fKMBt Of CHARITY Th« Life and Works of St. Vincent de Paul PART 5 Artist : Addison Burbank Red ‘Concessions’ To Church Friday, November 6,1953 In Reich Seen As Temporary Safety Tip Guns and cars kill; don’t gun BERLIN — (NC) — The communist regime of Eastern Ger­ your car. rr* NO USE T JUST A many has, during recent months, refrained from open attacks CANT F«MT A6AJM5T IT; X TMNK I SHOULD K»U' THAT/ on the Catholic Church inside the “German Democratic Re­ MYSELF z -- ------ ,----- ST1U. SOME public”, but there are no indications that this represents more TMN3 T CAN than a temporary policy. 00 Some light on the intentions of the communist regime has thrown event in the Saxon industrial city RATHEft MNCENX by its deputy prime minister, Wal­ I MUST *C XX' of Chemnitz which by communist AUX WJMT____ _ ter Ulbricht, who told his party’s central committee that “it would decree has just been renamed in be utterly wrong to interpret our honor of the “father” of atheistic communism. Old St. Nepomuk ‘new course’ (in the school ques­ Since 1905 tion) as if we were willing to make Church was built 125 years and concessions to reactionary ideolo­ was destroyed by allied bombing • Quality gies.” in March, 1945. This means, according to an It is news of this type, indicating Furs editorial in Petrusblatt, weekly the struggle of the Church “to • Expert newspaper of Berlin diocese, keep on going” in the face of a "that Christian teaching, as here­ hostile regime and in a poverty- Service tofore, remains excluded from stricken country, that are reported • Storage all schools in Eastern Germany." in The Lord’s Day. Now and then, “Whoever had hoped,” the edi­ the editor succeeds in printing a VAULT ON torial continued, “that the ‘new few items dealing with the Uni­ PUMISES OH, LOeg LET ME course’ (proclaimed by the com­ versal Church, but there is never take upon myselp the slightest hint at any criticism munist regime last June) would re­ THAT POOR WHESrs _~y-' WHATSTHE that might furnish a pretext to TROUBLES- ^MATTER WITH ME* move or, at least, lessen the un­ H. KEMPKE SUDDENLY I AM DOUBT* bearable pressure on the con­ suppress this only remaining sym­ lb® MY PAfTM CAN IT bol of a once flourishing Catholic 25W. Rich AIWO _ BE THAT™ sciences of parents, teachers and children is thus doomed to dis- press. appointment” Ulbricht’s announcement means, Largest Retail Yard in City in effect, that marxist materialism remains the guiding ideology in East German schools—from grade school to university. At the same time, public life in Quality Coal and Coke general remains permeated by communist ideas. The controlled We Specialize In All Size* Of press continues to attack the West German Bishops as “war mongers” Stoker Coal For Domestic and Steam Purposes and tools of "American imperial­ ism.” Echoing the general com­ The Big Mountain Coal Company munist line, the Pope and the Vat­ ican are represented as "reaction­ GA. 1112 Rtoouceo vr CATtotencM guild, st paul,miwn. aries.” The recent persecution of the Church in Poland is justified as "legitimate defense” against “enemies of the State.” Named Nuncio to Lisbon Fr. O’Brien, O.F.M., University Builds Thus, the over-all picture re­ VATICAN CITY—(Radio, NC) — mains dark, despite the granting Archbishop Fernando Cento, Nun- Nations Pray For Unity Noted Educator, 2-Ton, $25,000 of a few liberties to the Church Delaware gTj: tio to Belgium and Internuncio to —liberties which should have Luxembourg, has been appointed Dies At 58 Electro-Magnet never been taken from her in as Nuncio to Lisbon. PATERSON, N.J.—(NC)—Father At European Congress NEW ORLEANS—(NC)—An elec­ the First place. How Catholic ............... ■■■■■■ ■ 11!■'".......... Robinson-Hanrahan Isidore O’Brien, O.F.M., 58, Fran­ tro-magnet that weighs more than life struggles to keep going "un­ Delaware Milk ciscan author, educator and retreat THE HAGUE, Netherlands — (NC) — Statesmen in whose der communist rule, is reflected HEATING AND AIR I two tons and is valued at approxi­ in the little fortnightly paper Funeral Directors master, died (October 27) in a hos­ hands rests responsibility for achieving a politically and econ­ mately $25 000 has been completed Co. CONDITIONING pital in Pretoria, South Africa, ac­ "The Lord’s Day,” which, under Cor. Winter A Franklin omically united Europe will officially seek Divine guidance in here at Loyola University of the a license of the communist press 27 N. Union Phong 311 cording to word received here. His Delaware their future deliberations. South. office, is published in Leipzig Williamson body will be returned to this coun­ The recent Congress of the European Movement here over­ for circulation in the commun­ try for burial in Holy Sepulchre It will be used by Dr. Paul Pick- whelmingly approved