CHOUDHURY BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 MAHINDRA EDUCATIONAL PVT. SSC & BANKING DILOWAR LTD COACHING 13 SHALINI SANGMA BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 WADIA COLLEGE CAMPUS,PUNE M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY SHALINI UNIVERSITY 14 SHRUTI SHARMA BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 BANGALORE UNIVERSITY M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY SHRUTI 15 ARUNIMA NATH BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 USTM M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY ARUNIMA 16 JARYUM PEGU BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 BANGALORE UNIVERSITY M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY JARYUM 17 DEBOJIT SAIKIA BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 BANGALORE UNIVERSITY M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY BEBOJIT 18 SALPA DEBBARMA BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 WADIA COLLEGE CAMPUS,PUNE M.A. IN GEOGRAPHY SALPA UNIVERSITY 19 KUMAR BHUSAN KASHYAP BA GEOGRAPHY 2016-2019 ACCELCRAFT PG DIPLOMA IN GIS KUMAR INSTITUTE,GUWAHATI HINDI HISTORY PHILOSOPHY Department of Philosophy Student progression to Higher Education (2019 graduating batch) Year Name of Student Programme Department Name of Name of graduated from graduated Institution Programme (B.A./B.Sc./B.Co from joined admitted m./B.B.A./B.C.A .) Jessica Musahary B.A. Institute of MSW Social work and 2019 Philosophy Research B.A. Chandigar MBA Priya Ray h University Kingster Rabha B.A. IDOL, M.A. Gauhati University POLITICAL SCIENCE GEOLOGY Success of Students in National Eligibility Test (NET) EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OF THE STUDENTS a ,\, ri*'f \' h\,\[ r' , ]l M/t))t,'\ ";JJ . i;i -t .,.' r\ :( . ia .. .: ffi**"r'--.,k:. Stream Class Sem Roil No -* It frrk 5t J{ i- F * . : ::,::.:,;,a,tarar: i* Planning Forum. *xp*rtrxe,lt* '*f .r F --L Pnagyott$h Lotlege. isufrinriu-lI i i lr^ raf tdntalio* *itl rtTfr4{frrrfiSnAtr - g,< C#Att€if#€ Ii,i- ;' ir' Lii:i1i1 l1r,rl ! *, iiiii i;;iii iL;iriiL{ti. \ ,,-iiii i.il{iir. " i. r n"rJiI') ,+*; Sf lttlll.ti t?llll itr'r " . j ;1 f. ' j ",1-.1:zxx *t'"s-g"? !*-\\i &d,d \ *?---l5A &.<;!\J : -'= :..1ri. -11 .... ;., ja,;li:":, -' . i.: i,n'.:. 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