a resolution ist-ruled German eastern zone. Cemetery here. ar, the university’s research physic­ Favret “to put under the protection of the congress and corporated into ist, for basic research in studying There it is, for instance, an­ Flowers The firms listed here deserve Father O’Brien died of pneu­ God our joint efforts for the union nounced that “the Catholic Church the resolutions. It reads as fol­ electrical properties of semi-con­ to be remembered when you are monia, contracted after one of his of the nations whose representa­ ducting materials. has received permission” from the Furnace Co. legs was amputated because of a lows: by Gibson tives we are.” France, Italy, West Father Francis A. Benedetto, S. communist minister of the inter­ distributing your patronage to gangrenous condition. “Deeply moved by the grievous ior "to undertake a public street Phone, 2-8481—2-4711 AD. 5211 Germany, Belgium, the Nether­ trials mankind has to suffer and J., physics professor, said the „ -----------------o----------------- • lands and Luxembourg are mem­ collection for charitable tasks of Delaware the different lines of business. 55 E. Goodala Columbus, O. convinced that the lot of the na­ physics department undertook con­ L--- -1—. ...... .j IT PAYS TO USE THE bers of the Movement. struction of the electro-magnet aft­ the Catholic Church within the ter­ tions lies in the hands of the Liv­ ritory of the German Democratic TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS. Peace Feelers Studied ing God and that all governments er a $4,500 research grant was re­ y.» » » »<,»»» » HtttttHttH The 600 delegates to the four- Republic.” --------------------------- and nations, especially in this de­ ceived from the Frederick Gard­ One head-line in a recent issue Service A Repairs for All Makes day meeting heard British Prime ner Cottrell Foundation of the Re­ cisive hour, are responsible to of “The Lord’s Day” reads: “Lay­ of Cars — U. S. Royal Tires j Minister Winston Churchill; form­ Him. search Corporation. It is one of i The Peoples Store ♦ er Prime Minister Alcide de Gasper ing of foundation stone for St. “Waiting for the moment when five such magnets in the United John Nepomuk Church in Karl- Bill Austin Buick MACHINERY of Italy; Robert Schuman, former States. + Delaware ♦ the whole of Europe will bow be­ Marx-Stadt.” This refers to an Delaware, Ohio French premier; Pau) Henri Spaak, fore the Cross of the Redeemer. More than a mile of copper rib­ Woodworking . Metal Working . Sheet former premier of Belgium, and <»< »♦»♦♦ »'♦ seweet “We wish to put under the pro­ bon one-inch wide and 0.25 inch Metal Working . Contractors’ Homecraft others laud the achievements of the thick was used to wire the ener­ Movement, particularly the Euro­ tection of God our joint efforts for Nursing Sister Machinery Equipment . Full Line of Motors the union of the nations whose rep. gizing coils. Casting of the princi­ pean steel and coal community. pal art was done by a local found­ First Filipina Nun They discussed solutions to the resentatives we are. ry, and the fabrication of the mag­ INtf •CWAMGf AB41 Saar question and studied Soviet “We beseech our Father in Heav­ Osborne & Sexton Machinery Co. »u$TF«oof en most fervently to send His hiss­ net and the setting up of its cool­ In Indonesia Russia’s “peace” feelers of recent ing system were done in the instru­ N. Fourth A Russell Sts. MA. 5203 months. ings on the work we jointly want MANILA—(NC)—The first Fili­ to undertake for the benefit of ment shop of the university’s pina nun assigned to Indonesia for COLUMBUS 16, OHIO The resolution to ask Divine physics department. help was made by a Dutch Prot­ pei.ee, justice and goodwill and we missionary work left here to take estant delegate, J. Schmal. Re­ invite all who are able to do so, Arrangements have been made up a post at a 200-bed hospital in jected by the resolutions com­ to jcin us, in a spirit of self denial, for the instrument to be used by a Surabaya. She is Sister Adorata, of mittee, it was introduced from in our prayer for the salvation of research professor of Louisiana the Holy Ghost convent in Manila T the floor at the final meeting of the world.” State University, and L.S.U. has of­ who is a trained nurse and special­ ’53 FORD fered Loyola sufficient liquid hel­ ized in X-ray during three years of ium for low temperature research. study in the United States. The present investigations in the There are at present two Filipino St. Jude, Patron of Hospitals conducting processes of specialized priests engaged in missionary in materials is sponsored jointly by Indonesia. Loyola University and the bureau ■ .........—■ —o----------------- of ships of the Navy Department.
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